Avatar of Zetsuko
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    1. Zetsuko 9 yrs ago


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I dig it, count me interested
During the trek Lothian tried to gather the names of some of the party that he didn't yet know and shared his as well. He didn't keep for much conversation on the road though and eventually went much quieter and put his hood up as the road got more populated, trying to avoid the looks he'd inevitably receive. He was silently thankful for the Templar, as most of the traffic wanted to avoid the party because of him.

When they stopped he was ready to answer in favor of continuing through the forest almost as soon as Val started talking but then they heard screams. He began scanning the treeline after the first scream, his eyes never left it even as he dismounted along with Val. In the short tense silence after the second scream he actually chuckled "Heh, normally I'm the thing haunting the woods" but quickly shut up as the creature appeared.

He readied his crossbow and took aim as the corrupt wolf began to charge. Targeting it's untainted side he released a few shots, hoping to weaken it's charge if he could not kill it.

Keenan had been mostly silent during the trip but as he faced down a charging scorn-wolf he sighed and muttered "aren't these adventures suppose to start with rats?" still he had stepped forward, blades drawn, and braced against the wolf's charge, sharp parts forward and ready to throw a kick to the underside of it's jaw when it got close.

All the while he could feel the Fae manipulating dark magic behind him, the presence of the shared magic tickling at his back but with a short huff he kept his focus on the creature before him.
Keenan refused assistance as he put on the armor and as a result it took him a bit to get it on, further lengthened when he shifted to avoid being hit by an overexcited Fae with a large book. He had actually chuckled at that, smirking at the Fae's antics as he finished putting on the armor.

Once it was on he felt it's power begin to boil up within him, and his rage right along with it. For a brief moment he lost control, turning toward the sounds of the templar arguing with an orc. His face was stone but his eyes were filled with hatred and fury as he glared right at Val's armored figure. He took only a few steps in his direction, hand on the hilt of his sword, before he reigned himself in. He stopped for a second to get his breathing back under control and relax his stance before moving on to follow.

He wasn't able to make out what was said during the brief spat between Val and Adra but decided against speaking to anyone just yet. pleasantries could be handled somewhere other than this damned throne room anyway.

Lothian was still a bit out of it, it may have gotten easier to handle the input from his heightened senses but he'd yet to manage to fully make sense of it all. He almost considered removing the cloak to return his senses to normal but stopped himself, thinking he might as well get the hang of this sooner rather than later. Thankfully, that didn't prove overly difficult and soon amidst the ringing he was able to make out an argument between other members of the party.

He only caught the tail end of it so he didn't know what the issue was. He walked over and stopped briefly by the group and considered saying something but decided against it not wanting to get involved in such things, at least this early in their adventure. So he carried on and followed the Templar, hoping for a chance to get to know at least some of his companions in a different setting.
@Lord Zee sorry, been a bit busy. I'll probably post maybe tomorrow, if not Monday at the latest.
As a way of answering Lothian's question the Emperor simply had the artifacts brought into the room. Enchanted weapons and trinkets from a time long past. It made sense that this is what they'd turn out to be, Lothian was struck with the feeling that his question was actually a bit silly.

A short moment later Lothian turned toward the sudden sound of glass breaking, only to see that a woman with a large staff seemed to have knocked over a glass pitcher, his gaze lingered on the floating staff for only a second before looking back to the rest of the relics. Being largely unversed in such things as magic he was hoping he could find something a bit simpler.

He spotted something promising a moment later, a cloak made from the pelt of some beast. There was no card for this one, in fact it was so forgotten that it had actually been used as a makeshift cover when the artifacts were first brought in, as he had not noticed this Lothian mistook it for what it actually was. Taking up the cloak he threw it on, tying it in place and waiting to see if any effects were apparent. Shortly after he flinched, shut his eyes, and covered his ears as his senses were overwhelmed. It took him a minute to realize that this was not the cloak's doing, not directly at least. He soon found that the cloak wasn't assaulting his senses, it was enhancing them.

His eyes were the first to adjust, the light becoming bearable again and he reckoned seeing in the dark might've just gotten easier for him. Next were his ears, he could pickup faints sounds in the room and the normal sounds become near-deafening, it'd take him a bit to get used to this. As his senses adjusted he realized his sense of smell got a boost too but that hadn't been as intense at least, though the raggedy one with the ghost cat could do with a bath...

Keenan watched the relics be rolled out along with a couple of the first selections, making a note to be careful around the lying cat. As he was watching one of the artifacts quickly caught his eye. It was a set of black armor laid out on one of the carts, unremarkable really but still it caught his attention and held it as he approached even when the sound of a pitcher breaking rang out. The card by the armor had a simple name, "Berserker plate", whether or not that was the armor's true name has been forgotten, this new one given seemingly in light of it's apparent abilities.

House Thrace actually held some knowledge of this artifact, if not by much more than the imperials did, among their many secrets. This armor had not belonged to Dramoria, but instead to the old king Thrace. A fact that the noble house had kept all this time, though unfortunately details of it's capabilities were lost along with it, and a fact that resulted in Keenan interest with the thing. It was with a bit of a grin that he began putting some pieces of the armor on his arm, smaller plates slinking out from under larger ones to leave no flesh unprotected. Flexing his grip a bit he murmured "This will do nicely.
When the emperor finished his greetings and asked if there were any questions Keenan subtly turned his attention to the rest of the adventurers. He already knew everything he needed to about their mission and instead wanted to gauge the caliber of his soon-to-be companions and, eventually, adversaries.

