Avatar of Tsar Gatto
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    1. Tsar Gatto 9 yrs ago


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Just googled it and it looks pretty sick. I once rode a moped in Thailand. That was pretty fun, but obviously much less powerful that I’m sure that is.

Be careful and ride safe now.

I’d go with something you like. What’re some of your favourite female characters from shizz? Can go with something like that. (Ofc could also pick a male and go against the whole for some reason all machines are female vibe)

I’ll certainly state my interest here comrades. Not often one gets the opportunity to serve the Glorious Motherland.
I was told there’d be punch and pie.

As much as the urge to just sit there was overpowering, the urge to get the fuck up and survive seemed slightly more so. Maybe it also had something to do with the two fresh corpses beside her. Yeah, she still couldn’t explain that.

She took a few moments to awkwardly search them both for a keycard to the cuffs, but found nothing and with an irritated frown she mumbled “Well fuck you both then”.

Standing she grimaced as pain again shot through her chest and she remembered the recent and very unpleasant sensation of being crushed by one of them. Pushing the thoughts away she quickly she took a few steps before she spotted her neon KitTechy™© backpack amongst some rubble and suddenly she couldn’t believe she’d forgotten about it and almost left it behind. She snatched it up and carried it as she wandered forwards through the square towards the only small group of standing people she could see left.

Dominating the scene was a fallen statue of good ol’ Roger Markso which seemed to be crushing some unlucky son of a bitch.

Good to see some things never change…

As she got closer, she could see that he was definitely not going to be recovering from his injuries.

Fuuuck. How is that dude even still alive?

Glancing around she also spotted the body of the man who’d been punching into the Sec-goons like they’d been made of tissue paper before he too had received a healthy dose of death. She remembered as well the other fucking bizarre shit she’d seen – it was all starting to come back from the chaos of the moment. Some chick ‘screaming’ a bunch of guys into the air, and what had been with the silver guy? Was he vaporising shit? Why was he silver? She was glad he’d gone the other way and taken the heat with him for now, but even then, he’d made her skin crawl with his strange speeches and shiny butt.

There were three figures stood around the obviously dying man, listening to his apparent last words. She caught the tail end of it, not that it made too much sense. Free Mountain? Shit, was that next to Candy Mountain she wondered sarcastically. Suddenly there was an explosion a while off as a colossal automaton unit got obviously fucked up somehow. Goddamn this had not been the kind of day she was expecting it to be. Not even a little.

The somewhat grunge looking guy said something that did make sense though as they stood around awkwardly.

"We need to go before our window closes."

She guessed he was referring to the fact security was off trying to deal with whatever the fuck the silver guy was. Stepping forwards slightly she spoke up “That’s the first thing I’ve heard that makes any fucking sense.”

She took a brief moment to look at each of the three men before she added “Those Sec pricks, they’re not your usual run of the mill traffic wardens. They’re hardcore extermination squads and ain’t exactly gonna stop and ask us questions”.

She dreaded to think what would happen to the poor bastards who’d already been snatched up. Fuck, she dreaded to think about what would have happened to her if she’d been picked up. Something told her that daddy dearest wouldn’t be calling in any favours to pull her ass out of the fire, at least not before she’d endured a fuck load of unpleasant shit to say the least. No thank you.

One of the three guys, the green haired one, had been trying to clear the rubble and help the man despite the fact it was clearly pointless. Maybe they know each other she thought briefly as she stood watching.

“Any of you know anything about what the fuck is happening here?” she asked them, watching each of them carefully for any signs of… well, anything else fuckin weird.

“Stay put, keep your eyes on them and don’t make a move.”

The command crackled through to her earpiece, she acknowledged it before taking a brief moment to conceal anything that might grab their new friends’ attention as she waited for them to crest the dune. Though in the relative darkness she figured she would be fine unless they happened to practically drive into her, which fortunately they did not.

Once they were over and moving towards the Nimrs she quickly repositioned herself as stealthily as she could for the best view and concealment. She spared a moment to scan around her to make sure there weren’t any more nearby desert critters to distract her. Fuckin nature.

