Avatar of ZayZe
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: ZayZe
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 521 (0.14 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. ZayZe 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Enjoy the holidays.
5 yrs ago
Year long hiatuses are fun! ... Sorry to the one or two friends I've got left on here! :)
1 like
5 yrs ago
Gotta say, I'm gonna miss this long weekend.
5 yrs ago
I can't access the discord server.. can someone send a invite link?
5 yrs ago
Oof getting drunk on Christmas with your best buds is a good time. Enjoy your nights... drink some water and make sure you stay alive lol


Updated: April 13, 2018
Roleplaying Status: Moderately Active

Nice to meet you. I've been here since before the guild fall.

I'm not really looking for anybody in particular, but I am looking for somebody who can write very immersive stories, especially in the Medieval Fantasy genre. It doesn't have to be that genre specifically. I just have a slow start in RPs sometimes due to immersion difficulties. I basically like to do 'improv' world building as we go along with our posts. We don't have to have every little detail fleshed out. It makes it harder to get started in my opinion.

Somewhat active at the moment, but I'm in the U.S. Military. So there may be some times where I won't be able to respond other than hiatus reasons. I hope to be around more in the future. I always have my days where I just like to write and think of something to write about. Sadly I don't always have a creative mind, but it's a work in progress.

If there is something else I should add, let me know!

Most Recent Posts


That's fine with me! If you add some, be sure to let me know.

This might help you a little bit.

Click Here

Have fun at work!
It's fine! :P Sounds like you've been very productive! I'm happy for you.

Okay, so I've been organizing my other RP's and setting up my own little template on a program I'm using.

So, I was wondering if we could do a very basic CS sheet for our chars in the character tabs? I don't even know my characters last name anymore. :o


Sorry my post didn't have any dialogue. Hopefully you still think the post is quality.


Hope you're having a good day!
Jovian nodded to Theomedar when he had given him a meeting place. He looked at the girls as they alked about Rimeth’s bow and arrows. A natural smirk came across his face as he listened to the them. He thought it was cute and funny how they spoke. He wanted to laugh Rimeth said that she wanted to show off her bow skills. He thought it was really cute. Instead he coughed a little bit from sipping on his wine. He looked up at Sylvar when he had pointed out that he was the one that encouraged her to become better with bow and arrow. In all reality, it would be really useful to have that skill for a woman. This way, she’d be able to kill someone much bigger than her if it really had come down to it. Jovian planned on being there though, no matter what. Even though their marriage had been set up and no real love was put into it, he would stand up for her as a man.

That being said, true real love, was festering inside of Jovian the more time he had spent with Rimeth. All the fond memories that he had with her, and her good attitude made it easy for him to fall in love with her over the years.

Jovian chuckled when Sylvar teased her about hurting him. She had seemed so innocent and free spirited. It was a perfect match for him personally. Maybe she would mature and change into someone different as time moved along.

He took a bite of some food, almost finishing his meal.
Lucio looked at her in the eyes as she got close. His eyes naturally wandered down to her lips, and back up at her. He listened to her go on about how he was calm and the mayor and why the vampire attacked her. He could tell she had been thinking a lot about the past couple days. It was only natural. Lucio was about to say something but she had moved even closer to him, asking him if he had come to the village to kill Alphonse or if it was pure coincidence. Lucio wanted to laugh. He wondered what would happen if he had said he came to the village to come kill Alphonse, but he had enough of the lies. He thought if he should tell her he wasn’t a vampire hunter but a vampire. He’d figured it wasn’t the appropriate time to tell her.

The conversation was halted by Verna, giving him time to think about his decision. Anna really wanted to know about him and why he was here. He had to make a decision, and the best one seemed to go with what she somewhat thought about him already. Knowing that if he were to go with that answer, it’d sound the most believable to her. It had seemed she already deduced what the situation was. Something about her had changed, like she had learned something new to make her ask him questions with more of a… motivated? Approach.

He looked at her stepping closer to her, leaning and putting his lips a few inches away from her ear. “Should we talk about this here? Or would you like to go somewhere a little more private?” He asked. Lucio figured it was a good question. On his next inhale, he could smell her blood rushing from her neck. His eyes wandered over to her ear, then neck. He wanted to bite her and kiss her. His vampiric emotions and needs stirred. Having Verna around eavesdropping and a potential customer coming in through the door would only halt their conversation further. Having some alone time with Anna wouldn’t be so bad either, not that he’d make a move at an inappropriate time like right now. Being alone would let her get used to just her and him.

He leaned back away from her, gaining a normal distance between each other. He looked at her in the eyes as he took another sip of ale from his cup.

