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-Coruscant: Imperial center

She looked nervous, The Jedi turned holy woman thought. Nervous to descend into the Tarisian underworld and face many things that would remind her of her past, many things that would tempt her to call upon the dark, to indulge again in the exhaustive energies that ravaged body and soul. That was when the serpent like woman gave the taller female a hug and promised her that she would hold fast to her new convictions, because they weren't truly new. Aladar was simply, reigniting the fires in her heart of old.

They could be so easily manipulated at times, the lost wretches who fell through the cracks when short sighted subsentients sat in judgment of their natural betters. But that time, she'd hugged her because she'd meant it. More and more, she was growing attached to her apprentice, the words she'd uttered to Admiral Sloane were words from the heart, nearly spoken on impulse and only saved from looking like an outburst by her rhetorical mastery.

It wasn't that she felt this way that galled her, love, filial love was hardly a weakness. devotion to another could be as powerful as duty or conviction and when it was only when it became possessive that it debased both the force wielder and the codes they served. A thing, both the Sith and Jedi alike never understood.

No, what bothered her was how pathetic it seemed, to be awake and cling to the first comically tall cute thing that came your way because it reminded you of a daughter that died millennia ago. She could allow herself to feel, to admit to being lonely and to love others, but not so soon. That appeared weak.

And she wasn't weak, she was a hurricane of devotion to the righteousness of her own cause. She was the serpent at the end of the rainbow, the glimmering fangs in the dark.

As the Twi'lik slaves began to dress her for the company she'd invited over, Pontifex Invictus Miryia of the House Janus allowed her mind to drift in the force, sensing the moods, the movements of the great world city as she began to calculate the odds of one clever Bothan, being clever enough to see the truth behind her scales.

He'd been clever enough to entice her into rebellion, to support her rise to power while bolstering his own....He'd been smart enough to leave a copy of "memoires of the Thousand Year war" by a Hutt Jedi named Bontus Evorian.

Bontus had been a padawan the decade before the war and battled at her side for decades and had been among the few to survive to the very end when Lord Hoth sent his Army of Light to die against Skere Kaan when Jedi and Sith both were consumed.

Bontus had postulated that the war itself, was not alone the legacy of Darth Ruins madness, but that it was his madness that created an opportunity for a far more sinister intelligence to manipulate events, to guide both Jedi and Sith along the path of holocaust.

Bontus blamed the Bendu, an order that was largely extinct save for one hermit on a world filled with arachnid filth. Typical for the Hutt species, to come so close to the mark yet crash around it to a vague approximation of masterful accuracy most of their dimwitted, pawn clientele would confuse for the real thing.

And yet, Raveem leaving that...spoke to far more clarity, masquerading perhaps as an approximation.
Unless he was merely being manic and presenting her with a gift he thought she'd find interesting as it was likely the last work of a peer of hers to be published before time and the force robbed her of all her former friends.

All, save one.

For this specific occasion, Raveem had picked an outfit he had not worn for some time. It was a traditional Bothan suit woven by his mother before her mind was consumed by an extreme form of dementia. The jacket had a series of swirling patterns that contrasted well with the purple attire. Each of the circles seemed to stand on its own and had been woven directly into the fabric. He always thought the design resembled what happened inside his head. The seemingly random but beautiful circles appeared to perfectly outline his thoughts. Part of him thought that Miryia would perhaps pick up on what the outfit represented. She had seen his mind. Surely, she would be able to.

That aside, he couldn't wait to see her again. Ever since that fateful night, where he unleashed her upon the Empire's self-proclaimed leaders, he had been wanting to sit down and truly get a sense of who she was. While he had his theories and assumptions, he truly wanted to get a feeling for the Pontifex Invictus as she called herself now. There was something so fascinating and enthralling about her presence, the aura of a being so powerful she could simply snap her fingers and render him unable to defend himself. The gambit he had taken at Coruscant had paid off, now he wanted to see what it is that he had gambled with. The true character of Miryia of House Janus.

When he arrived at her palace, he couldn't help but grin. Even when he was out here, he could sense her power. He never believed himself to be Force sensitive, nor did he care to advance his abilities in the case that he was. Regardless, he had an unhealthy addiction with attempting to court beings that were levels of power above him. There was a certain thrill to it all. A certain enjoyment of putting his well-being and even his life in danger just to unleash it and see the results. Now, he only had to watch to see what Miryia could do.

The former Presidential palace rose into the midday sky, ominous and august as it always had been and yet where for centuries passed it had been largely a great museum there seemed to be a buzz of activity. Luxury speeders, ordinary speeders, military issue craft came and went, touching down to seek an audience with the woman who had stepped out of the past and into their future. Reporters from Imperial approved propaganda outfits stood eagerly outside wanting to hear the "official story" from the mouth of the woman present. After all, the report circulating was that Sate Pestage attempted to declare himself emperor and while many joined him, it was a loyal contingent of non humans martialed by the Arkanian Jedi who claimed to be the hero of the early days of the New Sith War who "rallied in defense of the Imperial Throne". The propaganda machine was spinning this two ways, one that non humans had finally proven themselves through loyalty and perhaps doors would be opened for some.

The other, a Jedi removed from Yoda's treason, from Luke Skywalker's grandiosity had at last redeemed the Order and showed true loyalty to the legacy of the Emperor healing at once the great sectarian rift between Jedi and Sith and in response Grand Vizier Hissa ordered the construction of a glorious and new order of force users that represented both ideals.

Of course, if any of these regimental mouthpieces dared to utter such offensive nonsense in her presence, Invictus Janus would have killed them instantly. Others, came armed with skepticism, desirous to see if the woman was truly the Miryia Janus of the history books and not some clone or imposter, skepticism gave way to fear, then awe which yielded to fanaticism. To a cynic this would have looked like a naked power grab, to a more trained eye something far more dangerous than mere shortsighted ambition.

As Raveem's transport grew closer to palace, it would have been obvious what she was doing, that in a time of such turmoil when all was uncertain and nothing was decided. The desperate often went renegade, the ambitious often went mad and entire civilizations could drown in hysteria, or find themselves in religion. At the dawn of the old Republic, before the holonet and hyperlane maps the Jedi had filled that role, by avoiding it entirely and creating out of the Republic a religion, venerating the Republic with the Jedi as its heralds.

Enormous banners fluttered in the wind, rising on durasteel columns covered in synth ivory and onyx, on each side blew the banner of the Galactic Empire, behind them the military insignia of each member of the armed forces that had assisted in the coup and the personal banner of House Grant, the banner of House Janus and the purple and black of Clan Vash'Ah.

Many grew silent in a mix of awe though as Miryia Farlina of House Janus, Pontifex of this new religion, the religion of Order, of absolute and eternal Justice, of Imperial law. Exited the grand doors, a long purple cape flew in the wind, black armor with the Imperial on her breast shimmered in the light as violet robes fluttered about the armor. But what none failed to notice was the new symbol, embroidered in a platinum finish over her heart. The symbol of the Jedi Order, yet silvered, the wings of the ancient phoenix were vibrant flame and a lance shot up from the center piercing the heart of the star burst pattern. Where the New Jedi Order symbol was the Jedi Phoenix and saber unfurled in a shield over the star this was a radiant fire thrusting into its heart.

The crowd gasped as an enormous banner of the same symbol unfurled falling about the castle, resting above the entry of the main gates in a deep blue.

"Welcome! Sub Director General of Imperial the Imperial Security Bureau! Raveem of clan Vash'Ah! The only soul with the clarity of mind to see what treachery befell us! A credit to non human citizens and a champion of Order, Imperial Justice!"

Her eyes flickered like gems, whether an artifice of the force or through Arkanian genetic engineering, her voice boomed across the palace grounds. "Patriot! Hail and well met!" she called, giving the traditional core world elite greeting.

In that moment, between self destruction and devotion, the Serpent turned Jedi, turned zealot pushed madness through and religion was written in the eyes of Coruscant.

The Religion of the Empire.

The crowd outside of the Presidential Palace was larger than Raveem was expecting. There were reporters and members of the public standing behind barriers guarded by soldiers. But that was small compared to the display before him. That had gotten his full attention, and he realized this must have been Miryia's plan. To surprise him with this magnificent display before the masses. So, this was the religion Janus had spoken about. The replacement for the Jedi Order and the Sith. The Bothan covered his mouth, supressing the urge to giggle as he felt a sudden rush of joy. His gambit had paid off. All his efforts had ended in all this. A new and reformed Empire. Once he had composed himself and done the appropriate waving for the Holonet cameras, he approached Miryia. Taking at look at her outfit, he immediately picked up on the purple patterns used by his Clan. By the look on his face, that little detail had caught him off guard. If it was someone else, perhaps they would have missed it. But Miryia had enough experience to see it. His right eye twitched twice, and his left index finger tapped the side of his thigh. It was too specific to be a normal reaction.

"Hail and well met, indeed Invictus Janus!" He replied, giving her a short bow. The greeting was done in his usual extravagant fashion. "Quite the display you have arranged here." The Bothan remarked, glancing at the different banners displayed around the palace's entrance.

-So this pattern, is that his mind?- She'd touched the edges, the border of his psyche not wanting to utterly maul his essence and sense of self for she'd always had trouble with more subtle mental probing, but what she encountered inside was akin to a nebula on fire or an ion storm or an exploding black hole. a whirling vortex of order within the patterns of unbridled chaos. He was truly fascinating, if a bit grasping and dangerous, in many ways he reminded her of a drug addict yet unlike the Sith. His was a fortified mind, an addict who gained function in dysfunction and what would normally be an affront to her presence became something of admired curiosity. As he no doubt wanted to observe her in action, so too did she.

His eyes took in the display, grasping its obvious intent and seeing beyond. -Now you understand why the throne does not interest me?- her goals, her grand plan commenced two thousand years ago, was perhaps a century away from its end game. -I slept for too long, things flowed without me-

"I thought it was high time you beheld the majesty of your work" she turned, her body seeming to twist as one and she began to walk ahead, leading him through a grand entrance flanked by members of the 501st, each standing at parade style attention. "Aladar and my old friend are not with us, I've them hunting in Coruscant's underworld. Shame that you did not bring that radiation fried behemoth of yours, it would have been edifying for your creature" Raveem may have been force sensitive, Miryia realized, now more than ever. But she felt herself stop at probing that issue, as if teaching him to refine and smith the essence would detract from his true glory. Somehow, making him lesser.
"As for gifts, I appreciated yours" She leaned in slightly and whispered that in his ear, noting the subtle twitches in his body language that gave away how much the gesture affected him, playing the dangerous game he too played. "Though, I wonder if it was truly a gift and more"

The doors closed behind her and a subtle glance made the Twi'liks bow and leave. "If it wasn't a question, Sub Director"

When Miryia leaned in and referenced his gift, he felt a strange warm feeling in his chest. It made his ears twitch and his body trembled a little. What a strange sensation. He had always felt joy in the presence of beings such as Miryia. It was thrilling to sense their power and witness their feats. But this was different. Something to think about later. Miryia saw it, him briefly losing that composure he so carefully crafted for himself. Perhaps, if that mask was removed, his mannerisms and voice would make him sound deranged. One had to wonder what the real Raveem behaved like. What was under those layers of organized chaos in his mind and ISB training and indoctrination.