Through the scope she watched from an angle as they came almost to a stop and one of the Jeep’s occupants emerged briefly and shouted something at the group. Strange, she thought to herself. She had no idea who they were, why they’d followed them or what they'd said, but they were about to be in for a world of hurt for whatever reason it was.

“After the gunner is down we give them everything. Hypatia, get him.”

She needed no further prompting as she zeroed in on the gunner and a second later squeezed the trigger. From this distance even with the current slight wind it was more than an easy shot for her, she hit him in his upper back. He tumbled from the back of the Ford as the shot rang out and the rest of Ajax took that as their que and opened up.

There was a flurry of responses and gunfire and the sound of revving engines filled the air as both sides began to shoot at the other.

From her position she could easily see what was unfolding as the lada made to flank the group, its multiple occupants sparing nothing as both small arms and rifle fire erupted.

The other two vehicles stopped and several more goons emerged from the Ford and took position before they too began firing. A third bastard clambered up from the flatbed and took his fallen comrades’ position on the MG, turning it to face directly again at the Nimirs.

The others would have to deal with the Lada for now, as she maintained her focus on the Ford and its new gunner. If that thing went into full rock'n'roll mode, she would find herself without much of a squad left in a frighteningly short amount of time. Already she was glad she was up here and not down in that shitstorm of crossfire - unless something changed sharpish, they were bound to start losing operators - if they hadn’t already that was.

“Twat” Hypatia mumbled to herself as she fired off a shot into the dickhead on the MG, her aim was a little low but still on point as he too tumbled sideways and joined his friend writhing in the desert sand.

She focused her scope next on the man firing his AKM from the rear of the ford. Though his positioning was ideal in regards to the Nimirs, he had left himself almost totally exposed to her fire. He and the men in the rear Jeep were yelling something at each other as she took a moment to aim through the PSO. She could see he was shouting and starting to gesture aggressively in her direction as she fired again. The round hit him squarely in the face and proved an excellent demonstration to his friends that, yes, he was right and the sniper was in that direction.

It was almost certain now that the remaining occupants of the Jeep and Ford had figured out where she was and so she started to fire more aggressively as she hoped to keep them somewhat pinned down and unable to fire too much at the Nimirs, at least until the rest of Ajax had resolved the lada issue and could focus on only the one direction of incoming fire.

As if to answer their predicament the voice of Gorgon crackled over the radio.

“Frag out”
Well from the description he ain’t going to be skipping off away anytime soon.

Fuchs is far too self-involved in her own drama right now. Perhaps next post she can start paying attention to other people.

What a fucking beautiful cacophony, Rachel thought to herself sarcastically. Takari Square was a hub of activity on a night like this and the sounds of life mixed together to form some audial tapestry that assailed her from all sides. The buzz of countless conversations mixed with the advertisement slogans that played over and over on the colossal screens that loomed high above as she pushed her way through the moving throng of people, together mixing with the hundreds of other sounds that permeated the air.

An already drunk and pretty shabbily dressed pair of businessmen stumbled past, one of them staggering a bit much managed to barge into her shoulder as he turned and made some exaggerated gesture to his buddy.

“Hey fuckin watch it dick” she shot at him as they sauntered onwards with hardly a look back as they laughed and continued on their way.

“Pricks” she mumbled bitterly to herself, shaking her head as she hefted her rucksack and carried on. She’d be considerably happier once she’d dropped off her little bag of goodies and could be on her way – after all it was Friday and there were big plans on the cards. Normally she wouldn’t drop something like this off, at least not without sticking around to test the quality of the goods anyway, but Freddie’s sister was modelling some new line of pheroscent or some shit and was throwing some party for the vapid models and executives. Not the kind of affair she was too interested in attending to say the least, but Freddie had asked nicely.

She took no notice of the cloaked figure as he moved past, one more asshole in a crowd full of assholes as far as she was concerned.

Urgh. What a fucking hangover. Wait. What?

Rachel felt like she was floating, but instead of weightlessness it was like she was floating on a light buzzing of some unknown sensation.

