Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Morrigan, Reptile, Rogue, Kuro, Bandit Drayko, Regina, Torriko, Damien and Reggie

Morrigan watched as Sabrina transformed, she smiled a little and then flicked her fingers. Suddenly, Reptile looked over to her and smile, he flew over to her and landed beside her. He then placed his hand on her body, using his magic to heal her as well as restore some of the energy she had lost during fighting. He then looked to everyone else, they were out matched greatly.

"It seems you have the advantage now."

She sighed and gave a small smile. She was getting low on energy, suddenly, Reggie jumped down into the arena and looked to Morrigan

"There you are! God damn it Morrigan. You make me chase you around, and now I have to save you too! This is such a drag."

He rolled his eyes and looked to Sabrina as he held hand in his pocket, leaning against the wall. He then pushed himself up and placed his hand on his chest, saying the simple words, of, 'Release' Suddenly energy shot out from him, causing a huge crater, and soon enough, a monster appeared behind him.

"Ah, finally, Zzzzt. I am free again Zzzzt, master, and you've found Zzzzt, Morrigan. This is going to be Zzzzt, fun!"

Reggie looked over to him and sighed, as she did, Morrigan looked to Reggie, she was angry that he had come, she didn't like being helped, although, this time she had to admit, she did need it.

"Reggie! Father sent you again? Fine, fine. Hurry up and help me then. I am running out of energy anyway."

As she said that, Torriko stepped forward, now he knew. She had become so much stronger!

"Morrigan, you too got a spirit! So that means, that dragon over there belongs to you!"

Morrigan stood back in surprise, she hadn't expected to see her brother back, how the hell did he escape? How did he get a spirit?

"Brother! How did you escape! I thought I was done with you!"

Before he could answer, Reggie rolled his eyes. Assassin saw this, and quickly changed himself into lightning, he then stretched out his arm and wrapped it around Torriko quickly, shocking him greatly, he listened to him as he screamed.

"Master may not care, Zzzzt, but you are getting on my nerves. Zzzzt."

If Torriko wasn't released quickly, he would die, then suddenly Reggie was behind Sabrina, he looked to her for a moment and then summoned a paper cannon, and as soon as it was summon, the cannon shot out a huge energy blast at her.

Drayko knew that Morrigan was getting too strong now, especially with a new ally, he quickly ran over to Assassin and used his Lightning Flame Dragon's Brilliant Flame on him, and as he did his entire body fell apart and moved out the way, his arm was still shocking Torriko, Drayko's attack caused a huge explosion, Assassin laughed loudly.

"Zzzzt, That won't work on me. Zzzt."

Rogue nodded to everyone on Berk, now giving orders.

"Raiden, Beast. You go help defeat the lightning monster. Ruffnut, Tuffnut, you go help deal with Reggie. Astrid and Twin blade go deal with Reptile. Me and Kuro will deal with Morrigan."

She then ran at Morrigan and sent a ice blast on the floor, sending up high into the sky, then she covered herself in fire completely, and flew at Morrigan, if it hit, the fire would explode, and her density manipulation would allow her to get out unharmed. Kuro transformed into Morrigan herself and quickly sent a shock wave of energy at her.

Bandit Decided to go help deal with Reggie, he clicked his fingers and The Screaming Death got back up, it flew over to Reggie and screamed at him, as it did, it shot plasma blasts rapidly, Bandit then increased the sound of the scream, after doing that, he sent a energy blast at him.

Regina and Damien went to help Sabrina deal with Morrigan. Damien used his white magic and sent a shockwave with Kuro, the two shockwaves combined, making a huge white shockwave. Regina sent her dragon to shot hot magna bombs at Morrigan which she manipulated so they would explode on contact, then she summoned and sent diamond spikes at her. Reptile went over quickly to the diamond spikes and cut them into little pieces using his sword, he then growled.

"Youz are forgetting about mez"

He laughed at her, and Regina laughed back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Raiden and Beast.

