Avatar of Yin Jingshin
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    1. Yin Jingshin 8 yrs ago


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@GreenGoat@RennyTrue dat. Just thought I'd throw some ideas out there and keep the ball rolling. A rare metal sounds like it could work too. The reason I went with something more common was to balance out the OP'ness with something that might be a more accessible weakness, rather than something that, although people may know about, may not be able to acquire. Of course, I just picked Iron off the top of my head, Silver or platinum or something like that might be a little better. Of course, we'll have to get Polly's verdict before we can move on. But like I say, just spitballing ideas. Cause I have to say, I don't mind you being as powerful as you are (and I'm sure you will RP respectfully) but I do mind that you have the potential to completly spam/exlpoit your powers IC. A more accessible weakness would help me feel better about that.
Some of these characters are looking pretty good. I've been lurking the past few days to remain up to date with what's going on. I have to say, there are a lot of champions. I suppose that can change IC, but it might be useful for a few people to switch to balance out the game. Just a thought.

@Renny Your character is pretty OP that's for sure. But a kriptonite type weakness could be a good answer. But instead of it being some kind of strange space mineral, how baout it's something more common, like Iron? (It doesn't have to be Iron) I'm just thinking it could be itneresting for him to have to deal with losing his powers fairly often, and working his way to getting them back. Or perhaps he has to be in direct sunlight? They say superman's powers are tied to the sun, the more sun he gets, the stronger he is. Perhaps being in the shade severely ddecreases your power, while at night you have none at all. Could be a good compromise?

Birth Name: Unknown

Alter Ego: The Womb

Gender: Unknown. Has physique of male humanoid, genitalia of a female.

Age: Unknown

Country of Origin: Unknown

Archetype: Supernatural, Metahuman ???

Allegiance: Unaffiliated (though may be persuaded to join a group, may even create his own group)


The Womb stands at around 6’1, with a toned and lithe frame. His body’s skin tone is caramel, perhaps tanned or mixed in ethnicity. From the collarbone up, The Womb’s skin seems to disappear, instead exposed nerves, muscle and veins cling to the bare skull that is his head. He has bulging exposed eyeballs and tiny capillary like veins cover his skull.

He often wears leather biker-like clothing. Though he is also found naked just as often.


Rapid Rejuvenation: The Womb’s molecular structure can reform itself at an extremely rapid rate. This effectively gives him eternal life and has given him a lengthy lifespan. Deep wounds heal and lost limbs can be regenerated within seconds. The effect this has on his biology grants him incredible brute strength, the depths of which have remained untested. The same is true of his reflexes. As his biology is constantly regenerating itself, he has never suffered any loss of potency in terms of his biological structure. His brain cells too have never depleted, meaning that he is particularly intelligent and can retain swathes of information.

He does however have weaknesses. Intense heat or fire can completely destroy his cells, making rejuvenation difficult unless he can extinguish the flames or escape. (Though even his charred bones can rejuvenate back to his original form, though at a highly decreased rate). Intense and sudden pain can still give him Cardiogenic shock, Hypovolemic shock, Hemorrhagic shock or Neurogenic shock and can leave him rendered unconscious; and despite these types of wounds healing, he may still remain unconscious for some time. Although The Womb does not need to breathe in order to remain conscious, drowning can still render him unconscious. If unable to hold his breath in one way or another, a torrent of water to his lungs could again leave him in shock and render him unconscious. Intense cold could also make him brittle or even immobile, and he is highly susceptible to psychic, arcane or magical attacks.

Equipment/Resources: Leather biker clothes, motorbike.


The Womb is an oddity. He often claims to be the first being to be created by the universe. A claim that is both crazy and yet hard to dispute. He often speaks of living upon the earth at a time before life existed, and even exclaims that he was in fact the catalyst that brought life to earth. Despite being able to remember swathes of information (like languages, tactics, history etc) he often muddles events in his mind, and it is hard to tell if he is telling the truth, or speaking in deliriums. He considers humanity and everything involved with it his children, and in doing so often uses his abnormal moral compass to “teach” or parent those that he can. In the past he claims to have led nations, cults and armies. All in various attempts at controlling his “children” and bringing about what he would consider peace. However, The Womb is not above killing to achieve his goals. His “go to” form of assault is to preach and gain some kind of following, however, if he is tested or confronted in some way The Womb would gladly smite his enemies to further his agenda. As a “Parent”, he considers his views to be the only way and would do anything to protect them.

The Womb often has periods of exile. When his plans have gone awry, or he simply is sick of humanity and it’s dealings he has been known to walk into the sea and sink to the bottom in a self imposed exile. These can sometimes be for days, decades or even a century. Of course, he often returns and tries again to assert his will on the earth, with varying degrees of success.

Special Notes:

The Womb can speak the vast majority of languages on planet earth. He is also well versed in combat and tactics due to his history in military battles. He is also well versed in politics and leading He may also be aware of any other arcane or immortal type being. Perhaps even crossing paths with them at some point, or just being alive at the time of their peak and hearing of their exploits. The Womb would not be fully aware of Meta-Humans, as I plan on having him emerge from the sea in his first post and learn about them there, and then form an opinion. I don’t want to give away what opinion that might be, but he would definitely approach one of the teams to speak with them and further the plot.
Birth Name: Unknown

Alter Ego: The Womb

Gender: Unknown. Has physique of male humanoid, genitalia of a female.

