Avatar of Zyngard
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    1. Zyngard 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current I have discovered food is both delicious and necessary for continued life.
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Yes, Zyngard. Also known as various things across the Interwebs, but the only one you need to know is Zyngard

I hope I will see you around, Traveller.

whee I’m bored and bad at writing these things

Most Recent Posts

@Dartbored Fairy

Pirila huh? He’d probably have to fucking remember that name at the least. He shook her hand without real enthusiasm, but a firm grip, as he looked around at the so-called ‘phantom point’ station. Plenty of people here, but he supposed that’s what fucking happened when there’s a bloody ash storm.

Hm? Oh, she had asked him a question. “Well, for one, a f- space portal dropped me off a couple of places before just b- leaving me here outrunning a d- storm.” Man, not swearing was hard. “So I suppose I’m a” He added the word ‘fucking’ mentally “refugee, although I’m not fleeing from any war.”
Pyra gave a tired nod as he barely heard the compliment, simply allowing himself to be carried to a bunk without any attempt at movement himself. It was... probably safe. Should he let himse- he passed out, his body finally beginning the rejuvenating process known as ‘Rest’. Not that it would help much with a broken arm.
Pyra looked at Daelin with a perturbed expression, then crying out at the sudden mace to the face. His eyes! ...damn it damn it damn it. He squeezed his eyes shut tight as the Myti seemed to disappear to his senses, at least, leaning up against the wall and rising to his feet after he was shoved forward, making his way back into the Caravan and promptly sliding down on an open section of wall, repeating the phrase "Don't pass out don't pass out don't pass out..." under his breath repetitively, trying to... well, not pass out. He'd prefer to be conscious for the time, as hard as that was. Shame there wasn't a paladin around or anything...
@Dartbored Fairy

“Yeah yeah I’ll keep the swearing down to a fucking minimum” He swore, both an oath and a swear, notably quieter than his earlier yelling “Where the fu-heck am I anyways? This time, at least.”

Bloody stupid fucking space portals... make up your fucking mind about where you want to lead and quit breaking physics while you’re at it. “Suppose I owe you a da-introduction while I’m at.” He’s trying his best, given the circumstances, and sticks out a hand, somewhat dirtied by ashes “Cuna. Cuna Ier, to be specific.”
Cuna raised a hand to his face, seeing a building just ahead, maybe a hundred paces from him, this time. Ah dammit stupid fucking space rifts, how come every fucking time he entered it, he went into a different place? First a place where everyone was either running around or completely silent like it was the end of the world, then a fucking spaceship devoid of people.

Now though, had to be his least favorite. Fucking... ash storm or something. Just his bloody luck. He turned through to head back through the rift again (why had he thought it a good idea to go through a rift in space or whatever again?)...OF FUCKING COURSE IT TOOK NOW TO DISAPPEAR.

“Bloody bones and flaming ashes” He growled to himself, coughing after a moment from a stray ash. He turned to see the storm fast approaching, and swore loudly, ”Bloody Flaming Ashes, burn in Sha’yol Ghul!” He had read that in a book once. Unimportant, time to fucking sprint like his life depended on it. Probably did, with his flaming luck.
Pyra gave an audible, tired sigh at the feel of the claw underneath his neck, and raised his right arm slowly up in the air, fingers spread wide “I would raise the other one too, but you broke it with that explosion of yours.” He slightly smirked, although he doubted the Myti could see that. Probably in his best interest to not take an aggressive action towards the one with a claw less than an inch from his throat.

Pyra grimaced at the other Myti still being conscious and all, taking advantage of the Myti attacking Flin to lash out with his foot. That said, he barely could sense an incoming attack, and tried to turn, but not fast enough to avoid the kick, staggering back and crying out loudly as it impacted his left shoulder, sending a wave of pain through his broken armor.

He growled, head swimming as spots of black appeared in his vision, stumbling back towards where the unconscious Myti was earlier, but avoiding falling over for the time. "Damn it..." He spits, at the moment a bit too preoccupied to focus on magic for the time
Pyra gave a weary grin as he saw the figure fall, his vision recovering enough to see the other Myti still standing. Time to change that. Although he wasn’t in the best shape mentally, he was still rather intent on making these Myti regret attack the Caravan, starting with this one.

He concentrated energy in his hand, firing it at the Myti’s knee, and shortly after it would have struck, Did the same trick he did to the other Myti, grabbing its head and slamming it into the Caravan. Regardless of whether that works or not, he shifts out of the doorway to catch a quick breath.
“Damn it all!” Pyra hissed out through his teeth as the orb went through, unfortunately having been looking at it to hold his concentration, trying to blink to get his vision back. His head spun from the combination of wounds and disorientation, although thankfully, or perhaps cruelly, he managed to not drop into the darkness of unconsciousness.

He forces himself towards where the flashbang exploded, his ears ringing, but more importantly, he had heard the Myti yelling out, gripping the doorway tightly as he saw the outline of a figure in the doorway, immediately assuming it was a Myti, based on a couple of factors, mainly proximity. He was very glad he had a nap earlier, his magical strength being refreshed enough to try and grab onto the head of one of the Myti using said magic, and whipping it towards the metal wall of the Caravan. knocked out or killed, he didn’t particularly care at the moment, using his annoyance, or more accurately rage, to fuel his will towards fighting back.
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