Avatar of Tybalt Capulet
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 800 (0.32 / day)
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    1. Tybalt Capulet 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Anyone out there trying to write about some sad cowboys and cowgirls? I love me some western, and god is it tricky to find.
6 yrs ago
I've started book 2 of my trilogy! Thanks to those who beta-read the first one for me!
6 yrs ago
First DnD session went awesomely! My players loved it, and a dragonborn was nearly killed by a bugbear.
6 yrs ago
Starting up DMing my first campaign this weekend!
7 yrs ago
50,033 words written! I finished NaNoWriMo!


Heyo! I'm Tybalt, and I'm an alcoholic...

Shoot, I think I'm doing this wrong. Y'know what, I'mma just throw up a character sheet for myself, y'all know how to read those.

Name: Tybalt
Species: Human. But, like, kinda Hobbit, too?
Age: 24
Rank: Peasant, probably.
Personality: Hard to nail down since I'm the one writing it, but I'm a type three on the Enneagram if that's worth anything.
Description: Two arms, two legs, a head, no feathers.
Abilities: Casual to advanced writing. I love a good advanced, but it's gotta be engaging as well as deep. Advanced is an investment, so I rarely keep up with more than one at a time.
Likes: Pirates, Knights, Cowboys, and everything in-between. I don't mind a good romance, but I'm just as happy to have a bro-tp as an otp. I also love anything by Brandon Sanderson, so if we've got some other fans out there, hit me up in the pm's.
Dislikes: This is less a dislike than a personal failing, but I tend to over-commit to too many stories, then not respond very quickly. You have been warned, I guess.

Most Recent Posts

Heyo! I can see that this is full, but if you end up needing more people, let me know! I'm super interested!
I just realized I did exactly what I said I wouldn't and forgot about this! Ahhhh! Super sorry about that. If you're still willing to keep the story running, or if you want to start a new one, I'd be happy to post here or elsewhere!

Health: 1,500/1,500
Mana: 300/300
Renn: 762

Plenty was happening all around. Players surged forward, meeting the wolves, a mighty horse reared up against one, and commands and encouragement sailed like urgent clouds over the battlefield. Amid all this, Aster felt peace. She knew her role, and she would fulfill it with the drive and concerted effort for which she had begun to be known. With a neat, controlled motion, she swept her blade free from its scabbard, then, like a spring uncoiling from too much tension, threw herself forward, a scream of rage growing already in the back of her throat.

She met wolf 1 immediately, and delivered a two-handed blow across its maw, then changed her grip and slashed in a spinning motion against its forelegs. She ended the motion crouched slightly, her katana gripped lightly, ready to be held more firmly once it met again with the artificial fur of the beast threatening her. It was odd, seeing a wolf attack after they had chosen the beast as their sigil, but the thought didn't get the chance to take root in her mind. Before it could attack her, she gritted her teeth and braced herself, supporting the flat of her blade with her off hand. Involuntarily, she closed her eyes, relying upo her memory of the arena as the creature bore down on her.

-Aster hits wolf 1 twice, once with a two-handed attack, once with a one-handed.
-She sets herself up to block, but also closes her eyes, b/c she dumb sometimes.
@Not FishingSounds good to me! Elodan might take a bit of convincing, though. He's not big on having his shortcomings pointed out.
The guards were, frankly, a bit of a surprise. Elodan had always know he had a bit of an inflated opinion of himself, but still, it seemed improper that guards should attempt to deter his entrance. He was a famed bard, for Iara's sake! Perhaps his notoriety hadn't yet reached this far, but even so, his garb and manner of speech should get him in anywhere! What nonsense. Well, he would see about that.

"Your pardon, sirs!"

"You again. What do you want this time, bard?"

"Went, sirs. Elodan Went."

"Maybe it's time you Went somewhere else, hmm?" The guards chuckled at that one. Elodan frowned. That was one of his go-to puns. It was a shame to have it stolen by a common guard. Jokes weren't like biscuits. Once someone had heard a joke, that was it. It wouldn't be as funny the next time. Biscuts, on the other hand, were always delicious.

"Very clever, sirs! Very clever indeed! Why, I never thought of such an observation." By Jirys, it was hard to keep up the proper speaking. Accents were like cloaks, though. Wearing the right one could get you most anywhere.

The bard straightened his cloak a bit, adjusting the stringed instruments that hung from straps over his shoulders. He was beginning to think he had brought a few too many. "Well. If it is of any note, I trained for a time under Hoyed of Witton. He was as much a jester as a flutist. If I were to entertain the benevolent ruler, that would hold up as valuable as well, no?" He contorted his well-fed face into what he imagined a jester might look like.

The guards glanced between each other, apparently communicating through some arcane, silent method. That, or just considering the simple question of whether or not to permit entry to the apparently-unarmed storyteller.

"Aye, you can come on in."

"You have my thanks, sirs. I promise you, your faith is not misplaced!"

"Ehh, I regret it already."

Elodan didn't wait for the imposing fellow to change his mind. With a bounding gait, he hurried inside, his merlin bouncing against his back in its case over his shoulder. This was what an adventure was supposed to begin like! A gathering of heroes, and here he was to tell the tale! Ah, they would repeat the ballad he composed for generations! As he strode into the inner courtyard, he sighted the would-be adventurers.

He spent another moment looking around. This couldn't be it. There were so few... swords. And was that a child? Dear god, it got worse. A serpentine creature would make an excellent addition to an epic, but near her, strumming away, was another bard! She appeared to have a lute, and he saw no wind instruments, but even so... It would hardly do for another to replace him. Perhaps replace was the wrong word. He didn't have the role, yet... He'd have to put his best face forward. Even a king had to be impressed with a student of Gerhan Luteman!

With all the stealth of a sleepwalking hippopotamus, Elodan edged toward the red-haired bard, who was playing a lively tune he had somehow not heard before. He did his best to remain patient as the young woman played, and as she did, he appraised her appearance. She, frankly, looked a bit rough. Plain clothes, a bit dirty... He shivered a bit. She looked like a true threat. By all appearances, she was a wanderer, perhaps an Isk'bet, by the sounds he slowly began to recognize. Apprenticeship under masters was one thing. Real-world experience with culturally-musical people... that was another.

Out of respect and concern, Elodan kept quiet, choosing instead to carefully tune his merlin to its optimal settings for one of his more rowdy bar songs. The king looked like a sturdy fellow. Surely he enjoyed a bawdy tune or two... Elodan considered the idea, while keeping near the other bard, and keeping a close eye on her as well.
So, looking at the two bards, they're pretty similar in function and attitude and all. That's not bad, necessarily, but I do have another character who is a bit more dour and certainly less bardly. I can submit his CS instead if that'd make for a more balanced story.

<Snipped quote by Tybalt Capulet>

Alternatively, he could find the leader of this evil force and seduce him/her/it to the side of good.

I mean, that's the point of a bard, right?
@AristoFair point. He's a fairly well-loved storyteller in his home region, and it's possible he's been heard of. Having a storyteller bard along is useful, though. Someone needs to recount the epic tale once they vanquish the plague or its source!
@Not FishingMy dude Elodan is just after the stories to be heard and retold.
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