Avatar of TolkienBlackGuy
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  • Posts: 50 (0.02 / day)
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    1. TolkienBlackGuy 6 yrs ago


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Writer and aspiring podcaster/professional nerd! One day I'll take my stories to the screen but for now, I keep them on paper!

Here are a couple of my roleplays!

The Gospel of Aachakeggn(Kaiju and Mech RP): https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/173192-gospel-of-aachakeggn-kaiju-and-mech-rp/ooc
Bizarre Patrol (Nathan Drake/Dark Universe: The Mummy style Archeology):https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/174513-bizarre-patrol-interest-check/ooc

I prefer 1x1 and advanced roleplay, with some sort of sci-fi fantasy element!

Most Recent Posts

Prisoner 1083 had been awake for quite some time before the warden's voice crackled overhead.
"For how long though?" he muttered to himself as he sat up in his bed. Time had away from you when you had no idea of when it was, where you were and more importantly who you were. In the time he'd been awake he had spent who knows how long wracking his brain searching for an answer. Nothing. Every time he slipped into his own mind he saw nothing. Had he been drugged? Had someone bashed him in the head? Did he do something stupid in his sleep? That would be quite silly, but stranger things had happened.
"If only I could remember what those stranger things were."
1083 interlocked his fingers and pushed his arms skyward. His knuckles popped. He twisted his head, once to the left and once to the right, the crackling bones echoing off the walls of his cell. He leaned over the side of his bed and fished for the wooden box. His fingers brushed something hard. He pulled the box from under the bed and set it in his lap. Smooth. Polished. Wooden from what he could tell. Someone spent a lot of time on a wooden box for it to wind up in a jail cell.
1083 had played enough video games to know that you always check treasure chests before moving forward. That was one thing he remembered. Maybe. The inmate snapped the box open and took a look inside.
<Snipped quote by TolkienBlackGuy>

Hey my soul brother, I love the Character Sheet.

Just to remember normal guild protocol is to put your sheet submission in the OOC while pending approval before putting it in the Character tab. Your character looks great so he's approved but just something to remember for other RPs!

Perfect! Thanks, man! I'll remember that!
<Snipped quote by TolkienBlackGuy>

1) That's a good idea, but perhaps magic is able to be practiced under permit? I would deduce that not all magic is used for fighting. Since the invention of the steam locomotive it maybe useful in steam technology or to transmit morse code. It could also be used for practical applications as well on the homefront. I'm thinking that magic can complement technologies that were invented around this time period.

2) Perhaps, plus there will be racial advantages and disadvantages as well.

1.) So maybe a little bit of "magepunk"? For example, locomotives would be powered by coal and a guy in the back is superheating it with fire spells. Permits should be treated like driver's licenses. If you get busted for casting without a license you'll need to pay a fine, or if your job requires you to use magic you need to have a permit and have been pracisting for x-number of years.

2.) Bingo! So if you're a bail bondsman you'd be specially trained in say scrying and binding.
Yo, this sounds legit! I'd be down! Maybe:

1.) A Sheriff's badge is--upon closer inspection--etched with runes that protect him or her from basic, low-level spells (scrying, fire, and maybe offers bullet deflection?)

2.) Maybe there are specific rangers for specific situations? Magic, monsters and so forth.

Either way, I'd be down for something like this! I have an enchanted cowboy sitting around somewhere I'd like to give a whirl if I'm chosen!
@Dynamo Frokane Someone had better call the mortician, 'cause I'm dead! I'll give this a try!
Name: William (Will)

Appearance: Will stands at an even 6'0". Despite this, he isn't very intimidating. He's thin with only slight definition to his body. If you were to squeeze his arms you would feel a little bit of muscle. His face is soft and suggests that he's of both Asian (Korean) and African-American heritage. His brown eyes have a mischevious twinkle to them. He wears glasses that he's constantly adjusting as they're too big for his face. His hair is black but his head is shaved.

ID: 1083

Skill: Senses
Outside of Everything that is Order is a twisting miasma of utmost confusion--the Throneroom of the Universe, engineered by the blasphemous fathers of the boiling chaos and confusion, that has slithered it’s writhing angst into the world since before time, their ability to evolve a long forgotten vestige.

