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The World Undone


Turn 4
April, 1905

April 3rd

The orders below are to be immediately carried out:

Section 1. The Mikkado demands that High General Yuan Shu travel with great haste to Chong Long-Tao's military base, and be prepared to meet, discuss, and work alongside the Itheraens that have arrived to train our soldiers.

Section 2. Major General Ping Lee and the 1st Guards Division that he commands will be ordered to remain stationed in ChongLong-Tao and prepare to meet, discuss, work with, and further develop their existent knowledge and experience with the Itheraen trainers. This inherently means that several artillery guns with sufficient ammunition will be available, as will a sufficient number of rifles with sufficient ammunition, as will sufficient equipment and supplies just as they should be considering that it is a major military base.

Section 3. That 3 dozen police officers and investigators of the large police force in ChongLong-Tao and surrounding towns be gathered under Police Chief of ChongLong-Tao Shin Shintaka's command and complete the following:

Subsection 1: Be divided into 3 groups a dozen men large.

Subsection 2: That the first group, named 'Ichi', will escort the said Itheraens by carriages the entire 20 miles safely and comfortably to the major southwestern city and military base ChongLong-Tao from their current location: the slums of Echl'at.

Subsection 3: That the second group, named 'Èr', will on-foot patrol the entire town of Echl'at and surrounding towns with a several mile large searching radius, searching for the 4 missing Itheraen officers and any clues to their whereabouts, focusing on alleys and going from door-to-door/person-to-person asking about them. If any are found they are to be taken back to the other Itheraen officers that will most likely have arrived in ChongLong-Tao by this point.

Subsection 4: That the third group, named 'Gurvan' will on horseback patrol the entire town of Echl'at as well as nearby towns and farms, with a several mile large searching radius, searching for the 4 missing Itheraen officers and any clues to their whereabouts. If any are found they are to be taken back to the other Itheraen officers that will most likely have arrived in ChongLong-Tao by this point.

Subsection 5: That if any Itheraen officers are found to have been kidnapped, robbed, tortured, murdered, or otherwise have been wronged, the criminal(s) must be found and immediately be put to trial. If a murderer of an Itheraen exists and is found with clear evidence that he committed the murder, said murderer will be publicly announced as being such, and be promptly sent to be executed.

Subsection 6: That the searches, patrols, and investigations on the whereabouts and fates of these 4 Itheraens not stop until either all 4 men have been located and/or their fates discovered.

Section 4: Once the Itherean officers (numbering 32 until the 4 missing are located and reunited with the group) safely arrive in Chongling-Tao, they are to be treated by military personnel with the same care and respect as if they were of the highest rank and nobility, as though they were members of parliament themselves, in order to attempt to compensate them for their troubles.

Section 5: That the 1st Guards Division, its Major Commander, and the High General comply with every request or demand of the Itheraen officers, and treat them with the utmost honor and respect.

Section 6: That the Itheraen officers be immediately updated with the situation as soon as group Ichi makes contact with them, and that the update will involve giving them a document that has the entirety of section 3 on it, and only section 3. They will also be verbally told that a division, its commanding officer, and the High General of the army is waiting in the nearby city of Chonglong-Tao to be instructed and trained by their wisdom. Chonglong-Tao will be introduced to them as it is: a major coastal city in the southwest of the Confederacy, specifically within the state of Greater Hokkan, with a large police presence to keep the streets clean and safe, and that there is a major army base there, as well as a major naval base a few miles away. They will also be told that Echl'at will be improved as soon as possible, and be apologized to for their poor treatment and improper arrival location.

Section 7: That whenever the Itheraen officers request to see other army or naval personnel or divisions, that the Itheraen officers be transported by carriage to other military bases as they please."

Julo-Vigentan War
Etelo Scianno, a no-name man in the City-State of Julia begins traveling the city, "preaching" to young men as to why joining the Julian Army is the right choice and that the "Vigentinos will fucking pay." At one point the assembled crowd tells him to get lost, and some flung cabbage and tomatoes have him running inside to get away from the mob. "Not since 1771 have recruiters gone to the street corner looking for opportunities." By the end of April, Etelo will have enlisted 71 new men to enlist in the Julian Army. 33 of them have come from the Julian Stazzio Prison.

