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    1. TheMM00s3 10 yrs ago
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Maktane nodded towards Kaito as he went off for his walk, stretching a bit. A fter a bit he looked at the door, turning his head slightly in confusion, "Vixen? You coming?" Maktane slowly walked into the house and looked around, "Vixen?" It seemed team member had disappeared. He began to get worried, but shook his head, "I'll just look at my friends list and see where she is, maybe she just slipped past." He opened the game menu, flicking around until he reached the friends list, and that's when his eyes shot wide open. He sat there staring at a single word that he never thought he would ever see: "Offline". He couldn't move, he couldn't believe what he was reading. This couldn't be possible, if she had died somehow it would say "Dead", but the menu was telling him that she had logged out. She was.... Saved.
In The Creed 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Cynthia scoffed and spoke under her breath as he jumped down into the bureau, "I don't need to be BETTER." She shoke her head as she stood upfrom her spot on the roof, "But I guess he has a point, I'll just have to tolerate him till he either dies or Jason breaks us apart." She sighed as she dropped back into the building, "Guess it's time to get our first contract."

Jason looked over and saw Cynthia approaching with her usually smug face, "I see you haven't ran away yet, so it couldn't be all that bad."

"Key word there Jason, YET."

"It'll get better, you just have to accept the fact that you two are stuck together." He chuckled a little to himself, as much as the partnership was meant to help the two assassins, he had to admit it was rather amusing. Once Cynthia was close enough, Jason handed her a paper, "This is all the information we have on your guy's targets."

"Targets?" Cynthia looked a little confused, "How many are we actually talking about?"

"It's a mafia group, you and Dimitri will be going after the head family, they've been causing some issues around the city and we need them eliminated before things get too out of hand."

Cynthia shook her head, "Look I know I'm the best assassin you have, but two of us will not be enough to kill an entire mafia family."

"Well then you an your partner better start working on a plan."
In The Creed 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Cynthia tried to hide her surprised jump when Dimitri started speaking. When he finished she huffed at him, "Why would I want to be like them?" Her voice didn't have her normal better-than-everybody tone, it almost sounded a bit forced. It seemed Dimitri's sudden appearance didn't give her the time she needed to switch back to her bitchy ways. Cynthia turned slightly so she was faced away from the boy who sitting next to her, "Besides don't act like we're friends, you don't know anything about me."
In The Creed 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Cynthia glared at the boy as he rolled over and finished cleaning her gear. After she was done, the young lady stretched a little and laid down grabbing one of her many throwing knifes and started to gently toss it up in the air. At this point she assumed that Dimitri was asleep, allowing her self to drop the whole superior act that she puts on and let out a small sigh. "Trust me kid, she spoke quietly knowing that Dimitri probably wouldn't be able to hear her, "Knowing the crazy me is bestter then knowing the real me." With one more toss of the knofe, Cynthia let it fly up and embed itself into the ceiling, then slowly rolling over to face the wall, she eventually fell asleep.

It was about 4 in the morning when Cynthia was jolted awake from some horrific nightmare that she couldn't remember. Her days always seemed to start this way, waking up terrified with out even knowing why. Beats of sweat rolled down her face as she slowly calmed herself down, her breaths were short and shallow, but eventually began to lengthen as her heart beat slowed. After a minute or tow, when she could finally think clearly, Cynthia climbed out of bed, gathering her jacket and equipment and silently leaving the room, making sure she didn't wake Dimitri. The girl made her way up to the roof of the Assassins building, sitting on the edge and letting her feet dangle. She watched as people and vehicles slowly began to swarm the road below, unaware of both the assassin and the templar organizations. It made her dream sometimes that she had never found out about them, you know what they say, ignorance is bliss.
In The Creed 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"I don't know, being partnered with some full-of-himself loser like you? Doesn't seem too soft to me." Cynthia never even as much as glanced over at Dimitri as they made their way to their new living quarters. As she opened the door to the room, she scaned around, "Well this is a piece of shit." She sighed and brushed her bangs out of her face, "Well if I'm going to have to be stuck with you then we're going to have to lay out some ground rules. 1) Don't bother me.... Yeah, I guess that covers everything." She sat on one of the beds that sat on either side of the room and started unloading her gear onto a nearby table. By the time she was done, there was an almost unbelievable amout of hidden and easily concealable weaponry laid out on the table, most of which were still covered with her most recent kill's blood. After she set it all out, she took a rag from one of here pouches and started cleaning her gear.
In The Creed 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Cynthia pretended to gag, "Please, put the hood back on your going to make me vomit." Her eyes turned to a death glare at the young boy.

