Avatar of Winter Star12
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1655 (0.73 / day)
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    1. Winter Star12 6 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
4 yrs ago
I'd describe the season of fall to be calm, peaceful, comforting and a bit sad. During fall, the world is preparing to rest for a quiet, cold, and grey winter.
4 yrs ago
The story lingers on.... but the version that is drawn is T̸W̸I̴S̵T̴E̸D̸
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4 yrs ago
Let's save the pitiful children, woah! Let's save the pitiful children, woah! Let's teach the pitiful children, who just haven't a clue! - The Pitiful Children from Be More Chill
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4 yrs ago
"It hurts the most when the person who have you the best memories... ends up being a memory." - Jiraiya from Naruto


Hi! I'm Winter Star... I'm pretty shy except in roleplay. I'm interested into mystery, fantasy, and horror roleplay and maybe the occasional anime roleplay

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<Snipped quote by Winter Star12>

"Um...alright." Cacelion said, slightly confused himself as he slowly scratched his head and returned to his seat.

Mika sighed slightly getting lost in thought. "Mika is something wrong?" Gabby tilted her head slightly. "Hmm?" Mika looked up from her thoughts "No nothing is wrong..." Gavin crossed his arms slightly "We can tell you're lying, Mika, what's wrong?" Mika looked down her ears pressed against her head "Nothing is wrong..."
<Snipped quote by Winter Star12>

"I see." Cacelion said, sitting forward slightly.

"Huh, should have known that all the work Gabriel put into them would have paid off eventually."

Cacelion sat there for a few seconds before a look of surprise washed across his face.

"Oh, I completely forgot to introduce myself!" He said quickly getting to his feet. "My name's Damien."

(should really put colors to the three of them lol)
"Heh well as you know I'm Gavin." He slightly laughed at the surprise of Cacelion from his late introduction. "Don't worry as long as you have any negative intentions my brother will consider you a friend." Gabby said with a smile. Mika seemed slightly surprised by all this since she was lost in thought.
<Snipped quote by Winter Star12>

"Elven portal?" Cacelion asked so he could blend in better.

Gavin turned to Cacelion "It's actually more straightforward we send our resources through a portal to the elven realm and they send back resources from their world we never have interaction with the elves and they never have interactions with us." Gabby chimed in "They can use the elven materials to make armor, weapons and just all sorts of things like that." Mika seemed to be lost in thought again.
<Snipped quote by Winter Star12>

Cacelion found a table near the group and sat down at it, chair facing in their direction. Propping his feet up on the table, he leaned back and watched the friendly exchange.

Gavin laughed slightly "Well nothing too crazy has been happening... aside from the fact we finally reopened the elven trade portal." Gabby seemed surprised "But that takes up so much mana won't it crash eventually?" Mika snickered "Jeremy is probably scrambling to get all the trading done." Gavin spoke up again "Actually those water flowers are really helping with keeping the portal open."
<Snipped quote by Winter Star12>

Cacelion nodded and stepped inside after them.

Mika followed with a slight laugh "Something tells me Gavin has new stories to tell." Gavin made a little noise holding back laughter "Nothing too crazy this time, Mika, sorry to disappoint." Gabby cracked up at that response and then spoke between giggles "Yeah sure you don't." Mika sat down at one of the stools snickering.
<Snipped quote by Winter Star12>

"Yes, White Magic has a particularly...odd effect on hybrids. You see, white magic is closer to order or perfection, unlike the darker magics of the world, and it tends to undo chaos wherever its cast." He explained.

Gabby perked up suddenly and floated swiftly ahead "GAVIN!" A boy that looked almost identical to Gabby was standing by the coffee shop with a slight smirk "I was waiting for you two to show up, sis." He seemed surprised to see Cacelion then turned back to a neutral expression "Let's get inside before it gets too cold out here."
<Snipped quote by Winter Star12>

"I see. I've mainly practiced white magic, so I don't know much about the other, darker, schools." Cacelion said as they walked along. While it was true he hadn't used Blood Magic due to his use of White Arts, the real reason he didn't practice it was because of Asmodiel, or rather his teaching of Blood Magic to mortal kind ages ago in an attempt to lead them to self destruction.

"White magic?" Gabby seemed a bit confused and surprised "I've never heard of that." Mika spoke up "I've heard of it... back when I was being experimented on by my parents someone was talking about it and mentioned it. When I asked about it they said they only heard of it and didn't know if it could reverse the effects of the experiments." Her ears slightly pressed against her head "I don't really care to search as of the fact I've grown used to being a hybrid creature."
<Snipped quote by Winter Star12>

"Blood magic? Isn't that...unhealthy for the caster to use?" Cacelion asked, scratching his head. He couldn't understand why mortals delved into such dark magics, especially since they usually ended up harming the caster or those around them, even if neither party had done anything wrong.

"Depends on what you do in it besides animal blood works just as well with blood magic as human blood surprisingly." Gabby said she was slightly surprised at his confusion besides she and Gavin were taught it with no harm. Mika seemed to be lost in thought on the other hand.
<Snipped quote by Winter Star12>

"Sounds like fun!" Cacelion exclaimed cheerfully as he slid his hands into his jean pockets.

"Her brother Gavin always has amusing stories to tell since he works with botany and blood magic." Mika spoke up surprisingly cheerful. Gabby giggled "He always brings himself into dangerous situation with both."
<Snipped quote by Winter Star12>

"So...what did you plan on doing when we get there?" He asked, casually clasping his hands behind his back.

"While I can't eat any food or drink any coffee currently it's always fun to chat with my brother about what he and his friends have been doing." Gabby said with a slight smile as Mika quickly found and caught up with the two.
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