Avatar of Xhala
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    1. Xhala 9 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current Back after my hiatus and looking for some RP partners. Hit me up if you're interested ;)


"Thats the spirit-one part brave,three parts fool."
Christopher Paolini, Eragon

“Loyalty never put blood back in a man's veins.”
Carol Berg, Flesh and Spirit

“Politics is ugly. Never doubt what small men will do for great power.”
Paolo Bacigalupi, The Windup Girl

Ballad of Serenity
I am not a princess

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Sure! And why shouldn't I? It's fun and life is unpredictable. XD
After almost a year xD
Illinfer listened to him, blinking away a small tear that came to her by his words. He was so understanding that it made her smile with relief. Rhoynars voice washed over her, strangely soothing and she felt she could get lost in the deep softness of it. While he spoke she kept her gaze level, watching him. He had a burden upon his shoulders, one she could very much understand. She too had to be the one to take care of her family since her husband had died. Her father lived somewhere in the north and made all sorts of things from swords to pans. She hadn't seen him in years. And then there were Jarlaths parents whom she was now taking care of. His father was too old to work any longer and his mother didn't make enough money as a seamstress to keep the house and food on the table. But they had Illinfer and she had dedicated herself to caring for them.

Rohynar smiled at her. It was nice to see him smile. It made him look really handsome. He should try and do it a little more often. He met her gaze and she felt as though he was searching her soul for something. But what he hoped to find she could not fathom. "Thank you. I think it's a wonderful belief! I shall keep it in mind." He turned away and she stepped beside him as he started to walk again. "Oh, I already got clothes in the capital. But I shall hurry and get Tor, the man who'll take care of the safety of your family. I'll bring him here so you can speak with him directly." She waited for a small sign of acknowledgement before she hurried to the stables to get Epona. Without saddling the horse she put on her reigns and shortly after made her way back to the tavern she had visited the previous night.

As she arrived Tor was standing outside, talking to a woman. He looked up as Illinfer steadied Epona before them."If that isn't the blacksmiths daughter." She nodded with a smile. "Tor. I need you to come with me to settle what we talked about yesterday." The man chuckled. "And here I thought you came to see me." Illinfer grinned and reached out a hand to help him onto Eponas back. But instead the woman gave her a smile and backpack. The northern woman frowned. "What is this?"
"Let's see. A backpack, some beef jerky, dried fruit, clothers for the Secound East and vile containing the antidote to the poison of a snake you will most likely encounter with your ankles first. And sandals that should fit you." At her confusion he was the one to grin. "After you had visited me a man arrived from the capital who had been given a message instructing me to make sure you had everything you nedded for your journey across the sea."
"Thank you!" She held the backpack close to her and smiled widely. Then Tor took a hold of her hand and got up on Epona behind her. He put his hands upon her shoulders to hold himself, not touching her otherwise. She was thankful for that. They made their way back to Rhoynars home and Tor was surprised what family Illinfer had meant when she had looked for him the past night. On the ride they settled that Tor would take Epona and Illinfers belongings and keep them until she returned. To need to take along things she wouldn't need. He helped her sort out those useful to her on her journey and those that wouldn't be before they entered the mansion. Illinfer had so little on her that it went rather fast.

Then she set off to look for Rhoynar while in a deep conversation with Tor about the Secound East. She finally found him and formally introduced her guild brother. "This is Tor Jeweler. He is in charge of all guild matters here in Astipor."
@TheDookieNut ^^
Wonderful post!
When the knight apologised she nodded in appreciation and smiled. He seemed to be taken aback by her reaction to his embrace, but he'd have to deal with that on his own. Illinfer felt content, having pushed the hurtful memories aside. She then nodded at his words, noticing how he backed away from her even further. Had she hurt his feelings? Or just surprised him? But he had been the one to suddenly come so close, so unexpectedly. The northern woman nodded when he said he'd have his father meet the man. "I shall bring him here, then." It probably would be best if they settled everything amongst each other.

