Avatar of Verminlord
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    1. Verminlord 9 yrs ago


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"Oh good, that's a relief." Well, that was one potential problem dealt with, considering her lack of control she would never wish herself on someone with a snake phobia. Since Melissa was her roommate explaining her power and the problems she had now would hopefully make things less strange when they act up. "Its my power, I can turn into snakes. I don't have very good control when i'm sleeping so you might make up one morning and see a cobra or something in my bed. So, uh, don't worry, its just me."

Good, now that was out the way hopefully she could get to some normal topics. Though the fact she found the other girl laying on the bed might mean she was tired, Chloe didn't want to be a bother if she was. First impressions here hard.

"Hey, I was planning to head down to check out the student lounge. Did you want to come with? I'l see you again later if not."

Chloe paid close attention to the headmistress. She was raised better than to ignore her like some of the others she spied doing. Honestly considering how many where here as their last chance you'd think that they would be trying harder. Wait, what was she talking about now? Training in her powers? Good. 10 PM curfew? Terrible. She normally didn't complain about the rules, but that was annoying. She was seventeen for Gods sake, how was she supposed to have some real fun stuck in her room. Oh, and now the headmistress is saying the everyone had been assigned roommates.

Chloe was lost in thought as the staff escorted them into the cafeteria, but the smell of the meat soon brought her attention back to the room. A forked tongue briefly appeared from between her lips as she tried to figure out where the best quality food was, before she realized what was happen and clamped her mouth shut. She really needed to stop losing control when food was involved, or the incident the the rabbit might be repeated.

Chloe shuddered at that memory. Never again
What was supposed to be a simple trip to the counter to grab some food was complicated when it was revealed that the chefs were making any dish the students ordered, within reason. Chloe was a bit surprised at that, but decided to take advantage. As she looked down at the pile of different meats that arrived she realized that she'd probably be skipping the next few meals. Damn Alaska and damn her coldbloodedness.


Right, the meal was delicious but its time to find her roommate. The name Melissa Wright written on the bit of paper she had been handed gave no clues as to which of the people in the sea of meta-humanity around her was her roommate. Oh, she hoped that the other girl would be interested in making friends, this was the first time Chloe has had a roommate and she wanted it to go well. There is absolutely nothing worse then getting off on the wrong foot with someone you are forced to spend time with, so plan 'Don't Say or Do Anything Stupid' is in full effect.

She quickly found her room and braced herself before entering. This is it. She stepped through the door. Her roommate was already there, laying on the bed. She looked younger than Chloe, but to her annoyance was about the same height.

"Hi there, nice to meet you" Chloe slumped onto her own bed, suddenly lost for what to say next. Quick, think!

"So, uh, are you afraid of snakes?"

Raining here as well.

Merry christmas from England
Chloe Knight

"You look cold, yeah? Go ahead, wear it for now. Just... be careful with it."

Chloe actually felt slightly overwhelmed by the offer. She knew it was stupid, after all he was just offering his coat to a cold looking girl. Still, it had taken all afternoon to get nice and toasty after arriving in this frozen wasteland and the ice powered girl had ruined it. She wasn't mad at her or anything but at the time it was just so frustrating it almost made her want to cry. She thought it was probably difficult for others to appreciate how hard it is to get comfortable when you couldn't control your own temperature without outside help. Coats and jumpers were useless since she didn't produce any heat for them to trap and her bed had been freezing every night until her parents had got her the electric blankets. As a result she had become quite used to the feeling of her body slowing down and becoming numb with cold, though being used to it didn't make it any more pleasant, in-

She was spacing out again.

Acting fast as to not lose any more of the precious body heat left on the coat, Chloe reached out and gently pulled the valuable looking coat on. It was far to large for her, but the feeling of the warmth was worth its weight in gold.

