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In Feral 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Name: Sieg Hart ( CHARACTER RETIRED, BUT NOT DEAD)... needs updating
Nickname: Sieg
Species: Seraphim
Age: 27

Physical Quirks: Normally takes on human appearance but in his true form, his human form is covered in a bone like armor, revealing only his eyes, though he can still speak. A pair of white wings form on his back.

Weapons: Summons an astral blade, which can absorb the mana of an opponent to increase his own, same with magical objects. The blade is able to block material weapons, although it would act the same way as a normal weapon would under this circumstances, as such Sieg would require huge amounts of strength to stop melee attacks in this way and prefers to stay further away.


Sieg was born with a gift for elemental magic, and was exceptional even among the Seraphim. However, this gift came at a price as his parents were killed by a feral upon his birth. It is rumoured that their powers added to his due to their sacrifice to protect him, as the feral was unable to touch him but was instead struck dead by a sudden lightning bolt which struck the house but left Sieg unscathed.

He was taken in by the village chief, another Element Master, and underwent rigorous training as a child to control his magic. Although his magic was extremely powerful, if he ever lost control due to pain or emotional extremes, his magic could be unleashed uncontrollably and end up destroying those around him, even his loved ones. Hence he trained himself to withstand all forms of torture and trained himself to keep a rein on his emotions.

However, if his loved ones are threatened, he will do whatever it takes to protect them, even if it means using his magic at full power.

Due to the rigor of his training since his childhood, he has few friends aside from the village chief, despite having earned the title of Element Master, the highest possible 'rank' for one with his branch of magic. He has an innate distrust towards daeva, as it was because of their ferality that caused him to be orphaned at birth. However, he is generally tolerant of their existence and is indifferent towards them. Recognising that not all daeva are savages at heart, he does not fighting alongside them for a common goal.

Hearing that Ardal was looking for willing heroes to look for a possible cure to ferality, Sieg volunteered, wanting to put a permanent halt to the curse that took his parents away and spare others from his sad past.
In Feral 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Name: Balalaika Shenhua.

Nickname: Chiisai Doragon (Tiny Dragon.)

Age: 18.

Gender: Female.

Race: Dragon Daeva,

Physical Quirks: Balalaika has rather odd eye, hair, and scale colour, all being silver. She also is very short in height for a Daeva, only standing 5 feet, 4 inches tall.

Personality: Balalaika is kind heated, caring, loving and soft spoken, unusual traits considering the events of her childhood, but perhaps a result of the same childhood experiences. Balalaika's personality is also generally cheerful, and she can be quite talkative toward those she knows and even to strangers, to a extent. Balalaika is also normally calm, even when she is fighting, unless she is somehow hurt enough by the words or actions of another person toward herself or someone or something she cares about that she becomes angry. She is slow to anger, but once she is angry she has a tendency to be very destructive and has trouble calming down and listening to others, with Neon and Drak being the notable exceptions as they could get her to listen to them and calm herself. Has empathy toward wounded creatures, feral being the exception, and will attempt to heal any wound she can without asking for anything in return. Is extremely close to and devoted to Neon.

Weapons/Abilities: Balalaika as with others of her race is very strong and possesses great agility and quickness, which otherwise would be rather normal if not for her quite small size and weight in comparison with most other Daeva. These somewhat unusual traits for one her size allows her to wear armor that other daeva of her stature would not be able to wear.

Abilities: Balalaika is intelligent, very much so even for a daeva and this had lead some among her kind to become jealous of her and hate her. She has a limited ability to heal herself and others from minor to moderate wounds, although there are severe wounds she can not heal herself or others from.

Weapons: Balalaika’s main offensive abilities aside from her teeth and claws ate an acidic-like mist which can decompose most materials within a certain range, and the ability to move objects with her mind, but its range is also limited. Both these abilities diminish greatly when used against targets outside their range. Balalaika does carry a sword, but has seldom fought with it.

History: Balalaika was born in Ximenes. Sometime shortly after her birth, while traveling to Xerxes with other daeva, her mother, father, two older brothers and a older sister, Balalaika and the rest of the group were ambushed by a large group of mercenaries hired to seek out and capture daeva or feral for use in the pits. After being taken to their predetermined imprisonment location in a pit, the other older daeva, Balalaika’s parents and siblings among them, were forced to fight for the amusement and profit of those who oversaw the pits.

One day, two days after Balalaika watched both of her parents die in forced fighting, and one month after the death of her last sibling, her sister, the pit were Balalaika was being housed was visited by two unexpected visitors, Dralina and Drakonia Blazion. In the fighting that ensued and the pits operators rush to escape, Balalaika was left behind, presumably to die of starvation killed later by feral. Against the misgivings of his sister, Drak decided to take the young daeva with he and his sister back to Xerxes.

