Avatar of Xeron
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    1. Xeron 8 yrs ago


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I know that this is supposed to be interesting but unfortunately for you, I am not that interesting.

I like to write. That's about it.

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Xeron is gross.

Get away from me, you no good rotten tomato.
No one asked your opinion of me.
I dunno if it helps anyone really, but it's what I do. I bold all my text so it stands out against everything else. :O
@Mr Allen J Oh yeah, we do know each other irl too.
Twins? Hahaha, no no nothing like that. I feel like if someone assumed such a thing, Opposition would be offended that someone would think that we were related in any way. We're just very close friends who are usually thinking on a similar wave length.

Think of us as Felix and Eliza, except our roles are reversed. I am the more babbly one and Opposition is the rational, more organized one..
Opposition and I are still here. (I am responding for both of us, but I suppose that is to be expected.)
@arockysmith, you flatter me~. Senpai has noticed your effort and you shall be rewarded graciously.

Hahaha yeah. Sometimes I take something and run with it too far though, I can get ten pages deep and still want to go further. Though don't be intimidated by my post lengths, I just have a habit of going too far. I want to include every detail and make sure every character is hit. Especially since this is a smaller group, it's easier to do. I'm in another group with 12 people and can't really do that so I am relishing in the fact that I can here.
But honestly, this was only 3 and a half pages on a doc, it's average, I like hitting 4-5 though. But just think, since I give a lot then others can feed off my post.
Leech, mooch, I am an open host.
Sorry if it's on the shorter side. I usually post longer posts than that, but my creative flow has been blocked by some beavers.
Chronus Klefkin

Chronus couldn’t help but to watch everyone look around precariously and with such awe. This was nothing to Chronus though, he performed on stages that made this whole facility look like a joke. He kept such thoughts to himself though, he didn’t necessarily want others to feel as if he was stuck up. The woman who greeted them felt a little too formal to be the distributor of their invitations. Or at least that was the vibe he picked up from her. They walked through the halls and as the girl and other man began to look around, their eyes glittering he kept his eyes on the woman. Nina. She was nice enough, but Chronus was always taught to be overly aware of those around him. You never know who was going to throw a heist next these days, so it was best to be careful. They could pull a high bounty off of him had they really wanted to, anyone could really. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he shoved his hands deeper into his pockets and raised his eyebrows at the arrival of the newcomer who swooped in last minute. Another riff raff character, he could only assume. Was he to play to the homeless and the lost? How ironic considering he was neither of those things but felt a twinge of self pity for being able to even remotely relate to them in some sort of odd way. But it was only for a moment.

Nina brought them in deeper into the house and offered drinks. Clearing his throat, Chronus spoke gracefully “I do have to decline, as I am underaged. I am only 19 years old, and to be perfectly honest, alcohol doesn’t suite my tastes.” If any looks were thrown his way he wouldn’t have taken note of them. Chronus was used to any looks, his baby face was truly that of a baby. Successful beyond measure in some regard, and only at 19, not even bothering to break his professional stride to risk being caught doing some illegal. Sure he was rebellious, but breaking the law? He has a reputation to maintain after all. Sighing, he hung back hoping Nina didn’t inquire him further about some drink and food. For all he knew it could contain some sort of drug and they would all be sent across country as part of a sex ring or something. The thought sent shivers down his spine, causing him to tense up even more than he already was. Chronus pulled the black bag full of his music closer to his chest, holding his breath. Trust no one unless your agent is nearby, that was something he taught himself. And since both of his agents were currently out of the country it was hard to keep cool. Chronus gave the poor people a break, sending one to Europe and the other to Australia with their families. He had enough money to throw around for that, and since he had no performances coming up any time soon he didn’t see the harm. Chronus hated unknown factors, and this was one large question mark.

The man with curly brown hair spoke up first. He was slightly unshaven and had the look like the rest of them, improvising on some sort of rough attire. Chronus didn’t formulate an opinion on him yet, but he was certainly bolder than the rest of the crew that was assembled. Chronus gave him a bit of credit though, wondering as to what his purpose was here, though he stayed silent. Did this man have some hidden worth? Chronus couldn’t be sure, his hands were dirty so he was no instrumentalist like himself. Was he a singer? Based on his voice, Chronus somehow doubted it. His eyes glazed over with boredom of inspecting him, since he couldn’t figure it out why dwell on something and someone as insignificant as him. Chronus did let out a small chuckle however, knowing that if this man was offered something he doubted he would say no. The fact he jumped at the offer made that prominent.

