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I have been writing since I was 17 years old. I am now 33 and I've been enjoying life. Writing is a passion just as reading is. My favorite genre is murder/mystery, but I love fantasy and I love action/adventure. I have published a collection of short stories that can be found on Apple Books, Barnes and Nobles, and Kindle. I have a trilogy in the works, the first part scheduled for release this year.

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Caleb walked into the beauty that was the school's garden. Looking around he could only smile warmly as he trailed a finger along the flora watching the flower respond to his touch by opening its petals. No wonder Ambrose had found some sort of security here, or at least he did. Eventually, he found a tree that he sat down underneath. He didn't know what he was going to say to Ambrose, he didn't even know how to start a conversation with him, but at the moment he had no plan of action, he just felt that if he didn't tell him, if he just left it open-ended it would eat him alive and he didn't want that. He didn't want there to be any awkwardness between them anymore. He didn't want there to be any questions or any more confusion regarding his feelings.

He had settled in his spot when he heard Ambrose's voice. When he rounded the corner, he noticed Ambrose had his arms crossed across his chest. It was a defensive posture. Sighing, Caleb stood up and looked at Ambrose.

"I know we haven't seen eye to eye on a lot of things and I'm responsible for most if not all of it, but the reason I called you here was to ask you..." Caleb paused as he realized he was looking at the ground and not Ambrose. He resisted the urge to look away and looked at Ambrose. "Just tell me. Be real with me Ambrose. Do you hate me?"

Was that really the question he wanted to ask? Was this really going to be the way he started the conversation? He pushed it all to the back of his mind.

"I know you don't like me, I messed up any true future we may have had, it just sucks because I really like you and I regret ever hurting you, I regret ever making you feel any type of fear or whatever. I just wish......" Caleb sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry for everything I've done that caused you pain, that caused you discomfort, or hurt you in any way."

He finally looked away and backed up until he back was against the tree and he lifted his head and looked up at the sky. "You never know what little time you have left until you've faced death."
There was silence after the headmaster left. Caleb read and jotted down notes for the final exam that was coming up in the next couple of days. He was trying to figure out how to balance finals with hunting for a demon vanishing set of knives.

“Hey Caleb,” Sam announced as she came up to him sitting down without asking. “You okay? You’ve been silent these last couple of days.”

“How did you know I was here?” Caleb asked not looking up from his book.

“Don’t give me that Caleb. This lone wolf thing doesn’t suit you. We are your friends Caleb you can talk to us,” Sam said reaching out and placing a soft hand on Caleb’s hand.

Caleb sighed and looked up at Sam. “I’m just tired Sam. Just want things to return to normal, ya know.”

“Before him?”

Caleb exhaled as he closed his book and dropped the pen on the table.

“Caleb I love you we have been friends since freshman year. I know you, and I know when something is bothering you. Talk to me.”

Caleb looked at Sam and shook his head. “I’m thinking of leaving next year.”


Sam looked at Caleb with a hurt expression. He couldn’t look her in the eyes and he was so thankful when his phone vibrated. Looking down at it he managed a soft smile before standing up and packing his items in his backpack.

“Are we still on for tonight?” Sam asked not asking about the message but Morris wanting to spend time with her friend.

“I will text you okay?” He knelt down and kissed her forehead which caused her to smile. “You’re my best friend Sam, I will tell you if anything is wrong okay? For now just let it go.”

Sam sighed as she watched Caleb walk off. He was headed towards the garden. When he arrived he sent a quick text to Ambrose. I’m here.
Caleb didn't know what to say. He could tell that Ambrose didn't expect all of the power to shift to him, but Caleb had to agree with his decision. This was the easiest way for them to obtain the last blade and send the leviathan back to where it came. There hadn't been any more deaths, but Caleb could imagine the demon was amassing followers. He hadn't seen the headmaster yet, but he had a feeling the man had come while he was asleep as he normally did to check on him. He truly was like a father to him and for that he was thankful.

Caleb watched as everyone agreed to the plan set forth and Ambrose immediately sent a message to Morgan. Everything was set in place, but Caleb wondered what kind of request Morgan would have of him. Ariana sighed not really wanting to trust Morgan and Sam still wanted to get rid of him and avoid it all together.

"Sam we can't kill him," Caleb said.

"Unless he doesn't uphold his end of the bargain," Alex added causing Caleb to look at him and raise an eyebrow.

"Wait are you serious about this?" Ariana asked trying to understand what they were scheming.

"We need to be on one accord. We will fulfill his request, but should he not fulfill his end of it then what do we do?" Caleb asked them all.

