Avatar of timelord1101
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 292 (0.09 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. timelord1101 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Had to google who won the super bowl. I guess congrats to the Cheifs on their second superbowl win. Go sports ball? I'm just waiting for MLB spring training
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1 yr ago
Always remember you’re unique, just like everyone else.
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1 yr ago
I get that. Roleplaying is my escape from the hell my life has been. PM me if you ever need to talk. That goes for anyone on the site tbh
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1 yr ago
since theres still a bunch of peeps online, if anyone wants to join a laid back RP with some incrdible writers -> roleplayerguild.com/posts/3…
1 yr ago
yeah dude, i remember reading it all about 2 years after I joined, i keep it bookmarked for when new stuff gets added. it definitely helped me
1 like


Hallo, bio update time!

Caucasian, Female, mid-20's.
I speak English, German, Russian, French, and still learning all 4 and more.
My favorite color is like a teal green?
My music taste is all over the place.
My good friend @Symstar99 introduced me to this place, and I love it so much, I keep coming back.

I'm into pretty much any role-play, I prefer 1x1 or small group but can also do large group/open. I love apocalyptic, supernatural, Sci-Fi, love and romance.

If you want to know anything or just wannna talk or RP, I'm just a PM away. ^_^

Co-GM: The Tavern
Co-GM: Age of Darkness: Despair of the Golden Goddess

Most Recent Posts

@Dark Light @Snarfulblast

What in the world happened while I was away and where the hell has @Mimic been for the last 4 months??

{"I insist, please. I am not afraid to be trusted in, neither am I reproachful of being denied access to your memory." Zyrid spoke with Alex's mind.

It made things more intimate, in a strange, probing manner.

"Reveal what you wish. I ask only that you tell me to be gone with the idea of knowing such things if you wish not for me to know, such things..."}

Alex was quite surprised at the sudden intrusion. His voice sounded like radio backed with static. The air here was just a bit too magical for a completely clear connection. She also didn't expect this stranger to be able to telepathically communicate. Things could be more private between them, but there was only one issue of this privacy. No wait, maybe two problems. They would look interesting sitting at table together, not speaking and just looking at each other. The other problem came in which it would be harder to keep secrets and locked away memories behind the wall in her mind now that another had access.

All of the nitty gritty details of her life and the unpleasant memories could leak out. Of course, he could trip a floodgate. But in that event, she could just force him out. It wasn't such a bad thing, to be able to have a completely private conversation. In fact, it would make everything so much easier. She could pick and choose memories to show him without having to explain them to him in-depth, almost as if he had been there.

There are only a few instances when this is dangerous, when someone is unwilling, like Clay or when they purposely break the floodgate, like her brother. Neither of these was a possibility.

"Well, isn't that a development. I didn't know you could do that. I appreciate the request, but tell me: What else is it you can do?" She sat forward on her stool and arched her brow, looking directly into Zyrids eyes. She hoped he would catch on to the longing in her gaze. Longing for what? Not even she does know.
I've been gone because of school stuff and college preparation. Someone catch me up?
Hey, @Mimic. I've been busy, sorry for the REALLY late response. Also your posts are so good that it's hard to respond to them sometimes. I always wanna one-up you but I never can! Thanks for the patience though. :)

Hey guys, post stuff! I don't want this place to get slow again!! :))))))

"Tell me anything of everything. Or nothing at all!"

He laughed at his question and Alex chuckled a bit at him. She had always been a closed off person, but he made her want to write out her autobiography to him. There was so much in her life that she would never talk about to anyone else. Maybe he would be a good person to confide in, she ponders how it could work out. On the bright side, BFFs. On the not-so-bright side, they never talk again. Alex wouldn't even know where to start with her life. The beginning is the most obvious place, but it's probably a little weird to talk about your birth with almost a complete stranger.

She decided on a neutral response, and if he was really curious he would catch on to her.

"My life is pretty boring, I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear about it."

She straightened her back and crossed her arms, smirking slightly, but not enough to let him know just how much she was taunting him.

Alex shifted in her seat as she cautiously watched Zyrid settle into his position. His actions indicated he would not be leaving anytime soon, and Alex was grateful for the company. Zyrid did not seem like the type of man to be annoying, aggravating or someone to start trouble. He was sophisticated and eloquent, even if he did seem a bit socially inept. Zyrid let out a relieving sigh and tucked away his hair behind his ear. Alex took a moment to see the beauty in his structure. A sharp jaw and defined cheekbone with soft eyes and smooth skin. No scars that she could see, almost as if he had never been in any type of conflict. Or just some healing power, anything possible this place. Alex found herself staring again and she was quite lost in her own thought. So lost in fact, that she almost missed Zyrid speaking to her.

"So, Alex, tell me abut yourself."

Her eyes shifted to the floor. She spoke as if she was still searching for her answer in the soft wood grain of the Tavern floor.
"Well, what do you want to know?"
She said as she looked up to meet Zyrids eyes. His stare was palpable and intense. Here was someone that was genuinely interested in her life, something she has been waiting for for w long time, and she couldn't muster a single interesting thing about herself. Something like how her cat is named "Toast" because if his insufferable love for toast or how she's basically a spy for her own planets government. There's nothing worse than having been asked that question and not having anything to say.
Comcast internet sucks. My area is having outages every once in a while, so just be patient with me. I will post as often as I can and I am up pretty late. Probably for the next 6 hours. :)

Alex shifted in her seat a bit before Zyrid spoke in a voice that was smooth, likely made of velvet or soft like silk. Either way it was a voice worthy of melting into.

May I join you? I like your company.

He seemed awkwardly unfamiliar with talking to people, but Alex didn't mind. "Sure, have a seat, or make one." She laughed slightly and gestured across the table. She noticed a comfortable feeling that lingered in their conversation. His presence seemed to improve her mood and keep a slight smile on her face. She wondered about her own attraction to him. He was a handsome spectacle but she didn't know where she stood in that aspect. Only time could tell.

Purple is super hard to read on the basic grey the forum has behind it.
Fantastic images though.

Read it raw. It will look weird but it'll help
@Mimic I'll finish my post when I get home in a few hours. :)
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