While Dralina, (Neon) was not particularly close to Balalaika, Drak spoiled her quite a bit and thus the two became very close, pledging she would never leave his side and would defend him to the death if necessary. After Drak disappeared, Balalaika eventually gravitated to Neon and subsequently formed a very strong bond with the dragon daeva, much to Neon’s surprise and other feelings she had at first about the matter. Balalaika has since worked tirelessly, and proven herself a very loving, loyal, faithful and competent being to Neon and eventually made to Neon the same solemn promise she made to Drak.

Wanted to join neon on the journey but was told to stay behind, a fear that she would be injured or killed the motivation behind Neon’s decision. Balalaika quickly devised an elaborate lie to convince those charge with her care that she had an important errand to undertake for Neon and using this as a cover; Balalaika left the capitol and headed for Jahzara. After finding no one there, Balalaika eventually learned their plans from Captain Shaan. Then after traveling to the outpost, Balalaika was able to learn the groups general direction of travel, although she didn’t know their exact location and thus she headed in the direction she had been told Neon and the others went hoping to find them.


Dragon form-Smaller body as seen here, minus hair and eyes are golden with silver irises.
In Feral 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Name: Veles Alosia
Nickname: Shade
Species: Seraphim
Age: 35

Weapons: None


Shade is known among his fellow Seraphims as the "Cursed Prince", as he has the power over the shadows. Among the seraphims, one who controls the darkness is cursed with "evil" blood, and as such, Shade was outcast at birth and raised by fellow exiles, who taught him how to control his shadow magic, though none of them really knew how it worked, so he could only learn its basic uses.

That was until, one day when a pack of ferals attacked the exile village and killed everyone. Shade's power went out of control and started killing everything around him - feral and seraphim. As each of them fell to his power, their shadows were absorbed into his and his power grew. A group of assassins, a mix of daeva and humans, passed by the site of carnage and seeing Shade's terrifying power, wanted to kill him. Yet a kind soul among them decided to take him in and raise him as a son, teaching him to keep his power under control.

Over the years, Shade has learned to control his own unique ability and develop his own style of using it in combat. He forms weapons with his shadow - crossbows and swords mostly, and is able to form wings and take flight, though he cannot go too high above the ground or risk falling to death.

True Form: Shade merges with his shadow, becoming a being entirely composed of shadows and cannot be hurt by physical means.

Extra: Despite absorbing others' shadows when he kills them, heis increase in strength isn't permanent. He uses the shadows to marshall into weapons and fires bolts of shadow at his enemies, and these shadows disappear once they've hit.
In Feral 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Name: Hagumi. (Hagu to her friends.)

Nickname: Ice princess or Icey.

Age: 18.

Gender. Female.

Race: Seraphim. (Daughter of a member of the Council of the Righteous.)

Magic Specializations- Ice magic, which is channeled through her weapon, a sword she named Doragon.

Personality: Quiet and calm, Hagumi is very focused when she is fighting, training, or studying. She does have a more friendly and outgoing side, but one could sometimes get the distinct impression, correct or not, that Hagumi is not truly happy or having a good time and that there are things weighing upon her mind that overshadow all else. In her 'alone/spare time,' Hagumi enjoys music and reading many types literature, both fiction, non fiction, poetry, and of course text concerning magic. However, she does not spend her time exclusively in those pursuits and makes a concerted effort to go out and enjoy herself with others or alone.

Hagumi's powers allows her to control the weather in the immediate vicinity, or more specifically, the water in the surrounding atmosphere. As long as there is moisture in the atmosphere, Hagumi can keep attacking, however, she can only keeping fighting as long as her body has sufficient reserves to do so.

The slashes created by Doragon give off magical power which overflows from the tip of the blade, creating a flow of ice vaguely shaped like a dragon. The dragon flies at opponents and instantly freezes anything it touches. Hagumi can can also direct her slashes towards the ground and form a wave of ice, which rushes over her opponents, overwhelming and freezing them.

Doragon has four known special techniques. The first freezes any enemy Hagumi stabs, as a huge burst of ice erupts from the point of contact between Hagumi and the opponent(s), locking them into a cocoon of ice, freezing them to the core before the ice shatters.

The second forms a multitude of ice pillars using the moisture in the atmosphere. These pillars hold the enemy prisoner for a variable amount of time, also freezing them. A second version of this attack occurs when Hagumi creates a number of ice pillars, which encircle she and her enemy. When Hagumi turns Doragon 90 degrees counter-clockwise), these pillars then move towards the enemy, pr enemies, enveloping and crushing it.or them.

