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<Snipped quote by TP>

Mass Effect Andromeda is the sole reason I want a time machine.

I'm so hype. I can't wait to see beautiful and ugly aliens in glorious glorious next gen graphics.

I'm also hype for Uncharted 4 and The Last Guardian and Shenmue 3 and FFVII Remake and Horizon Zero Dawn and NiEr 2. And the new Fire Emblem and the Transformers game that's being done by platinum. And a lot of shit. I just need all the video games.
They must have seen the CollegeHumour video about supporting gay marriage and felt insecure.

Of course a person with Shitlord Narukami as their avatar would know about this.
Well hey, at least you can stay up 24/7 with your phone and play Fallout Shelter.

You're righ- oh yeah I don't have an iphone. Or a smartphone that could even run it. So I'll never get to enjoy that wonderful game. :(
Mirror's Edge 2. That's all I need to say.

I'm p excited about this.

You know what really sucks? Having to wait two holiday seasons until Mass Effect Andromeda.
<Snipped quote by TP>

I heard MGS5 is coming with micro-transactions so I am now wary.

The micro-transactions are only to unlock things that you can work to get yourself. P much just gun customizations and things of that nature. No pay to be better option. Though, it's still dumb and a shit move Konami. But, Konami has been making a lot of shit moves.
Alive, and wondering how free got worse.

Snapchat is for plebs, I send people SnappedChaps. All I do is snap some guy's neck, shove him in a box, and send him to a friend.

Dead Space 1: Great jump scares. Amazing fucking sense of being utterly alone vibe. Creepy ass music. Sense of no way out. Difficulty on Normal and above. Perfect show of survival horror.

Dead Space 2: More action horroresque. Good jumps here and there. Atmosphere is still decent. Feels a lot like RE5. Still difficult enough to make you want to rage quit.

Dead Space 3: RE6 meets Mass Effect, with jolly cooperation!
<Snipped quote by TP>

I’ve got a really weird relationship with gaming in the sense that I’ve been exclusively Nintendo until like 6 years ago. There’s a lot that I haven’t played that I should have, and I’ve had little insensitive to start old series.

You've missed out on a lot. Thankfully some games in the past six years have been relatively good, and a few that are just fucking yes. Hell, if you don't feel like playing the Metal Gear games, there's youtube videos called Metal Gear Solid (enter number/name here) the movie. Has all the important parts packaged into a few hour long youtube video.
Alive, and miserable.

I want to snapchat people :(
<Snipped quote by TP>

You know, I’ve NEVER played a Metal Gear game. I should probably jump on that.

I’d also probably feel the same for XCOM 2 except right now it’s PC only and I don’t have a rig that’ll be able to run it. They better bring that to Xbox One and PS4 later.

J-Just when you think you know someone... you find out they've never played Metal Gear. Recently I started replaying through the series while a friend watched, since he's shit at the classic controls and had never played a MG game before.

If they don't bring XCOM 2 to ps4 I'm going to be sad. Oh, and there's Persona 5 whenever the hell it's finally releasing this year. All we know is this year, and I'm so fucking anxious to get it.
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