"I think we all know what to do. Though we may not agree with it, we don't have a choice, so we will cross that bridge if we ever come to it," Sam replied causing Caleb to look over at Ambrose before looking down at his hands. He realized he was twiddling his thumbs because he was nervous, he was certain about any of this, but he trusted his group of friends.

"Caleb can you move?" Ariana asked looking at him as they waited on Morgan.

"Yes, it hurts to move, but I'm able to," Caleb replied looking over at Ariana. The blanket had covered his body, but as he moved, it fell slightly showing off his upper torso.

It wasn't long before Morgan showed up. Caleb accepted the terms of his condition but he had one of his own.

"The only way I will do it is if the request you ask doesn't put my life or any of the lives of the members of this group in danger. That's all I ask," Caleb said. Morgan contemplated it for a moment but in the end, he agreed and Caleb nodded still unaware of what Morgan would request. When Morgan left, Caleb looked at everyone in the room and sighed.

Days passed, and Morgan did give them the information that helped them locate the last blade. It was odd, to say the least, that he had actually kept his end of the bargain. Caleb was out of the infirmary and moving about with ease, but he had to take it easy by word of the nurse. He had managed to speak with the headmaster who had given Morgan access to the forbidden text for only a couple of hours, that was the best he could do or would do. The headmaster, in turn, gave Caleb a strong talking to.

"Caleb in all my days you've never been this careless," the Headmaster said causing Caleb to look down. "Tell me about Ambrose."

Caleb looked up in shock. "What do you want to know? Or should I say why?"

"Every since he came here you've been distracted. You've been in the infirmary every time I look, and you jeopardized exposure by telling him what we are."

"He's not going to tell anyone."

"That's not the point, you're being careless."

"It's fine."


The headmaster's voice was loud and it shocked Caleb as he jumped slightly avoiding the elder's gaze. He looked at Caleb and sighed.

"Do you like him that much that you would risk everything we've built?"

"He's different, he's not like any other guy here. He's special and I'm drawn to him for some reason I can't explain. He doesn't even know that I like him, at least I don't think he does. He's made it pretty clear he has no interest in me," Caleb replied sighing. The headmaster shook his head and sat down next to Caleb. They were in the cafe, and Caleb had a book in front of him. He was reading up on banishing demons just to make sure nothing else happened. They had a meeting tonight to focus on finding the demon and banishing it.

"Have you tried talking to him? Just sitting down and talking to him?"

Caleb looked up at the headmaster and sighed. "Not I haven't really tried, there was a kiss at the party but after that, he sorta started hating me, and I blame myself because of the things I've done."

"Caleb, you are you, there's no changing that, but if you like someone, if they make you feel the way you are feeling, you owe it to yourself to at least pursue it, at least give it a try."

"I think I messed up too much for that now," Caleb replied.

"How do you know unless you try?"

Caleb sighed leaning back as he thought about it for a moment. Ambrose was unique, he wasn't like the other guys he'd met in this school. Was it fate that they'd met? Could Ambrose forgive him? Caleb managed a weak smile as he looked at the Headmaster.

"Do you want me to call him for you?"

"NO!" Caleb exclaimed loudly causing the headmaster to laugh. "I'll do it, just give me time. We're still dealing with the demon ya know," Caleb added. The headmaster stood from his seat and placed a soft hand on Caleb's shoulder.

Hey, can we talk?

He sent the message, looking at his phone for a moment, wondering if Ambrose would even give him the time of day.
Ambrose looked as if he wanted to jump on Morgan and had Jeremy not been there to stop him he probably would have. Caleb was uncomfortable, and it showed on his face, but the pain he was experiencing showed on his face instead of anger or annoyance. He sighed as he pressed the button to deliver medicine to him. He would be out of the infirmary tomorrow and he was thankful, but with news like this he'd rather stay in for a few more days. Looking at Morgan, he had more of a shocked look on his face than anything when Morgan explained his terms to them. Why would he request anything of Caleb? The thought caused him to narrow his eyes as he looked from Morgan to Ambrose and then back to Morgan. What was he up to? What kind of request could he make? Caleb wouldn't agree to anything that would put his life in danger even if they didn't get the last blade. He was tired of hurting, tired of the pain, tired of being in the infirmary.

As Morgan left, Caleb adjusted in bed with the help of Alex who had moved to his side.

"What do you think Caleb?" Sam asked still looking at the door Morgan had slammed upon his exit. "Do you want me to end this? It will be swift."

"We're not murderers Sam," Alex chimed in looking at her with annoyance laced in his expression.

