Avatar of Tranquility
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 432 (0.17 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Tranquility 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I love All Might a bit too much...ehehe.
1 like
6 yrs ago
That moment when someone makes a terrible OC with a cringe self-centered plot and you have no idea how to react because you want them to indulge your own shit.
6 yrs ago
Final Space is awesome. Anyone wanna RP it?
6 yrs ago
Going out of town for a wedding (!!!) so I won't be on a whole lot.
6 yrs ago
Discord is a strange place...but let's do it.
1 like


Work is slowly stabilizing so I hope to return a fairly normal posting schedule soon. Thanks guys!

Most Recent Posts

I totally understand, at work I'm in front of a computer and then coming home, that's the last place I wanna be. So get through exams and don't worry too much about this for now. :)
Don't worry at all. :) I've been toying with discord myself, dealing with work and getting ready for my brother's wedding at the end of the month. So I know how being busy can be. Post whenever ya got the time~
No no I get it, groups need more attention, more people in motion and what not, I hope it's going good.
It's fine! xD I know life happens and comes first. Take your time. Post when you're free haha.
B u m p .
★ Bump ~
★ May ★ the ★ odds ★ be ★ in ★ your ★ favor! ★

★ A basic premise but I'd like to do an original Hunger Games RP with someone.

★ Simple right?

★ I'd like a male or I am open to doubling with someone if they're also game.

★ I'd like someone who can post once or twice a week, nothing overly demanding but nothing like radio silence either. I have stuff to do, I tend to other stuff and I post when I can. I don't like to make unrealistic promises or hard deadlines. I do try to communicate and check once or twice a day though.

★ I'm looking for romance, I'm looking for grit, I'm looking for hope as well as despair.

★ Generally the endgame to me our characters busting out of the arena somehow but not going to the faded fabled District 13 but to hide out in other Districts, being hunting, having to hide and survive once more. I'm looking for a story that has many plots and layers, not something as simple as win the Games and it's the end of our journey. And I want someone who is long term. I'm trying to stay active on here but some RPs have fizzled away or on break so this is me trying to find more reasons to log in and have some fun around here. :)

★ If you have any questions or if you'd rather us use canons (stick to the books/movies), we can chat here (PMs are tough for me to remember to check) if you'd like, just give me a mention so I see your post.

★ Thanks for your consideration.

@NecroKnight I don't think that's an era I'm interested at the moment, I'm afraid. :(
I'm gonna bump this.

What era you thinking?
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