The third technique launches a multitude of ice shards in an attempt to impale her opponent. These shards act in much the same way as Hagumi's other attacks, that bbeing when they come in contact with a enemy, or enemies, their body, or bodies are cocooned in ice, to their core before the ice shatters, and along with it, the enemy, or enemies, killing them.

Her fourth, and most powerful attack causes a blizzard composed of snow flakes to fall from the sky, freezing anything they touch in a flower like shape, which, like her other attacks, shatters a brief time later, killing the enemy or enemies, potentially. All of the attacks are strong and can be lethal, their effectiveness as well as lethality dependent on the opponent or opponent’s attributes. The first three attacks are generally used against single targets, with the fourth used against multiple opponents.

Hagumi is also capable of creating a, Shield of Ice Wings. Ice forms over Hagumi's wings and extend outward, retaining the shape of her normal wings. Hagumi wraps around herself in her ice wings, like a sphere, protecting her from most attacks.

Hagumi can also use Doragon, who’s runes in addition to helping Hagumi channel magic, also make Doragon stronger then a normal sword, to attack her opponent or opponents using various conventional attacks. However, due to her race’s specialization and reliance on magical abilities, she is not nearly as strong or able to endure conventional based combat as are the Daeva’s or Feral’s.

Hagumi is also capable of summoning Doragon in her dragon form. When this occurs, Doragon's spirir is released from the sword and takes the form of a large ice dragon/ In this form, Doragon breaths a fine icy mist which acts in much the same way Hagumi's attacks act. Doragon is capable of trampling things underfoot and attacking them with claws and teeth, whose touch inflict the same type of damage as she does in sword form when stabbing and o r slashing at a enemy or enemies. She is seldom called upon to attack in this manner as summoning Doragon takes a great deal of energy, thus Hagumi seldom calls Doragon forth at present.

Background: Hagumi was born into a family in which her mother is a member of the Council of the Righteous and her father a renowned teacher of magic within the Seraphim’s. Hagumi’s family lives in Adalrich and has done so for as long as can be remembered, her family having long held a seat in the Council of the Righteous. Hagumi was schooled in magic from a early age and spent many long hours perfecting, as best she could, her skills in magic. On her 16nth birthday, Hagumi received Doragon and began a new, far more difficult period of training, astounding her teachers by quickly, and seemingly easily, mastering Doragon and its abilities.

Although she spent much of her childhood and adolescence in the training and study of magic, Hagumi’s parents also made sure that their daughter had time to pursue as much as a social life, acquire friends and explore her interest as much as the limited time away from study and training allowed. Upon hearing that a cure for feralism was being actively sought, Hagumi volunteered under the basis that a cure of the feralism was obviously the best course of action for the long term survival of all the kingdoms. However, known only to one close friend, Hagumi has a more personal reason for wanting to help search in the search for a cure.

Description extra: (Eye colour is very light blue, very similar to what one would find in pure breed Siberian huskies. Hagumi's eyes can express great emotion and depth, but can also to be as cold as the coldest winter’s ice if she is in battle.)
In Feral 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Name: Rolnak Ordoth (DECEASED)

In Feral 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Torva Pectoris
Nickname: Torva
Species: Wolf Daeva
Age: 25

Hair Color: Dark Gray, with streaks of black
Hair Style: Long and ragged. Unkempt but clean. It goes down to around his lower back, and while he generally lets it hang free, sometimes he'll tie it into a ponytail to keep it from getting stuck on branches
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Skin Color: White, but tanned from years in the sun. Mostly covered by hair.
Height: 6'3"
Body Build: Tall and muscular. His muscles are toned, but not huge, as he's built for speed and not strength.

Clothing: Torva dresses in simple farmhand attire. His shirt is a loose fitting tan cotton with cutoff sleeves. He wears simple brown pants and generally goes without shoes. In the event that he has to go into town, he generally wears simple pauper's shoes and trades in his shirt for a plaid long-sleeved shirt. A basic belt holds his pants up, with loops on the pants generally used for tying objects to, like a money bag.

Physical Quirks: An injury during his journey has caused him to become unable to transform fully into a human, leaving him looking at-best like a werewolf.

Weapons: Generally fights bare-handed, although he is capable with a simple bow and arrow when hunting.

Background: Torva grew up the poor son of a Daeva in the moutains north of Xerxes. His father preferred his family stay away from others, instead focusing on being self-reliant. As such, Torva spent much of his childhood learning to farm, fish, and hunt. Now an adult, he followed in his father's footsteps and built his own home outside of town, venturing in once a month for supplies. A lifetime of hunting and hard work in isolation has turned in an honest, if not somewhat ignorant, man. This is only complicated by the fact that his father went feral when he was just 18, leaving a mark on his family name that he cannot escape. As such, Torva has finally decided that the world is not working hard enough to find a cure, and has packed up and set out for town to discover for himself exactly why his people are afflicted so.