The Vigentino Imperial Guard comes across the first few townsends of Methynria. There is no resistance save for the disgruntled Julian population. Billets are assembled and night patrols are set. The Quartermaster General of the 2nd Artillery Division "Hammer of the Gods" pens the following letter to Vigentino High Command:

High Command,

It is the most urgent matter that Generale d'armata Gumesindo Berretta must be removed from command immediately. We have met with success only on the backs of Julian incompetence. We have been given enough ammunition for four shells per gun. The artillery batteries are without escort of soldier or commander. Already men begin to disappear into the forests after fighting the muck and mud of Methyrnia. We have lost 7 field guns already to "misuse". If Generale d'armata Gumesindo Berretta is not removed from service, consider this letter my immediate resignation as Quartermaster General of the 2nd Artillery Division.

Tenente Generale d'artillerie Mazzano Semetti
Dated April 3rd, 1905

April 4th
In the Confederacy of Hokkan-Shirito, engineers under Hideki Saburo of the Qiao Armory present their first prototype for the design request made of them. The Type 91A Rifle is a sturdier design, with a single wood stock compared to the double assembly piece of the Type 91 as well as a Tyrian load bolt in place of a Fusanese bolt--which was fabricated Parakan steel--and thus more prone to breaking. The Type 91A is a partial conversion, meaning that existing Type 91's can be converted at a cost of 20% of an existing Type 90. This will increase the reliability by some measure but engineer Saburo believes the only long term viability is to craft a new barrel of a 6.5mm caliber, downgrading from the 7.55mm that the Type 91 currently uses. This will considerably decrease the punching power of the rifle.

Julo-Vigentan War
The City-State of Julia places an order of 30,000 Mataxi 1905 SEM rifles and 200,000 rounds of rifle ammunition.

Julo-Vigentan War as of April 4th, 1905 with Southeastern Road Network overlaid
The World Undone


Turn 4
April, 1905

April 1st
The Hokkan-Julian Trade Agreement is signed. It's stipulations are thus:
  • Article I. The Confederation of Hokkan-Shirito will purchase 250 Thamber M1891 howitzers at the price of 4.5k per howitzer, with the price being lowered down to 4.5k per howitzer due to buying ten or more howitzers.
  • Article II. The Confederation of Hokkan-Shirito will purchase 1440 shells from Thamber, and the reasonable price of said shells will be decided by Thamber.
  • Article III. The purchased howitzers and shells will be transported to the Confederation of Hokkan-Shirito by sea, and will be transported to the sea through either the Seljuk Empire or Melgaria via the quickest and most efficient land route. If the nation that holds the quickest route to sea denies the passage of these products, then a route to sea will be taken through the other nation. If both nations deny passage, then an overland route west through Faresia will be taken.
  • Article IV. A permanent embassy will be established in both nation’s capitals.
  • Article V. The Confederation of Hokkan-Shirito and the City-State of Julia, by signing this document, agree to all of the above, and in addition agree to a non-aggression pact.

[x]Signed Liu Jiang
[x]Signed Mikkado Tento Shinderotto
[x]Signed Viscount Zach Nato"

Public discourse for the trade agreement in Julia was mixed. Many felt sending off necessary weapons of war right as Julo-Vigentian tensions were peaking was a mistake. Supporters of the trade agreement however argued the deal had been in negotiations for months and would bring in much needed revenue.. to buy more weapons? Based on travel precautions, it was merited that the weapons and ammunition would arrive within a month.

Julo-Vigentino War
The Holy Empire of Vigentino, a day after the war is declared, orders a Full Mobilization of it's army, the Imperial Guard. They begin reporting to their local garrisons for rearming and training. The City-State of Julia issues the formation of Homeguard Echelon Killigan, a totality of 20,000 soldiers under command of Homeguard Commander Mark Killigan. What this changes, only the wisest Julians could know. Having been mobilized for three or so weeks, the Julian soldiers remain waiting patiently in their barracks. Some men play cards. Methyrnia remains the most dangerous place in Eurania--Julian and Vigentian citizens lope around the city in packs, often attacking those simply trying to get home from work. One of three roadways East to Julia becomes blocked when Vigentian citizens turn over several carriages along the path, killing the horses and stacking them up against the carriages.