He little scrutiny to those that were already there, staring would hardy give him much, and looked to some of the latecomers first since their introductions could still be heard...for one of them at least, the page seemed to have gotten lazy in the past few minutes, but the one he did hear had amused him. The mixup between Lord Garthan and this Adra brought a slight smirk to his face, he silently wondered whether it was the emperor himself that had sent the letter to a dead orc or if that task had been delegated to scribes.

Keenan was brought back as a few of the assembled party actually responded to the emperor. The disciple had requested an artifact, serenity, for his church and the Fae asking for something that was perhaps greater: the outlawing of slavery within the empire. They would both likely get a promise of fulfillment, or at least not an outright denial, no matter how hollow the promise was. Serenity especially seemed like it would cause trouble in the aftermath, if they made it that far, as the throne was unlikely to give up any of the artifacts of it's power. But of course they needed people now, failure meant the end of the known world as far as most were concerned.

Not that Keenan had much care for what the answers would be. He just scoffed and turned toward the emperor, acting like he was waiting for his response in order to hide the contempt in his eyes. These were the kind of people that killed his sister.

Lothian, for his part, remained largely quiet after his own introduction, uncomfortable in this setting as he was. He merely glanced at the others, looking over the motley crew. It was a varied enough set of skills between them to give the Elvkiin some confidence that they might have a chance of actually pulling this off, the feeling brought a small smile to his lips.

Though he had not received a letter, as almost no one among the empire had even know he existed, most of the details of this mission had been explained to him by Keenan on the ride here. This left him with only one question left "your majesty, forgive me, but just what are these artifacts?"
@Lord Zee maybe

I've been thinking of a beast pelt cloak type thing. wearing it could give you the heightened senses and such a creature would have but with the drawback of potentially losing yourself to beasthood. werewolf curse type of thing I guess but it's like the third or fourth artifact that makes one go crazy.

otherwise I can think of fitting negatives for a quiver that enchants it's own arrows or turning into a crow.
For only a true Elvkiin can stand to touch the wood of an Evertree.

Well I wonder who this bow is meant for XD

Really though I think I might try to come up with a relics for Lothian. I have three Idea's in mind now: some kind of cloak(not sure what it'd do but it seems fitting), a kind of quiver that can be attuned to any type of bow and hold special kinds of arrows for it, or some kind of item that actually lets him turn into a crow.

though if I can't figure any out I'm actually leaning toward either Vasilis or Purity
It had been a few days since the Emperor's letter arrived at the Thrace estate, Keenan had been en route to the capitol on the same day the letter arrived. He'd spent almost the entire journey so far inside the coach, sitting silently, imagining the empire's fall and dwelling on memories of his sister. The ancient oppression of his family not being enough the Empire had decided to take her from him as well, as far as he was concerned the Scorn was the punishment this empire deserved.

He was eventually broken from his thoughts when the stagecoach came to a sudden halt and some voices argued outside. After a few moment he decided to step out to see what the problem was. Walking up toward the from of the coach he spoke out toward the driver "What's going on here?" The driver looked to Keenan when he appeared and bowed his head "Apologies, Lord Thrace" he then gestured toward a robed figure in front of the coach "This vagrant dares to hitch a ride as if this were some common carriage wagon". Just then the figure took a step toward Keenan and spoke "I simply seek passage to Dramon"

Keenan looked the figure up and down, one hand rested on the hilt of one of his swords "and what business could you have there?"

"I've heard the emperor is gathering adventurers to face the scorn in the west. I wish to join them" the figure held out a hand, revealing jewelry and pretty trinkets "I can pay plenty for the trouble"

Keenan had the immediate thought that he should strike down this man now, whether he was truthful or not, it would be one less potential threat to his true mission but he was soon distracted from such thoughts by the treasures the figure offered. They were of Elvkiin make "And where did you find those?" he was almost hoping this was an assassin, hired by underworld elements to end the emperor for some reason. Instead the figure lowered it's hood to show the face of one of the former denizens of the northern forests, surprising both Keenan and the driver.

After a short heavy silence, Keenan began to chuckle.

When they arrived at the palace they were greeted with the side of guard leading a Fae into the throne room. It seemed they had arrived at about the same time as many of the rest of their party. What providence.

Following into the throne room shortly after the Fae his arrival was announced after he short greeting, the guard calling out "Lord Keenan Thrace of the Twin Fangs!" He hesitated for one step, hearing the announcement for once not including his beloved sibling. He carried on into the room, the elvkiin following behind him until they were toward the front of the gathered adventurers. He put a fist to his chest and tipped his head for a bow "Your Majesty" lifting his head up he continued "My brother sends his greetings, he prays that this endeavor be a successful one" he caste a quick glance at the others and relaxed his posture "My lord, if I may, I have brought a traveler that sought an audience with you, one I believe you may want to hear" with that he gestured toward his companion.

Without waiting the figure stepped forward and lowered his hood, again revealing his elvkiin features, he then bowed with one arm across his chest "your majesty. My name is Lothian Dimaethor, warrior to what remains of the elvkiin. my people have already suffered from the plague and I would not see what is left snuffed out by this scorn. I ask that you let me join this quest, that I may add my skill to ending it's corruption" as he finished Lothian maintained his bow, awaiting the emperor's response.

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