"Perhaps it was too on the nose?" Said Raveem, more to himself than anything. As they walked, he turned to look at Miryia. There it was, that warm feeling his chest again. Odd. "I thought you would appreciate the gesture. A prelude to this..." He spun around, gesturing at rhe great hall around them. "...greatly anticipated meeting. It cost someone his hard earned treasure, mind you. Poor sod owed me a debt." Raveem giggled after saying that. For a moment, he was there. Prying the tome away from a poor merchant's hands who had bought favors from his family to keep his business afloat in Bothawui. Was it petty? Yes. But necessary if the Vas'ha's were to keep their reputation.

"From the smallest family in a shack in the hills of Bothawui to stars, knowledge moved by direction, move by ambition" Miryia's voice held an almost cheery tone as she came close to singing those words out in her usual melodic voice, only where in public it held an imperiousness to it that was measured by compassion. Here, hints of the madness within intermingled with that image of a noble Knight of old. As if something, bestial was tiring of the ruse and wanting to strike at whatever it could.

"I believe that was the clan phrase of the Vash'Ah in my youth." She remarked attempting to sift through the long years of memory hidden behind a youthful face to find the name of the Bothan of Clash Vash'Ah she'd protected as a Padawan, whose views on the stagnation of the Republic and even the Jedi kindled something in an idealistic youth.

Idealism, she'd fought for it once, bled for it once. Even through the dark, when she brushed against Sith doctrine, Sith power, when the profane material whispered to her in the night, she'd held strong. She was once a great Jedi, she'd cared for the code and devoted herself to the light as some savage worshipping a powercell from a ruined ship crashed down on a primitive world. Now she was something else, a true warrior for the Light, the light of civilization, of order. -All those provincial simpletons who could have continued the great works in my absence.- "a bit too on the nose" Raveems words cut her from her thoughts and purple eyes flickered to him, dangerously at first. -Does he truly see?- his second phrasing seemed to imply it was a mere flight of fancy and yet below the conditioning and training she sensed..an awareness.

"Bontus, when we first met he was no taller than my thigh, by the end of his life I hear he grew six times the size of an ordinary Hutt"
As they moved across synth marble floors, passing busts of Republic heroes long dead and Imperial military leaders, they arrived at a room as large as some Coruscant penthouses, a veritable treasure trove of water and plants in laser lit fountains appeared before them. Water, which on Coru was valuable as it was on Tatooine, more than aurodium, it spoke to the wealth the Empire still possessed...the old capital still possessed.

"The Hutts I have observed, have an interesting habit of coming exasperatingly close to the truth only to fall slightly short of the mark" And there. She'd done it, the one secret only The Highsinger if not outright confirmed, implied. They were in each other's webs now, Raveem was privy to a thing that was supremely dangerous, a truth that bound him to her, as it bound her to his ascent.

It was a truth, the woman whose cape hugged about her body like a cobras hood would try to annihilate every living soul on Coruscant if she had too, to conceal.

Or...proclaim to the stars.

"Tell me, what do you know of Ewoks?" She proffered, changing the subject as they neared a table and a pair of chairs. Her eyes flickered with a silent mirth. Oh, how she enjoyed playing a game of words and hints with someone who wasn't genetic trash.
"Or more specifically, how tenuous do you believe The New Republics alliance with that particular tribe to be?" Here she took a seat, her hips bent and she leaned at a slight angle, reclining, her cheek resting upon knuckles. "And what do you know if the Nightsisters gathering at a Castle therein?"

Slowly a feral smile crept over her face "And what do you know of Gorax?"

The Bothan froze for a moment. So it was true. Any and all doubts in his mind had vanished. He stared at Miryia as she kept on walking without him, sitting down at a nearby table. Raveem giggled as everything in his head clicked. He had to hold himself back and compose himself before joining her at the table. When he sat down, Miryia saw him wince the moment his back touched the backrest. That blaster wound from all those days ago was probably still bothering him.

"Ah, the Ewoks. A proud and primitive race of cuddly little bears with enough firepower, it seems, to take down Stormtroopers who underestimared them. I like to think that it eas their cuteness that caused all this. It is funny to think about. The mighty Empire defeated at the hands of a primitive tribe and a group of Rebel infiltrators. A hard earned lesson." Raveem's eyes darted around as he spoke. His thought process was fascinating to look at. He seemed to speak while at the same time recalling sounds, images and touch. Every word was marked by a unique movement of the hands. He physically grasped at concepts and used his hands to help explain whatever he was saying. There was a brief pause.

"The Gorax!" Raveem shouted, standing up and making himself seem as big as possible. "Big, strong, and very dangerous. The Ewoks have been fighting for years. Which lead me to believe that the Ewoks respect strength. Their hardships. The survival skills required to survive in the forests of Endor. It had defined their culture and their mindset. They respect the Rebels for their struggle against the Empire."
Raveem paced around the table, and pointed toward one of the windows.

"We must... we must present ourselves before them differently. Their allegiance to the Rebels was based on mutual respect. They must be shown that the Rebels are treacherous and dishonorable. And that the Empire are true honorable warriors." Raveem turned to Miryia, a grin plastered on his face. "Will we take Endor, then?"

The Bothan seemed to omit the question about the Nightsister. He seemed more preocupied with the potential acquisition of Endor than with some witch.

As the Bothan took a seat, The former Jedi turned religious leader watched his body language with the same aloof gaze she'd always maintained when assessing others. His reactions surprised her, she expected a surprised murmur, horror perhaps and if he'd been a fool glorification of what she considered to be an unfortunate necessity to redeem the Galaxy and purify it of the heresies and failures of the sanctimonious hypocrites within the temples and palaces and dusty halls of a hundred different force using cults whose blood, sins and bad ideas went into the creation of the Jedi and Sith, the lost orders as she would henceforth call them. But what Raveem reacted with was more, the childlike excitement of a madman or a researcher whose theories were proven right, or proven wrong in a more exciting and opportune manner.

Behind their chair fountains shifted their laser display to match the changing of the Coruscanti skies, dancing in darker greens and blues as the sun began to set. The whirring servos of the protocol Droid interrupted the silence between her query in regards to the Ewoks and the scion of Clan Vash'Ah's reaction. A bronze tray was set down with a glowing pink liquid within an ornately carved decanter made of Arkanian crystal woven with stained glass patterns and affixed at the top with inlay of white aurodium.. The content of the bottle was a rare Alsakan brandy laid down in its casks only once every half millennia. The cost of such a liqueur could equip an ISD battlegroup and provision it for a month, that Miryia was able to acquire suggest that she'd been allowed to resume her position in the dynastic hierarchy of House Janus. Or, that her own assets and wealth had been wisely managed and invested for two millennia by the IBC, or that the moment Sate Pestage gave the Arkanian Jedi access to a computer terminal was the moment the Galaxy's richest gained a new member.
Or perhaps all of the above.

She did, after all, need to bring something of her own to the table beyond her charm and power.
As Raveem spoke and danced about the room almost the woman leaned back in her chair, purples eyes flickering with consternation but not quite disappointment. As though she was content that he'd seen what he'd seen of her plans for Endor and guessed a fair approximation. "The Imperial troopers shot them for sport, something some Ewok tribes took no offense at. Being that they are a culture of barbarian killers who, as you note have had their entire being shaped by warfare and the dangers of the Endorian wilderness. However, it seems the early landing facilities for the construction of the shield generation and some of said Generators barracks rested over a sort of, warriors monument" Miryia allowed that to hang in the air, after the victory at Endor the Ewoks butchered and ate and ritualistically slaughtered some two thousand members of the Five Hundred and first and while the particular tribe the Rebels befriended respected them. A peace loving, democratic people they were not.

"The Ewoks are masters of jungle and forest warfare, they've faced the Gorax for centuries and when they win they murder Gorax infants in their cribs. Ewok tribal chieftains are known for spitting the infants of their rivals in other tribes ..Had the Empire not defiled their monument, it is likely that even your thoughtless, Sith pretender of an Emperor would have been able to sway them to your side" Miryia raised a few of her slender fingers and the glowing liquid began to float from within the pitcher, up its neck and then from the mouth into two aurodium goblets with crystal cups. While she absolutely would not serve someone who wasn't her social superior or equal by hand, she would grant Raveem the honor of service of another sort.

As he began to speak of convincing them the Empire represented strength Miryia chuckled "Perhaps not to that degree, we need only convince the other tribes and then call a conclave with that particular tribe that aligned with the Rebels. It is my understanding the Skywalker...abominations...Protocol droid mistakenly..or deliberately claimed the Rebels came to Endor to Punish the Emperor for his many dishonors, which they did. But not the Ewok's, prove that they were used, their honor, the bones of their fathers exploited to use their vendetta to serve a political end and I believe they will demand the Republic Depart Endor" Her eyes flickered when Raveem asked if they were going to take Endor.

She leaned forward and her violet eyes flickered. "No, I am going to take Endor, this mongrel Charal is playing with a power she does not even know she possesses and I wish to understand Nightsister sorcery, the Five Hundred and First, the One Hundred and Fourth and you, my dear secret policeman...shall prove once again that non humans can be a bonus to the Empire by handing it victories its not seen since Endor" then she paused and leveled her gaze at Raveem and a voice whispered in the winds -What things we shall achieve, what works we shall forge-

"I mean to turn the entire system into a bastion, a holy citadel for the Imperial Knights, a center of faith..for now..for our flagging people and I intend to gift our dear Grand Vizier Hissa with a rather lovely staging point at the new Republics back and..towards the outerrim"

Her smile narrowed into a feral smirk and her body seemed to tighten and coil and a long, soft hiss escaped her nostrils and throat.

Now why, would an empire of the core wish to over extend themselves? In Darth Vader's old palace, the chief Spymaster, Ysane Isard was asking herself the same question and coming to the wrong conclusion.

Or perhaps the proper one.

"You're not a proponent of Bacta tanks?" Miryia added, reclining her eyes flickered to his posture, how he seemed to be favoring one part of his back over the other. We all pay a price in blood for our convictions, she thought, some paid that price in body, others in mind, some in soul.

Raveem stopped pacing the moment Miryia began to speak. He listened intently, finding his storm of thoughts go silent momentarily as he picked apart Miryia's words. This Nightsister she had mentioned earlier. For the first time he found himself at a loss. After a quick scan of his memories he couldn't recall a Charal. Was there something he had missed? A detail he had simply forgotten? Impossible. While the Bothan knew of the Nightsisters he wasn't aware of their presence on Endor. If Miryria sought to learn from them however, he couldn't wait to witness it. But, they were an unknown variable to him. That train of thought suddenly came to a halt the moment she mentioned his injury. He instinctively corrected his posture, but that was a mistake. A shot of piercing pain hit him across his back and neck. It wasn't too bad. He had been trained by the ISB to resist pain, but, the injury was admittedly interfering with some of his duties and noticeable to the trained eye.

"Well..." For the first time, Miryia spotted hesitation in his words. "When one is busy preparing for upcoming events, and those preparations keep you awake at night. It is easy to ignore the nagging needs of the flesh. I didn't see it as important enough."

As he spoke, Raveem picked up the glasses with the Alsakan brandy, he offered one of the glasses to the Arkanian. That little mistake had thrown his mind into a frenzy. What could have perhaps been a gesture of his loyalty to her became open to interpretation. His neglect to attend to an injury could have jeopardized Miryia's grand plan. And now, this small gesture could have been seen as a desperate act to ask for forgiveness. But by the time Raveem realized all this, it was too late.

Her head canted, violent eyes flickered with keen interest and perhaps concern? -He overthought- she realized, focusing entirely too much on the problems he could solve (Though an important trait for his trade, though stifling if one wished to follow her beyond a mere, supreme commander of deathsquads). The Pontifex watched as that mind raced from euphoria, to despondency, crashing like a Hutt's sail barge piloted by an intoxicated Dug. -He suffers from some sort of neuro-chemical mania?- she wondered, harkening back to her original assessment of him as a functioning addict. Much of his inner thinking reminded her of stim junkies and yet he was debilitated by it at all.

