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    1. TwistedSun 10 yrs ago


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Please, take a seat; i already knew you were arriving, so I prepared a little performance.
*starts dancing the Riverdance*
*falls on ground and blacks out*
...miserable fail...

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@TwistedSun I don't know the answer to either of those questions.

However, there is nothing represented in the spirit of this RP which would disagree with the possibility of the first. As for the second, Thrashy allowed Aristo to clear the forest in their location of the map without providing an IC reason (although I did have a suggested reason), so that evidence leads me to assume the cosmetics of the landscape are malleable.

Allright. Thanks, I'll start drafting something then ^^
Greetings everyone!

I've taken a great interest in this NRP and despite the late absence of its GM I'd be willing to join it. But first, some questions :D
If I understood correctly, magic exists but is an uncontrollable force. Would this mean the land could present some deformities caused by magical anomalies?
Also, are we bound to the map's geographic representation?
Well like I said before, it might be a nice idea to have the geth be there as a sort of Collector like species. Maybe call them 'overseers' or something catchy. Alternatively, humans might also be a suitable candidate for this (given the reapers wierd interest in humans after ME1). They could have undergone the same process as the protheans had in order to become the collectors. So we could have human husks and other variants like preatoreans and scions (new ones too maybe if you're feeling creative) make up their faction. I must say I like the Geth better personally, but it's an idea like any other.
Me thinks that a blank state would be suitable, though with leftovers of other cycles. And so, black boxes. If we have to choose the new collectors, I'd prefer the humans. More dramatic ;)
That's when the mercs are really helpful. *Throws money at mercs*
That's when a nobleman realizes his head is more precious than five more coins in his pockets*
Meh. That's what mercs are for.
Mercenaries cost more :)
6000 is regular troops without the levies. We'll probably have them pay small tax to avoid fighting but if times are hard perhaps raising a peasant army to complement the professionals won't be off limits.
That, obviously, if the peasants aren't revolting... *stares at Enalais*
Yes, but you will have less manpower being in the mountains. That's the trade.
Most likely will randomize. The ore being mined will determine the revenue from the mine, gold mines being the most valuable, then silver, iron, copper and coal. The most valuable mines are of course placed in the most mountainous parts.
Okay, this one is a little sloppy and small because if I enlarged it would be very pixelated and the geography would be unrecognizable.
Well, sh*t. This means I'm going to be all sheeps and cattle... the duchy's Galles ;-;. At least I'm protected from sudden austrian attacks by mountains :P Jokes aside, my production will be centered around raw goods for most craftmanship works then, like wool, leather, wood and metals. I can still make a rich region out of it. The Greiffon household has strong influence in the northen part of the county, so we will control directly Greinbourg, Greiffonburg, Nieberau and any mineshaft that may appear in the region. Moreover the village of Neukirchen is going to be strongly effected by the Count decisions; whoever is going to control it will have to face our oppresive presence over the village's matters ;P Guys, I foresay it, the first that jokes on our sheeps and goats is a dead man. We have wonderful landscapes visible from our gallows.
@Twisted Sun Middle is in a valley that is horizontally stretching between hilly areas in the absolute north and absolute south of the county. Hope that's helpful. I could tell you roughly on where to look at on the google maps. I would say the city of Amstetten is roughly where fictional castle of Greinburg is.
Thank you. Basically, the county of Greinbourg is the granary of the duchy :P We have big plains for cereals, some hills for wine... and also a whole river! Great, really great; it fits with the plan I had in mind. However, I'd like to add a mountain in a specific place. To be precise, It would be fantastic to have the castle of Greinbourg on a small and steep mountain. May I or is it forbidden?
PS) I will take a quick shower and will give feedback and answer your question, Twisted.
Thank you, my lord ;)
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