Raiden and Beast watched as new people entered the arena and listened to Rogues orders. Raiden got up and put a psychic barrier around Torriko, protecting him from the lightning, he then expanded the barrier forcing the Assassin's arm open, allowing Torriko to escape. He then put the same kind of barrier around him figuring he would need some protection against the elements. Raiden drew his sword and got out his shield. He slowly and confidentially approached Assassin as he got ready to fight. Beast encased himself in stone armor to protect himself from the lightning, He raised his hands and the earth lifted him up. He then sent waves of boulders at Assassin as he jumped onto platforms of earth each time he sent one of the platforms to attack. Raiden used his DNA manipulation to give himself the DNA of the Night Furry, Deadly Natter and Gronckle. He flew up beside Beast to back him up as he fired a barrage of Natter spikes at Assassin while keeping a safe distance.

Twin Blade and Astrid

Twin Blade watched as new people came into the arena, he listened to his orders and nodded, then looked to Reptile, hearing him shout out that they had forgotten him, He quickly thrusted his arm up and suddenly a number of dark spires came out of Reptile's shadow, he then shouted up to him.

"Well can you blame us for forgetting about such a useless Reptile."

He laughed and then waited for Astrid. Astrid ran up from behind Blade, she jumped in the air landing on Blade's shoulder and kicked off him, propelling herself towards Reptile. As she flew through the air, she covered herself in her ice dragon armor as she drew her twin bladed sword. She used a super sonic scream to disordinate Reptile making it harder for him to dodge Blade's attack. She then hovered in the air with a smile, she was getting bored sitting and watching all the fun.

The Twins.

The twins weren't too happy that they had to fight with Bandit to take out Reggie. They would be happier fighting them both, at least then there would be one for each of them. The two covered themselves in their bone dragon armor as they both shot a barrage of exploding bone spikes out of the dragon head shield.

Selena and Dagur

Selena followed Reggie to Berk making sure he didn't notice, if figured that Morrigan had gotten herself into trouble again. As they made it to the arena, she watched as he entered the fight. She saw him immediately release Assassin as he started to help Morrigan. She jumped down from the rocks and entered the arena, as she landed she let out a disapproving sigh as she said,

"Honestly Reggie, how many times do I have to tell you, you shouldn't show your trump card to your opponents so early. You know how much I hate explaining the same thing twice."

As she finished talking Dagur realized Morrigan and her allies were getting too strong. There was now two people helping her, one of which was just as strong as her and now another ally had shown. At least this one however didn't have a spirit inside her. He decided to take her out now before she could become a problem. as Dagur ran at her, she gave a cold stare as she looked him in the eye and said,

"Fight me, and you shall never recover. Forfeit and withdraw."

Dagur ignored this as he summoned two dark magic balls in his hands and threw them at Selena, she sighed as she pulled out her spear. She span it around and deflected the balls with ease then threw the spear into his chest, as she walked over to him slowly, Dagur screamed in pain as the slowly absorbed his whole body and acquired all of his powers and memories, once Dagur had completely been absorbed, the spear began to fall to the ground, Selena caught it and as she did, her right ear ring began to glow. She then threw the spear over to Morrigan as she said,

"It's obvious you are running low on magic energy, this should help make up for it."


Sabrina noticed as two of Morrigan's allies showed up, she could sense dark magic in both of them. She noticed when Reggie released the spirit inside him, his power increased dramatically like Morrigan. It was becoming clear that whoever has one of these spirits was seriously strong. She could tell Reggie was just as strong as Morrigan, if not stronger. She decided because Morrigan was low on magic power, she would focus on Reggie. Then Reggie lunched an attack from behind her, shooting a large magic energy blast, she waited for the last second before dodging and as the magic blast approached she laughed as she said,

"Thanks, you saved me the trouble of coming after you."