An intelligence, lo The Intelligence. All of it. The progenies of cosmic ignorance that slumber among the dead quiet of the spiralling galaxies that attempt in futility to escape the ever ebbing and flowing madness of The Intelligence.

A minor disturbance ripples through this vast sea of abominations. A stir of life on a small, insignificant speck of blue disturbs the maddening silence.

Thus The Intelligence turns its horrid gaze toward the whisper. The audacity of an existence outside of itself. Millions of shuddering eyes cling to the silent song of this sinful life that dare to exist on the reaches of reality.

When humanity will wonder why they will have already forgotten their sin by the time they are paying for it.

When it comes to sci-fi anything with monsters is by far my favourite especially where kaiju are involved! I'm looking for a partner who loves kaiju as much as I do, to suit up and do battle against the mindless madness that has twisted its way to our world with the mission of utter destruction. The Kaiju will have two "designations", one in their native tongue and the nicknames that humanity has given them. Our knowledge of Kaiju comes from a book called Deus ex Lexicon that was found after the first attack 25 years ago. The military force created to fight kaiju is called "The Pan-Earth Kaiju Defence Corp" and mechs are called "Archangels". I will be playing my character Trent Challenger" at this point--we may need to make some more. I have a few Kaiju in mind and we can make more if needed! Now, who is ready to bust some kaiju?

Trent Challenger

Occupation: Archangel Pilot

Physical Description: Trent Challenger stands at an even 6’0”. He’s African-American, with hazel eyes, sandy-brown short hair and a goatee. Both of his ears are pierced. When he’s not killing Kaiju he wears a black and red leather jacket, black jeans and scuffed boots. On his right hand is his father’s class ring.

Personality: Trent is very good at coming up with ideas that are considered out of the norm to others. He approaches social standards totally different than others often having a lack of care for them. Because of this he is able to see the endless possibilities of all (who, where and what is going around him, not so much WHY) around him. Despite being able to find multiple resources for any plan, he is too focused on the world around him and what needs to be done for it and the people in it. He is very expressive and is even exuberant. He likes to be surrounded by people because its something that motivates him. He has a strong set of moral values that he’ll stick by and will never stop fighting for. While he thrives to help everyone out he also likes to maintain staying true to himself. He’s not open minded to anything that goes against his moral code will do everything within his power to persuade the opposite to gain those values. It is his passion that drives him to be guided by his values more so than his emotions (ENFP). He is a “tactile” learner.

Habits/Mannerisms: Trent always says a short prayer before battle. He’s also oddly obsessed with diner food.

Background: The only reason why Trent joined the Pan-Earth Defence Corp at 18 was because he had no other option. He grew up a pastor’s kid and his dad wanted him to be a pastor as well. This wasn’t something Trent wanted to do. Trent had dreams of becoming a military SF author. Thus he was kicked out of his home. He spent five months moving from hotel to hotel, spending all of his money on needed expenses. He soon ran out of savings and was nearly homeless. On a night of drinking IPAs and buffalo wings—the last of his money—he saw a poster for the academy. With no money, no home the clothes on his back, and a coffee-stained half-finished manuscript Trent jumped at the chance and joined the academy. Trent had never put his body through so much mental and physical strain before. But over time he grow stronger and faster. He’s not “the best” Archangel pilot but set him behind the wheel of Valkyrie-class mech and he’ll lay waste to hordes of Kaiju. Trent pilots the Ron Stallworth—a Valkyrie-class mech, specifically designed for stealth, recon and rescue. Armed with a ghostdrive (cloaking device), shoulder mounted Hush-rifle and a plasma blade Trent swoops in with blistering and disappears just as quickly as he appeared

Internal Conflicts: Trent still has yet to make amends with his family. He doesn’t view his situation as a bad thing anymore, but a stepping stone in his adult life. He talks to his family as often as he can and like good parents his mom and dad are always concerned for his safety. They ask if he’s okay, if they need them to send a care package, and show a little bit concern for his occasional whiskey and cigar hobby.