April 2nd
In the High Kingdom of Itherae, the Petrol Development Grant Act passes to much confusion in the national legislature. Arguing that "petrol will become important as the future of automobiles become popular," the bill sent half a million dollars in national grants to help increase the development petrol resources in the nation. One minister allegedly reported to a local newspaper: "What the fuck is an automobile?" With just over 1,300 sold in the entire world (and 4 of them in Eurania), the amount of people in Itherae who had ever seen an automobile was in the ranges of 0 and 3.

Julo-Vigentino War
The City-State of Julia passes the Scarlet Arms Act. It stipulates that any permanent resident (of where? Helrox?) who serves in the Julian Homeguard for a term of 3 years and is injured in combat will be granted citizenship? An Itheraen citizen on the streets of Julia allegedly replied: "So I have to get hurt first? Next you'll tell me we'll be on the defensive! Pah!" In the Holy Empire of Vigentino, soldiers who have been at their barracks for less than 24 hours are immediately ordered out of the barracks and to the front lines for an offensive military operation.

5th Brigade, Vigentino Imperial Guard, entering Methyrnia, April 2nd, 1905

The genesis of Operation Origin is unknown, as the existence of a planning phase lasted apparently only minutes. 15,000 regulars were deployed--baggage trains sometimes in tow--into Methyrnia, crossing the border. The determination of where they crossed was luck, or perhaps the Vigentian High Command simply did not care, as 5th Brigade of the Vigentino Imperial Guard "The Coming Storm" trudged along the road into Methyrnia from the Southwest while the 11th Brigade of the Vigentino Imperial Guard "Purgatory" lived up to it's namesake by trudging through the Sitrap Swamps that cut Western Methyrnia in two. They would arrive to their destination seven days late and covered in filth and grime with wants to return home.

Baggage train of the 11th Brigade, Vigentino Imperial Guard, Sitrap Swamp, April 5th, 1905
@Theodorable Hey!

I've been lurking around for a while and guess I finally decided to join!

I was wondering, is Tara being played by anyone? If not can I join as Tara, please let me know I'd like to play.

Sure. You will need to post IC and PM me three orders in the appropriate format for April, 1905 as your “application.”
I wonder if we’ll ever get a post from Escya.
The World Undone


Turn 3

March 16th
On March 16th, 1905 the Karqasia Auto Co. company opened it's doors for business. Asiriyaku Mascoq was a former Parakan Navyman (1886-1892), a construction worker and engineer. He worked briefly with the Parakan Navy working on a failed coal sprayer for their Naval Long Range Escort Program (NLREP). Earlier in the year he traveled to Vigentino and witnessed the test of the Forino 4hp and by the end of the month was back at his home in Tehmaraq, Paraka, working on his own machinations. The K.A. 6hp was a near replica of the Forino 4hp, operating the same basic manifold with a crank but a more well developed engine capable of pushing out a third more horsepower.

Businessman and entrepreneur Asiriyaku Mascoq, 1901

Unlike F.E.A., Mascoq didn't stop there. The Karqasia Model V, although technically displaced in the premier position as the first car by the Segaso Modello 1, the Model V was the first mass produced city car in the world. By the end of March, following an expensive $150,000 advertising campaign on the West Coast, the manufacturing plant had cranked out over 600 Model V's to the local public. The Model V remained a costly affair, costing $1,000 which meant that only the top third wealthiest in the Parakan Republic could afford it

Karqasia Model V, 1905

March 17th
In the Republic of Ustrela, the Ustrelan Army enlists the film studio Cine-ojo to help create a series of short propaganda films depicting the average life of an Ustrelan soldier. While few run off to their local recruitment centers, the films help bring to light that life in the army isn't as dreadful as many make it out to be. [Ustrelan Manpower Reserves increase by 0.025%]

March 18th
In the City-State of Julia, Viscount Zach Nato orders the Mobilization of the Guard as well as military training (is there another kind for the Julian Guard?), firearms training, localized tactics and physical fitness regimens. This mobilization becomes the third in a month, and the Vigentian Garrison--not reinforced from the February Massacre a month before, is overwhelmed when nearly 5,500 Julians rise up--many brandishing makeshift flags that read "Questo è il nostro tempo" which read, "this is our time!" (Although Julians, many growing up in Vigentino spoke Vigentian).