Order in the chaos.

He twitched again, realizing that his misstep with her commentary on the Nightsisters resulted in him being caught off guard by her observation. The woman's eyes flashed again, this time they were chiding, reprimanding but they held no disappointment. Concern for a colleague, solidarity and reminder not to slip? A gesture of friendship? Whatever was behind those eyes shifted into near, appreciation for his sense of decorum.

The Pontifex took the goblet, holding it in her hand appraisingly, allowing the moment to extend, permeating the room with her awareness, sensing the conflict the roiled within. Miryia rose and slowly took a drink from the glass. He was no weakling to make such a gesture in a pathetic attempt to save face for showing "weakness" and to worry about showing such a thing to her was where the insult came, she was no small time predator.

And he was no coward.

"A son of Clan Vash'Ah is of far too superior stature to conceal a blaster burn for fear of weakness. You debase yourself, in doing so, you defame your work, your achievements." She set the glass down, then moved her hand to trace across the Bothan's shoulder as she walked towards one of the fountains.

"When I was seventeen, I earned my Knighthood, my master a Dreathos known as Croo wept with joy. He said I'd broken some sort of record, but given the sheer age of the Jedi order I find that dubious...Still..to a teenaged girl who'd come to love an inferior as though he were a second father, well I too wept" The words, far away, her voice soft, nostalgic. As though she was choosing to show another side to herself, though whether to galvanize Raveem as she would a follower, or to simply show him a part of herself as recompense and to hammer her prior point home with a parable was hard to tell.

For a brief moment though, in the flickering of the sunset and the prismatic effect of the lasers on water, one might have been able to see the idealistic, wide eyed, gentle Knight and stout hearted warrior she was. "For a year we wandered the outer rim and the unknown regions he and I. For a year we righted wrongs, faced dangers and held together broken peoples and mended broken worlds. We were set upon by a clique of beings powerful in the force an inner darkness I'd never seen before"

The honor, perhaps dubious as it was, would have been given only to two others. History remembers the death of Jedi master Croo as one of the moments that led up to the New Sith Wars, as with his death the Jedi moved from deliberative slowness to the indolence and cowardice that allowed for the rise of Darth Ruin several decades later. But here, Raveem would be the third sentient to know what truly transpired. "I was injured, I concealed it, as you did at first, out of shame and then out of distraction and in the final battle, that injury slowed my thoughts, slowed my flesh and clouded my wits"

Miryia's eyes met the flickered pools of water a grimness about them. "Allies do not conceal their flaws, their injuries from each other Raveem of Clan Vash'Ah, it is how they betray themselves and in doing so, betray the glory of our cause" She turned now and walked forwards him. Her features imperious but lacking of any scorn and possessing. perhaps an approximation of empathy. "In death, my master taught me the most valuable lessons he'd ever taught me. The most paramount of which is that righteousness comes not free and without pain"

His shame was needless, this was an acceptable cost of doing business as they said, or so she conveyed. "I too have bled in the service of absolute justice"

"And I've no doubt we'll both pay that price again and again. So long as the heretics, the traitors, the fools and the sycophants bleed a thousand times our blood, so long as our sacrifice makes a better world, it is not weakness"

Raveem's mind was racing. Thousands of thoughts, memories and other information were flying at light speed through his mind. But there it was again, Miryia's voice. Hearing her made the storm dissipate, and once again she had his full attention. When she approached him, Raveem instictively took a step back but he managed to not make it obvious. The training he had been given by the ISB was starting to kick in. However, he put all that to rest. He managed to wrest control of those instincts. When she briefly touched him, it made him tremble. Once more he felt that hot feeling in his chest. These new feelings were completely foreign to him. And while he would never express it out loud, he didn't understand them.

At that moment, she told him a deeply personal story. By the way she spoke and met his gaze, he could tell that only a tight circle of trusted confidants knew about this. There was something in her voice and movements that made it obvious. Even as she walked off toward the fountain, he could still feel the sensations from earlier. The pain was gone now, replaced by a sudden surge of curiosity by her final words. She was right. The road to their goal would be soaked in blood and littered with sacrifices. Part of him strongly believed he wouldn't live this through this. But right now, all he could do was agree. Taking a sip from the brandy, he took a few steps in her direction. Briefly, that usual mad stare he had vanished. For once, he may have passed as just another Bothan...

"You're right." He said softly, glancing at the marbled floors for a moment. "It is beneath me. Something I will unlearn for the sake of the cause. My ancestors did not stand where I am now. In an environment in which they could simply trust others to not take advantage of their weaknesses. I can assure you, it will never happen again."

"I was bodyguard to a progenitor of yours once as a child. Strange, how one moment of rhetoric can make such an impact but I cannot recall his name" Her eyes gave no indication that she'd noticed the change, but the slight twinge in her facial features denoted an approval, both of the revelations welling within him and because the shock of her gesture seemed to have steadied his mind if only for a fleeting moment or so.

"If we look back to our history, it's no wonder why the Sith continue to plague us! Why Jedi and Republic alike have been brought so close to utter ruination by them more than once!" Her voice grew in a richness, an intensity, she did her best to mimic the intensely slurred nature of the high class Bothan, who was a firebrand known for delivering his political speeches like sermons and was almost always intoxicated.

The drunkenness' seemed to add a dimension of reality to his warnings. Warnings which events five decades from that speech would prove prophecy. "We overcome our enemies only to rest on our laurels, we recover from calamity, a burning crucible only to allow our metal to settle and rust. We stagnate, while they reinvigorate and they too, begin to stagnate and on and on it goes for neither of us wish for something new. There is comfort in the cycle.."

That last bit applied in the end, to Palpatine too,deformed thug that he was meeting his end when he attempted to lord power over a weaker being in direct contravention of all his order of pathetic heretics stood for. Her posture returned to normal and a look of annoyance flashed over her eyes at the pitiful self indulgence, of even mimicking the accent as if she was no better than a common rube. Whatever she was going to say was murdered in her breast as she craned her head towards the Bothan noting the elevation in heart rate and intensity, this was more than mere revelation.

But before she could draw attention to his nascent infatuation the twin Twi'lik brought in a man who looked like he'd been left in a room with a particularly horny Wompa. While he was dressed in the blood colored dress uniform of the Crimson Guard, his face a mess of swollen tissue and was propped up more by the servants than his own bones.

Then they left and he began to slump over only to be caught by an invisible force and he groaned in agony as a broken leg was set so he could be forced to one knee. "Do Bothans of your era still value the ancient blood oaths?"

Tonight seemed to be filled with the oddest of sensations and occurrences. For a moment Raveem swore that his mind had cleared and his thoughts were once again in order. But that was brief. Soon the storms returned and his attention turned to something else. Miryia's servants brought in another soul. The Bothan's first reaction was to approach him to get a better look. Upon closer inspection, the wounds weren't done by his agents. No, they would have been more precise and permanent. Nothing a bacta tank could fix without significant scarring. It piqued his curiosity.

"I don't believe the guest and I have been properly introduced." He bowed in the man's direction, before turning to Miryia with a smile. "Would you indulge my curiosity first? I do like to meet new people, especially ones with an interesting backstory."

For a second, the Jedi turned holy warrior raised an eyebrow "Truly" she began, only to find herself laughing softly, that vicious, half feral laugh from before. "Animal" she hissed and the man winced and raised his head "Y...yes..m'lady?" her eyes flickered with malice, was he extending learned courtesy and addressing a superior form of life and social baring? Or had he just conflated her for a Sith..again.... "The Cervid asked you a question" Her tone was absolute, final, dripping with contempt. "I'm..I'm Captain Jhado..of the Crimson guard..the..Emperor's" "That deformed catamite is dead..." "Sate Pestage..m'lady" "That twitching, simpering, diseased commoner is also rotting in a waste dispenser unit" Oh a casket had been given a funeral, but to hammer the point home Grand Vizier Hissa insisted on declaring a post mortem treason sentence after a farce of a trial where Miryia was forced to "arbitrate". Among her more unsavory duties, but one she endured for the sake of deferring to the man who was their leader after all. "Why are you on your knees before me as opposed to serving in Grand Vizier Hissa's honor guard?"

The man said nothing, until he caught a look of her eyes and he panted before answering "Because..I...I do not serve Xenos nor their Jedi whores! The Galaxy belongs to the Sith you vile witch! Your time has passed"

My time? She thought; her eyes beaming with something, deep, twisted and blazing. this is my time you fool!

Raveem stood there, giggling madly at himself as he witnessed the exchange. Yes. This is what he was here to see. The results of Miryia's cleansing of the Empire. It was beautiful to witness and he honored to be there to see it all unfold. Of course, this was small but every bit counts. After all, it is the small things that bring about the biggest of changes. Or so his father told him... or his uncle... or his cousin twice removed. He couldn't remember.

"Oh!" Suddenly Raveem recalled Miryia's previous question. "Why yes. The Vas'ah's have always kept to the old traditions. Ar'krai..." The Bothan shot a hungry gaze at Jhado. At that moment, Miryia could have thought that the Bothan was about to leap in and finish off what someone else had started. Instead, the Bothan simply approached him positioning himself behind the man.

"Shall I dare ask... Why?" There it was... that dangerous curiosity that served as fertile ground for his equally dangerous strategies. Perhaps it was this curiosity that made him make that fateful decision back then.

Ah yes, the predator comes forward, watching Raveem conduct himself, his thought processes it was akin to watching the tidal surges of a singularity that was beginning to form inside a nebula. an endless haze of chaos roiling around a centered anchored in a sea of darkness. She'd waited for him to answer her original question, an honor she seldom bestowed, but one she was willing to do in tribute to a man whose madness and curiosity belied a need to correct the flaws of the one center for absolute justice and order in the known universe. "In my youth I witnessed a wretched old Sith draw the life force out of his own child to buy himself a century of life, if such a pitiful existence could be called that. Their essence draining techniques often left the life thief addicted, intoxicated and slowly weakening. Their lives going shorter and shorter with each theft. In the days before dogma, indolence, arrogance and stagnation overran the Jedi, they're alchemy permitted one of sufficient mastery to rob life from plants, trees and in dire emergencies animals. While this was done to regenerate grievous injury the more, proficient masters learned that it had begun to retard their aging, adding hours, days, sometimes months with every deed. It had no negative effect on them...Beyond the conflict with their philosophy. It is thoroughly unpleasant and exhausting either way...Though easier with sentient life"

Which was the problem for the Sith and summarized their laziness, their arrogance and ultimately, their stupidity.

"Of course the Sith, ever the cowards, feared death more than anything and it did not occur to them that sentient life could be harnessed the same as an animals when brain function began to diminish" slowly she extended her left hand, her index and middle finger pointed forward. Sith lacked the focus to do such a thing and only Jedi healers partook in what she was about to do with any regularity.
Miryia's fingers twitched, if one were force sensitive and present one would have seen a shadow obscure her face only for the light to come roaring out of her body, enveloping the shadow, burning it, scalding it, mutilating it and..reforming it.

Jhado's throat opened "Die then vermin and be at once with your masters..and in death, serve their executioners!" blood gurgled and sputtered from his throat and nostrils, from his mouth and he seemed to be held in place solely by her will.