Age: Unknown

Country of Origin: Unknown

Archetype: Supernatural, Metahuman ???

Allegiance: Unaffiliated (though may be persuaded to join a group, may even create his own group)


The Womb stands at around 6’1, with a toned and lithe frame. His body’s skin tone is caramel, perhaps tanned or mixed in ethnicity. From the collarbone up, The Womb’s skin seems to disappear, instead exposed nerves, muscle and veins cling to the bare skull that is his head. He has bulging exposed eyeballs and tiny capillary like veins cover his skull.

He often wears leather biker-like clothing. Though he is also found naked just as often.


Rapid Rejuvenation: The Womb’s molecular structure can reform itself at an extremely rapid rate. This effectively gives him eternal life and has given him a lengthy lifespan. Deep wounds heal and lost limbs can be regenerated within seconds. The effect this has on his biology grants him incredible brute strength, the depths of which have remained untested. The same is true of his reflexes. As his biology is constantly regenerating itself, he has never suffered any loss of potency in terms of his biological structure. His brain cells too have never depleted, meaning that he is particularly intelligent and can retain swathes of information.

He does however have weaknesses. Intense heat or fire can completely destroy his cells, making rejuvenation difficult unless he can extinguish the flames or escape. (Though even his charred bones can rejuvenate back to his original form, though at a highly decreased rate). Intense and sudden pain can still give him Cardiogenic shock, Hypovolemic shock, Hemorrhagic shock or Neurogenic shock and can leave him rendered unconscious; and despite these types of wounds healing, he may still remain unconscious for some time. Although The Womb does not need to breathe in order to remain conscious, drowning can still render him unconscious. If unable to hold his breath in one way or another, a torrent of water to his lungs could again leave him in shock and render him unconscious. Intense cold could also make him brittle or even immobile, and he is highly susceptible to psychic, arcane or magical attacks.

Equipment/Resources: Leather biker clothes, motorbike.


The Womb is an oddity. He often claims to be the first being to be created by the universe. A claim that is both crazy and yet hard to dispute. He often speaks of living upon the earth at a time before life existed, and even exclaims that he was in fact the catalyst that brought life to earth. Despite being able to remember swathes of information (like languages, tactics, history etc) he often muddles events in his mind, and it is hard to tell if he is telling the truth, or speaking in deliriums. He considers humanity and everything involved with it his children, and in doing so often uses his abnormal moral compass to “teach” or parent those that he can. In the past he claims to have led nations, cults and armies. All in various attempts at controlling his “children” and bringing about what he would consider peace. However, The Womb is not above killing to achieve his goals. His “go to” form of assault is to preach and gain some kind of following, however, if he is tested or confronted in some way The Womb would gladly smite his enemies to further his agenda. As a “Parent”, he considers his views to be the only way and would do anything to protect them.

The Womb often has periods of exile. When his plans have gone awry, or he simply is sick of humanity and it’s dealings he has been known to walk into the sea and sink to the bottom in a self imposed exile. These can sometimes be for days, decades or even a century. Of course, he often returns and tries again to assert his will on the earth, with varying degrees of success.

Special Notes:

The Womb can speak the vast majority of languages on planet earth. He is also well versed in combat and tactics due to his history in military battles. He is also well versed in politics and leading He may also be aware of any other arcane or immortal type being. Perhaps even crossing paths with them at some point, or just being alive at the time of their peak and hearing of their exploits. The Womb would not be fully aware of Meta-Humans, as I plan on having him emerge from the sea in his first post and learn about them there, and then form an opinion. I don’t want to give away what opinion that might be, but he would definitely approach one of the teams to speak with them and further the plot.
Totes fair, will keep that in mind. Again, if any changes need to be made, just let me know, I have no problem altering in order to fit the bill
Sick, I'll get working on my character now. One quick question, is there any limits on powers? Or is that at the GM's discretion? I don't mind editing if too OP. (I'm not planning on being too OP, but I'm just not sure what the limits are)
Are you still taking on for characters? or are you full? Btw, I think I signed up to an rp of yours a while back. Unfortunatley I couldn't committ due to a lot of sudden chaos in my personal life (nothing serious, just been moving around a bit) but I can committ now and this sounds interesting. Already have an idea for a charry, just hoping there's room for one more.
Name: Amadeus Whittaker
Age: 54 ( DOB: 6/04/1965)
Gender: Male
Nationality: American, Caucasian
Occupation: Ex- Military, Human Bio-engineering Initiative,
Field of Expertise: Robotics, Neuroscience, Biology/Human Biology
Languages Spoken: English, British.

Personal History:

Son to Mary and John L. Whittaker, the infamous dynamic duo of cyborg technology . Amadeus was one of seventeen brothers and sixteen sisters, all of whom were adopted. Their famous and wealthy parents granted them access to almost anything in life they could have wanted.