The beleaguered garrison of only 350--spread around the entire province--was attacked, beaten, and many killed. Without a commanding officer (Tenente Sebastian de Sylvia was relieved of command in February, 1905 and no one appointed to replace him), the Methyrnia Garrison put up little fight. 314 men flee, most leaving their weapons. Four men are killed and eleven are badly beaten. The province of Methyrnia is now without any military protection.

In the Holy Empire of Vigentino, the Vigentian Chief of Staff Giordano Vitanza is told within hours of the incident. Minor riots break out in the capital and a hastily published newspaper in La Lazio reads: "VIGENTINO WANTS JUSTICE." An emergency meeting with His Holiness and the assembled Vigentian High Command is ordered.

March 19th
In a rousing speech to a crowd of 45,000, Viscount Zach Nato condemns the Holy Empire of Vigentino and the Pope for their "savage attack on Julian citizens and the betrayal of Methynrian sovereignty." He called upon both the Great Powers as well as those small to condemn Vigentino and "be weary of their tactics of starving the dog and then admonishing it for biting." Viscount Nato explained the mobilization of the guard as a purely defensive measure to protect from the incursion of possible Vigentian invasion. He was met with jeers and applause.

March 20th
In the Kingdom of Cadia, the Cadian High Command is ordered by King Carl himself to carry out Operation Farewell. Given a lack of timeliness, strategic objectives, operational order of battle and perimeters for success, the operation never receives more than a signature on a piece of paper.

March 21st
Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Cadia is sent back to the Cydernian Republic. He proposes the following:
  • Cydernia and Cadia form a government owned railroad company 50-50, Cadia will build a railroad using their expertise and Cadia's costs will be subsidized partially by Cydernia to be determined at the table. [Cydernian Response: They would request Cadia put up 75% of the cost. $7,500,000, while Cydernia will put up $2,500,000 and Cadia will have a 75% Stakeholding in the company]
  • Cadia will bring workers and attract workers to come work on the railroad, temporary and permanent. [Accepted.]
  • There will be two routes from Cadia and three minimum in Cydernia. [Accepted.]
  • After Cadia makes a new engine from Forino it will come to Cydernia to be marketed and sold, 25% profits go to Cydernia. [Accepted.]

The Cydernians propose the Cydergarski-Cadian Darzhavni Zheleznitsi, translated from Cydernian into Cydernian-Cadian State Railways.

Cydernian-Cadian State Railways proposed logo

March 22nd
In the Helrox Empire, Ambassador Terven Heusmen arrives in the Kingdom of Melgaria to offer a Guarantee of Independence in return for Freedom of Trade and Military Access for a period of 24 months. The King Simon Itonzo, fearing Southern Eurania is about to erupt into war, accepts the deal. The Helroxian hand now embraces Melgaria.

March 23rd
In the Faresian nation of Confederation of Hokkan-Shirito, the Great Modernization Act is passed by a slim majority. It's tents are: to increase of the mechanization of the nation by encouraging the people to work in/create factories, invent/create modern tools and equipment and allot for the government will manufacture modern agricultural, mining, and drilling equipment, and create factories to produce them with a annual budget of $12,000,000. Engineers assigned to task believe that great work can be made in a sum of eighteen months.

March 24th
In the Republic of Paraka, the Department of Mining and Energy is established and chaired by the engineer Harmaq Siray. It's primary objectives are to prospect the natural resources of Paraka and to to promote the exploitation of said natural resources by private investment and promote the protection of the environment, with respect to energy and mining corporations as well as to encourage friendly relations between private entities, consumers, and civil society. Operations are slated to begin within six months.

March 25th
In the Republic of Ustrela, Sebastian de Halt is launched by balloon in a tandem-wing glider designed by his sister. He reaches a height of nearly 3,800 feet and stays there for a recording setting sixteen and a half minutes. Following the event, Sebastian de Halt announces publicly that lighter-than-air travel is ineffective and impractical.

Moments before Sebastian de Halt's first balloon experiment, 1905

March 26th
In the City-State of Julia, diplomatic efforts to "turn Melgaria against the Holy Empire of Vigentino" are, beyond belief, wildly successful. The Petty King Simon Itonzo's hand is stayed only by the overreach of Helrox's Guarantee of Independence. The King Simon Itonzo is offered a proposal of Military Access for the Kingdom of Cadia, but Itonzo defers to the Helroxi Emperor for guidance.