Her right hand reached out, tracing the outlines of her fingers along Raveems snout, allowing the stolen life force to pass from Jhado to her being, her cells and the bulk to Raveem, mending the wound on his back and perhaps adding a decade or so to his life. "This my Ar'Kai, the blood pledge of a force wielder A force-wright not a mere puppet of raw material..a servant to a cosmic energy source"

Her eyes flashed, she stood drawing herself up as Jhado's corpse was tossed away, blown across the courtyard and flung out into the refuse heap.

"And that, is what I shall do to the heretic, the deceiver, the liar, the carrion eaters, the cynics and idolater..to the embezzler, the coward and low predators...And to every single force wielder in this universe that does not accept my gospel..the Gospel of Imperial justice..That is my blood oath to ..you...to every sentient in the known universe!"

All Raveem could do at that moment was stare in awe. He had to keep himself from drooling. From what little he knew... Raveem could tell this was a corruption of the Force that would shake even its most extremist of practitioners. It brought him joy to see Miryia in action. He grinned and held back laughter as he felt the captain's life force enter him the moment Miryia's touched his snout. A few moments passed between that and his reaction. The Bothan stood there in complete silence, staring out into the distance. Slowly, he reached for his snout as Miryia dictated the terms of their blood oath. He then reached for his back and midsection, the pain was gone and so was the soreness in his back.

"It will be an honor, Invictus Janus. I can imagine... no, I see it. The true New Order. Your vision for the Galaxy... it is truly glorious. Order in the chaos." He smirked, glancing outside to the city and back at Miryia. "I have never felt this way..." Remarked Raveem after a moment of silence, more as an off-hand remark. "

Miryia Farlina of House Janus, Pontifex Invictus of the Imperial remnant allowed herself to sink into the inferno she'd created within the force, about her she could feel a bleed, a sort of tear where the energies of light and dark mingled, a bleed growing more and more intense, saturating her very cells and, pushing the limit of her being, threatening to overwhelm her senses.

Yet, this was the grand test, the moment where her crucible became an immense forge galvanizing the impure to produce magnificently sharpened, polished steel or ruptured and consumed its smith in flames and slag. For the briefest of moments it would have looked to outside observer like she was hyperventilating and a flicker of fear washed over her face. She swayed, but refused to buckle, buckling meant being consumed by the force, becoming a sentient wound.

That was for weaklings like Surik and mindless gluttons. It was not for a scion of house Janus nor the Master of the Order of Imperial Knights, nor the religious leader of a nation. Fists clenched as she visualized the tear in her mind, felt the ripping seams along her very soul and through them began to trace astral fingertips along the unraveling threads of the force.

It was time!

Her force of will clamped down. she held firm onto the reaction and bore down with all her might, forcing the cascading energies to slow to a halt, to congeal, to shudder and...to take shape, a shape guided by her will alone.

Blood vessels ruptured, flesh tore but she used the errant energies, the bleed off to mend them and focused on the roiling wound until at last in one final flash of sparks..it cauterized around her and cooled within her until the bleeding clotted and began to mend.

All this may have transpired in an instant, the only evidence of her titanic struggle was a single drop of purple blood that fell onto the knuckle of her index finger.
"Nor have I" she conceded at last to Raveem, her voice was almost youthful, exuberant and her eyes flickered with a deadly certitude.

"Now, to Endor we must...go" she let out in a hissing breath.

To the second act of this long play.

In Orbit over Thule

“Admiral sir! There's a ship leaving the planet!”

“Do you have a visual?”

“Yes sir…”

Screed recognized the ship as a basic Imperial troop transport...before Endor barely just a year he remembered a warning for a similar ship deserting belonging to one of Vader's personal servants.

“Why did that Mandalorian fool leading the Raptors let this ship escape? The person on that ship is someone of interest…” And danger Screed omitted...Screed had personally seen the trails of bodies the child had left during Trachta’s aborted coup on Imperial Center. Anyone close to Vader tended to be a living army even his alleged blood relative Skywalker is a one man army if the Holonets claims were to be correct. If such a person got something that even Screed was oblivious to in the storehouse he and the entire galaxy could be in peril.

“Is it wise to speak of Rua Skirata so with Raptors present Admiral?”

"I won't tolerate failure even from the Warlords own elite." Screed raised a finger to the officer.

The Demolisher’s XO, had long grown accustomed to Screed’s aptitude for biting commentary on those the man who, had circumstances gone differently; very well could have counted amongst the founders of the new order. It had been an honor to serve him once, seeing the man go from an illustrious battlefield commander to a broken ruin serving his rival and nemesis hurt those who’d long served him aboard the demolisher as much as it had the man himself. But mouthing off to the Hound of Zsinj often meant trouble. Albeit not old school Imperial trouble, but a more passive aggressive sort. Withholding of provisions, tebana gas, cartridges and missiles. “He’s ordered that we use proton missiles to detonate the interior of the complex, I can order a bombardment of the building and the surrounding area if you feel it more efficient Admiral” The man bowed his head, avoiding the gaze of a man who had lost his ability to put up with nonsense along with his eye and arm.

“Hah! Typical of you and yours Terrinald! I’m sorry, Admiral Screed hero of the Republic and builder of the Empire!” officers not in crimson suppressed groans but looks of disgust flashed across their faces as the Mandalorian warrior, still covered in the blood of an adept that had once been on their side walked in. laughing and close to his chest were two young women with platinum blond hair and Raptor dress tunics, which were entirely opened revealing their torso in its entirety, additionally, pressed against them on either side were a pair of similarly disheveled, only their hair was a deep dark indigo, one was a Zeltraon and the other clearly a Chiss. They looked like whores, yet smelled of blood and carbon. That’s mostly because they were whores in a prior life, sex slaves to Dozo Besadi Zor or “Dozo The Gallant” or “Dozo the immense” for he was unusually gigantic for a Hutt so young. These sex slaves had also been some of the last living members of the Mecrosa Order, an ancient cult of dueling masters who once were counted as legitimate threats to both Jedi and Sith only to be exterminated and relegated to the dustbin of history or the musty halls of eccentric nobles who practiced their combat techniques. His “Lady-Hawks”, may have been little more than shadows of the true Macrossa Order but they’d acquitted themselves well enough to have gone from a simple “gift” from Dozo to Zsinj to the personal bodyguard and assassins of Zsinj’s right hand. A gift, regifted to Rua after he lost an eye in the service of Zsinj. The Chiss, had the scalp of one of the guards who fought so bravely down below freshly cut attached to her belt, blood trickled onto the command deck and her eyes flickered at Screeds command crew who were all visibly disgusted and infuriated.

It wasn’t enough for Screed to have been beaten and in the service of his one rival, but he needed to know he’d been broken. More importantly, his crew needed to see it.

“Yes a base delta zero would be more efficient, but I don’t really want efficiency in this, I want to send a message to the rest of the galaxy, that the age of force users dictating anything to the rest of us is at an end. The rest of the planet belongs to its biome, not those ghosts” At least, that was what Zsinj wanted. “oohh...Screed, you look as terrible as you always do! Cheer up! This was a great victory! Yet you look like I took your other eye!” he frowned, as if to stop and think and then he grinned “This is about the little grave robber isn’t it?”

"Of course it is, his ships signal is changed but the reports on the ground and the ships description matches one of Vader’s enforcers. I may personally know this one, he’s left piles of corpses during and after both Trachta and Zaarin's failed coups. He was specifically trained to be a counter to force users despite being blind to it. He was much like his mother's people a test subject for a twisted design." Screed noticed not only were the Raptors female but aliens one belonging to that wretch Thawn’s race and the other the hedonists of Zeltros. He was not going to enjoy this assignment no.

“Your soldiers could have easily taken him down with superior numbers and you let him slip away, and what little I know of what these storehouses contained he could have made off with just about anything, Hive Virus, the Blue Shadow virus, plans for a superlaser!”

“I don’t think so” Rua remarked, his cyborg eye had been feeding him translation data, though he understood Sith runes to an extent on his own. “I believe what he took from there were lifepods, it’s probably some ancient corpse, or a soldier from some bygone era, a shade perhaps or some such. Granted, you’re right he could have made off with bioweaponry.” That had been sufficient enough concern to make him hesitate, but he figured any plague unleashed by that idiot kid was probably going to turn loose on some Republic world, or the Remnant (heh, lets see that bitch push her religion in the face of a plague), or if they got really lucky.

Pentastar space.

The human with blond hair nuzzled into Rua’s armor “You hear that Mando? The kid you spared was trained to kill force users,an arkanian experiment race” murmured the chiss, who had the look of a feral animal as she gazed at Admiral Screed. “You might just have competition” The Zeltron whispered as she broke from the mass of flesh and walked towards Screed “He fears what could have been unleashed, I can sense it but its logical his fear, we may have errored”

“I may have errored, you four were busy slaughtering elites” Rua conceded, his features somewhat losing their cocky grin, though it seemed less about what was removed and more about what was missing before he even arrived. “I’m tracking a Jedi Screed, I don’t have time for a dead cripples lackeys, as for a superlaser Arlani, my little chiss serpent liberated the schematics herself”

“Rua says Zsinj will refuse them though” she play pouted, her eyes flickering to Screed “Rua says Zsinj thinks superweapons are stupid, would you refuse such strategic weaponry?” she asked, a bit of the mask of the demure whore slipping.

“I know your games Raptor, decline from insulting my intellect as you remain on my ship.” Screed was no fool, Zsinj was meeting him with passive aggression trying to test the old Admirals nerves by sending alien whores as his observers. Had this been the old days he could have just tossed the aliens out of the airlock and called it a day or sold them to the nearest Hutt or Zygerrian. Alas these were hard times.

“Be mindful Mandalorian that “dead cripple” held the entire Galaxy by its throat, the boy himself is an Echani. I’ve personally seen him butcher men in half smiling at Vader’s word, if he is a rival Warlords asset expect a bloodbath to follow. His kind were specifically engineered to treat battle and death as if it was communication.” Screed himself thought little of Near and Non Human races but he could not deny the skills of them he did not survive the Clone wars and the retaking of the Rim by underestimating the Alien. If anything his familiarity with them was what made him even more disgusted by their existence without Human rule.

The Zeltron’s eyes flickered for the briefest of seconds with annoyance, it was rare for her to be so casually dismissed and Screed’s hatred rolled off him like waves down the side of a mountain despite her best efforts to mollify the fury. Instinctively she began to take a step backwards only to halt herself and move forward half a pace. “Oh I doubt you know my games Admiral Screed, you don’t strike me as a man who partakes in such, diversions..shall we say? Though, you probably should, you look like a man, well mostly a man who could use a vacation” her posture shifted as she began to slowly nudge against his mental defenses only for Rua to make a whistling noise which brought her out of her concentration. “Nyria, Nyria my darling if you keep that up Screed will shoot you, then I’ll have to behead him in front of his entire crew and that would be most, unprofessional. After all, we’re not the old Galactic Empire” Rua’s dig morphed into a slow nod in agreement, it was hard to dismiss Lord Vader even if he was a broken down old cripple who turned out to be a Jedi who betrayed his own. Memories of Scout flashed through his mind and his eyes narrowed “I know very well what manner of grip Darth Vader held on the Galaxy, his master’s. If the rumours about him being Anakin Skywalker are indeed true, then I’ve little in the way of a need to respect the memory of a man who betrayed his own” that last part was tossed out with venom towards Screed as well, Jan Dodanna at least had the sense of honor to continue to fight for what he believed in. Granted, the Republic was a disaster, anyone with any understanding of history knew it was too big, too clunky and too subsidized to survive.

