Avatar of ZayZe
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: ZayZe
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 521 (0.14 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. ZayZe 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Enjoy the holidays.
5 yrs ago
Year long hiatuses are fun! ... Sorry to the one or two friends I've got left on here! :)
1 like
5 yrs ago
Gotta say, I'm gonna miss this long weekend.
5 yrs ago
I can't access the discord server.. can someone send a invite link?
5 yrs ago
Oof getting drunk on Christmas with your best buds is a good time. Enjoy your nights... drink some water and make sure you stay alive lol


Updated: April 13, 2018
Roleplaying Status: Moderately Active

Nice to meet you. I've been here since before the guild fall.

I'm not really looking for anybody in particular, but I am looking for somebody who can write very immersive stories, especially in the Medieval Fantasy genre. It doesn't have to be that genre specifically. I just have a slow start in RPs sometimes due to immersion difficulties. I basically like to do 'improv' world building as we go along with our posts. We don't have to have every little detail fleshed out. It makes it harder to get started in my opinion.

Somewhat active at the moment, but I'm in the U.S. Military. So there may be some times where I won't be able to respond other than hiatus reasons. I hope to be around more in the future. I always have my days where I just like to write and think of something to write about. Sadly I don't always have a creative mind, but it's a work in progress.

If there is something else I should add, let me know!

Most Recent Posts

Virtus Caelum

Eren shook the commander's hand, “It’s better than the alternative.” He said. “I’m ready to help. You didn’t make the wrong decision. Though…” He said trailing off thinking, “I only know as much as you about this titan ability, which is almost nothing. I’ll have to learn to train it or control it.”

Eren figured being honest with the Scouts would be the best way to go. He had dreamed of wanting to get out of these walls since he was young. This was his best option.

Virtus watched as he leaned against the wall. The young man was pretty beat up, but felt as if he was already healing somehow. Maybe he was just being delusional.

“The new guy now.” Tushar whispered to Virtus walking over to him. “Now we have a pet titan.” He joked.

A light punch on Tushar’s back thudded. “Don’t say that.” Vivi said scolding him. “He’s just like any of us.” She argued while whispering.

“As far as you know Vivi.” Tushar said, providing a valid point.

“Enough you two.” Virtus said looking at both of them before they started getting louder and making a scene.

“Alright, alright.” Tushar said putting his hands up and smiling. “I was just joking.” Vivi rolled her eyes at him, before she looked back over at Eren and the commander.

Virtus got off the wall and walked over to Eren after the commander had introduced himself and the team. “I’m Virtus Caelum. Just a soldier in the Survey Corps.” He said giving him a slight nod.

“Y-Yeah. Nice to meet you.” Eren said giving him some respect. Vivi basically frolicked over to Eren, giving him a small wave, “And I’m Vivi.” She smiled, “It’s nice to have you on the team.” She encouraged him.

Tushar stood beside Virtus. “I’m Tushar.” Tushar didn’t really say it in a welcoming voice, mostly due to his suspicion of Eren. Tushar was a little more reluctant to trust in people because of his past.

Eren gave him a nod and looked around at everyone. He never really expected this to happen, especially being a titan. Why would the Survey Corps want him? He figured since they were an elite unit, it would be the quickest way to dispose of him if something were to go wrong.
Virtus Caelum

Virtus made a 'tsking' noise when she had said that her reason for beating him was for lack of discipline and talking when she shouldn’t. In his mind it had nothing to do with discipline.

When she continued to beat him, he stepped forward to the edge of the wooden railings separating the court from the bystanders. He gripped the railing hard, almost enough to hear the wood snapping and cracking. Virtus’s strength was almost inhuman.

‘Isn’t this taking it a little too far?’ He thought watching her, waiting, just waiting for her to stop.

Virtus looked over at Erwin. That man was cunning and clever. The Scout Regiment was the one’s who defended him, so was it possible that this was some part of the plan? He hated being out of the loop of important plans. As soon as he could, he wanted to be the 2nd lieutenant to commander Erwin, if that’s what it would take to get on the inside of planning.

Tushar put a hand on Virtus’s shoulder as if to calm him down from making a bad decision. Virtus glanced at Tushar and relaxed a little bit, the grip on the railing loosened and shoulders sank.