March 27th
A diplomatic negotiation between the City-State of Julia and Tyrian Empire is concluded. It is predicted these rifles will take two to three weeks to arrive in Tyrian hands.

Stengel Deal (1905)
  • The City-State of Julia will sell 60,000 1905 Mataxi Rifles to the Tyrian Empire for a price of $13,200,000.
  • The rifles will be delivered via private vender overland through Melgaria, the Kingdom of Cadia and then through Cydernia.

March 28th
The Republic of Escya makes a monetary investment of $45,000,000 into the railroad industry, effectively subsidizing the entirety of an industry that is largely non-existent. It is predicted that from this investment a new company may, or may not, emerge. Given no authority is issued to handle said investment, it's likely this money will sit in a bank account until effectively doled out for use.

March 29th
In the Holy Empire of Vigentino, a trade agreement between them and the Seljuk Empire is made of petrol in exchange for aluminum. 500 tons of petrol will be exchanged for 500 tons of aluminum. Bonsi, who has no idea what the practical effects of either petrol or aluminum are, returns to Vigentino relatively confused but feeling exceptionally accomplished for once in his life.

March 30th
In the Republic of Ustrela, the Ustrelan Navy begins construction of a Simuz-class light cruiser through the Mariano Marina Shipyard.

March 31st
In the Parakan Republic, the President signs the Just and Clean Act, making corruption punishable up to a $2,000 fine and a minimum of five years in prison. The Anti-Corruption Department is created but without a chairman and an annual budget of $0.00, it's ability to enact any effective counter measures of corruption are comparable to the amount of cowards living in the Memoital Commonwealth.

[March has ended. Send orders for April.]
The World Undone


Turn 3

March 11th

Tyrian state owned rail company Osterreichische Bundesbahnen, founded 1905

The locomotive firm Osterreichische Bundesbahnen (Tyrian for State Railroad) enters it's third consecutive month of operation in the Tyrian Empire. Collectively, the two lines of rail have transported over 11,000 passengers--though with ticket prices at over $100, riding on these locomotive behemoths was reserved for the luxury classes and landed nobility of Tyria. Additionally, they utilized the Wilmus 4-4-2 locomotive, a 1901 Tyrian design that proved to be both reliable and affordable. The Mersburg-Landorf Line was now starting to gain traction, attracting customers from the thriving capital, through the industrial hub of Landorf and into the sleepy town of Mersburg, which was quickly growing, having a population of 37,000 in 1903 already to a population of 56,000 in March, 1905.

Operations of Osterreichische Bundesbahnen in March, 1905. The Mersberg-Landorf Line is displayed in Red

The same day, the Republic of Paraka requested the following order:
  • 34,100 Model M93 Rifles and 190 Syndére LN03 Machine Guns.
    • 14,100 Model M93 Rifles and 90 Syndére LN03 Machine Guns to be processed through Vernay Arms Manufacturing
    • 20,000 Model M93 Rifles and 100 Syndére LN03 Machine Guns to be processed through State Industry.

March 11th
In the Holy Empire of Vigentino, the Vigentian High Command begins training it's officers. There is very little cohesion here. Men who have been experts in logistics are required to re-learn the same lessons to as those who have no idea how to get a bean, bullet or bandage from one place to another. Men who spent their entire lives dedicated to the study of artillery stand around watching a man explain which end of an artillery piece is the dangerous end. "A sincere waste of my time," one junior officer quipped. "Are we going to war with Helrox?" Another asked, on being tasked with the "studying of military tactics, those that have proven effective both with rifles and artillery, as well as in the face of numerically, and technologically, superior enemies."

A typical Vigentian soldier in full dress, circa 1905

Four of eighteen senior command officials are on leave during these exercises and for reasons unknown are not called back to Vigentino, missing the entirety of the exercises. The training, without a slated end date, continues, many times lessons being relentlessly repeated by the instructors by the end of March.

March 13th
In the Republic of Paraka, Ambassador to Serianeaux Aytan Canamay proposes the signing of a Free Trade Agreement between the two nation. Initially, the Serianeaux are prepared to sign the document until Ambassador to Paraka Anton Silveau mentions, rather offhandedly to Ambassador Canamay: "Surely you do not believe we will sign an agreement with this.. effort?" On second inspection, Canamay left the meeting with a document that clearly misspelled the Commonwealth's name right on the front of the document.