Next he turned his attention to the other man in the room. His eyes were glazed over, broken in some way. Or at least that’s how he felt it was. For all he knew he could be a hardened killer and he stopped feeling emotions long ago. A drip of pity smeltered inside of Chronus’s black soul but was soon devoured by the never ending abyss of shadows. He had a rougher look to him than the other one. Nina was right when she called him skin and bones, this guy seemed a bit more put together than him. But not by much though, and if his memory served him correctly he was another person who drove. So obviously he made money to take care of it, it was a fairly nice care after all. He stood taller than Chronus, but yet most people did. He was on the shorter end of his age, height wise. Chronus couldn’t help but to notice he was a bit more wound up than the rest of them, maybe he was nervous? Was he looking for something? Chronus really couldn’t tell and felt it was not really all that fair to accusations of a man who could probably knock his lights out had he ever made him mad and he just so happened to be faster than himself. Chronus was proud of his speed, as a person who didn’t get out much he still held his own in every other sport beyond football. He was much too scrawny for something so violent. This guy didn’t speak much either, he looked a bit awkward when he did. Chronus could tell there was more to this guy beyond a wound up posture and scary eyes. But honestly, he didn’t care enough about others to ask.

Chronus’s eyes trailed over to the older girl. She was fairly pretty, but she looked very weary of her surroundings. Perhaps she was over stimulated by being surrounded by glitter and lights within the home? He wasn’t standing close enough to her to really read her face all that well though. Her posture was tight, but not as tight as the other guy. Chronus had wondered why she was here, she had something with her also. A camera? Was she a photographer? Or a freelance, traveling to get the perfect shot? It did cause him to be a bit curious about her, but not enough to ask. Was she hired to take shots of the house and the festivities he assumed that were to come. Maybe she was a newbie who had some sort of flyer hanging up, looking to get started. If she was good enough, he wouldn’t mind having her take shots of his next performance, whenever that was. He wasn’t against helping out those who are not born fortunate enough in this world to be successful. Mostly at least. It really depended on how good she was for him to even consider it. Or even she may have even been to a show, had she he would’ve been surprised considering how quickly tickets go. Rolling his eyes, he was done analyzing the girl for now. He was glad he had the ability to look bored almost all of the time, otherwise it would have been creepy. His own eyes were always glazed over, but not in a broken way but in a snarky way, he could do it on command at times. It both was a blessing and a curse.

Lastly he inspected the late arrival, who he assumed to be the last person but he didn't know. Quickly he scanned her up and down and decided she was younger than him. He hated being the youngest person in the room, it really did bother him. Well, he hoped she was younger than him. The longer he inspected her, the more he saw that could prove him wrong. She was just as riff raffy as the lot of them, but she had that retained youthful face regardless of how tired she may look. There wasn’t much to say about her, though she looked surprisingly thin. When was the last time some of these people ate? Not that he cared enough to inquire them further about their dietary habits, it still was a question that popped up. She looked to be the most cautious out of all of them. She held her items close and tiptoed on the ground, she reminded him a bit of a mouse. Trying her best to go unnoticed and touch nothing, all while attempting to get to her destination. Chronus let out a small laugh, what an interesting character he thought. What was in her hands had really peaked his interest rather than her herself. She really did not want anyone touching it, making him want to well...touch it. He could only assume her story was simple, just like the first guys. But then again he could be wrong, she could have some sort of crazy hidden talent that could knock his socks off. Like a street magician or something like that. Chronus shook his head at the thought, she would roll a 6 in sleight of hand, that’s for sure.

Finally he took the letter out of his bag, diverting his attention from the crew that had assembled so far. It mentioned something about an interview but he wasn’t interested in getting another job. He had enough of them as is and had money to buy this house ten times over. Perhaps that is a bit of an exaggeration, but still. Dinner and a show would hopefully be enough to fit the bill. He wouldn’t even charge them for returning his Blood at the Moonlit Ball piece, it was his pride and joy after all. Once more his eyes drifted lazily to the lady Nina, she was more mysterious than the group they had gathered. Why them? He had dozens of questions running through his head, for her, for each person, and yet he spoke not one of them. It wasn’t in his place to speak them and well.. Chronus didn’t care enough to push further. He did decide however if things did start to become strange, he would make himself designated leader amongst the group. Or dictator, he wasn’t picky about his titles. Though his favourite was king or God. Flipping his shaggy black hair from his eyes, he shoved his hands back into the pockets of his jeans, staring intently at Nina.
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