Avatar of TrixyTrix
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    1. TrixyTrix 10 yrs ago


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The name is Trix.
Nice meeting you guys.

I have a habit of trying to do too many things at a given time but I will try to post.

Most Recent Posts

An idea has popped up in my head.
My shopping trip... t^t
I feel like wanting to push it...but I shouldnt..
lol...I was confused when Kaiju's post stated that it was already night -w-;;;
I dont know what to write... I am completely stuck...

you can back Yurika up!
then we can have character bonding sessions in the future! wheee~! xD
Did a short quick post.
I am sooooo not letting this go! xD
Yurika Yurumiya
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

"...and no, Yurumiya-san, I will not be wearing a costume. In the first place, I haven't bothered getting one. In the second place, I see no benefit in wearing one. And in the third place, I'll be bringing my primary-use magitech artifacts, as well as Mr. Bear in case things go south, so I'll be wearing a rather large backpack that will clash horribly with any costume that's at all cute."

Yurika pouted as the idea was shot down by Mitsuko. She was not going to give up on this particular matter. It was Halloween after all and costumes would totally help. She needed to convince the good leader about the 'benefits'.

"Eeeeeeeh...but there is no harm wearing a costume. Reason one: If you don't have one, we can go pick one out for you together. The activity is on saturday that gives us plenty of time to find a costume. If you are embarrassed, I don't mind wearing a costume as well with you. Reason two: you are wrong that it would not have any benefits. If we wear the costumes, it would be more fun and people would not be afraid while the activity is ongoing as it would seem like a happy bonding exercise. Also, we can totally bond while getting the costumes and get to know each other better unless you want to keep seeing a repeat of today and needing to threaten people? Lastly, I will rebuke that last point of carrying all those equipment. You do not have to carry all of those stuff you know. You got your own personal mule, Charles at the back there and if you do not trust him...you can leave it to me, the great Yurika, to be your baggage holder! I will be extra careful with them, you can rely on me!"

Yurika was willing to carry all those heavy equipment if it gets Mitsuko in a costume and also she realized she just planned an outing with the girl as well. I AM a genius! Yurika looked at Mitsuko with eyes filled with expectation and hope.

"Please...Mi-chan? In the spirit of halloween. Pleeeeeeeasse?"
Yurika Yurumiya
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

Yurika silently watched as Mitsuko scolded the two and her leader's handling of Charles made the girl remember some unhappy memories. She held back a smirk. Charles running the school? He seem more like a lackey to her...one easily manipulated as shown by her leader. If I was...no no bad Yurika. Yurika shook her head to forget about those times. She had wanted to change after all and she hoped the fights would stop or at least be frequent or the Occult club should be changed to the Misfits Club. Maybe she should try and talk to Charles after the club is over...though she would prefer talking to Mitsuko about her gadgets.

"If you lot can't follow those directions, then things will get especially problematic when spiritual force congregations get higher. It's not the sort of thing I'm capable of handling on my own, and overuse of Mr. Bear would be problematic, so I will be trusting in your capacity to listen to me and trust in my judgment."

Don't worry...you got no problem with me about that..and Mr Bear? Yurika fought back a giggle and the childishly cute name. Well...Mi-chan is a girl after all. Makoto's question was regarding her gadgets but Yurika was not listening to it since her leader was talking using fancy words again. She really needs to learn to simplify and shorten her explanations but that just show she is really serious about this.

Yurika noticed Charles seemed down. Was his pride wounded? Maybe he realized nobody in this room feared him? Maybe he just needs a real friend? The older girl wondered if she was well-suited for the role. Her attention quickly was diverted to another individual when the next question came up. It was Seiko.

"I do have some questions, but I'll ask them later. Oh, aside from one - Mind hanging around after the club meeting, Mitsuko? I wanna get an interview with ya for my blog. I'm thinking about detailing most of the clubs activities. Someone's gotta be there to document your silly nonexistent ghosts after all, and interviewing our adorable leader seems like a good first step!"

No fair, Sei-chan! I wanted to ask Mi-chan to hang out with me to talk about her gadgets! Leave it to the 'shady journalist' getting first blood! The girl who got hit by the stapler then spoke up about staying behind as well. Ah! Mi-chan did say she would fill in the girl about the details after the meeting! Yurika then faintly heard Charles whispering something to Seiko though she chose to ignore it since it was probably about the photos Seiko took a moment ago.

"Ah, Charles, please stop trying to chat up Karuta-san. I'll need you to run down to the nurse's office and get an ice pack for the poor girl who you just mercilessly assaulted with a stapler. It's the least you can do for being so temperamental, no?"

Pfft...she is really working him to bone isn't she?
When Mitsuko was caught off-guard by Makoto's question about costumes, this got an idea going in Yurika's head. Mi-chan in a costume...maybe I should get her in one then get Sei-chan to take pictures of it. The surprised expression on Mitsuko's face was priceless and too cute that Yurika wondered if Mitsuko would be even cuter if she was being embarrassed. Maybe she should get Makoto's and Seiko's cooperation on the matter. Charles's may be inclined to help as well as he most probably would like to get back at Mitsuko. Her president was cute and pictures may increase her popularity in a positive way and the occult club may rise in reputation though the opposite can occur as well.

"The spirit I've been monitoring has a fairly weak innate spiritual force, so there's a chance that it might be easily scared or something similar. As I haven't interacted with it yet, I can't be sure, but better safe than sorry."

"Or maybe it would be more forward and brave if our cute president wore something nice and fancy..."
Yurika did not realize she had said it out softly and covered her mouth so that she would not finish her sentence. She hoped nobody had heard her or caught staring so intently at her president.
I would really like to see Mi-chan in a witch costume...

<Snipped quote by Ogobrogo>

The struggle is even more real since I'm going to delete my post and rework it in another paragraph which is going to make it even longer xP

I am still miffed, but I'm at least going to finish what I started... once I copy and alter the post on my laptop and work off of that, no point in me get angry at anyone, especially on skype.

longer?! Its current length is not enough to you?! xD
so many walls of texts...
this will take a while...@__@
just woke up.
time to get a post up but breakfast first..

eh? what's wrong with Savo's post? o.o
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