Quotes: “You can always tell a diner by their eggs.” “If you drink that, you’re gonna be gone. Like Malaysian airlines.””Oh…my…crap.”
Outside of Everything that is Order is a twisting miasma of utmost confusion--the Throneroom of the Universe, engineered by the blasphemous fathers of the boiling chaos and confusion, that has slithered it’s writhing angst into the world since before time, their ability to evolve a long forgotten vestige.

An intelligence, lo The Intelligence. All of it. The progenies of cosmic ignorance that slumber among the dead quiet of the spiralling galaxies that attempt in futility to escape the ever ebbing and flowing madness of The Intelligence.

A minor disturbance ripples through this vast sea of abominations. A stir of life on a small, insignificant speck of blue disturbs the maddening silence.

Thus The Intelligence turns its horrid gaze toward the whisper. The audacity of an existence outside of itself. Millions of shuddering eyes cling to the silent song of this sinful life that dare to exist on the reaches of reality.

When humanity will wonder why they will have already forgotten their sin by the time they are paying for it.

When it comes to sci-fi anything with monsters is by far my favourite especially where kaiju are involved! I'm looking for a partner who loves kaiju as much as I do, to suit up and do battle against the mindless madness that has twisted its way to our world with the mission of utter destruction. The Kaiju will have two "designations", one in their native tongue and the nicknames that humanity has given them. Our knowledge of Kaiju comes from a book called Deus ex Lexicon that was found after the first attack 25 years ago. The military force created to fight kaiju is called "The Pan-Earth Kaiju Defence Corp" and mechs are called "Archangels". I will be playing my character Trent Challenger" at this point--we may need to make some more. I have a few Kaiju in mind and we can make more if needed! Now, who is ready to bust some kaiju?

Trent Challenger

Occupation: Archangel Pilot

Physical Description: Trent Challenger stands at an even 6’0”. He’s African-American, with hazel eyes, sandy-brown short hair and a goatee. Both of his ears are pierced. When he’s not killing Kaiju he wears a black and red leather jacket, black jeans and scuffed boots. On his right hand is his father’s class ring.

Personality: Trent is very good at coming up with ideas that are considered out of the norm to others. He approaches social standards totally different than others often having a lack of care for them. Because of this he is able to see the endless possibilities of all (who, where and what is going around him, not so much WHY) around him. Despite being able to find multiple resources for any plan, he is too focused on the world around him and what needs to be done for it and the people in it. He is very expressive and is even exuberant. He likes to be surrounded by people because its something that motivates him. He has a strong set of moral values that he’ll stick by and will never stop fighting for. While he thrives to help everyone out he also likes to maintain staying true to himself. He’s not open minded to anything that goes against his moral code will do everything within his power to persuade the opposite to gain those values. It is his passion that drives him to be guided by his values more so than his emotions (ENFP). He is a “tactile” learner.

Habits/Mannerisms: Trent always says a short prayer before battle. He’s also oddly obsessed with diner food.

Background: The only reason why Trent joined the Pan-Earth Defence Corp at 18 was because he had no other option. He grew up a pastor’s kid and his dad wanted him to be a pastor as well. This wasn’t something Trent wanted to do. Trent had dreams of becoming a military SF author. Thus he was kicked out of his home. He spent five months moving from hotel to hotel, spending all of his money on needed expenses. He soon ran out of savings and was nearly homeless. On a night of drinking IPAs and buffalo wings—the last of his money—he saw a poster for the academy. With no money, no home the clothes on his back, and a coffee-stained half-finished manuscript Trent jumped at the chance and joined the academy. Trent had never put his body through so much mental and physical strain before. But over time he grow stronger and faster. He’s not “the best” Archangel pilot but set him behind the wheel of Valkyrie-class mech and he’ll lay waste to hordes of Kaiju. Trent pilots the Ron Stallworth—a Valkyrie-class mech, specifically designed for stealth, recon and rescue. Armed with a ghostdrive (cloaking device), shoulder mounted Hush-rifle and a plasma blade Trent swoops in with blistering and disappears just as quickly as he appeared

Internal Conflicts: Trent still has yet to make amends with his family. He doesn’t view his situation as a bad thing anymore, but a stepping stone in his adult life. He talks to his family as often as he can and like good parents his mom and dad are always concerned for his safety. They ask if he’s okay, if they need them to send a care package, and show a little bit concern for his occasional whiskey and cigar hobby.