Once she was finished talking, she disappeared just as the energy blast hit the ground and exploded. To anyone who couldn't see her movements, it would appeared as if she was vaporized. She reappeared next to Reggie as she went to kick him in the face. The lightning from Godspeed was being contained inside her body thanks to Black Widow, if the kick hit, he wouldn't receive any electric shock however she did not expect to land this hit, it was more a test of his speed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
Avatar of The One

The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Morrigan, Reptile, Rogue, Kuro, Bandit Drayko, Regina, Torriko, Damien, Assassin and Reggie

Morrigan caught the spear and looked to Selena, she smiled and dodged Rogue's attack, then quickly grabbed her and threw her into Kuro and Damien's attack, and as it hit her, she screamed loudly, the attack doing a great amount of damage to her, she then sent a flaming energy blast which hit Rogue in the back, she fell to the floor and coughed up some blood, but before Damien could do anything to help her, Morrigan teleported behind her stabbed her in the heart with the staff, she screamed, and closed her eyes, Kuro knew what happened to Dagur just a minute ago, he quickly sent her a large energy blast then ran up and kicked her, Morrigan of course blocked it easy, and grabbed his leg, although as she did, he smiled, and then shapeshifted into Beast, quickly pulling her down, and pulling the spear out of Damien who quickly fell to the ground and coughed up blood with Rogue. Kuro sighed, this was bad. Now it was just him.

"I might need some help here. Morrigan is too strong!"

Morrigan laughed and then teleported all around him, making sure he couldn't see her, until she stopped and blasted him in the stomach with a flaming energy blast, sending him back and knocking him to the ground, it seemed he was also out now.

Regina smiled as it seemed she was getting some help with Reptile. She sent a energy wave filled with light magic, yes, she knew both kinds, at Reptile as Astrid used her sound manipulation and screamed although Reptile quickly teleported away at the last second just behind Regina, who he hit with his tail, knocking into one of the spires as they came up, stabbing her, she screamed a little then roared, sending a infernal ring of fire at Blade, as it got closer, the ring got smaller, and would explode as soon as it hit,

Assassin dodged the attacks with ease by splitting himself apart once again, as he did, they went towards Drayko. He ate them and ate the fire as they exploded, he then used that fire to do a Crimson Lotus: Phoenix Blade attack, once again he split himself up, making him attack the Raiden and Beast then laughed. He could hurt Drayko, Drayko couldn't hurt him either.

Reggie quickly grabbed her foot and stopped it, and as he grabbed her foot, he covered her leg in paper, suddenly, the paper exploded, damaging her leg. He jumped back and smiled and sighed.

"Man, this is a drag."

He yawned and looked to the plasma blasts, he deflected them with ease, and then covered the screaming death in paper with seconds, suddenly the paper exploded and the screaming death crashed to the floor. He then absorbed the energy and sent it back at the two twins. Bandit then teleported behind him, but as soon as he did, Reggie thrusted his arm back, hitting Bandit, he then turned around and implanted paper inside of him, then, the next thing, Bandit's insides blew up, and he simply dropped to the ground.

Torriko managed to escape thanks to the help of Raiden and Blade. He then smiled, he decided to go help Kuro fight Morrigan. He teleported to her and to get her attention, he shot her with a simple energy blast.

"Morrigan, you're fighting me now!"

Morrigan smiled, she was going to enjoy beating her brother once again. She didn't know how he escaped, but nevertheless, she was still stronger than him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Jackie Chun

Jackie watched his surroundings and had decided to go help the people of Berk, when suddenly two new people came to the arena to help Morrigan. He sighed, it seemed this was going to be difficult. He looked to Selena, the only one who was not being attacked at the moment. He took a deep breath and then thought to himself, that he had to be careful since she was obviously very powerful. Suddenly Uncle came out of his jacket.

"Jackieeeeeee, you are right to be cautious as this woman is a killer. One more thing. Don't be too cautious, it will get you killed. One more thing, remember you can beat her if you fight seriously. One more thing, don't worry about hurting her, she does not deserve mercy because she will not show you any. One more thing, stop standing standing around and go attack. You got work to do."

Jackie nodded with a 'Yes Uncle' and then went up to Selena, getting ready to fight. He decided to let her attack first, so he could defend.