"What if he doesn't uphold his end of the bargain? It is better that we give our requirements in this deal," Ariana added looking at Caleb who was looking at Ambrose the entire time. When everyone realized Caleb wasn't talking, they followed his eyes and realized he was still staring blankly at Ambrose. Finally, he spoke.

"What do you want to do?" he asked Ambrose. "The forbidden texts are guarded, there is literally no way for me to get them for him. It would require me to ask the headmaster and you already know how he is. The second request I can fulfill on my own, and the third request is doable so long as it doesn't put me in harm's way, but I will think of something else if you don't want us to agree to this. Ambrose, what is it that you want to do? I owe you."

Caleb looked away finally as Sam rubbed his hand finally realizing that there had been a slight falling out between them again. Caleb was doing his best to find a way to make Ambrose happy, but if you asked Ariana just being himself was enough, but Sam knew sometimes more was required. She also knew that Caleb could get access to the forbidden text. He was considered the headmaster's son, he was considered royalty, and some viewed him as a master, but modest Caleb didn't think he was that important.
Caleb awoke with a grunt as he adjusted in the bed. The nurse glared st him as she approached and sighed.

“How many times are you going to come see me?” She said smirking as Caleb tried to produce a smile but all he managed was a weak one that caused the nurse to laugh softly. “Good news is you can leave tomorrow. Bad news is no extracurricular for at least a weak. How you keep doing this to yourself is beyond me but please practice restraint,” the said before placing a motherly hand on Caleb’s head before leaving the room. It wasn’t long before visitors showed up but who showed up was not someone he expected.

Sam, Alex, Jeremy, and Ariana had come first but then Morgan showed up nd it set everyone on edge. Caleb tried to relax, but they’d told him what was going on as son as they’d arrived so to see Morgan there in front of him was irritating to say the least. Just as Caleb was about to tell him to leave Ambrose showed up and Morgan spoke.

“What do you want?” Caleb asked trying not to strain himself. “You’re not the type to give information without something in return. So what do you want?” Caleb said giving Morgan the most hateful look.
The Headmaster’s pleasing aura did not go away with the news that Caleb had revealed what they really were. Instead he simply sighed and looked towards the direction Caleb would be in. It was true. Everything Caleb had said to Ambrose though the Headmaster has a feeling the reason behind Caleb telling Ambrose had to do with his strong like of the male and being the gentle spirit that Caleb could be mixed with concern that he may not have made it out alive.

“I see. Yes what he said it true. We are or were dangerous beings that consumed life wherever we went. In a sense we are no different than the demon you and your classmates will hopefully banish. The thing is do you hate him for telling you the truth?” The Headmaster’s faze remained pleasant as he tried to figure how to best approach the situation. “Ambrose have you ever truly lived? Perhaps if you open yourself up to the feelings you hide away so swiftly you’ll find that not everyone is out to destroy you. There are those who simply wish to make you smile. Alas I shall tell you the story. Yes Caleb and I roamed we took over worlds enslaving, consuming but when we came here he saw beauty in this world. Something about humankind softened his heart. He convinced me to leave the old way and settle here. At first I did not see what he saw but I gave it a try. He was right. Humans are complex and your ability to love to forgive and see the beauty in the simplest things softened even. My old stone heart. So we stayed we blended in and we left the life of chaos and destruction behind. So now you know the truth. The question is how will you deal with the information given to you?”

He smiled warmly and strode over to Ambrose. A soft hand betraying what Ambrose thought he knew about them. “Not all of us are here to kill, steal and destroy. We have lives we live. Though we’ve made mistakes, are we not worthy of forgiveness? I hope you get some rest. Do not let your heart be troubled Ambrose. If only you knew the power you held. I shall see you tomorrow morning,” the Headmaster said offering Ambrose a gentle smile before leaving.

Sam was flabbergasted by what Jeremy had told them. This Morgan needed to be dealt with and fast. Who was he going to tell? It was bad. They’d covered up a murder scene and they’d left school. If Morgan snitched it would be their asses and the Headmasters but the man always had a way of dealing with things. She needed to talk to Caleb. He was normally able to keep her level headed but he was in the infirmary and the hour was growing late.

“Let’s convene back here tomorrow after class then we will go check on Caleb and Ambrose and talk to them about this,” Ariana chimed in as Sam nodded and moved to leave he room.
"It is strange isn't it? Sitting here pondering over things when you already know the answer," the Headmaster said as he strolled in as casually as he always did. This time his gaze was not as intrusive as it normally was. It was as if he were looking at Ambrose with a complete understanding of what had happened on their mission, and perhaps he did know. The Headmaster had a way of seeing what others could not. His eyes seemed to pierce the veil of the hidden, revealing the truth behind it all. "Caleb will be alright Ambrose, but I am concerned that you are harboring feelings you don't understand. Do you wish to tell me what happened or should I guess?" the Headmaster asked with a soft welcoming smile on his face as if he were trying to help, betraying the creature he truly was on the inside.