Which was ultimately what would have doomed the Empire had it not be damned at Endor. Though, perhaps more so given that the public works and welfare budgets were orders of magnitude higher under the Empire than the Republic, as if everyone and their mother went in for a hand out at the end. “I know what Echani are Screed, you forget I’m half Arkanian again? The boy I saw in those caves had no interest in serving any faction or any warlord. He looked like he had no idea what he was doing with himself or going to do with himself, in which case he’s more of a danger to whatever group he throws his hat in with. Either way, it's moot. I’m hunting a kriffing Jedi Master who is acquiring sith artifacts and not some librarian turned would be sith conqueror, though my data tells me he too served on the Council of First Knowledge before his dissertation”

“Or are you telling me one rudderless tank spawned mutant is a greater threat?”

Preempting Screed’s response Rua sighed, disentangling himself from the whore-killers and waved a dismissive sigh “It’s all for not really, I’d rather test my skills against that Echani and by extension the shadow of his master than chase an old cripple through the stars”

“Have it your way, if he becomes a threat later I’ll be sure to tell Zsinj who let him slip by.”

Screed was certain nothing good would come of this, there was something wrong about that planet. There was something wrong with EVERY planet the Sith Lords frequented Thule was no different. Screed also knew better to underestimate anyone in their circles additionally, even datapad pushers like Pestage and Doriana had fangs of their own. Screed utterly ignored the Alien Raptors jabs, he had no time for rabble aboard his ship, observers or not. He did not allow the Mandalorians jabs to bother him either, Jan was dead the Republic was dead the Empire was dying but Screed still lived and that's all that mattered to the Admiral at this point. He merely gazed into the void contemplating what manner of secret did that Half Breed come across and how dangerous could it be?

@Piercing Light

Yavin IV

"Well, she isn't the only one" Luke said with a rueful laugh as Kale thanked him for an apology he hadn't sough. Luke nodded his head in ascent. He might not have come here for one, but he was owed one nonetheless. Around the pair, the braziers burned revealing a race of crimson skinned primitives gazing up at starships. While other images of those same primitives united under the iron grip of a grim, gaunt looking human. At the mention of Arin the room seemed to grow almost cold as the depictions seemed to almost dance. The comm device seemed to tug at him and at the images which danced in the light, why this strange sensation filled his senses he couldn't say but the force itself seemed to be at a crossroads, a Nexus which centered around one lost boy.

"Do you have any idea why he did it?" Luke asked his eyes a mix of speculation, doubt and an all too disturbing certainty. "I've been studying these rooms Kale, the ziggurats outside in the gardens and the other temples. I never had the education Leia Organa did, or really even Mara's or yours. But even on Tatooine we knew of the Sith, we were always told they were a crazy cult of heretics to some religion called "Jedi" who were warrior monks in the days of the Republic. They fought and lost a war with the Jedi long ago and their sect went extinct. Kind of comforting to know I keep having microseizures because of a figment of my imagination" Luke smiled lightly and then his eyes shifted to the door as Mara Jade came in. "But Mara told me the Sith were something else once, long before The Emperor and..my father.."

"They were a race of force sensitive conquerors, who took Dark Jedi exiled from Coruscant six thousand years ago as living gods." Mara spoke, repeating a story she'd heard from the Emperor. "Lonely exiles who met with savages and together bred a new race" She offered Kale a shrug as if so say she had no idea if this was the genuine article or merely a lie told be a dark and powerful space wizard who was slowly losing his mind and delighted in lying to his followers on his better days. "This place, it holds the force in it, light and dark. You've felt it haven't you Kale? Like footprints in the sand? Or thunder just beyond your visual range? It's like, two groups of giants fought here and one lost everything and the other burned like a sun. I think Yavin was a Sith stronghold once, I think the Jedi overcame them, maybe the last of them or one of their successors like Palpatine...I don't know but it's long ago and that powers almost like an echo, its almost powerless. Aren, has something that's concentrated darkside"

"It's more than that" Mara warned "The Emperor once warned us about Holocrons, they don't always just contain the techniques and skills of dead Sith and Jedi, sometime they even fragments of their souls or are a doorway to afterlife of the force". Luke blinked at that last part "You..sure?"

Mara nodded fiercely "Oh yeeaaahh...trust me" she spoke, jittery almost as if she was recalling a personal experience that horrified her but excited a darker part of her. "I was sent after an Inquisitor once who opened a Holocron and the fragment of some Sith lord was inside. It destroyed him, all that was left was this, animal with more power than sense...Darth Sidious forbade me from discussing it, but I get the impression the old ones were stronger. Like, the followers of Bane..uhh The Emperor's type of Sith, sacrificed grandiose power for more subtle, dangerous and manipulative skills. Maybe because the old ways were too destructive or something"

Luke nodded allowing Kale to process where they were going. "Aren, needs our help Kale but that isn't the only mission I have for you." Here, Mara stepped forward her eyes flashed with eagerness but also caution. As though she was urging Luke to trust her with this mission, rather than Kale.

Luke catching her eye laughed "Mara wants out of the temple and into space, I can't say I blame you though" he gave her a knowing smirk. "Two months ago the force started to shift around the territory held by Grand Moff Kaine, there's a power growing there, it's dark and its terrible. Aren may be heading there, or he may be running off on his own. I want you to track him down and bring him back to us, if you believe he has been, possessed by this Holocron, don't engage, call me and I'll come to you. We'll bring him back together"

Mara raised an eyebrow "So you're sending me after this relic hunter you think is out there? The non threat?"

Luke laughed "I'm afraid so"

Mara shook her head ruefully "See that Master Kale? He can't kill me in a fight so he's trying to murder me with boredom" Though she protested, it didn't sound like she was going to refuse. Tracking down Jedi had, sadly been one of her specialities. "Y'know, Aren might have gone to Coruscant"

"Why?" Luke asked with confusion "Aren't all the inquisitors dead? I'm not sure if Sate Pestage would" oh right, Luke paused "Or...Hissa i should say, doesn't he run the remnant now?"

"Right, but I mean the con artist"

Oh, Luke thought, right. Some imposter set up shop claiming to be a Jedi, but Republic intelligence assumed she was just an Inquisitor running some hair brained scheme to discredit the new Jedi order. Mara dismissed it as nonsense and agreed with their spies, but Luke wasn't sure, he'd felt echoes around two presences that were invisible to him. One, seemed kind and simply curious, the other? Death occurred around it. "You agree with our operatives?"

Mara shrugged "Only way to explain why someone the history books made out to be one of the greatest Jedi of her time, big hoohah Sith killer and all wasn't shot to pieces the moment she showed up on the nearest corner babbling about being back from the dead or whatever"

"Unless, she killed all the other force users, or redeemed them"

"You can't redeem inquisitors Luke and most herniated Storm Troopers could kill inquisitors, they were kind of the Joke of the Dark acolytes I'll have you know"

Luke cleared his throat, suppressing laughter. "Regardless...Master Kale, we need to retrieve Aren and..Well I was going to say destroy the Holocron but I don't know what that'll do"

"I don't even know if they can be destroyed, toss it out an airlock or bring it back to study so we can figure out how to destroy it?" She offered.

"Or bury it in a vault and forget about it" Luke added, he was perfectly okay with indulging his curiosity about Jedi and Sith history, their knowledge, their power. Same for any of his Jedi when it was just scribblings on a wall, but something potentially alive?

"Find him, I've got a bad feeling about this, like we're surrounded by Experts when we're still trying to figure out how to walk" Luke gave a weary sigh and then paused "And...Make sure Aren knows, we aren't going to kill him, or throw him out of the order. We just want to know what happened"

"may the force be with you" Mara added with a smirk, finishing the master's "session" with the customary blessing.

She was so going to have fun making the farm boy pay for this later.

@Piercing Light

Luke had spent the intervening moments between Mara Jade's departure and the arrival of Kale through the Temples grand entrance pacing in a circle, "Trying to walk a trench into marble" As Han was fond of saying. Luke had been pacing a lot lately, between the recent fiasco and the day to day monotony of the back end aspects of the Jedi Order. If it wasn't paperwork authorizing the New Republic Navy to service the temples legions of droids, to requisitioning blankets and clothing to haggling over the Jedi Orders Budget! That last part one made Luke grumble. It was almost as if he needed a team of accountants, lawyers and an entire kriffing lobby to pressure the interim council to give him the things he needed. Part of him felt a pang of guilt over all the times he'd argued with Uncle Owen and aunt Beru over wanting to join the academy and dismissing their pleas of needing help on the farm as simply wanting him to remain on the farm, anchored to their life. Now that he had to actually manage something complex and unwieldy. "I wonder, did Yoda have to deal with all this?" Luke took a breath and reached out to rub his left shoulder, the muscles were spasming again and Luke allowed the force to flow through him to steady the twinging, aching micro convulsions seemed to be a byproduct of the power of the former and much deceased Dark Lord of the Sith. Doctors insisted it was a side effect the history books called "Force induced muscular atrophy" and that, the damage done to nerve endings and muscles by Sith empowered force Lightning was almost always fatal if not immediately treated and tended to leave survivors crippled and deformed. That Luke had only begun to feel the symptoms days after the event and that they were so minute was said to be a testament to his power in the force. But Luke didn't feel so strong, he was healing, another "medical miracle" but it was slow and he had moments of crippling agony and spasms in his back that hobbled him. -I owe Mara for helping me through it all- he thought.

It was then that the familiar presence of the only other Jedi Master in his new order filled his senses and he turned to Kale as he came in. Luke's hands were kept behind his back, doing his best to steady the muscle trembles in his shoulder. Kale's eyes were livid, but his posture was as restrained as he could manage under the circumstances and Luke slowly shook his head. What a fracas that had been, they'd been outmaneuvered, danced around and he had a feeling the triumphant entrance of Zsinj was more than just planned for the benefit of the Empire and the Republic. Of all the warlords, he seemed to be the most dangerous but he had no use for relics of the orders. Had he?

Luke offered Kale an conciliatory smile "Honestly, I could sense your frustration from the moment we existed hyperspace. If I was being honest with myself, I left the information out because I didn't exactly know just how dangerous Holocrons could actually be. If I'd have known we would have gone together and I wouldn't have placed Aren in any kind of danger" Even now,when the boys dereliction and desertion was abundantly clear Luke was could only worry about him, his safety, his sanity, his soul. "I allowed Mon Mothma to pressure me into staying silent, as to her reasons" He cleared his throat and laughed at the thought "She thinks Garm Bel Iblis is looking to go rogue, him and Wedge are "too blood thirsty" she says..." There was an obvious tint of skepticism in that assessment even if he didn't fully disagree with it. "Mon Mothma is being too cautious, I agree but. They're both fundamentally wrong, if we push into Remnant space now its going to mean committing to holding remnant space and while parties erupted across the upper levels of the planet at the news of the Emperors death, that doesn't mean those parties were pro Republic" Luke let that last bit hang in the air, two months ago they'd attempted to push into the outer rim. Both Mon Mothma and Iblis were in a rare moment of agreement advocated for liberating a few key sectors from Imperial warlords only to find Tyber Zann had already beaten them too it and when Luke cautioned retreat they pushed forward and rebel troops were slaughtered by irate citizens who had no interest in returning to the rule of a Republic that ignored them for the better part of fifteen thousand years.

Not everything was as it seemed, not everywhere were they liberators and while much of the Rebellion came from "inner" worlds like Chandrilla and Corelia or Alsakan, much of the core was still old era elite and even the regular citizens might have looked favorably.