"Hey you, you're fighting me!"

He then stood back a little, getting ready for her attack. Selena heard a voice that sounded like a whiny old man, she looked over and saw Jackie, it was clear they were talking about her. As Jackie moved over, she listened to what he had to say then gave a cold stare to Jackie as she said,

"If I am fighting you, why are you backing away? Do you really think I don't know what you are doing? You want me to attack first, but how long can you stand there before your uncle starts yelling at you again."

Selena sat down on the ground staring at Jackie and waited for his move. Jackie knew what she was saying was true. He sighed and then, teleported behind her, quickly shooting a energy beam. He then teleported back to her front, and jumped up a little, sending another power energy beam at her. Selena simply put up a magic force field that blocked both the energy beams, as she looked back to Jackie.

"I know you are stronger than that, since you have a spirit. If you are not going to take this seriously, I won't even have to get up."

Selena saw where Jackie was going to land and with a hand on the ground she sent a powerful magic blast to his location. Just as he was about to touch the ground, the magic blast shot out from the ground, giving Jackie less than a second to dodge. Jackie saw the attack coming and quickly teleported on the ground away from the attack, then he sighed in relief.

"That was close."

He decided he had to get a little more serious now. He pulled out his sword and then stabbed it into the ground, then he channeled magic energy through his sword and sent it underground, within seconds, the magic blast came up to attack Selena. Selena gave a cold stare to Jackie, as she said,

"No originality."

She got up and jumped out the way of the blast, she then used her magic and blocked the sun out of the arena making the whole arena go dark. She then used dark magic to control the shadows as hundreds of shadow hands came at Jackie.

Astrid shot a huge blast of water out of the dragon's mouth, putting out the fire before it hit Blade. Twin Blade pulled out his two swords, he then used his density manipulation to make them stronger and lighter. After that he coated them in dark aura which made them sharper. He then made himself smaller, so small he couldn't be seen by Reptile. He then traveled through the shadows and soon came up through his shadow, as began to swing his two swords he made himself larger again by the time Reptile would of noticed him the swords would of almost hit already. Astrid decided not to attack, knowing he might use her attack against Blade.

Ryuji, Raiden and Beast.

Ryuji sighed, watching Drayko try and fight an element creature and having no effect. This guy had no imagination. He then saw Drayko's attack heading towards Raiden and Beast, Ryuji quickly jumped in front of the two and ate Drayko's attack as he looked over to Drayko and said,

"Those kind of attacks would never work, even if they hit. Try using your head."

Ryuji then shot fire out of his feet as he jumped of the ground, sending himself flying towards Assassin. He then shot fire out of his right elbow and went to punch Assassin in the face, when Assassin split his head from his body to dodge, when Ryuji's punch missed, he smiled as his body was spinning right, he shot another burst of fire out of his left knee, spinning him even faster as he kicked Assassin in the face, sending his head flying back. As he landed he looked over to Drayko.

"That is how you fight an elemental."

Beast watched as Ryuji protected them and then attacked Assassin. He smiled, and saw that Assassin's body was in the open. He ran at it quickly and used his magnetism to levitate the arsenal he carried with him and flung them at Assassin. Raiden thanked Ryuji for the help then teleported over to Assassin's head, he swung his sword trying to cut Assassin's head in half while using biotic slash.


After Reggie's paper bomb exploded, no damage was done to her or her armor. She smiled as she looked to Reggie.

"This armor is made from my hair and hardened by Nen. It's stronger and more durable than diamond. It will take a lot more than a small explosion to damage my armor."

It was clear Reggie was fast, and she knew he was strong. One of the conditions for using her snakes had been met. She then looked to Reggie as she asked,

"Just for curiosity sake, what will happen if you win, and what do you plan to do with the crystal?"

Just then, Sabrina sensed a large ominous power approaching fast as she thought to herself 'This is getting bad'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
Avatar of The One

The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Suddenly Stone dropped down into the arena, and as soon as he landed, a huge crater formed, then a burst of energy shot out of him as he screamed. He was obviously angry, he looked at Selena, then to Reggie, and then to Morrigan.