Jason sighed, raising a hand when immediately brought the two hoodlum's attention to him, "That's enough you too. Now you both have been somewhat of a pain to deal with lately, Cynthia you have murdered innocent civilians with out thinking and have openly pointed out you position to countless enemies, and you Dimitri, that is the 7th day in a row that you left to go after a mark with out consulting me and you have gone against orders to stay away from Kai. Now under normal circumstances, I should have you both publicly executed in front of the whole Brotherhood, but I have come up with a better plan that will not only keep you both protected, but also help you twi grow as assassins. From now on you two will be partners. You will not move or breath unless the other does as well. And if one of you breaks the Creed then you both get punished. Are we clear?"

"At this point I'd rather the public execution... Is that still an option?" Cynthia asked in a half joking, half serious manner.

"No," Jason said abruptly, "Now I have set up a room for the both of you. Since you two will not be allowed to anywhere without the other, I suggest you start getting to know eachother. Cause life will be much harder from now on if you can't get along."

Cynthia scoffed and shot a glare at Dimitri, pointing at him firmly, "You try anything and I will end you." With that she walked past him, slamming her shoulder into his, and headed to her new living quarters.
In The Creed 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Must I keep reminding you of The Creed you chose to live by Cynthia?" A man in dark robes slammed his hands down on the table infront of him and his voice became firm. "The tenets are clear and must be followed, not just for the safety and piece of the world, but also the safety of you and the brotherhood you willingly serve! I should have you killed for how many times you have broken the Creed! Do you even remember it?"

"Of course I remember The Creed, Jason!" The young lady snapped back, "Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent, hide in plain sight, and never compromise the Brotherhood. See, I can say it without even thinking about it."

Jason let out a sigh, "Memorizing the words isn't enough, you have to live by it, breath by it, hell I want you to sneeze by the damn thing if you have to. This isn't a game Cynthia this is your life, it's our life. It the very reason the Brotherhood still exists today. We can't have you putting all of that in danger just because you think you're better than everybody."

Cynthia huffed at the man, brushing her bangs out of her face, "Fine, what's the punishment this time?" The young lady crossed her arms in an impatient fashion.

The Mentor, Jason, shook his head letting out another sigh, "You're not going to like this, C. But we are going to have to keep a closer eye on you, so we are going to partner you up with an assassin that's at your level." Just as Jason finished his sentence, Dimitri dropped down from the entrance, announcing his return. "Well speak of the devil and he shall appear." The man lifted his had and gestured to the boy to come closer, "Hey, Dimitri! I want you to meet your new partner, Cynthia. I believe you two haven't met yet."

Cynthia's face morphed into an expression of both disbelief and anger, "You have to be kidding me right? You're teaming me up with someone? Worst of all with some loser like him?" She scoffed and shook her head, "I'd rather die at this point."

Jason turned to the young lady, "It won't be as bad as you think, besides you both seem to be trouble makers so it should do both of you some good to have someone to watch your back."
In The Creed 8 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Name: Cynthia Krymore

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Weapons: Relies solely on counseled weaponry. i.e. Hidden blades, hidden pistols, throwing knives, wrist mounted crossbow, etc.

Abilities/Strengths: Efficient, quick, agile, has an almost sixth sense level of awareness, resourceful, quick witted, and is an escape artist.

Weaknesses: Likes to work alone, doesn't get along with people, is cold towards others(even allies), has a superiority complex, and is often viscious when killing.

Short Bio: Cynthia use to be a part of a cruel street gang, terrorizing the city and killing innocent people for fun. Unfortunately for the gang, they attacked a small group of assassins and most of them were killed off. The assassins spared Cynthia however as they saw a lot of potential in her and eventually convinced here to join them.

Whatever Else: Cynthia can sometimes get a little bloodthirsty, a side effect from her time with the gang, and will try attacking innocent civilians.
Hey, I will be gone for a couple weeks starting tomorrow. Just a heads up.
Well the more the merrier! Well... As long as the RP gets revived that is.
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