Which brought Luke to Kale's next point, he hadn't signed up to take orders from the Republic. None of them had, the Jedi served the force, but the Republic was the best bet to ensure that peace. "We need the Republic, almost as much as the Galaxy does. But you're right, you didn't sign up to deal with Republic entanglements...Neither did I if I was being honest" Damn Luke thought, he promised himself he would learn from the mistakes Yoda made, from the old order and here he was making some of them.

"I can't promise you, we won't have to deal with meddlesome politicians Kale, but I swear to you, I will never lie to you like that again" It was all he could do, he thought and then hold himself to that promise with the same implacability by which he held to the light.

"I'm sorry this happened, I'm sorry we lost a student, I'm sorry lied to you" Even if it was a lie by omission, it was a lie nonetheless.

"If you can accept my apology, I'll need help tracking our wayward apprentice down" Luke reached his gloved hand up to cover his mouth, the servos of his artificial hands whirring as they tried to compensate for spasm that wracked his forearm and bicep. There were times, were Luke could almost see the hideous lightning and taste it in the air as if it threatened to return and strike him again. "I'm still playing catch up, growing up on a moisture farm in a backwater doesn't exactly prepare you for reforming an order of mystics, at least scholastically. I think that's the part that bothers me more than anything, even if I told you what it was, I probably would have acted like it wasn't a big deal because at the time I had no idea what a holocron could do!. That ignorance could have hurt you more than my silence...regardless, it won't happen again"

Luke went silent for a moment, allowing the force to soothe his being and to extend his senses through the amplification chamber. "How's Lehana doing?"

There were times Luke worried about Yavin, about the echoes, the ghosts here. But then he felt the light in his students and colleagues and those fears faded away.

-We belong here- he thought.

Not on Coruscant, maybe someday centuries from now when the Jedi numbered in the tens of thousands again...But now? Yavin IV with its mystery and its intrigue was where they would stay.

Perhaps the Republic should as well, but history would prove the folly of that suggestion.
@Guy of Z

"my Kriffing leg!" Eisline roared with barely contained frenzy. Why, why did the universe hate him so? Why did it dismiss him and why did the force take every opportunity to betray him?! "That.....that...expendable" he let out a wheeze as he was kicked in the ribs and set reeling into the immense stairs hard enough he was certain ribs broke but the sheer, spasmodic agony from his leg left him blind to whatever might have befell his torso. The kick, which was brutal sent him flying about a quarter of a meter and the kinetics of it caused what little strength in the tendons holding his leg together after Earhen utterly vaporized his kneecap to give out and tendons and arteries snapped and he fell a rush of even more blood and a thump. Around them, the vast caverns shuddered and seemed to creak as though the lingering presence of long dead Sith, or perhaps an echo of Palpatine's self imprinted stirred, feeding on the carnage and the serendipitous nature of so many familiar faces being in one place. The Mandalorian watched him in the flickering light of the brazier, disinterested. "That leap was pathetic and that one looked like he had experience fighting airborn targets" the disappointment in his tone caused the Adept to delve into the darkside in a frantic attempt to staunch the bleeding and to lash out, only for blinding white agony to disturb his concentration.

Blood ebbed from the side of his head "MY EAR?! YOU CUT OFF MY KRIFFING EAR?!"

"Hurts don't it" Rua sneered, his eyes beaming with malevolence. "Do you know who killed Gethzerion?" he asked and the Adepts eyes widened at the mere mention of the name, a name that had literally been made a crime to utter in Imperial city and across the breadth of the empire. The Dark witch who'd been the whole reason that Zsinj was given command over an entire oversector, solely to keep her power contained at Dathomir.

"Zsinj and me, lied about it in our reports to the Emperor, since it suited Zsinj for the old wizard to believe a threat still existed. Funny that, Palpatine claimed to be damn near omnipotent in the force but couldn't sense the death of a rival..that he feared when he shouldn't have" There was laughter and a song steel blade touched the man's throat "your lightsaber, trying to reach for it with the force, I can see it in the twinge of your cheek muscles"

whether blood loss or fear or both the adept let out a howl of utter despair. "y..you....you and that other fop, that idiot pretender killed Gethkriffingzerion? You're a bad liar mando"

"And yet here I am, standing over you" a swift flick of the blade caused two layers of skin to slough off his neck and as the Adept howled in pain Rua grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up so that he was resting partly against the Mandalorians knee and tight and lower stomach. Darksider blood ebbed out, steaming against his armor in the cool subterranean air "Last chance, the crazy cunt that dismissed you from Coru...who is she really?"

Rua didn't even bother asking him about another Jedi who might have broken in, there was no point. Ja'Karr was good enough to stay one step ahead of him, he would have been in and out without this fool even realizing. Rua was arrogant, but he never underestimated a worthy opponent, especially a force sensitive one. The adept laugh "Afraid for your precious mamas boy Rua? Or your own honor? How does the Dog of a fat, matricidal bastard like Zsinj ever expect to unite the Mandalorian clans? Huh? Oh I know you..I can see it in your eyes, you glory hounding pretty boy halfbreed" he coughed, blood bubbled from his throat, definitely broke a rib. -Keep him talking, maybe I'll bleed to death before he kills me- it was petty, it was spiteful.

It was all he had.

And then his nose came off with a flick and he screamed again and nearly vomited. "I'll ask again pretender..Who is she really?"

Even in death, an adept's life was evidently not his own. Damn you..Sidious..you promised us glory...Not...this.

"She....she..is..exactly..who she says she is" The Adept managed a defiant laugh "And she is going to bring a holy war to this galaxy the likes of which even the Sith couldn't fathom! Your doom is in your hunt you damn Mandalorian hound! So kill me pretty boy...my death won't hold a candle to yours!"

In the flickering light, Rua of Clan Skirata, war master of Emperor Zsinj's countenance shifted. Something cruel, intermixed with genuine concern and malice.

He slid his blade, but not cleanly through the ribs to grant him a quick death. Instead he disemboweled the Adept, whose intestines spilt across the steps, bathing them in blood and bile as Earhen finally slid his way into one of the vaults.

cleaning his blade Rua ordered the Raptor guard to find the inventory list then check for missing Sith and Jedi manuscripts, ignoring the cloning tech and treasure, Ja'Karr wouldn't have been interested in that. "Then plant two dozen seismic charges and proton torpedoes in this cesspit. I want the explosion to be visible from orbit and a crater deep and wide enough to make a kriffing lake"

Rua turned to leave before looking back at the doorway "Ya hear that kiddo? You've got six hours to get your crap and leave or you'll be ash!"

The Adept was right. Rua thought, his death wouldn't compare.

Mostly because he wasn't someone else's instrument.

Yavin IV

The force is strong in this place. I felt it in the air, back when Han and I were new to the rebellion.

I felt in the soil, rich, vibrant

And in the temple water gardens.

Rich, ancient and Dark and yet.


That had been the mystery that occupied the focus of Luke Skywalker on most days that was he was off world. Why something so alien, something with history rooted in Sith doctrine (Or so the history holos he was viewing and the relics told him), could "feel" as though it had been built by distant kin. There was a presence in Yavin, it permeated everything, it enriched the land, gave the trees and lakes and seas a vibrancy but it was long dormant and not entirely beneficent. An ancient Jedi renegade turned Sith Lord had once ruled the planet, at times Luke could have sworn he saw glimpses of his shadow, his spirit but it wasn't as bright and obvious as Master Yoda's or Master Jin or Master Kenobi who sought him out from time to time and counseled him. -I could use some of their wisdom now- Luke thought, a gloved hand reaching out to some some sandy blond hair from his eyes. In the Months since Endor, he found himself a beacon in the force and many Jedi who'd hidden from the purge, or their students had come to him. It had been a comfort, Luke was born on one of the most wild, uncivilized and impoverished planets in the outer rim. He hadn't the first clue about the rich history of the Jedi Order, only in fables and stories and Imperial propaganda (which wasn't trustworthy, though sometimes held a grain of truth. It was a blessing, of his bakers dozen "The thirteen" as the Rebels were calling his Jedi Luke was probably the most ignorant of what came before and yet unencumbered by tradition he had the most clarity of vision. It also helped Yoda had anointed him as his chosen successor and none of the precious few surviving Jedi that made up his thirteen dared to question Yoda's judgment. It seemed when the two foot titan made a decree it was almost a religious proclamation and it both humbled and disturbed Luke at the same time.

Whatever came to pass, he needed to make sure the Jedi of his order respected him, but didn't revere him.

An hour ago he'd returned from a trip to Dantooine, where he'd meditated amongst the ruins of an ancient Jedi temple discovered there. He'd basked in the echoes of the past, communed with the shades of things that had been, the echo of masters whose powers made Yoda's look like his own when he'd first come to that little swamp. A sith had touched there too, a power totally alien and distinct to Palpatine's and something else, he could see a visage, a crone who was born old, whose spirit enmeshed itself in the force and yet cursed its existence therein, longing for oblivion, cursing the energies that had ensnared her to the last. She was Jedi and Sith and neither, her cynicism had radiated off the walls, her contempt reminding him of the dismal look in the eyes of Hutt slaves back home. He shuddered at the memory of that Luke and wondered how anyone could view the force as malevolent chains?

He'd gone to Dantooine after a friend in the archaeology service tipped him off about the temple being excavated. He'd traveled there seeking knowledge,a pathway to channeling the force in new ways by touching upon the ancient. Answers to questions he'd held in his mind since the demise of Palpatine and his father's redemption. Only to find he had more questions and try as he might, the netherworld of the force was closed to him, shutting itself, barring the way days ago.

He'd felt it, two immense powers in the force, one who had been smaller mere months ago but rose like a dark cloud spreading about the world's now ruled by the Pentastar alignment. The other? Rose from Coruscant, Luke couldn't quite understand it, or perceive it, but he could "feel" everything transpiring around it. Darksiders were dying by the dozens or submitting to a fashion of light he'd never encountered before.

Something else sleeping..stirred, but to him it seemed rather like a receptacle than a living being.

There was another, presence out there, not as violent or bright as the other, but no less concealed from his senses. The force was changing, growing, or perhaps waking up after several generations of being held in bondage by the dark. Which brought him to the majority of his new students, those who were just learning that they possessed force sensitivity. Those often came scared, confused and at times angry. But they learned, they healed, they responded better, their vigor and desire to learn was always a spot of hope in what became frustrating days at times. The frustration at times led to incredibly dumb decisions, decisions that cost him a potential apprentice and likely alienated the only other Jedi Master in the Galaxy and certainly the only one in hi nascent "order". Kale, Luke thought, he could sense his approach, sense his consternation. -I should have told them, I listened to the Alliance council and it hurt my students- Force, he thought, how did Yoda ever manage to hold a Jedi Order together for nearly a thousand years while navigating the treacherous seas of politics.

"You're doing it again" The voice, which barely concealed a snicker came from a Redhead with the most vibrant pair of green eyes he'd ever seen. At her waist rested a curved hilted Lightsaber, ordinarily she still wore the black trappings of her old life but she'd taken to wearing a blue cloak over them and was slowly assimilating into the Jedi Order. "It? What?" Luke asked, it was odd how the one person in the temple who had relentlessly pursued him and nearly killed him in a saber duel mere days after Endor had become his most trusted confidant and yet, it felt oddly natural..She was his opposite in many ways, cool, professional, ruthless and yet held together by a strong sense of honor. He was..He was

Wait, why was he looking down at her if he was seated in meditation? Oh...Luke thought, he was doing that again. Levitating, he wasn't even sure how he did it and he certainly couldn't do it out of the temple and he wasn't exactly sure he wanted too. Luke's mind slipped, and soon he found himself tumbling from the air and landing on his backside as the braziers that stood vigil in each corner of the meditation chamber flickered, casting a ghoulish pal over the murals painted onto the walls. Murals filled with ancient depictions of battles and a Dark Lord rising from the shadows, perhaps the ancient Sith?