March 14th
Foreign Minister of the Holy Empire of Vigentino Bacco Schiavoni contacts the Vigentian noble Flavio Roti to act on Strozza Riccobono's behalf in the Mashir Sultanate. Returning to the Sultanate alongside Riccobono, they remained there until returning to the Holy Empire with the following request: A Non-Aggression Pact can be signed for a period of three years, but only if the Empire would supply the Sultanate with $1,000,000 a month for the corresponding three years. Failing that, the obstinate Sultan would sign no agreement.

March 15th
In the Kingdom of Cadia, funding for flight is increased by nearly $12,000,000 on the year--with the Cadians hopeful that a research breakthrough will allot them the same cutting edge study of both the theoretical and practical knowledge that the Escyans and others around the world are similarly discovering.
The World Undone


Turn 3

March 9th
Realizing that the Melhorn S55 field gun to be at risk of being overtaken by the more modern field guns fielded by foreign powers, the Tyrian government has begun to investigate replacements. Domestic Tyrian gun manufacturers were invited to propose potential designs for a new field gun. Overseeing and offering advice is to be the newly established Imperial Committee for Equipment (ICE), a committee of brigade and battery commanders selected for their experience and distinction chaired by General Vincent von Hegewald, who had been an artillery commander in the Tyro-Helroxian War (1899-1900).

Evaluation of potential new equipment aside, the Melhorn S55 was beginning to show it's age. The S55 has been developed in 1897 by engineers of the Landorf Plants. Since 1898 the Imperial Tyrian Army was looking for a new field-gun and multiple manufactories sent in their designs. The decision was made in favor for the S55 and it became the first Tyrian gun with a recoil system and at the same time the first Tyrian 76.2-millimetre field gun. The guns were manufactured in the Imperial Armoury plants. Considering the slow development of field artillery pieces, 1905 seemed a prudent opportunity to begin scrounging for future pieces of war making.

March 10th
A dozen Itheraen Army Officers disembark in Hokkan-Shirito. The name of the port they disembarked on was unknown and the captain, attempting to explain himself to the Port Authority Officer mentioned later in his journal that night: "The incessant bitching of the Hokkanese people will drive me into an early grave. Their complaints and nagging remind me less of my wife--and more of the shrieking banshee that is her mother. Surely, High Command has made a mistake." Given there no agreements on weapons were made, the Itheraen soldiers were allotted accommodations with the very same soldiers they intended to train, and by morning, four of the thirty-six Itheraens who had disembarked had gone missing. This was filed formally in a report by the commanding officer, Lieutenant Georgious Draguomis that would be received by Itheraen High Command on March 30th.

The nameless Hokkanese city, nicknamed kólasi, which is Itheraen for hell, circa 1905

"If surely there is a God, he has forsaken this place," one Itheraen soldier grumbled over breakfast--maggot infested rice and only slightly warm meat. Picking out the "protein" became a game for one Itheraen, and figuring out the best time to skip town on the next boat the Fusan became another. Of the remaining thirty-two Itheraens, twenty-five were infantrymen and seven artillerymen. Beginning on March 12th, formal drills would begin, although Lieutenant Draguomis made note that nearly none of the Hokkanese Army was even present in the "city which exists on no map, and for which can be possible only by Fate's hand or Luck's fortune that we ever arrived anyway."
1. Official Name of Nation: The Illesian Kingdom
2. Capital: Regoth
3. Head of State: King Avandre VII
4. Nation Breakdown
- Administration
* Stability of the Government: 4
* Integrity of the Government: 4
* Competency of the Bureaucracy: 5

- Economics
* Competitiveness of the Economy: 5
* Development of the Coal Industry: 2
* Development of the Steel Industry: 2
* Development of the Petrol Industry: 2
* Development of the Chromium Industry: 1
* Development of Small Arms Industry: 3
* Development of Munitions Industry: 3
* Development of Automobile Industry: 1
* Development of the Agriculture Industry: 10
* Development of Shipbuilding Industry: 1
* Mechanization: 5
* Number of Specialized Workers: 6
* Urbanization: 6