What the fuck is happening?

Slowly she realised the unknown sensation wasn’t so unknown after all. It was pain. She was floating in a cloud of pain and it was slowly getting worse and worse, as if it was condensing, as she slowly started coming to her senses. She realised she wasn’t even floating.


She was laying on the hard and uncomfortable ground and there was an intense ringing in her ears. Slowly the visions started to return to her, though between everything she couldn’t really process whatever the fuck they could mean, or even why she was seeing weird murder trees, Hawaiian shirted dudes and a bunch of semi-nude slavers at a time like this.

Slowly she tried to open her eyes. Her left eye stung a little and she instinctively rubbed at it. Sticky blood from a small cut on her forehead obscured her vision slightly and she realised she was covered in dust and small bits of rubble. She sat up and took in her surroundings still in a daze.

What was left of Takari square looked almost like a warzone or some shit as bodies and chunks of buildings lay about the place and numerous fires were raging. She fought off a wave of nausea at the sight. Weird, movies and VR shit didn’t do justice to the real thing. She wasn’t sure how long exactly passed as she sat there taking in the sights, but eventually she managed to stumble to her feet. She leaned against what was left of a nearby wall and fought down a wave of rising bile.

Get a grip, damn she hissed at herself. The sounds of gunfire and more chaos soon permeated the air and she wondered what on Mars was going the fuck on. Through the dust and smoke she saw a guy pick himself up out of the dust as a group of security drones made their way towards him. She too had started to stumble towards them when suddenly and without warning they’d started to beat the absolute living shit out of him.

What the fuck? she blurted, stopping as the already injured man went down and they began to arrest him. Then she realised these weren’t the usual kind of budget Cartelli security forces. These fuckers were the high level, skull crushing, dissident erasing kinda pricks that you shouldn't see around here. Sadistic highly trained and highly equipped, they really didn’t fuck around. Moments later they’d seen her and two of them broke away and moved right for her with their rifles raised. Her heart skipped a beat and she practically fell as she stumbled backwards, and at the protest of her aching body, she scrambled back as rapidly as she could.

In her disoriented state she stood little chance as they closed the gap between them startlingly quickly. One of them tackled into her and pinned her to the ground with his knee. He was far from gentle and the wind was driven from her and more pain unpleasantly lanced though her as she was pretty sure she felt a rib or two crack.

She struggled to breathe as he held her in place and she lashed out at him with her free arm. It was a pretty pointless exercise as her fist met the hard surface of his protective suit. Nevertheless, it earned her a swift punch to the side of the face and her vision swam for a few moments before he lifted her to her feet, fixed cuffs around her wrists and began to push her forwards. Anger, pain and the will to survive shot through her as she twisted to get away and she felt an odd rush as something surged through her. She hardly touched them, but there was a sickening crunch as both of their heads twisted unnaturally to the side and she suddenly felt like she’d just benched a good 300lbs and then some. The two figures simultaneously crumpled to the ground. She followed moments later as her legs gave way beneath her.

She felt pretty damn exhausted and struggled to sit up again, this time made much more difficult thanks to her new restraints. She managed to struggle and drag herself a short way to lean back against the same wall as she took a few moments to pass her arms under her legs so that they weren’t at least stuck behind her anymore. She felt warm blood trickle down her lips and rubbed at her nose to discover it was bleeding. Great, between the cut on her forehead, bleeding nose and rapidly developing black eye this was a real shitty day so far. Plus her outfit was totally ruined. She again felt numb as the realities of everything that had just happened failed to settle on her. She slipped her hands into her pocket and spend a good few minutes fumbling with a pack of smokes before she managed to pull one out and then light it.

Taking a deep drag she leaned her head back and closed her eyes for a just a few moments.

'The fuck just happened?’

Italian BMT on whatever bread I feel like. Keep meaning to try others but meh.

Funnily enough haven’t had anything take out/eat out in about a month and a half. Looking forwards to society resuming.

I think it’s funny that for the first time in my life McDonald’s is closed :p
@DeadDrop Aight here we go. Looking forwards to the Mars party.

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