Mara laughed "Grand Master of the Order, our light in the dark, our last best hope! On his ass, again"

"Yeah, well, its like I can, be anywhere at once when I'm in here, there's something about the rocks in these chambers. Something about the temples overall presence is enhanced here" He muttered, gratefully accepting her hand and rising to his feet. "And I get lost in the focusing..I guess"

"Amplification Alchemy, Sidious had a chamber not unlike this one. It's why I don't use 'em and mediate by the ziggurat in the water gardens" Well that, she thought and it was prettier out there, closer to the planet's wildlife. "is it dangerous?" he asked her, brushing himself off and bumping hands with the former Darksider's own which was dusting off his side, both paused a second, twinged a darker shade and then Mara saved them both from more awkwardness as she picked up the conversation. "They can be, they can focus your awareness but when you start to look outward, you are almost like an open comm line." "Someone or something might be listening?" "You might be letting something in" she warned with eyes that flickered with a sort of odd mix of pain and certainty. "Speaking from experience"

She nodded slowly "I tried to know your father's mind once when I was younger, dumber."

Luke didn't press the issue only nodded in thanks and began to head towards the door only to stop when he realized she'd grabbed his wrist. "Master Kale is looking for you, shall I send him in?" She asked with a predatory grin that led him to believe if she played attendant for him without a sparring session or a lunch to compensate her, the man would pay for it down the line, somehow. "Yes, thank you Knight Jade." the two exchanged an impish smile "Lunch?"

"Nah, we need to get your blade form up to snuff "Master" Skywalker!" bowing in over dramatic curtsey she pirouetted and then ducked through the open doors in search of the man Luke Skywalker owed an apology too.

"first mistake, won't be the last, but I can learn from them at least"

“Emperors Black bones! What the kriff did those Commandos have on them I only left on a few charges...oh well it's still a good distraction.”

(My ears!)

“Oh yeah...oops.”

(You better take me to those vents!)


Earhen began to trail the Raptors...their leader had a Mandalorian accent.

Great more complications first Mommas boy’s army now a Mando meathead merc leading them.

Earhen shared his mother's people’s low opinion of Mandalorians, he had run ins with the Mandalorian Protectors under Takel’s request and immediately understood why his ex Sun Guard instructors spat at their mention. There was little grace and an over reliance on gadgets, and the damn jetpacks. Why strap on a bunch of Gas to your back and hope a dude won’t hit you? It confounded Earhen as he fought them because Takel was too paranoid to trust anyone else but him and Vader after Suprema died.

Earhen understood why the Windborn did it but they naturally evolved flight, the Mandos were just a culture of adrenaline junkies. Additionally their heavy weapons fetish was so overcompensatory, the Sun Guard at least had a typical Echani grace to their combat despite all the weight they added to themselves but Mandos used their weapons like clubs, fitting as they were essentially a continuation of a cave dwelling culture driven off of Imperial Center eons ago

The former Assassin began his quest following after the task force that breached the door as the Raptors looked in the opposite direction for him. As he surveyed the bodies there seemed to be Shadow Stormtroopers about, Blackhole’s personal taskforce the Intelligence Director often delegated tasks to Stormtroopers with Advanced cloaking tech. Unlike most imperials he cared little for the typical Human High culture ideals familiar to those of the core worlds Hrakian and Human recruits were viable recruits for the recluse’s ends.

Whatever was stored here it had to be important if it had that freak shows interest.

Earhen kept avoiding the Red Armored troopers and their Black clad adversaries, occasionally picking off the unfortunate dumb enough to come his way eventually he realized he was dealing with a labrtyh.

The Damned Emperor and his love of deathtraps and mazes...

Earhen was hoping the keycard he took at least worked for the inside...if not he hoped it could open a door to take him to someone who could open it…he couldn't risk a cave in sadly and just blow the doors.

Earhen advanced into the unknown as blastire fire rang in the caverns, he had to get the things before the fight caused a cave in...thankfully he found his target easily. It was a black suited Imperial officer non Commando, Earhen smiled wickedly at how the moon of his mothers world favored him.

"Palpatine's bones! What a kriffing fight!" the voice accompanied psychotic laughter that cut above the blaster fire and discharges from personal beam weaponry not seen deployed in battle since the clone wars decades prior. beside him pressed against the immense pillar was a Raptor who'd had her helmet blown off her head, blood trickled down from a cut above her eyebrow and another further above her scalp but apart from that she had the same devilish grin on her face as the Mando who commanded them. Around them blaster bolts lanced into ornately carved cielings, causing a shimmering rain of precious gems and gilded metal from the rafters. Rua smiled, other troopers from other other potentates would have scattered, picking up as much of the treasure as possible (and dooming themselves in the process, for grave robbing from a Sith wizards vaults was deadly) but not the Raptors, Zsinj elite guard, his storm troopers, the scarlet warriors commanded by the new Emperor and trained and led by the next Mandalore. Zsinj's attack dog began to tap his feet and several of the raptors turned to look and they began to nod only to redouble their assault with even greater fury. Rua's tapping accompanied a hum which broke into a song, an ancient Mandalorian war poem.

"my mother told me...Someday I would buy, vessel with strong engines..fly to distant worlds. My clan I'll command, from a battle bridge" He whirred, stepping into the chaos and drawing one of his pistols a swift blast in the throat below the helmet took the head off one of the guards. "Take orbit storm, slay many foes, raze man worlds, raze many worlds"

Seeing their commander in the line of fine sent the raptors into a how of insanity and they roared forward almost saturating the entire room with blaster fire. A few concussive missiles roared overhead and soon, the defenders of the "gate" lay in heaps on the floor, blood and brain matter mixed with the stench of charred plasteel and the acrid stench of age, of dust, of must of the Sith.

"Area secured eh boys?" There was a laugh while a call came on the comm informing him of stiff resistance by something unknown deep in the catacombs. "Ah good, our force user retreated with the rest of the trash" he remarked turning to the woman "You there, you've command of the upper levels, inform Captain Pryde that I'll be heading deeper into this crypt"

"What if its our other party?"

Rua shrugged "I don't really care, whatever moron was dumb enough to blow a hole in the front door is not the guy I'm after and if he wants to help himself to the diseased poodu in this crypt he's welcome to take the liability onto his own damn shoulders. I need answers, so I'll go below"

After messily ending the Officers career Earhen proceeded to find the main cavern for the storehouse, or at least it seemed to be? He sure as hell couldn't tell but the officer was at least a hint of something in the right direction?

“Hey you got any clue we are in the right direction?” Earhen whispered to the Telerabbit.

“Yes we are but it's not exactly something you want to go to…”


( I hear someone's thoughts...their planning an ambush)

“I guess I have to use it don’t I.” Earhen sighed, he hated using disruptors. They were too much of an Auto win for him...but not against force users at least kriff them they get enough wins already; But he still hated resorting to disintegrations the act had no grace.

“Oh well” he said as he advanced to the entrance blaster in hand on the disintegration setting.

Eislen of Eriadu had a good life, he'd been born in the final days of the clone wars and raised by devotees of The Emperor and his glorious ten thousand year plan. Raised in the dark, unlike those inquisitor scum who'd been mostly Jedi dropouts or disgraced former Knights. Eislen had been raised to be Sith, trained in secret by the Emperor's most devout themselves and even fought beside Lord Vader twice! Twice! Glory lay ahead of him and he hadn't even flinched when their eternal Emperor fell over Endor, nor did he renounce his ways to side with that blind Inquisitor Jerec and the megalomaniac that was Ardous Kaine. No, he remained faithful, remained strong, served as Sate Pestage's loyal bodyguard. He'd even been able to gain access to some of the glorious Sith relics concealed on Coruscant! He'd been learning, he'd been growing stronger! Perhaps, perhaps he would have been ready to take over the Empire, restore it to its former majesty even! It was all perfect.

But perfection, was always an illusion.

He sat now in the dark, resting on immense granite steps flanking an enormous durasteel door, finely polished that contained on either side two gargoyle like statues of some ancient Sith Hounds, braziers in their snarling, open mouths burned empowered by ancient sorcery. This tomb, was older than any other and the Adept clad all in black but for a crimson cloak, snarled in the dimmed light. His hair was wild and disheveled as he was embittered. Some damn fool Inquisitor found a ship adrift in deep space and sensing the fire, the pulse of radiant life dormant within rescued it. They'd thought it was one of their own, fools! As if they could produce power of that sort! No, that was power that belonged to something else entirely, he could feel it, sense its disgust, its contempt and when he realized what she truly was.

She'd killed most of the inquisitors and dismissed him, her imperiousness was such that the Grand Vizier didn't even think twice and merely obeyed and he, he was too terrified of her power to strike at her. No, he accepted this demotion when he realized she was sending him out here to replace two guards who'd died mysteriously. Two adepts slain? By something within no doubt! The opportunity to test himself and grow stronger, to learn from the dark secrets within.

But the murderer had already departed. A Jedi of some sort, he'd stolen some items but all the other vaults remained barred. He'd been denied!

A presence began to touch his mind and he realized it was one of those accursed rodents and he let out a psychic hiss and drew his lightsaber. As the battle raged on above, he let out a capricious laugh. "I know of only one sentient who'd stoop so low as to use those..things..COME OUT VADER'S DOG!"

A crimson lightsaber ignited and he sneered at Earhen once the boy came into view.

"I thought you'd have died by now.." He stepped forward and then he stopped as an odd, almost savage humming echoed through the cavernous catacomb walls.

Sparks flew as durasteel yielded to..a Knife in the dark?

"My mootthheerr..tolld me...Someday I would buy...Vessel with strong engines, fly to distant worldss"

Eislin twitched at the Mandalorian war poem. "You're working with Rua kriffing Skirata now dog? That's how far you've fallen?" he spat.

"Nah, Eis, kid aint with me"

Eislin turned his head, his eyes narrowing. "So it's a three way fight then?!"

Rua turned eying Earhen "Kid, we got a problem? Or can I trust you to piss off and take whatever stupid Sith poodu you before kriffing off and leaving my men alone?" his voice held an edge of amusement, he'd no idea who this kid was nor did he really care. "my beef's with this one and one other and neither of them are you"

"I'll kill you both" the Adept hissed.

"Yeah, yeah Eis, listen up. Before I cut your kriffing thoat I've got one question for you" Rua asked, his eyes flickering with contempt. "That crazy cunt who demoted you to chief grave digger...Is she really who she says she is?"

