Avatar of Yui
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 151 (0.05 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Yui 7 yrs ago
    2. ███████ 9 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current I can't go bumping it yet, but I've updated my 1x1 interest check with pairings and fandoms. If you were looking at that before and waiting for those, I've taken care of it now.
6 yrs ago
I came out of lurking because I heard there were lesbians.
7 yrs ago
Pluviophilia: If the weather's wet, so are you.


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Hopefully this is good enough to make the cut.
Posting here to say I've got something in mind. Coming out of lurking to get in on this if you'll have me. Looks like fun.
"So what's the strategy? I'm thinking we focus our fire on the other guy. The new guy doesn't look like he knows what he's doing so I'd say he's easy pickings. Save him for when we're done."

Keala liked that strategy. For all sorts of reasons, really. It let Keala get right into seeing what her Dhelmise was made of, and once the non-Dareth guy was out of the picture, it would bring her fellow newbie to the crossroads that Keala lived by. Fight, move forward, and improve... or fail. Unfortunately, Hara's Pokemon wouldn't be able to use its fire attacks, as she stated. It sounded like Keala would be doing most of the heavy lifting for this battle. No problem. As Wallace announced this fight and its contestants - apparently either forgetting Keala's name or simply not having heard it at all - Markus sent out his Pokemon. It was a Seviper. Keala had never actually seen one for herself before, and it certainly looked like a tough snake.

Tougher than an anchor though? She certainly didn't think so.

"Well, with all Pokemon currently out and on the field... I can countdown!"






"Dhelmise, hit that snake with, uh..." What was her Pokemon even capable of? Come to think of it, it might have been a good idea to figure that out before the battle. "With something!" The Dhelmise rolled its eye (or at least, about as well as one could hope when one's eye is a compass), then started spinning itself in place like a wheel. Then, along the floor, it began spinning rapidly toward the Seviper.
"No no this will never do! You three are quite old enough to be learning a few proper rules for Pokemon battling. There will be no ugly little fistfights between Pokemon if I have any say in it! Before any of that though, Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Wallace. The Gym Leader of Sootopolis, in the Hoenn region."

There were rules? You'd say hi to each other then battle, right? Maybe things were a bit different in Hoenn. However they were, something in Keala's gut told her that it was probably better back in a different time than right now. That said, Keala had heard a thing or two about Gym Leaders. They weren't quite the Trial Captains she was used to, but they served just about the same role. And it seemed that this one - Wallace, from Sootopolis City (what kind of name was that?) - had an idea. An idea of a double battle! Girls vs. boys, Keala and the girl who had introduced herself as Hara, up against Dareth and some guy called Markus.

"Take a moment to associate with your partner, then come on! We've a battle to start!"

"...mkay." Stepping up to Hara's side, Keala reached for her Pokeball, and said "Again, my name's Keala. And my partner is..." Keala pressed the button, and out from the Pokeball emerged her pokemon. In a stark contrast to the other baby pokemon around here, Dhelmise wasn't a small thing, and while she was no expert, she'd never heard of one evolving before. It felt a bit odd, comparing the sizes of Mareep and Growlithe to this thing. "It's a Dhelmise. I caught him just a minute ago, but it's been following me around for... maybe a week?"
"You know, you don't always have to beat a pokemon into submission for it to join you, perhaps try simply asking this one."

"He started it," Keala muttered, taking the Poke Ball into her hands, and turning to look at the Dhelmise. It was interested in having her as a trainer? That seemed odd; their only interaction had been their meeting. Though when she thought about it that way, it kind of made sense? If she met someone and knew out the gates that they were were strong, and not afraid to step into a situation, she'd at least want to get to know them. Maybe it was something like that. Keala stepped up to the ghostly anchor, and pressed her pokeball against it as opposed to throwing it, causing the ball to open and capture the Dhelmise. The ball didn't even wiggle. It simply clicked shut.

She had her own Pokemon now. She had to think of a name for it. People generally did that, right? Some names ran through her head, but nothing solid just yet. Sending a thankful nod the good Professor's way, Keala left the crowd of kids and the old man to their own devices. In the rest of the crowd, she could spot three trainers all gathered together. Mostly because one of them stuck out above the others, between her height and her hair adding even more height. Maybe it would be good to get to know some trainers. As Keala stepped up to the group, she could hear the taller girl among them challenge a boy - he had a Mareep, and it was tempting not to pet the thing - to a battle.

"We could make it a double battle if..." Keala looked at the fourth person. That wasn't a pokemon. That was an egg. "...nevermind. Thought that was a pokemon, but it's just an egg. I guess I could battle it out with the winner then? I only just now caught my pokemon so..."

Something seemed amiss. What could it have been?


Oh, of course!

"Name's Keala by the way. The rest of you?"
It had been a couple weeks since Keala first set foot on this boat. Plenty of other aspiring trainers-to-be were on board, but unlike most of them, there was something Keala in particular lacked. A pokemon. The time between realizing Fern's boat was in the Alola Region and it then leaving was too short for her to stop and catch something, but being a professor, surely Fern would have plenty of pokemon to give to the newbie trainers. Was that part of their job description or something? And with any luck, he could get the Dhelmise behind Keala to stop stalking her. Every time she turned around to check if it was still there, it tried hiding, but as it turned out, 12-foot-tall anchor ghosts weren't exactly sneaky.

Even now, she could hear it creaking and groaning right behind her with every movement. This thing was distracting, but it wasn't really doing anything, so it wasn't like she could just throw it overboard for no reason. Unlike when it first crawled on board and nearly dragged some unlucky sap down for a one-way ticket to the ocean floor. Apparently, the best way to make an anchor ghost stop trying to drown someone was to just hit it. Just in case it was targeting her instead though, Keala had been careful not to get too close to the edges of the boat ever since this Dhelmise started following her around.

More importantly though, Professor Fern had finally shown himself! The crowd was already drawing itself toward him, and Keala followed suit. He introduced himself, explained that this world was inhabited by pokemon (hopefully everyone on-board already knew that though), and - in true professor spirit - was willing to provide anyone without a pokemon with one that he had caught. That was her opportunity. Along with a few others, seemingly younger than her, Keala sifted her way through the crowd, making for the good professor himself.

"Excuse me, Professor Fern. I'd like one of your pokemon."

"Reassurance isn't motivation. You need to keep moving. I'll drag you by your hair if I have to."

Name: Keala Melia

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthplace: Po Town, Alola (mixed upbringing in Po Town and Malie City)

Pokemon: 1 (Dhelmise)

Why stop at three wheels when you can have four? That's how many a car has and those seem to work just fine. I'd be down for something like this if you'll have me.

Also, something something "did you call for me?"
<Snipped quote by Yui>

I would prefer to avoid all anime face claims, I find they don't accurately represent the tone and genre I am aiming to replicate.

Understandable. I for one am strongly against real-life face claims, but won't make much a fuss about it. Wishing y'all the best for this RP, since it seems pretty solid (^_^)/
I've got some pending interest. Before I get to work on something though, I wanted to ask your stance on anime face claims vs real-life ones. There's a thin line dividing the two that I'm abnormally passionate about, so I don't want to do something with one only to get hit with "use the other pls" and be like "I can't do that".
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