"Selena! Reggie! Morrigan! What taking you so long! You know I am inpatient man!"

He then an enormous shock wave was sent throughout the arena. After everything cleared, a spirit appeared before him.

"We finish this now! Leave this to me Stone. Now you shall feel the wrath of the mighty Bahamut!"

He teleported behind Drayko and shouted out loud,

"Die, you scum!"

Suddenly he stabbed him in the back with his crystal, then shot a crystal blast through his stomach. Drayko screamed and fell to the ground. He laugh, and kicked him while he fell.

"Is there anyone here who can provide me a decent challenge?"

He looked around and then back to his master, Stone who stepped forward. Morrigan bowed quickly with Reggie and Assassin as he walked past them, he turned, staring Sabrina in the eyes.

"My plans are none of you business, now, are you the one who kept me waiting all this time? ANSWER ME!!"

He shouted at her, he was full of rage. Morrigan looked up to her father with a small smile.

"Father, we are all sorry for keeping you waiting."

He then turned around and grabbed her by the neck.

"I could feed you to Bahamut right now! You told me Torriko died, then you run away and left me! Bahamut was right about you. You are just worthless scum."

He then threw her to the ground and looked to Sabrina, as he did, Torriko ran over to her, seeing if she was ok, but she simply got herself up and pushed him away. Reptile then ran over to Morrigan, and as he did, Bahamut slashed his back, making him fall to the ground and bow to Stone.

"Out of my way Scum!"

He then looked to the other dragon slayer and laughed.

"Do you dare face the mighty Bahamut?"

He thrusted his arm down and the crystal turned into a crystal sword. Stone looked to Selena and stared at her.

"Selena! Make yourself useful and kill that scum before I have to do it myself!"

He then turned back to Sabrina, still waiting for an answer. Regina got herself up, still bleeding a little and looked to Bahamut. She could tell he was strong, his voice screamed strength to her. How were they going to win now. Kuro, Rogue and Rozuline were still bleeding on the floor and injured, they were in no condition to fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago



Sabrina watched as Stone walked up to her and screamed his question at her. She didn't even flinch. She could tell he was strong but she was not afraid. She remained calm and thought about her answer.

"No, I merely defended myself and others against Morrigan. It is not my fault she wasn't strong enough to kill me. She is the one who kept you waiting by setting up this challenge and allowing Regina challenge anyone in the area in the first place when she should of taken the crystal and ran back home with her tail between her legs like the bitch she is."


Raiden used the chaos and confusion that resulted from Stone's arrival to quickly and quietly heal Rogue, Kuro, Drayko and Rozuline. He then added Drayko, Rozuline, Sabrina. Torriko, and Jackie to the mental link as he began thinking how we were going to beat these guys. Hoping anybody had an idea.


Selena bowed when Stone entered the arena. She quickly stood back up when she was ordered to finish off Jackie quickly. She sighed as she looked to Jackie and said,

"Sorry about this, I usually don't reveal my trunk cards so early but I have my orders."

With that Selena spoke out loud,

"Oshikuru, are you ready for dinner?"

Then a spirit could be seen coming out of her hair as it said,

"Yes master, of course master."

In an ominous and confident tone. She then released Oshikuru and shapeshifted into him. She then summoned an exact copy of his sword as she said,

"Our target is that guy in the blue coat. We will kill him as fast as possible."

She pointed to Jackie as she said this. Oshikuru then said,

"Whatever you say master. Right away master."

He smiled as he said this with blood lust in his eyes. He then looked to Jackie as he said,

"It has been so long since I had the chance to kill someone. I'd like to take my time and enjoy it but unfortunately I have to give you a quick death."