‘Hmph.’ Virtus made a sound and looked at the lieutenant, waiting for the next move.
Eren Jaeger

“Now hold on a second!” Eren yelled, “Maybe I’m the monster you want dead! But you leave her out of this. She’s innocent!” He yelled and slammed the metal chains against the post, “Your wrong. About it all, but you’re so intent on pushing personal agendas, you’re blind to what’s in front of you.”

‘What am I even saying?’ Eren thought.

“None of you has even seen a titan, so why are you so afraid huh?” He asked.

‘Maybe I should keep quiet?’ He thought, ‘No, I’ll tell them exactly what I think. If they wanna kill me, I’ll let them know exactly what I think.’

“There’s no sense in having power if you’re not going to use it to fight.” He said with a loud stern voice. “If you’re too scared to fight for your lives, fine. Let me do it! You- You’re all cowards!”

“What?” A man said.

“Just shut up, and put all your faith in me!” Eren said.
Mikasa Ackerman

Mikasa kept quiet for a second before answering, looking at Eren, then the judge again. She couldn’t figure out if she should lie or not.

‘What would be best for the situation?’ She wondered.

She exhaled, “He swung at me, but I dodged.”
Eren Jaeger

Eren looked up when addressed, “Yes.” His eyes became more focused and angry, the chains on the pole strained against his wrists making a metallic clank, “I’d gladly dedicate my life to kill the titans! Retake our land, and keep humanity safe!” He yelled. “I hate everything that is titan.” He said, calming down a little, the chains relaxed.

The people around the court were silent, looking at one each other, quietly whispering, as if they started to side with Eren.

Virtus nodded his head in approvement. Tushar and Vivi saw that and they looked back at Eren, waiting for the answer from the judge.

It was almost motivating to Virtus. It was rare for someone to move him in such a way. Maybe, there was more to something than meets the eye, some deeper underlying thing they have yet to discover.
Eren Jaeger

Eren sighed slightly, not giving an attitude, more so that his life was on the line and this man was the one to control the outcome.

“No objections. I’m not your enemy.” He added.

Immediately after saying that a few people around the court room booed him, and the quiet courtroom started echoing in whispers and some more conversations.

“Monster!” One yelled out. “You attacked us!” Another said.

Eren looked at the Commander, ignoring the remarks.
Eren Jaeger

Eren looked around the room as it quiet when he was asked the question. It was a little eerie and slightly intimidating. These people weren’t his enemies, he had to prove his innocence the best he could. All he could rely on was that Scout, Sarah.

“Yes, that’s correct.” He said and leaned against the pole on his back.
Virtus Caelum

Virtus and the other two maneuvered their way towards the same side as the rest of the Scout Regiment. Virtus stood a few steps behind the lieutenant but had a good place to see Eren Jaeger. He looked around the room. People talking and pointing at Eren, most likely saying hateful things, judging by the way they looked.

“I wonder what’s going to happen to him.” Vivi said looking over at the young man, chained to the ground. Virtus looked at Vivi then at Tushar, before looking back at the young man.

“Seems like a lot of commotion for a boy.” Tushar said scratching his whiskery face. “Don’t see why all the trouble for this.”

“Me neither.” Vivi agreed looking at Tushar. “Maybe the boy did some terrible crime.” She commented. A fellow member from the scout regiment overheard their conversation.

“Didn’t you hear? He’s one of those titans.” He said pointing at Eren, “He’s a monster.”

Virtus looked at the man who had just told them the news. He was definitely surprised from this information. ‘No wonder the lieutenant was trying to keep an eye on the young one so intently.’ Virtus thought, looking back at the boy.

Tushar and Vivi were equally as surprised, “Really?” Vivi asked almost whispering as she looked at the young man. He didn’t look like a monster or a threat. She only remembered his unconscious body as she took care of it on top of the wall.

A small worried look came across Vivi’s face. She didn’t want anything happen to him. Was he really an enemy of humanity? That’s what this trial was probably all about.

Her focus became more intense as she waited eagerly for the trial itself to start.

“Who would’ve thought the boy was the monster.” Tushar commented, waiting for the trial to begin.

Virtus rose an eyebrow at both of them before glancing at the lieutenant and the young man.
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