He was curious to see what her response would be and where their next conversation would lead. He couldn’t determine how she was feeling and what her reactions would be when he gave her some answers. Telling her that he was a vampire was always one of the first things he wanted to do, but he could never find an appropriate time to do so. Maybe after a while, when everything had digested and died down a little. All he knew was that if his lover had just been killed because he had become some monster, and someone he was interested in was a vampire also, he’d probably just get out of the situation as soon as possible. He’d feel like he was in constant danger. His priority was to make Anna feel safe and secure. Then eventually he’d tell her the truth.

John & Jaques

John fondled his key chain eventually finding the key to his little meat store. He pulled it out and put into the lock, turning it. The lock had come undone and the door opened. He pushed the door open showing his little store he managed. He took a step in before hearing someone call out his name. “Ah Mr. Blackwood.” A man came up to him motioning to stay for a second, “A moment please.” He said finally approaching.

“Good morning Jaques.” John said fully turning around. “What do you need?” He asked.

Jaques lookd around for any kind of eavesdropper before turning back to John, “We have a council meeting this evening.” He paused a moment, “Apprently, we have a new member.”

John opened his mouth slightly with surprise, “Really? Who is it?” He asked curiously.

Jaques shrugged, “I don’t know, but rumor has it, he had killed a vampire a couple days ago. It was during the royal ball, and no one had even known.”

John asked, “Really? Who helped him?”

Jaques once again shrugged. “Apparently he killed him all by himself. I’m thinking it’s the new stranger that had come to town a few days ago.” He paused a moment looking around then back at John, “That one wandering vagabond.”

“Interesting.” John said scratching an itch on his head. “Alright, I’ll be at the normal spot. I’ll see you there.” He said turning around waving Jaques a goodbye.

“See you.” Jaques said jogging away back to his office.
Lucio had waken up the next day walking down the stairs. It was early and Verna wasn’t up yet. He yawned sand stretched as he walked outside. He looked around thinking about what he could do the for the day. He had remembered that the mayor wanted to speak with him sometime. He figured he’d meet up with the mayor. Even though Anna’s house was in the opposite direction Lucio wanted to check up on her. He used his vampiric speed and ran over to the outside perimeter of her house. He had listened inside. He heard her parents and sister, going about their daily business. Eventually he was able to sort out a heart beat which had sounded like Anna’s from yesterday. She was still asleep. He took a deep breath and walked back into town, heading towards the mayor’s mayor.

Lucio knocked on the door a few times. After a few seconds the door had opened up. Lucio assumed it was the mayor’s servant. “I’d like to see the mayor. He asked me to meet with him.” He said. The servant bowed his head slightly, “Let me inform the mayor, I’ll be with you momentarily.” He said closing the door. Lucio had heard his footsteps move away from the door, moving upstairs. He heard a muffled, ‘A stranger is here to see you.’ Then footsteps had come back down the stairs. The door opened, “He invites you in.” Lucio nodded stepping through the doorway.

As he took a step inside, he could see it was a nice home. The decor was fancy. A rug had laid on the ground right by the doorway, most likely to keep the dirt at the entrance. “Right this way sir.” The servant said motioning toward the stairs as he began to walk up them. Lucio followed him to the top, eventually reaching the mayor’s office. The mayor stood up from his chair, “Ah welcome!” He said moving his hands inviting Lucio to come in and sit down. “Welcome. Sit down. I'm Theo Walker.” He had said and repeated himself. He sat back down at his desk, grabbing some wine. He had poured a couple glasses. He scooted one of the glasses to Lucio. Lucio nodded taking the glass and sipped on it.

“You’re probably wondering why I had asked you to see me after yesterday’s incident.” The mayor said, then sipped on the wine. He set it down. “So you’ve probably noticed that I wasn’t frightened by yesterday’s events.” He said putting his hands on the table and interlacing his fingers together. “Seeing as you had disposed of a vampire all by yourself, I figured we could use someone of your strength and apparent ‘expertise’.” He took of his hands and scratched his beard looking at one of the paintings in the room, then looked back at Lucio. “We have a organization here. We call it, The Council.” He took a breath, “Now I know it's not a very creative name but, we know about vampires and werewolves. We even know about witches. We have a couple working for us when the situation becomes dire.” He paused looking at Lucio for some kind of response. All Lucio did was give him a nod. He didn’t have anything to say, he just wanted the mayor to get to the point. “We’ve taken care of supernatural events in this town for the past 300 years, when my ancestors had founded this place. I care for this town greatly, and I will always protect it with my life.” He paused and pointed to a painting on the wall, “This was the first council group that had been set up in the town. My great, great, grandfather.” He said putting his hands back together. “I’d like you to join the council. After have meeting you at yesterday’s formal ball, I feel you’d be a great addition. You even saved of my good friends daughter. Erwin DeRose is a good, hardworking man. He’s supplied our town with the right metal crafting tools and equipment to maintain this town for the past 20 years.” He said taking a breath to let Lucio digest all the information. After a few seconds he asked, “So what do you think?”