- Military
* Quality of Standard Rifle: 1
* Quality of Field Gun: 1
* Quality of Machine Gun: 1
* Quality of the Army: 2
* Logistics Capacity of the Army: 2
* Quality of the Officer Corps: 2
* Competency of Army High Command: 2
* Quality of the Navy: 0
* Logistics Capacity of the Navy: 0
* Quality of the Officer Corps: 0
* Competency of Navy High Command: 0

- Culture & Nation
* Colonial Holdings: 0
* Homogeneity of the Nation: 6
* Nationalist Beliefs: 3
* Irredentist Beliefs: 0
* Population: 10
* Metropolitan Infrastructure: 4
* Road Network: 5
* Rail Network: 1

I need your naming conventions and the name of 5 random companies. Can be whatever industry.
The World Undone


Turn 3

March 1st
The Ustrelan government dispatches anthropologist and veteran explorer Marcos Arias on the Arias Expedition, to explore and map out the Southern Serranthian Coast. Departing on March 1st on the gunboat Luca Carballal from the Western Coast, it's estimated the entire journey will take several months.

The gunboat Luca Carballal circa 1905

March 2nd
In the Republic of Escya, a great revolution is uncovered: lighter than air travel. Former chemist and reckless entrepreneur Julian Kaplan, inviting several thousand like minded inventors to Lake Husaya in Western Escya, the Escya I Skyship took to the skies for the very first time. Sitting aloft for sixteen minutes and forty seconds, Kaplan wowed the crowd by having workers tow the tethered skyship to and fro, all the while Kaplan looked on from the edge of the artificial harbor. Several government officials from the Escyan Army and Escyan Navy were present as well, though Kaplan reportedly did not speak with them. At its first trial later that day, the Escya-I carried five people, reached an altitude of 410 m (1,350 ft) and flew a distance of 6.0 km (3.7 mi) in 17 minutes. The wind then forced an emergency landing after nearly an hour of operation. After repairs and alterations the ship flew two more times.

The invention of lighter than air travel began with the unveiling of the Escya I Skyship, 1905

March 3rd
A day following the Escya-I exercise, Julian Kaplan founds Steiner Meustadt A.G., having successfully raised $500,000 from Helroxi and Escyan investors. Kaplan supplies another $300,000 himself in hopes that Escya and other countries will be interested in the skyship design. On the same day, Steiner Meustadt orders 12 Forino 4HP motors, though for what purpose is entirely unknown.

Steiner Meustadt A.G., 1905--

March 4th
In the Republic of Ustrela, after heated debate the Ustrelian Railway Act of 1905 passes, A project that aims to interconnect isolated towns and villages with urban and heavily populated cities such as the Ustrelian capital Viande. Private railway companies will be provided the opportunity to bid on this contract. Private companies will now begin bidding on the contract, submitting their bids to the Ustrelian National Government throughout the year.

March 5th
The Helrox Empire decides to Guarantee the Independence of the Republic of Cydernia as well as offering military advisers, which are accepted. Helrox Generals Thaddäus Naumann and General Christoph Greifelt leave for Cydernia to begin training the Cydernian Army, expecting to arrive later next week (given the poor infrastructure of Eastern Helrox and Cydernia) by carriage.

March 6th
With the steel industry hitting an all time slump in production, the Imperial Diet of the Tyrian Empire has convened to save the threatened industry via nationalization. All steel mines are to be taken under public ownership and the Imperial Steel Board (ISB) is to be established to manage the industry on commercial lines. The ISB will be granted a government subsidy of $15,000,000 Krones to facilitate the revitalization of the industry via an expansion of operations and facilities. (Under the ISB, private sales of steel to Welkur Shipbuilding is to continue).

March 7th
The first subsidization of a company occurs in the Helrox Empire with the creation of Tamchatka Engineering Works (TEW), a locomotive design firm. They begin work on their first legitimate design.

March 8th
The Helrox Empire, only days removed from guaranteeing Cydernia's independence, order the creation of Army Group Franken under command of General Volkhardt Herzberg. 226,000 soldiers of Army Group Franken immediately begin conducting their own wargames, raising tensions with their neighbors even further. [Helrox Empire gains +1 Tension with Escya, Tyria and Vigentino.]
Can I get a link?
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