Avatar of xodus
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    1. xodus 10 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Perhaps I should change my dp after 5 years.......nah too lazeh
5 yrs ago
Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening
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6 yrs ago
Might as well put something up here huh?


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I should have a post up tomorrow or by day after at the latest.
There is indeed room for one more. =) And I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Looks great, you can go on ahead and post them on the Character section sheet and then jump on our discord channel.

We usually discuss plot related elements there. So we can also discuss how to bring you and Konan on board. Currently the idea is to go to Ourosboros.
Torack I like your characters but you may need to change your alchemic specializations.

Illusion is already reserved.

Also as for quantity manipulation, it may not be practical. Even alchemy has limits and while manipulating the size is possible, cloning or multiplying is a far more difficult concept. For one it will need to have limitations. While you maybe able to clone an object and increase its quantity, you will be limited to how many and the effectiveness of what you clone will be half of the original and so on. So say you have a bullet and you clone it twice, as such the second bullet will be half the effectiveness of the first and the third bullet will be half of the second.
Hey there Torack, spots are indeed open. Why don't you share your CS and we can have you jump back in.
*Huggles the Fallen*

I check both your characters Konan and they are accepted! =D Welcome on board mate.

Though there is one thing I want you to change, the voodoo doll weapon. That sort of alchemy, is sort of looked down upon. As it connects human beings to inanimate objects and it is also very dangerous.
I look forward to your CS Konan.

If you have any questions feel free to ask us and you can hop in our discord chat. The link is present in the opening post of the Ooc. =)
Good job on the post Fallen. Rtron and Aidee you two are up next.

We are all present at the Pallidino mansion right now and from here our next destination will be the Ourosboros. It is like a club/hotel for alchemists with several layers and secrets.
Bump bump
It didn't take long for Ante Mortem to devour the exquisite desert that most certainly appeared to their palette, however Rena did take notice of a few discrepancies. Her partner hardly appeared to be enjoying, or to be more accurate, something seemed to be distracting the Lost Number from it. Rena briefly nodded with her fingers resting on her chin, a Sherlock esque pose she would take when stumbling upon a peculiarity.

Rena's fingers calmly brushed against her partner's coffin and with a soft click a compartment appeared to open revealing a leather bound book neatly placed in its compartment. The act simply drew a tilt of her partner's head and with that he once more returned to his trail of thought, his fingers softly tapping the frame of his spectacles.

The Chrono thumped the book on top of the table with considerable noise, though in her defense the sound was partly due to the book's absurd thickness. There appeared to be no title page, just endless writing in two distinct writing style. As Rena calmly flicked page after page her eyes slowly darted on the contents and suddenly the flipping appeared to stop, her nibble fingers gently trembled while her mismatched eyes stared at a specific question which was occasionally sprawled, though the writing did not belong to Rena.

"How much time does he have?"

The trembling merely lasted a second and just as quick the Chrono returned to her jovial self, her fingers swiftly flipping until arriving at a fresh page.....

"Well shall we get going?" Angel finally spoke, moaned would be more appropriate though, it was was quite apparent the man had no interest in the shit storm they were plummeting towards. "We should catch up to the other, that Cadey alone will be a handful, the boy is so incredibly naive." He continued while wearily rising from his chair while massaging his nose bridge.

"Alrighty, I am done anyway!" Rena chirped with enough enthusiasm for the both of them, her eyes briefly going over the contents of her diary and then with a nod of approval she closed the book, placing it back as delicately as she could manage.

It didn't take long for Ante Mortem to run into the yet another duo of Asylums that were present at the briefing, a quick look at those two and Angel decided it would be best to just move on, he had no time to deal with those flamboyant personalities. Rena on the other appeared to derail from following her partner and instantly stumbled ahead of the two, Tae-Huwan and Hana Saek.

Without a though of hesitation the Chrono appeared to lunge towards the female, Hana, and clasped her arms around the woman's neck while swinging about with a chirpy laugh.

"Such pretty hair!" The Chrono exclaimed as her eyes twinkled from observing the details, the color and the accessories attached. "I always tell big brother to make my hair but he can only manage making these pigtails," she continued, despite blaming her partner's grooming failure, the child appeared to beam with pride when flaunting her bright gold twin-tails.

It didn't take Angel very long to catch up to the 'Banshees' and 'The Experimental Team', though what happened next the Lost Number could barely wrap his head around. It was no secret that the Ante Mortem was one team which rarely used most forms of modern transport, they never opted to take planes or trains and vehicles were a form of last resort for them. It was also no secret that the real reason behind this was Angel's severe displeasure associated with most transport systems, if left to his own devices the man would walk and teleport to any and all destination possible.

"How?" Angel thought to himself while grimacing as he stared at the other Asylums seated near him, his fists clenching and loosening and every bump on the road and his face growing more rigid by the second. The events that transpired seemed to happen much too fast in his mind, one moment he was standing with Kiala (Kiara), Suave (Maeve), Cafe(Cade) and Salad (Samad), the next some body brought the suggestion of a public transport and despite his firm disapproval the conniving vixens managed to convince his partner "it would be fun".

Angel's gaze fixed on Maeve and Kiara and even though his eyes were veiled behind tinted silver, they could tell he was glaring daggers at the two, as if blaming them if not every person here for this....situation. The man could barely pay attention to the conversation around him, he seemed to vaguely hear a conversation going on, perhaps Reri talking to the new team, or was it between Cade and Samad, maybe it was between the Banshees and himself. The entire ride was such a discomfort that the Lost Number couldn't even focus on whether he was talking or not, only one thing was certain....

"I am never riding this abomination again!" The words bellowed in his mind, by the reaction of the several passengers around him maybe he had just screamed it though at this point Angel hardly cared. Just when it seemed Angel would kill the bus conductor....or someone, his eyes brows suddenly rose at the announcement of their arrival and the realization the bus stopped. Without wasting a second Angel strapped the coffin behind his back and with two jumping strides was off the bus and on solid ground, though his foul mood would remain.

Nothing that happened next actually helped his mood, the Asylums finally entered the Pallidino estate. After waiting an hour they were granted audience with a member of the head family and with extreme politeness, and diplomatic care, were told that no person by the name of Anya and they should swiftly leave, after taking some refreshments of course.

"What a wretched day!" Angel cursed as he sat, sprawled on a comfortable sofa with his legs crossed and his head resting on his fist. His posture along stated the man was royally irked and as soon as he found this Anya he may just stuff her inside his coffin.

"It is obvious....is it not?" A cold and distant voice appeared to echo from the small party of Asylums seated in a large and empty hall. "It is always politic among the Bloodlines, it is called the Game of daggers yes?" Rin's eyes calmly darted over the number of Asylums, dismissing them casually before resting on her partner. "No Bloodline will openly admit to housing a possible suspect that had a hand in the genocide of a crest. Reading between the lines.....it is clear the package has escaped and is in hiding? What is the possible location that may harbor the package?"

A smile appeared to creep on Angel's face, it always surprised the Lost Number at just how observant Rin was; the child was a prodigy among prodigies. Though he did wish Rin could share some of Rena's openness and maybe smile? That wasn't too much to ask. At that thought he couldn't help but sigh, a kin to a parent stricken with worry.

"Any suggestions?"

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