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    1. Whiskers 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Do you ever just dream you're in a bacon boat flowing down a river of bacon and bacon clouds are in the sky and bacon peanut butter bacon with some bacon bacon
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why does it have to be a cow tongue?
I'm thinking Daz and Thuundaar aren't even required for a mission like this, or even proper for the circumstances.
i thought they were just amorphous taste blobs enslaved by the human race so we could enjoy pizza not just eat it
Having a cute dog gives females a reason to talk to you.
Wookiee's up under Daz's sheet.

After some confusion I decided to keep the rank at sergeant for Corde. He could even be an experienced coordinator for other anti armor infantry in the regiment.

Once everything's all reviewed and accepted i'll get to work on an IC post.
You sure about the Sergeant rank? It doesn't quite jive with his personality.

Edit: But it's up to you. Just that it's a bit of a leadership role and all.

Edit: Also, PLX-2 is a little too new-tech, maybe an old school Republic PLX-1? Those were known to take down AT-ST's with a well placed shot -- lots of power. Either that or the good ole Rebel HH-15, which was harder to aim and required a better touch to get it right.

Solid point, i'll tone him down a rank and replace the PLX-2 to an old school PLX-1.
If the wookie doesn't come up tonight, it will tomorrow. I'll be in mountain time.
Name: Sergeant Corde, Daz
Species: Human
Age: 36
Planet of Origin/Birth: Uslam
Force Sensitive Y/N: Nah.


- Magnetic Sense, total speculation. Daz claims his record aim with his constant dumb-firing of 'Rancor', his plex launcher, relies on a keen magnetic sense. Although it could be muscle memory. Or conditioning in the same way a carpenter hones his skills over time, becoming automatic and flawless with a hammer and nail.

- That still only counts as one! Daz is perfectly aware of all the sweet spots to lick on an AT-AT and AT-ST. (He claims to have clipped the wing of a TIE fighter while dumb-firing.)

- Pistoleer; The DL-44 has been a useful tool on more than one occasion, and he's skilled in using something so light as a feather same as he is with his heavy plex.

- Open Field Combat, definitely his advantage. Close quarters situations usually require him to stand the fuck back and wait for orders. Being limited to his pistol makes things a little too personal than he'd like.

- Rebel Dog. In every sense of the word, although his spirit isn't broken. He is extremely obedient, having no record of defying any order no matter it's questionable nature or obviously dangerous tasks.

- Fallback Lineman. Whether it's providing assistance during a tactical retreat, or reinforcing the back line to keep the men ahead of him moving forward, he's secured his position there. When serious situations arise, he is capable of rushing to the frontlines to accomplish his job, however the weight he carries takes him a minute to get there.

- PLX-1 missile launcher;He calls it "Rancor" and has painted a bloody maw of such a creature around the launcher's exit.

- DL-44 Heavy Blaster pistol

- A canteen he likes to fill up with alcohol when nobody's looking.

- A shattered vibrosword with only about six inches of blade standing from the hilt. Mostly cosmetic, primarily symbolic. "To serve as a memory." is etched into what's left of the nigh useless thing.

- An ancient gold pendant that displays a still image hologram of Daz and his Wookie life companion Thuundaar when opened.

- Little under half a pound of assorted candies, wrapped up in leather pouches around his utility belt before every battle.

- A forest camo headband always tucked with a cigar before battle, comrades like to spread rumors that his cigars are laced with spice. A miniature flag of Uslam sticks out from his right ear.

- A small data encrypted hologram titled "Message from Home"

- His standard issue infantry backpack primarily consists of four clips for his plex, equalling eight shots total save two more shots preloaded going into battle. Ammunition dependent on mission status, although primarily anti-armor.

Psychological Profile:
When Daz isn't inhaling fresh air, or the bellowing smoke of a burning AT-ST, he is hollow. He behaves almost entirely like an infantry drone to all of his comrades, calling even the FNGs 'sir' and 'ma'am'. A loyal dog to the Alliance, he behaves without question.

Yet when he takes that first long stride into the field, a jovial wookie by his side, a real personality awakens. Explosions form charismatic smiles that he'd like to think are contagious among the men. Citing during several battles that it was 'good for morale'. Imperials dying right before his eyes, by his hand or anyone else's, fills him with a confident stride in his step. He shouts jokes, creates explosions, and laughs pompously. It is his only natural habitat.

"Home is where the heart is, I used to think that was Uslam. Left me hollow for some time...until I found my heart again on the open field."

It was during the final days of conflict on Uslam that Daz realized to go for the neck on an AT-AT, like any adept predator. With focused effort he acquired a modified barrel that would launch several explosives into the tube-shaped neck of an AT-AT towering before him, a short lived victory before two more replaced it's position. The enemy armor was overwhelming, and it was something that infuriated him. One might make the allusion that it was as if he were a carpenter with no nails, a pilot with no fuel, or a gambler with no credits.

Being pushed off his homeworld, to this day, was the most gut wrenching experience of his life. To have to swear vengeance is a wretched feeling, and he'd hated the feeling of hatred with such passion. From a simple laborer with no violence in his heart, to a borderline pyromaniac, it was undoubtedly the Empire who forged such a weapon against themselves. Arguably, it is the Empire controlling his actions, as they've been the center of his emotional breakdown and the sole cause of a gaping hole in his heart for years now. Serving the Liberators until death, his place is always alongside his comrades.

Yes, and:
Daz is especially familiar with Beskad, having acquired a lot of weaponry and explosives from him during the conflicts on Uslam, both in the initial uprising and the final days against the Empire. Now, he treats Beskad with a highly honored respect not many are shown, even if a rank higher.

Publicly, he has a lot of disdain for Slooga. Grunts whisper it's all a cover, because when no one's looking he's bartering for spice from the hutt.

Corporal Vannin, usually referred to as 'Sir', is another comrade with much respect from Daz. The sergeant behaves almost as if he needs the corporal's approval of him as a soldier, as if he's not sure if he measures up to the corporal.

His wookiee companion Thuundaar honors a lifedebt to him, although nobody knows for certain exactly why unless they find the time dig through old files.

Other Uslam vets hold a lot of respect for Daz, as much as he keeps to himself in the mess hall.

Coincidently Pandora Radio decided to play some rap song about turning up right as I opened that picture of hutt with swagger.

Plex launcher coming up later today. Soon after, his wookie companion who will carry extra ammunition and standard issue equipment for the whole crew. Just tweaking and working on their personalities before I finish with their histories.
your face sounds good
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