"Thank you, really. I can't warm up properly unless I get the heat from somewhere else, so coats usually don't help me" Chloe's expression was thankful, but soon a wry smile appeared "One of the many joys of having snake themed powers"

@spoopy scary
Well, he was taller than she had been expecting. It seemed she had managed a lucky guess with who to talk to, it seems he was up for a chat after all. She had wondered if she had made a mistake when he took a few moments to answer, but it seemed he was just unused to people approaching him. Not that she didn't see why of course, he was an impressively sized guy. Some might have been intimidated, but she felt that appearances were not to be trusted with meta-humans, and everyone here was in the same boat.

She flashed a quick grin at the joke, but gave a more genuine smile at the compliment. She decided that it felt nice to have some normal interaction for once, which she had missed since the people at her Uni had discovered her 'condition'. She accepted the handshake when Abe introduced himself, his skin feeling almost boiling compared to her own. She had discarded the gloves once she realized that as she didn't produce heat they wouldn't do anything for her anyway. God, she must feel like ice at the moment. She certainly was feeling a little sluggish from the cold, it was lucky that her altered biology meant she could take it without to much trouble beyond feeling like she was underwater. She suddenly realized that a silent moment had passed since he introduced himself.

"Chloe. My name that is, nice to meet you. Sorry, I get a little spaced out when i'm too cold, a side affect you know?" Chloe gave a nervous smile while internally berating herself for messing up a simple conversation. "So, do you know anyone else around here? I have to admit your the first of the others I've spoken too."

@Spoopy Scary

Yo Skelebro, got some interactions for ya in the IC
Ha, of course the academy had to be in the north pole. Or close enough anyway. Chloe swore some greater being must have chosen her powers and this academy just so it could laugh at the result. She had been rather enjoying sitting inside with the rest of the students before that girl had lost control of her power and reenacted a scene from 'Day after tomorrow'. Not that she blamed the girl, after all it was the reason they were all here. Still, it had been the reason why she had abandoned the comfy seats and had a look above deck, the temperature wasn't that different.

The sight of the island briefly stole her gaze. It was beautiful, if not as warm as she would like. There were a few other things it had going for it as well. Lots of animal life, which would be good for her bird watching, plus it would probably be interesting. A school of meta-humans, all the drama plus powers, but also a chance to meet others like her and hopefully make some friends. She still found it slightly hard to think of herself as a meta-human, despite the obviousness of her ability. Still, seeing the variety and strangeness of some of the other students here drove it home. They weren't normal. Perhaps the strange feeling she had would leave once she gained proper control of her powers, she would need to ask if some of the other bestial types were ever confused as well. Or maybe not, it might make her look weird.

All in all though, Chloe was pretty happy about this whole thing. Sure the weather was terrible, but the chance to make friends who wouldn't judge her was priceless. Though that asshole who tore into the poor ice girl showed that perhaps she was being a bit naive, it seemed there would always be someone ready to ruin everything.

Speaking of making friends, it was time to get of her ass and go introduce herself to someone. Chloe pushed off from the railing of the ship, her gaze scanning the crowds before settling on someone sitting by themselves on the edge of the tier, dangling their legs over the side. He didn't seem to be talking to anyone and if he wants to be alone she's sure he'd tell her. Can't make friends without taking a risk after all.

Chloe walked up to the end of the tier, looking over at the dreadlocked student as she spoke.

"The academy huh, what do you think it will be like?"
Would a power similar to lightning be a good extreme? (Sorry if this is taking a while)

Also, a question about the bestial powers - is it possible to have minor permanent attributes of the animal and also turn into a few types of the animal?

My character can turn into any snake, but also can also have the attributes of the snakes in human form, so I guess thats a yes.
@Mr Allen J

Sounds good to me.
Well, in terms of age alone Chloe would end up with Kai :)

Thinking pratically however, then Pink, Jessica or Annie depending on if she gets put with someone older or younger.

If Pink's room needs its own heating then perhaps that works best, though I'm not sure if the ideal temp would be the same or not.
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