Avatar of Vecee
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 48 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Vecee 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current You did good Samurai Jack, you did good.


Half-Life is full-life.

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@6slyboy6 Thanks! I'll see about posting the sheet into the Characters tab and getting a IC post up.

Edit: Aaand posted. Sorry for a less leader-focused post, though they'll be focused on next I'm sure, just need an event to kick everything off and it'll get into all the politics that ensue. "Politics"
More like panicking that they're biting off more then they can chew against humanity.

I probably should've asked some questions before tossing ideas around, but this is what I got. Hope you like, though I'll change as needed.
I'm really interested in this, especially the whole rebelling-against-giant-human-empire aspect with how the alien empires start. May I join?
Was here before, long time ago though- back at it again.

Been roleplaying for a long time. My writing is always split between action and character development, typically reliant on getting beat up relentlessly numerous times, and suffering a lot, then socializing a lot before getting beat up again. Then repeat until a victory/plot point appears. Pain makes you stronger, right? Right?

I'll probably be hanging around the Nation RP section (Specifically sci-fi threads that have a mix of fantasy in them) and Casual Roleplay, I just don't have the stamina to do a ton of paragraphs anymore unfortunately, though two/three are my "minimum" [that shifts a bit]
And you can probably guess I like the return of Samurai Jack with my icon and all that. Season 5 is glorious so far.

Anyways, hi! Good to meet you all, hope you don't mind me.
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