Quotes: “You can always tell a diner by their eggs.” “If you drink that, you’re gonna be gone. Like Malaysian airlines.””Oh…my…crap.”
Trevor the Red

Role in Story: Hero

Occupation: Detective

Physical Description: Trevor wears a traditional detective’s uniform that consists of a flak jacket. He has leather shoulder pads. On the left pad is red ring. He wears black trousers and leather boots. In the pockets of his flack jacket are simple supplies—military rations and charms. Underneath his sleeves is a wrist mounted, gun-like spool that has monomolecular wire that he uses to tear opposers apart by entangling them, or whipping them. He can also sling across rooftops by attaching a grappling hook

Personality: Since godhood, Trevor was very independent and self-confident, at times even appearing arrogant and condescending. In spite of that Trevor was very perceptive and intuitive (INTJ). Focused, and goal oriented Trevor is always thinking several steps ahead of everyone around him. He is able to look for ahead enough to create several plausible outcomes of a situation and looks far enough to not predict his own actions but counterpredict the opposer's actions to continue keeping himself ahead of the game. He has a relaxed, aloof attitude and doesn’t get worked up by anything. While internally he does form strong bonds to a small number of people, he will hardly ever verbally say it or physically show it. He is a classic introvert by quietly observing things rather than verbally trying to discover them. Despite his proifincey in magic he shows no arrogance and is rather modest about his abilities. He is habitually late and shows up when it best suits him and uses excuses that convinces nobody and often leaves for equally poor reasons. Quick-witted and sarcastic he can spout off thoughts regardin things faster than others can accept what they’ve heard. Despite this he is very articulate.

Background: 2,000 years ago, in a fit of jealousy the Cerberus descended from the heavens to wage an all out war against the humans and the elves, the creations of him and his siblings. The humans and the elves were once at civil war with each other and the presence of a god in their world brought the two races together to fight side by side against a common threat. They sealed the Cerberus away and split the key in two—one key was given to the humans, the other to the elves. The Cerberus had 300 years to think on his actions and watch the world go on. He watched as the humans and elves worked together to rebuild the world he had destroyed. He watched as they harnessed and mastered magic, he watched as they built homely villages, spiralling cities and re-established forests. He slowly grew fond of humans and elves and realised that they were a peculiar and beautiful kind. 300 years after he was sealed away his brother—Garland, the god who gifted the humans and the elves with magic set the Cerberus free under one condition: that when Garland would move in the world of Men, the Cerberus would have to look the other way. Being in his human form the Cerberus would be the only one who could stop Garland if he needed to. Sealing the pact with a tattoo the two went their separate ways. Garland went off to wreak what havoc he could and the Cerberus went to live his life as a human. Fast forward to 2,000 after the initial attack someone has stolen one of the keys that set the Cerberus free. There is now a race against the clock to find the key. Whoever stole the key may be trying to harness the Cerberus’ power by unleashing him on the world again. However, if the key is found the Cerberus will be locked away again. The Cerberus slipped into the capital city of Midgard and became a detective, took on the name of “Trevor” and begins his search for the key in the hopes that he could find the key before the elves or the humans.

Internal Conflicts: Trevor is trying to come to terms with his human nature and the grave consequences of his choice for overlooking anything Garland does in the world of man.

External Conflicts: Trevor has a terrible sweet tooth. If there is anything that can distract him, it’s sweet food especially pastries. He loves cakes, croissants, pies and has only recently discovered a sweet treat called “elven ice” (it’s ice cream y’all)
What's up y'all! Tolkien Black Guy here! I'm a new child! I love writing to death and would love to get plenty of practice in! Storytelling for the win, eh? I'm using this as an opportunity to challenge and enhance my writing skills! I already have a novel and a screenplay in the works and hope that this will sharpen my skills in storytelling all together! I look forward to creating amazing worlds with you all!
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