Avatar of Verse Zero
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 163 (0.06 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Verse Zero 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Thrash Unreal speaks to me on so many levels. Love that song.
7 yrs ago
addicted to John Wick 2 soundtrack
8 yrs ago
When your weekend is basically 8 hours of class followed by a 6 hour shift
8 yrs ago
the intro to Deadpool is one of the best ever. Period.
8 yrs ago
"Hey whats your name?" "I like your face." This is why I don't have a boyfriend folks.



I'm a veteran roleplayer interested primarily in fantasy, post-apocalyptic, gothic fantasy/horror, and science fiction.

I was born in Sigmaringen, Germany and I am a university student studying Forensic Psychology. I like hiking, Rugby, and 80's music!

Most Recent Posts

Should I wait to post?

Feel free. If it's a flashback I don't see how it'd be an issue of who goes first.

Fingers crossed!

You write very well for being disoriented! lol XD


Nah they never found who did it. But hopefully the result is different for you!
Valeria, Council Chambers

The Council Chamber buzzed with activity, the sounds of politicking and litigation, the sounds of the heart of an empire. An empire all in but name, for Nocturne covered a variety of lands and peoples, but remained rather unobstructed in the affairs of the Provinces. Only when necessary did the Council or Elders intervene. Now what was deemed necessary is always up to opinion. Nevertheless the Elders went through great pains to project an image of not being monarchs. They wore no crowns, held no scepters, and save for Amelia who took a title of nobility solely by merit alone do not proscribe themselves as some highborn lord or lady. Despite the fact that most in Nocturne would refer to them as if they were. Calling them lords and lady.

Amelia, regal in her posture, had a face of blank boredom. She had heard it all before. The idle gossip, the sniveling rumors, the backhanded jabs, and the oratory posturing. She snapped the index and thumb of her left hand, a handmaiden swiftly came over with a silver goblet, handing it to Amelia she held it as a crimson liquid was poured into the chalice. Once it was filled the handmaiden stepped away to the side of the hall. Amelia raised the goblet to her nostrils, gently swirling the liquid, smelling the aromas. For it was wine, vampire wine, she could smell the slight traces of iron. The other aromas were of sweet maple, apples, and grapes grown in the Northern vineyards of Tyrstria. It was an excellent Spring blend. Taking a sip, the liquid staining her lips a slightly darker shade of red, she enjoyed the flavor before swallowing.

Casting her eyes about the room, roving like a searchlight, she took in all who was in the crowded room. There where bankers, entrepreneurs, aristocrats, politicians, judicial magistrates, officers, and even artisans. A few of the commoner class were also present, being constituents of some of the politicians present as they heard their pleas, petitions, and grievances. No doubt a few would grace her study by midnight. Nearest to her, blocked by only a few individuals, was Alenios. Count of Sibiu, staunchly loyal to Amelia, so much so that it produced a steady string of gossip about them. The most popular is that Alenios secretly has been bedding Amelia for some time now. Let the vipers tell their fables was Amelia's opinion. As her eyes stopped at Alenios she released a small smile, no doubt others would see it as a sign of silent flirtation, maybe the stories were true? If so Alenios was either insanely lucky, or playing with a very dangerous fire, one that could easily see a head roll. One that certainly wouldn't be Amelia's. Not that Amelia wished him ill will; but that others would see Alenios trying to make a power play and attempt to outright murder him before he could supplant anyone.

Amelia's eyes moved on, like gemstones they shown. Roving to the benches Amelia spotted a large fellow, a giant of a man, a name entered her mind. She had heard of such a fellow, for he seemed to match the description, Haerum? Haddum? Hatam?. Movement on the periphery drew her eyes away, a redhead, an elegant girl. Amelia did not know her, but there was something about her, a glint in her eye. She would have to inquire further.

"My Lady."

Amelia's head snapped back to before her, a Death Dealer knelt, Amelia waved a hand and the warrior rose. "Report from Morhemia." Amelia held out her hand, the soldier took out a parcel and bowing his head handed it to the Elder. Nodding in thanks to the Death Dealer, who promptly left, Amelia snapped open the seals. Several papers packed with scrawling text spanned the pages. As she scanned down the page more and more disturbing information became clear. The Germanic tribes were uniting under a tribal King.

Traditionally fractious, the Germans did occasionally unite under a strong High King, and when they did they made their presence known. The last major invasion was in 778 and took the forces of Morhemia, Veiern, Valeria, and elements from Magyan and Transylvania to decisively end that war. The War lasted a solid ten years from 778-788. This coupled with the Cult of the Savior Christ beginning to spread prompted Marcusz to awaken Vlad and Amelia so that they may deal with the various threats. For the later half of the 8th Century was a time of numerous wars with Nocturne's neighbors.

This darkened Amelia's mood, folding the pages and depositing them on her side she took heavier sips of wine, her face enraptured with thought. Looking at Alenios once more Amelia flicked her head slightly. Indicating for him to situate himself next to her.

Alright, sounds like a plan, I hope they catch whoever took your bike! Had something similar occur to my parents about ten years ago. Stole my mothers bike, cut the lock cable (now we only use solid steel locks...be very noisy to cut through), and took off!
Finishing up a term paper, will get a post up after, XD

Awesome, can't wait!


I plan on getting a post up today. Mainly to just add some fluff and build upon the open council session. Don't really want to move forward without having everyone's introduction posts up.
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