Lucio scratched the scruffle on his face. “Why not.” He said shrugging his shoulders like it wasn’t a big deal to him. “Excellent.” The mayor smiled, bending over the desk giving him a handshake. “Welcome to the council young man.” He said smiling. Lucio almost laughed when he had said that. Young man? If only he had known. “Thank you sir.” He said shaking his hand back and giving him a slight nod. The mayor stood up. “The first meeting for us will take place tomorrow after sunset. Meet us at a nearby cabin, east of here, about 3 miles.” He said motioning his hand to his door. Lucio nodded his head in acknowledgment, standing up with the mayor heading for the door. “Gernot! Escort this man to the door.” He said sitting back down at his desk, pulling up some paper that he had been reading. Fast footsteps could be heard coming from the stairs. “Right this way sir.” Garnot said, escorting Lucio over to the door.

1 Day Later - Early Morning

Lucio hadn’t seen Anna at all yesterday. He had went back to her house, listening for her for a few hours to make sure everything was fine. Lucio didn’t have anything better to do for the day. For some reason he had felt attached to the young woman. He cared for her, and for some reason he felt she deserved to be protected by a good man. He hadn’t really known if he considered himself a good man though. Lucio was a stern man. His personality had been hardened through the ages. Anna’s was still developing. He never had asked her age but she seemed to be anywhere from 17-20.

Lucio stretched from his bed yawning. He bent his feet downward stretching out the tendons in his foot. It was one of his favorite feelings. He uncovered himself from the bed sitting up, squinting his eyes as he looked around. The sunshine had peeked through the curtains. He got up and walked over opening them, looking outside for a second to see the town slowly waking up.

As he was about to stop looking, he saw his new favorite friend, Anna. She was walking to the inn that he had stayed at. A smile slowly spread across his face as he watched her. The sunshine bounced off her body, almost as if the world was saying, ‘Hey, look at how beautiful I am.’ He disappeared from the window. He started putting on some casual clothes as he listened with his vampiric hearing from the floor below. Luckily the floors and walls had been pretty thin from the architecture of the place. He could almost clearly hear her ask Verna if she had seen him.

Verna shrugged, still smirking at Anna. “No I haven’t seen your love bird.” She said as she had grabbed a glass of ale for a fellow patron. “I haven’t seen him leave either.” She said after a second. “He’s been waking up and leaving around this time since he had gotten here.” She dried her hands on a cloth nearby. “I’d just give him a seco-” She said before she cut off her sentence when she had heard some footsteps come from the stairs beside them, looking over there to that area.

Lucio had come out of his room. After a second he appeared to the girls. He looked over to them, and smiled. “Good morning ladies.” He said walking over to them. He leaned on the counter with his elbow. He faced Verna, “Could I have a cup of ale please?” He asked. Verna nodded, “Of course.” She said immediately bending over grabbing a glass for Lucio. Verna had treated Lucio nicely for a couple reasons. One, because he seemed to have plenty of money and was paying them generously. Second, he was attractive and well mannered. She had no reason not to be.
“Here you are.” She said moving the glass across the counter. “Thank you.” He said grabbing it and sipping on it, and then looked at Anna.
okay! :)

I'm halfway through. o_o

Also, I changed the First post to the 0th so you can edit it anytime you like!

Thanks for making me CO-GM. :)
𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔦𝔫 & 𝔴𝔬𝔩𝔣𝔰𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔢 ✞

Story Information
Fantasy, Fan-Fic, Medieval, Modern, Adventure, Action, War, Romance, and Mystery

Yay! I'm happy to hear!! :)

Okay so I'm working on my post. It's most likely going to be long. So give me like another 20 mins or so. I was screwing around on youtube and talking to you OOC for a while.

I didn't know if you read my msg earlier but I'm sorry it took so long to get to you initally. My sergeant was delayed today, so we didn't get dismissed until late.

Anyway, expect a post in 20 or so minutes! Sorry it's taking forever! <3
Okay that sounds great! The idea for me is to keep it from becoming mundane. :P

Awesome that's good to hear. :) The more we write together the more I seem to get attached to the story. o_O haha

It'd be boring to write something like this without you. :P

Also. Check this out

(Updated the OOC Cover Page - If you're intereseted
Let me know if you want something added or removed, I'll add stuff that I might find necessary in the future)
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