Then Rohynar did something so arrogant she was reminded he was a noble feeling as if he'd just slapped her across the face. She was dismissed. Who didn this arrogant man think he was? Here she was, offering to help him and he didn't just touch her without permission, he simply dismissed her like some maid serving his every needs. The northern woman breathed in deeply, following and finally catching up to him. She mirrored his pace. "Sire . . . I didn't mean to offend you in any way. Please allow me to explain." When she slowed down and he kept level with he she breathed in relieved. Finally she stopped in her tracks, looking at the ground as she started to speak. "My husband died a summer ago." Now it was out there. She had said it and the sting in her chest made it hard to breathe, but she continued non the less, ignoring the sensation of her heart ripping apart once more. "The last time I was embraced by a man it was him, before he left. I admit, I was very surprised and it brought back memories . . . Sometimes I dream of his as though he was right beside me and the dream is so real that I awaken and . . . And knowing again that he is gone . . ." She breathed in deeply and looked up at Rhoynar with a smile. "I would like to be on good terms with you since we'll be spending quite an amount of time together the next months."

Illinfer felt a little uncertain baring herself so to him. She felt a little raw and her hand went back to her neck, caressing the dark bruise. The breeze made her hair dance around her cheeks. Her steel coloured eyes were searching for his. Why had she exposed herself so to this man? She had told him almost everything she was coping with in her life . . . Almost. But the rest she had to keep to herself, she knew. Somehow it made her feel stronger thinking that at least one secret would be kept her own. Then again she did owe him an explanation and now he had one. And she hadn't broken down over it. That was a relief!
Try hyped ;P
The knight surprised her by letting her finish. There seemed to be relieved. And then he suddenly came closer. Illinfer stiffened as he embraced her. She had to restrain herself from kicking him where it hurt most and draw her sword. The way he smelled was most irritating. There was something so foreign in it, she couldn‘t place the scents. She was surrounded by the scent of pine trees, moos and fresh cut wheat. "Whatever the cost, I will cover it. Thank you." The whisper so close to her ear sent a shiver down her spine. Her breath caught slightly. The last time she had been so close to a man without being in combat it had been her husband . . . He finally released her and as his warmth made way for cool air she breathed in deeply, appreciating the distance. Illinfer stepped back slightly and even more as took her hand from her throat and let his finger trail over her skin. The brush of his rough fingers made her turn away from him, taking herself from his reach and his gaze. With a feint and sad smile and crossed arms she looked out into the gardens. „I had to entertain myself while you were in that brothel. So I got into a fight at a tavern.“ She shrugged, straightening her shoulders and memories rose from that wonderful man she had married. Why it still hurt this much she couldn‘t understand. The trigger always being something else.

The northern woman put her hand on her hip and turned back to the night, feeling more comfortable with him a few feet away. „Is that the way you thank people where you‘re from? Because here you could get in real trouble coming so close to a woman without permission.“ She then smiled as not to make her words too rude or cold. It had just been too much for her. In her eyes there was a glint of the hurt she felt - not because he had toucher but because of the memories she was trying so hard to suppress. „I shall set up a meeting then. I‘d suggest bringing the person in charge here so your family will know the face of the man who‘ll come get them if danger arises. Your guards would also get to know him. In my opinion it makes things a lot easier. That way they‘ll know who to trust.“ While talking her voice was calm and composed, almost soothing. The vowels accented and pronounced almost with care, as was the northern way of speech.

A breeze carried the scent of roses to them and played with a strand of her hair that tickled her cheek. She looked him directly in the eye, waiting for an answer. How was she supposed to work with him for the next months if he kept acting irrationally? First he was on edge, in a bad mood and twitchy in potentially dangerous situations and now he was just hugging a stranger and showed so much care . . . If she didn‘t know any better she‘d think he was a woman. The thought made her chuckle slightly. Probably it was just the extreme situation he was in. Compassion flared in her eyes as she thought of how worried he had been about his family and how relieved he now was seeing them well and healthy. She respected that and could understand it.

We're SO on the same page with this ^^
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