Avatar of Winter Star12
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1655 (0.72 / day)
  • VMs: 10
  • Username history
    1. Winter Star12 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
4 yrs ago
I'd describe the season of fall to be calm, peaceful, comforting and a bit sad. During fall, the world is preparing to rest for a quiet, cold, and grey winter.
4 yrs ago
The story lingers on.... but the version that is drawn is T̸W̸I̴S̵T̴E̸D̸
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4 yrs ago
Let's save the pitiful children, woah! Let's save the pitiful children, woah! Let's teach the pitiful children, who just haven't a clue! - The Pitiful Children from Be More Chill
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4 yrs ago
"It hurts the most when the person who have you the best memories... ends up being a memory." - Jiraiya from Naruto


Hi! I'm Winter Star... I'm pretty shy except in roleplay. I'm interested into mystery, fantasy, and horror roleplay and maybe the occasional anime roleplay

Most Recent Posts

I've been re-watching an old Minecraft roleplay that was pretty much my childhood and turns out I still love it. Im still super amused from the jump from being two friends moving to Japan to the same two friends plus one British friend joining the Yakuza then becoming cops to capture the Yakuza.
Virgil jumped awake as he has been doing for the past few weeks. Those dreams keep getting more vivid. He sighed as he got up. He always woke up the moment him and those five others stepped into the house. He didn't really remember their names, except for one. A boy named Roman. Why was Roman's name the only one he could hear? Why were all the other names muffled sounding to him? And why did he feel love for someone he doesn't even know or know if Roman exists? All these questions raced through his head as he sat on his bed. He kinda wanted to go back to sleep, just so he could talk to Roman again and kiss him. He sat there, both confused and a little panicked. What if something bad is waiting within that old house they all met at? He sighed sitting there before laying back there, but he couldn't fall back asleep.
Im practically obsessed with Control and Gasoline by Halsey and I also love AU/RA and AViVA
@CallousqueenBanned because I also deal with those and they are torment.
Banned because I have to deal with anxiety and a lot of emotions and that's not a valid reason

Banned for that pfp that'll now be in my nightmares
Banned because I am back!
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