After traveling with the group for so long, he has fallen deeply in love with the Seraphim Hagumi, and together they continue to search for a cure and fight through the intolerance that such a pairing will create.

Extra: A lifetime of injuries living alone in nature has made Torva a capable field medic. Unfortunately, he is more a hunter and tracker than a fighter, and while he is more than capable of defending himself, can't quite match the skill of a soldier, and certainly not the destructive power of a mage.
In Feral 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
<Snipped quote by wild-kitsune>

That works. I'm assuming that also means controlling Neon when necessary?

I will try my best to avoid putting her in situations where you need to, but probably.
In Feral 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Name: Queen Dralina Blazion
Nickname: Neon
Species: Dragon Daeva.
Age: 20.

Hair Color: Blood red with black streaks.
Hair Style: Goes down to just above her buttocks, usually free, but occasionally in a ponytail. Rather smooth, but curls around the edges. Bangs down to her nose, covering up her eyes for the most part.
Eye Color: Green.
Skin Color: Pale.
Height: 5''11
Body Build: Slim, with little muscle.

Clothing: Wears a segmentata (straps of armor in the form of a chestplate tied at the front) of hardened, crimson dyed leather with silver buckles over a longsleeved black shirt. Identical "plated" crimson leather forms her shoulderpads, going down her arms to just above her elbows. Crimson leather gauntlets, with black fingerless gloves covering the rest of her hand. The leather appears once more on her legs, just beneath her knees to form leg armor over the front and strapped at the back over a pair of black leather boots. She wears a thick black long-sleeved shirt underneath the armor, looking like silk but sturdier. Thick, slightly loose black leather pants adorn her legs. Adorning her waist are two black leather belts, criss crossed over eachother to form and "x" at the front and back, with small pouches for carrying supplies. On her shoulders, over the leather shoulder pads with a silver chain at the front, is a black, thick fur cloak.

When combat gets particularly intense, she is able to form armor out of her shadows that can further protect her from harm. Black wisps of shadow constantly dance along the armor's edges, forming tendrils that can lash out if necessary.

Physical Quirks: Although she looks human most of the time, she can summon black dragon wings, tail, claws, etc., in any order, or transform into an anthro dragon, or full dragon. Although her long pointed ears and fanged teeth always stay no matter what form. Has a red orb hanging from her left ear, and a scar across her face from the bottom of her left eye, across the bridge of her nose, and to her right cheek, with a smaller one on the top and bottom in parallel. (Like something with three claws slashed her face).

Weapons: Carries a small hunting knife and the cursed longsword Skullsplitter, a remnant from someone lost to feralism

Background: Neon started the expedition with the intent of finding her twin brother Drak, whom had fallen to feralism but was publicly proclaimed dead. Although it wasn't known at first, Neon was the daughter of King Raha and heir to the daeva throne. After many dead ends and false leads, she was forced to fight and kill her father to protect Drak, only to watch him perish at the hands of the human army. Now the official queen of the daeva monarchy, she continues to skirt her responsibilities as ruler, preferring instead to strike out and continue to search for a cure while her childhood companions tend to the kingdom in her stead.

Extra: Has trained rigorously in the shape shifting of her forms, being able to go from anywhere to human, to full dragon, and anywhere inbetween. Was a born a twin.
In Feral 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
This is the CS database for the RP "Feral." Please direct all inquiries to the OOC (or PM me), as this thread is solely for the purpose of storing all ACTIVE character sheets for easy reference.

NOTE: Feral is a legacy RP from before RPG was wiped and rebuilt. Although it originated in Casual, it has since been moved to Advanced due to the high average quality of posts. In addition, Feral began in February of 2010, making it one of the longest running ongoing roleplays on RPG. Because of this, we tend to move a bit slower than many of the other RPs. However, the core group of players is incredibly dedicated. We're often taking new players and welcome anyone who believes they are comfortable with our relaxed pace. Dedication will be rewarded, and rather than finding yourself in yet another game that dies within weeks, you might just find that our slower pace is more than a fair trade for being part of a consistent group that won't just vanish... even if the site does.

The CS format is as follows:
Hair Color:
Hair Style:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:
Body Build:
Physical Quirks:
In Feral 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
As for Commian, post your CS and we'll go from there. We already have blood magic so conceptually what you're looking to do isn't unreasonable. It'll really depend on the limitations and costs of its use.
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