Selena then decided to summon one of Dagur's most powerful minions, as she placed a hand on the ground a summoning circle appeared on the ground and Ifrit appeared only now he was bigger and looked a lot more vicious. It was clear he was stronger. Obviously due to being summoned by a stronger master. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2jfgbae&s=8#.U4IeNXaGc6I

Then Selena and Oshikuru used some dark magic to move through the shadows, making Jackie lose sight of them both. It was now impossible to tell them apart. The two appeared from either side of Jackie and swung their katanas which were infused with a large amount of energy to increase the power and sharpness of the blades while ifrit charged at Jackie and went to slash him across his chest with both claws and tried to take a bit from his shoulder. Jackie quickly jumped out of the way from the attacks and began to run away quickly shouting.

"Bad day bad day bad day!"

He then stopped while Uncle began yelling.

"Jackieeeee, don't run away, you're not that weak. One more thing. Don't take your eyes off the enemy especially when you are out numbered. One more thing, when are you going to get serious. If you don't you will die soon. One more thing, when are you going to let me out. I think you could use the help. One more thing. Pay attention. One more thing. The enemy is catching up to you."

He nodded with a sigh and a 'Yes Uncle' until he realized what he said and turned around to see Ifrit shooting at him like a rocket ready to rip into him with his claws while Oshikuru came up in front of him trying to cut off his head. Selena was following close behind Ifrit as she used the shadows to try and tie Jackie up. She shot a lightning blast out of her left hand at Jackie's heart. If any of these attacks hit, it would be over for Jackie. He quickly moved out of the way and then released Uncle, sending a burst of energy out from him as a monster appeared from him. Uncle looked at his enemies, and then stabbed his tail into the ground, suddenly a huge spike wall appeared in front of them, acting like a shield, protecting them from their attacks. Selena ordered Ifrit to kill Uncle while she and Oshikuru dealt with Jackie. Ifrit jumped into the air with a giant stone boulder, he went into the upper atmosphere forming a club fist with his hands, he stretched arms back behind his head as far as they would go and smashed the boulder down to uncle's location, he then shot back down to earth faster than the meteor, creating too fire balls, one in each hand as fire began to come out his mouth ready to fire three fire blasts at uncle should he be able to dodge the meteor. Oshikuru hands came out of Jackie's shadow trying to grab his feet while Selena ran at him with a biotic punch with nuclear energy added to it. She went to punch Jackie in the chest, if Oshikuru was successful in grabbing, Jackie would be unable to dodge and would receive an explosive punch to the chest potentially killing him if not knocking him out. Jackie was grabbed by Oshikuru and then knocked out by her punch. Suddenly Uncle was then sent back inside Jackie as the meteor hit the floor creating a huge explosion, leaving a massive crater. Selena sent ifrit away and returned Oshikuru. She sighed as she turned back into herself thinking that fight would be a little harder. If he had willing to kill her and fought seriously instead of running away it may of actually been a challenge. She walked over to Stone as she called her staff back to her, catching it with her right hand. She bowed before him again and asked if he wanted anyone else dead. Due to Jackie's injuries his heart had slowed down and his breathing had become shallow making it look like he was dead. Even if somebody checked his pulse they would not be able to find it.

Raiden Astrid, Ryuji and The Twins.

Raiden and Astrid were shocked when Selena summoned ifrit, they knew that was Dagur's summoning. She then shapeshifted into her spirit's form which was another one of Dagur's powers. It became obvious that somehow she had taken Dagur's powers. It must of been when she absorbed him into her spear. The twins were both excited but they finally started to realized how bad the situation had got. They started to get a little bit afraid but this just made them more excited as they looked to each other and shouted 'Awesome. this is so intense'

Ryuji heard Bahamut's challenge and immediately activated Dragon Force. He had trained his and practice with his Dragon Force a lot and when he entered the Dragon Force state, not only did he gain dragon claws, scales and fangs but he gained dragon wings and a tail as well, essentially becoming a humanoid dragon. His power speed and abilities had increased dramatically but he knew it would not be easy. He disappeared for a second and reappeared in front of his face and shouted 'Lightning Flame Dragon's Firing Hammer' as he attacked Bahamut.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


He laughed and then grabbed ease hands, stopping the attack like it was nothing. He laughed for a moment as he spoke.