Eislin could contain his rage no longer and with a roar tore towards Earhen.
@Guy of Z

While the machnications of two rivals for Galactic supremacy played out and the actions of an upjumped child soldier and his telepathic rodents played out, it had seemed to Rua Skirata that the rest of the world didn't give hide nor hair to what was transpiring. The lush world, its stormy night and otherwise eerie calm highlighted what the Mandalorian thought was would make this planet excellent for game. "Too bad" he muttered, taking a long drag of some carcinogen laced stick. As he exhaled a breath of smoke, two of the raptors looked his way, behind their crimson masks they shifted nervously. Zsinj seldom sent his right hand out on mere raids anymore, not since Dathomir, not since. One swallowed, it was almost audible and Rua chuckled as he tossed his "cig" into the rain and slid the sleak, rebreather he used instead of the traditional Mandalorian combat helm over his cheeks and mouth. "Ask your question Epps" Rua liked to know the surnames of as many of the Raptors as possible, both because Zsinj considered a personal touch important and because it meant they obeyed him not simply because the Emperor instructed them too. But because they held an element of trust in their Emperors right hand man. "Well, are you here because of the terrorist attack on..on that"

Rua laughed, it was a good question, Zsinj was furious, not so much for the horrific ways those poor sods died but because of the fact that Tyber Zann thought he could run a drug ring in Empire turf without his leave. Only the Hutts Zsinj allowed to take refuge within his borders could run major organized rackets and only because they cut Zsinj and Rua in. Hutts, Rua still wasn't sure how Zann managed to conquer hutt space and the outerrim when The Republic, Jedi, Sith and even the Mandalorians gave up doing so after each wasted millennia of time and countless billions of lives in the attempts. Filing that inquiry in the back of his mind Rua eyed the man "You mean to ask, am I here because there's a force user inside?"

The Raptor nodded and Rua grinned "If it's just the adept, your boys can handle him easily enough. But I want you to leave him to me"

"If it's just the adept?"

Rua's eyes flashed a malevolent gleam as the silence was abruptly strangled by a violent roar as the main doors of the pyramidal vault tore off, vaporizing in a column of fire that roared into the air streaking upwards for hundreds of meters, tossing durasteel and plasteel debris everywhere. Rua blinked "Those weren't my bombs"

"since when do we go in through the front?" Another series of explosions went off across the complex, nixing power generators and defensive systems "ahh that's more like it" -So someone else is here- whoever that someone was, it wasn't this Sereno noble turned Jedi Master, turned eccentric art collector. The man Zsinj had described was far too clever to run in through the front.

In the pandemonium their Raptors closer to the base began to engage the enemy and crimson and green blaster fire lit up the night. "Alright, while our guys fight through the sides, lets make use of the entrance we were just gifted!"

"uhh but what do we do about whoever made that entrance?"

Rua shrugged "Detain 'em for questioning, if its too much of a fight just toss a tag on 'em and let 'em run, we'll hunt 'em down later. We're here for the schematics boys and the starcharts, the rest is immaterial so don't waste your lives trying to gran poodu Emperor Zsinj doesn't need!"

They nodded and let out a combined "howwaah!" and began to charge forward, Rua allowed the men to rush down the sloping ground a few hundred meters before he activated the AG tech on his boots and jumped into the air. Tossing a few small plastiglass viles ahead at several of what looked like black clad regular army -Kriff...Elite...what the Kriff was in here?-

Ja'Karr, you clever bastard...break'n in here without anyone noticing?

The men lit up in flames as Rua led the Raptors forward towards the breach Elites with Ewebs were spraying blindly out towards targets that existed only in their panicked minds.

Name: Dozo Besadii Zor Known as “Dozo the Hutt” or “His immensity, Lord Dozo The Gallant”

Age: 127

Race: Hutt

Brief Bio:

Faction: The Zan Consortium (The Hutt species truly): While he outwardly pretends to hate his brother and pursues vengeance against him due to forsaking Hutt Culture and the Kajidics and “aiding in our downfall”, in truth he and his brother are still thick as thieves and this is a plan by them to weaken both sides from within. Secretly both Durga and Dozo are allied to Raveem and the Remnant and to an as of yet unknown ally.

Personality: While most Hutts value a sedentary life, Dozo is a warrior through and through. His “father” once said much of the ancient Hutts and their martial prowess resided in him. He’s proud, oddly eloquent for a Hutt and speaks several languages openly, though he revels in artistic use of profanity. Dozo is not a strategic thinker, but his tactical acumen is almost masterful. While he’s terrible at long term, subtle planning his flexibility stands at a healthy contrast to his brothers’ intractability. Dozo is fanatically loyal to Hutt culture and the Kajidic. Decades ago, A Jedi Knight named Dooku and another Jedi from Sereno disrupted some of his plans and Dozo engaged them both in combat earning Dooku’s respect as the Hutt also gained a strong appreciation for Jedi martial prowess. Despite being a Hutt he has a strong sense of honor and longs for the day when the Hutt cartels can become trading consortiums that rival the corporate sector. Fusing legal and illegal gains to create a second Hutt Golden Age.

He misses his brother and thirsts for revenge against those who truly wronged the Hutt.

Physical description: Dozo is massive, despite his youth, easily three times the size of Hutts hundreds of years his senior. However, where those Hutts are often immensely obese and sedentary creatures. Dozo is an impassible wall of muscle and anti grav harnesses shave off just enough of his weight that he can move like lightning. He is a dark orange color with tiger stripes streaking along his chest and shoulders and his “tail” (In reality, it’s a Foot since Hutts are gastropods), looks more like a lizards and he’s known for wearing a mace or morning star at the end of it, made of a Beskar-durasteel alloy. “Dozo The Gallant” is a moniker he earned in battle against Dooku and has proceeded to do everything he can to prove himself worthy of the title and in doing so, redeem the Hutts as a race of warrior poets bringing civilization and great heaping mountains of profit and whores to the cosmos.

Equipment: A morning star on his tail, micro-AG generators that he wears on his body that look like ornately gemmed armor. He dual wields a pair of Songsteel lance like spears and its said they reflect the light of blaster bolts and lightsabers giving him an eerie prismatic aura in battle. He’s said to cut quite a gallant figure

Ship (Optional): The Ascent, an old Pius Dea Cathedral ship repurposed into the command vessel for Zanns cargo fleets and his personal estates. It’s been largely disarmed, supposedly any way. As Zann trusts his hatred but not enough to let him fly around in a fully armed capital ship.

Lythos IX Corporate Sector

"Truly, I'm surprised she objected to such a presence on the Island, not that I'm complaining. Shore leave was a damn sight for sore eyes" A member of the 104 muttered, he was sitting on a rock. Lazily enjoy the tropical breeze while his fellow soldier, both off duty enjoyed a leg from one of the immense water fowls sold at the local market. None of them had enjoyed fresh meat since Endor, when Imperial access to agriworlds suddenly became tightly rationed. Feeding Coruscant and the other world cities in the core and colonies region became integral to keeping riotous populations down and thus the military (outside of the command level officers and the flags of course) had been stuck on combat meal packs for months. Dreskal, the one currently devouring the roasted leg with enthusiasm only a Hutt could match muttered something about avoiding the tropical fruits. Earlier, one soldier picked the wrong one and shat himself to death from dehydration before anyone realized. Invictus Janus said something of a force prayer at his funeral, that had been on the first night of a four day stay.

Aladar had wept, wept! No inquisitor nor Acolyte, nor Hand nor wannabe Sith had ever shown the clemency of those two and a sense of religious fervor was building in the Long demoralized Remnant forces. But it was so much more than that, word had begun to spread from their lips to the farmers and then to the ports. The Galactic Empire was changing, it was a new day and the discordant, divisive republic and the solitary Pentastar alignment and Zsinj's gilded Empire would all soon look like poor options!

At least. that's what the men said.

"The Janus family is pretty high brow, she's probably used to pomp but I think she's worried about Pentastar thugs coming to bother us, where she'd be a lot less conspicuous alone."

The fowl eater shrugged, both failed to notice the soft tracks in the sand before they were carried off in the breeze. As had the sentries of the vaunted five hundred and first, who walked between trees and foliage and passed in front of a waterfall as the Highsinger passed behind it, mistaking his crested head for that of a tropical bird. A few hundred men, even energized warriors willing to fight for their new leader made for a great deterrence against divisions of enemy soldiers. They did not, however make for a good deterrent when the threat was a lone killer or a small clique of elites. Over the past seventy two hours the men relaxed more and Invictus Janus slept for ten to sixteen hours out of most days, lazing in the sun as a great serpent who'd just begun to digest an enormous meal. The Inquisitor turned Apprentice, had taken to guarding her until she was told to practice her force to muscle control exercises from the old days in the Jedi temple. Swimming around the tropical islands was both a welcoming exercise and a fun diversion, in truth it was hard to imagine anyone threatening her.

Perhaps that had been her mistake, for one morning during exercise meditations her senses, amplified by her change in emotions bristled through the force. Something approached, something artificial and at first she thought it was merely a serving droid only for its footfalls to sound heavier, more concealing, more...threatening? The apprentice rose to her feet, whirring around a hand resting on her Lightsaber until the droid which was partly obscured by the sun uttered a word that almost floored her.... "Master" and it was stated with almost reverence? She could detect no menace which was odd because evidently the Highsinger bounty hunting and assassination droid was not only real but standing beside her master?! Part of her wanting to yell and reprimand the soldiers but another part of her realized how correct Master had been in her observance that the large number of men weren't going to protect her from any real threats. "Stand back!" Aladar was dense, as her master was fond of saying, but she wasn't stupid (As her master was also fond of pointing out), she wasn't going to attack this droid, jump the gun and over react based on his breaching the perimeter but, she also wasn't going to allow it to get too close until she rose.

To Aladar's surprise a hand rose in reassurance and the woman rose from her seat, as a serpent climbing a wall. The woman let out a breath and smiled as an ocean breeze passed through her bone white hair. "Ah, forgive me for not warning you dear apprentice, but I wished to both test your senses and..I wished to test the abilities of our guest" Mryia turned her head slightly, enough that her eyes locked on to Highsinger "Neither of you disappointed me" Though the way she said it, implied the notion of either of them failing her was simply impossible.

"I had despaired most at the thought of your death, you know?" She'd used the word death instead of deactivation or destruction for to Miryia there was no difference between Highsinger and the few organic sentients that she considered worth the various gasses they breathed. She had been engineered to live a around fourteen hundred years without taking force potential into the equation, but she knew her half human children likely died before they reached five or six hundred years and her grandchildren and great grandchildren were all dead and entombed at the Janus necropolis, none of this grieved her, for her genetic lineage lived on in minor branches of House Janus (though that was a tad bit insulting), she knew her progeny lived and died well. But the thought of knowing nothing about the fate of the Highsinger had brought her to tears.

It was funny how the heart worked and it was another example of how stupid Jedi were for trying to suppress emotion instead of wielding it intelligently. "Only to see patterns of the one I helped construct in the bounties collected on a dozen worlds since my departure. On, the assassinations of many others. The viral containment failure in the research outpost at Aquarius was a particularly brilliant maneuver, was it not the same strategy we implemented on Wu'han Four in the ninth year of the war?" Her eyes flickered with a zeal, a fire that was unmistakably hers. Though, the confirmation of her identity was given a secondary verification when she'd spoken of something only she could know as the rest of the Galaxy seemed to still believe both incidents were just misfortunes. Though the Wu'han breached had killed something like fifteen of the thirty two billion sentients she'd destroyed during her grand crusade against the Sith and the Aquarius outbreak only brought down a few warlords and their attendants.

"And the recent one, the terrorist attack on that space station, I've heard Emperor Zsinj is blaming Tyber Zann, how could I not recognize my Highsinger?" here, Miryia extended a hand gently grabbing the wrist of her apprentice, leading the taller woman almost as a mother would lead a child.

"Apprentice Aladar, meet the only other sentient besides yourself who has the honor of knowing me, wholly and totally. The Highsinger, my lance in the dark, my crimson left hand"

"My, gray rider."

Death with servos.

The apprentice bowed to her predecessor as Miryia turned her whole body and faced Highsinger. "Yes, it is me old friend, I yet live and there is so much still to be done!"
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