The Whittaker's cyborg technology had shown breakthroughs with patients that had suffered amputation or had been born with certain diseases. They had been successful in creating a marketable prosthetic limb that could function with the brain as a new arm or leg. It's functionality was close to natural and could even be modified to increase a persons abilities. Their breakthrough had them thrown into the limelight with Times magazine running a three part feature on them, breaking down their research and all the possibilities and implications of such an academic feat.

The military picked the duo up and pumped money into militarising this technology for amputated soldiers and veterans who may otherwise still be healthy soldiers. The Whittakers made huge strides through the late 40's and 50's with their research. So much so that by the early 2000's, cosmetic robotics, as well as practical or casual robotics had become a consumerist item. Of course, it was a very elite commodity. Only multi millionaires or billionaires could afford such things. However it provided certain perks; despite having to go through radical surgery in order to graft the Bio material with the Robotic materials, limbs and body tissue often became much stronger, and tired less. In medicine their technologies were used to fashion working organs with lab grown raw tissues and organic robotic materials.

The Times dubbed it "The era of the Hybrid Human". Of course, it meant little to the average man. But it certainly was a dawn of a new time.

During all this, the Whittaker Duo had begun adopting children. Amadeus was the first, at 12 he was picked up from an orphanage in Birmingham, England. He along with his brothers and sisters, were cherry picked by their parents from all of the world, due to their distinct potential. Using their fame and knowledge of science and biology and their immense wealth, they taught their children everything they could, in an attempt to have their children surpass even their accomplishments. Unfortunately, only a few of the many, many children responded to the teachings. Many of the others simply wished to live their lives however they sought. Amadeus was different however. He found himself engrossed in how the science worked, and how his parents seemed to be manipulating reality itself.

He, alongside a few of his brothers and a sister either engaged directly with the research and technology, or joined the military in some strange capacity. Amadeus was taken on by his parents Lab at the age of 26, after he had finished studying Bio-Engineering in university. He took the research head on, with visions of improving the process and improving the technologies capabilities further. His vision were often too grand, and sometimes downright unethical. He fell out numerous times with his parents over the project. Eventually he was granted his own lab and jurisdiction, though he showed little progress beyond what his parents had already found.

The Military were set to pull Amadeus's project and fire him. However, Amadeus had just begun work on what would become the next step of Human Bio-engineering. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have anything finished in time for his annual review. And failing once again, had his project scrapped in 2003.

Amadeus went on to set up an independent Lab. He had a lot of money and realized that he could get away with much more absurd ideas while he wasn't being monitored. With the help of volunteers, he began much more extensive human testing and experiments. His methods were becoming questionable, and his small discoveries were controversial, however he still gained noterioty in an almost underground fashion. He was propositioned by career criminals to help them engineer the perfect body, durable organs. Turn them into immortal super soldiers. Amadeus was tempted, and even worked a few small regular jobs for these types, but he did not turn them into the super soldiers he knew he could, for fear of the chaos that would ensue.

Around 2018-19, reports of strange creatures were circulating frequently. The validity of these claims were questionable at first, however certain incidents were inexplicably real, like the salamander attack. The Military, for the first time in sixteen years approached Amadeus to help them work for a crack team to deal with the "Kaiju" problem. He responded;

"How could a Whittaker refuse?"


Name: Whelan Whittaker
Age: 27 (DOB: 01/03/1989)
Gender: Male
Nationality: American, Afro.
Occupation: Military, Lance Corporal for the Navy SEALS.
Field of Expertise: Special ops combat and tactics, combat with Kaiju.
Languages Spoken: Various Nigerian Dialects, English/American.

Personal History:

Whalen, Amadeus's younger brother and the last of the Whittaker's adopted children. He had shown smarts as a boy, however he had always shown an aptitude for more physical activities. He played on many sports teams, and even went to University, studying Physics. He took acrobatics, gymnastics, and various martial arts as he grew into a man, shaping his body and preparing him for his future.

He had not originally planned to enter into the Navy, however after hearing tales of potential threats on the coasts, he decided a good way to put his hobbies to use was to go into the army. He entered into the Navy SEAL exams and passed quite easily. He enjoyed his orienteering and training a lot, often being taken to exotic locations to run a drill.

On one of these drills. He and his squad were ambushed by a group of strange creatures. They had been on some islands just off the Caribbean. Most of the squad were killed or injured. However with the help and coordination of a few others, Whalen led a team against the creatures and was able to put all of them down. He even secured samples of the creatures and had them hauled back to Military Labs for testing. His squad were some of the first to come into contact with what would be known as Kaiju.

This being known to the Military, they sought Whalen out as the Kaiju problem became worse. Bigger and more problematic monsters were emerging and anyone whom had had any success with facing them was to be recruited for the task. Whalen was honoured to be asked but he couldn't help but feel the whole thing seemed a little, haphazard....


Sorry for the long posts. I haven't written in a while and I kinda just went for it. I don't normally post this long, so don't worry :p
Cool beans lad. I look forward to it :D
Hey there, I'd be quite interested in this. Is there a character sheet or what? Is there an OOC?
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