"Pathetic! I could win this with my eyes closed"

He then threw his hands into the air and stabbed him with both of his crystals, he quickly extended them into his body more then shoot a energy beam powered by his crystals out of his crystals, and with no way of blocking as he held his hands, the energy blast would burn his chest as well as doing major damage to him. He then laughed again.

"Pathetic worm!"

Stone looked to Jackie, then looked to Rogue and the others from Berk. Drayko activated his Dragon Force and roared, he flew at Bahamut and then used his White Shadow Dragon's Sword Horn although Bahamut covered his entire body in crystal and took the hit gladly, it didn't even faze him, he then stabbed him in the chest did the same again, sending him back and making him cough up blood again. Stone looked to Sabrina and clenched his fist, he then went to punch her in the face with his magic enhancer, making his punch faster and stronger, harder to miss or dodge. As he did that, he had earth spikes come up to stab her, although if she did dodge, they would stop and shatter before they hit Stone. Rogue, Kuro and Damien just stayed out the way for now. They were no match for these guys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Ryuji was stabbed in the chest by two crystals and as she was shot by a laser in the chest, he bring up his tail, apart the crystal in his chest and hitting Bahamuts tail, freeing his hands. He was sent flying by the laser and began coughing up blood. He knew he was no match for Bahamut in this condition, that's when he notice two large pieces of crystal was still stuck in his chest. Still glowing brightly with pure energy. Ryuji knew the risk but he had no choice. He pulled out the two crystals and ate them. Suddenly his eyes began to glow as his Light Dragon Slayer powers healed his injuries, his whole body soon began to glow. He stood up, his scales on his body turning into crystal. He looked to Bahamut as he shouted, 'Roar of the White Crystal Shadow Dragon' Suddenly, he shot out a huge blast full of razor sharp crystal shards infused with the power of a light shadow dragon. The energy inside the crystal was greatly amplified.


Sabrina sighed, a little disappointed that her plan didn't work. She was hoping to goat Stone into finishing off Morrigan. When he swung to attack her, she disappeared into one of her portals and reappeared next to Drayko and placed her hands on him once again healing him. She stood up and got ready to fight as she helped Drayko to his feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
Avatar of The One

The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bahamut and Torriko

Bahamut laughed and then covered his entire body in black crystal, he then formed a black crystal shield, the attack wasn't effective against the black crystal. Normal cyrstal would of shattered but with black crystal, he was stronger. He then looked to him and laughed.

"This scum is stronger than he looks. This actually might be fun."

Torriko stood up slowly and looked to Bahamut. This guy was tough. Suddenly a dragon came out of Torriko,'s scarf.

"Hmmmmm, it may be a good hmmmmmm, idea hmmmmm, to release hmmmmmm, me now hmmmmmm. Torriko. Hmmmm?"

Torriko nodded and released Drake, sending a wave of energy. When Drake appeared, he looked around, seeing Morrigan on the floor still. His eyes went dark, and Sabrina would be able to sense that the good in him was quickly fading. He picked her up by the neck and growled at her.

"I could kill you right now for what you did! You're lucky that I have more important things to do."

He threw her down and then flew at Bahamut who he detached his tail and wrapped it around him. He did this several times, covering Bahamut's body in detatched tails, and then blew them up, but it did nothing against his armour. Torriko teleported and threw a large energy bomb at Stone who simply absorbed it using his magic enhancer. He then used that huge boost in power to create and even bigger bomb.

"Selena.Go take out the other healer, I will take out this girl."

He then threw the energy bomb at Kuro, Rogue and Rozulina, knowing she would go and protect them. Damien quickly ran in front of it while she tried to stop the energy bomb, trying to push it back, but it was too strong. Suddenly, Stone shouted to Bahamut.

"Bahamut, our ultimate technique, now!"