Caleb's eyes opened slowly but he was under so much medication for the pain that he slipped right back under only speaking Ambrose's name which the nurses picked up on and sighed.

Sam sat in the library with everyone, Alex had returned and had managed to snatch two blades, that meant that they had uncovered six of the seven holy blades. Where could the last one be?

"We have to put them somewhere safe, somewhere only we have access to."

"What about here? We can bind them here until we find the seventh blade," Ariana said.

"Damn, Caleb was a pro at this," Sam admitted wiping a tear from her eye. "He's such an ass. He knows how much I care and he goes and puts himself in harms way so easily."

"Caleb does what it takes, he's always been that way ever since I met him," Ariana replied. "Still, he's only human, and I hope Ambrose doesn't blame himself for it."

"That's just it when they left they seemed fine, but I could feel a distance between them on their return. It's odd, but then again Caleb was unconscious so who knows."

Sam sighed and Alex shrugged his shoulders not wanting to get into the discussion.
He was very much aware, but the blood loss had him very weak and he couldn't respond. It was like he was far away from everything, in a space where he felt no pain, no chaotic thoughts, just silence, and peace. It was welcoming. Subconsciously he felt himself being hefted up by Ambrose and he also felt the tumble through the portal that took them back to BlackBrick Academy. By now everyone had returned but Alex and they all had boxes in their hand. They were sitting around waiting for Caleb, Ambrose, and Alex, but when Caleb and Ambrose returned with an unconscious Caleb, their eyes widened.

"What the hell happened?" Sam asked panic laced in her voice.

"Does it matter, get him to the infirmary immediately," Ariana cut in as she rushed over to help Ambrose.

Caleb tried to talk, tried to tell them he was fine, that he was in a peaceful place, a place where he didn't feel pain or worry at all, but his mouth wouldn't open.

"Come on, let's go, grab the boxes and hide them," Sam said to Jeremy as she checked Caleb's pulse. "It's faint, very faint, let's GO!"
Even though Caleb wanted to launch at Codal, the creature was right. In his state, he would definitely fall with any attempt at fighting anyone. Still, it didn't stop the look of hatred on his face as he looked at Codal. He was so eager to get the staff, so hungry for it and it showed in his face the moment Ambrose resisted. Caleb said nothing, he observed. One minute they were on the outskirts of the temple, the next they were in an overrun village. Nature had its way of reclaiming what belonged to it. Caleb found it beautiful, he found it calming, but when he saw the knife they needed he realized they were really about to give this madman the staff. What would be the consequences of their actions?

The exchanged happened, and Caleb found himself leaning against a tree. When Codal was gone he slid to a sitting position looking up at Ambrose. Ambrose asked him if he could make it back and he nodded. "I have enough energy to get there. Keep it safe," he said to Ambrose resting his head against the tree. What would they do once they retrieved all of the blades they needed? There was no telling what the demon had done while they were out dealing with other things, other dark sinister beings. It occurred to Caleb that once they relieved their school of the demon then what? What would come next? Would they have to face off against Codal? With that staff, the creature was definitely a threat.

Silence fell on them as Ambrose would realize that Caleb had passed out. He would notice a gash on the side of his body and blood would be slowly seeping out.
Caleb was weak, it showed all over his body. He needed rest, he needed to get back to BlackBrick and speak to the Headmaster. It wasn't strange to him, he knew what was happening. When he had come to this realm he had taken on this form, this human form, it was frail and weak and could barely contain his Incyus form. His human form suffered greatly whenever he transformed, whenever the Incyus within him took over. Though his human form could very much die, his Incyus form would live on, but it would be harder to take on another human form. Caleb smiled as he watched Ambrose perform the necessary movements to cast the spell to create the stairs from nature. It was like a proud teacher-student moment, but he realized he didn't teach Ambrose anything. Still, he was very proud of him from how far he'd come in his casting.

"You've improved, you're amazing," Caleb commented as he stepped carefully onto each step. When they reached solid ground, Caleb groaned as Cadol made his appearance. Everything in him was screaming for Codal not to get the staff, but what could he do? Ambrose was leading this mission not him and he trusted Ambrose's decision on what he would do. If they needed to get out quickly he would use the last of his energy to get them to safety, but for now, he sighed and shook his head.

"I should punch you in the face for that stunt," Caleb said glaring at Codal.
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