Bahamut then teleported next to Stone who placed his hand on his chest. A magic symbol appeared, and then a burst of energy shot out of Stone once again, becoming even stronger. When it cleared, it seemed he had fused with Bahamut. He had black crystal skin, and his magic enhancer was made from black crystal itself. His armour was made from black crystal. Black crystal spikes came out on his shoulders. He teleported behind Sabrina and sent a black crystal shock wave at her, then teleported again, and punched the ground. Black crystal spikes shot up and were sent at her. He was extremely fast now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Ryuji saw how useless his normal crystal was against Black crystal. It was then he had an idea. He decided to infuse his crystal in his body with shadow dragon magic, turning the crystal black and strengthening it. Then he thought why stop there, he carried on infusing crystal with more and more magic until he had infused the power of every type of dragon slayer. The crystal now glowed and shimmered and it was covered in dozens of different colors. He smiled as he looked to Stone and said.

"Let's see how your black crystal fairs against my rainbow crystal."

He decided to repeat his last attack but stronger, Roar of a Rainbow Dragon using the power of all the types of dragon slayer magic.

Sabrina and Selena.

While Bahamut was fighting the Dragon Slayers and Stone was ordering around his men, Sabrina had enough time to make her way over to Jackie. She used an ability called Doctor Blythe, suddenly a large doll appeared over Jackie as it began to heal him. She used In on it to keep it hidden from everyone else while she teleported over to Morrigan as she said,

"I can sense how much you hate your father and with your help, with the two Dragon Slayers, and you brother and even Jackie over there. We should be able to take him down together and you will finally be free to live your life your own way and I don't think we will have to worry about Reggie or Selena interfering. I don't think they will help out your father unless they were ordered to, and your father doesn't strike me as the guy who orders people to fight his own battles."

Assuming Morrigan agreed, Sabrina would lend her a large amount of energy to help her fight. Just as she finished talking to Morrigan Stone Black Crystal energy wave as well as Black Crystal spikes. She picked up Morrigan and jumped behind the crystal spikes, dodging them carefully as the crystal shockwave came at her from her front. The crystal spikes acted like shield protecting her from the wave. Selena listened to Stone's orders to kill Raiden. She knew it would be an easy task. She wouldn't even have to release Oshikuru. She simply teleported next to him and placed her right hand over his heart, as she used her energy manipulation to send a beam of energy through his chest. Raiden coughed up blood as he passed out bleeding heavily. Sabrina seeing this, used her portal to teleport Raiden's body to her as she used Nen stitches to repair his heart and to close his wound. Sabrina was getting a little worried. These guys were out for blood and she didn't know how long she could hold out. Luckily Jackie was waking up, Doctor Blythe had done it's job.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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Stone looked at the attack and laughed, he then teleported away from the attack and shot a simple energy ball into it, as soon as it touched, the attack exploded. It seemed that the rainbow crystal was highly unstable. Stone then teleported in front of Ryuji.

"This ends now!"

He placed his hand on his chest and then created a black crystal in him, which shot out of his stomach. He then turned around and listened to Morrigan.

"I may hate my father but I will not help you fight him. He has always been rough with me, I hate Berk much more and my only goal is to destroy Berk. That is why I came here for the crystal. I will get my revenge, and Berk will be destroyed!"

She then created a huge energy beam and shot it as Sabrina, as she did, Stone did the same. Making an energy beam powered by his black crystal and shot it at her. The two beams were incredibly fast. Reptile then added to the attack, doing another huge energy beam at her, Torriko went to help but Reggie created a paper hand and pulled him back, as he did Assassin wrapped around him and began to shock him. It was then that Reggie teleported and placed his hand on Drake's stomach, he implanted paper in him and Drake exploded. He coughed up blood and fell to the ground, barely alive. He turned back to everyone else, wondering if they needed help defeating Sabrina.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sabrina and Ryuji

Sabrina knew it wouldn't be easy to convince Morrigan, but she thought if she had enough time she could get through to her, unfortunately it seemed she didn't have that sort of time. The three energy blasts came at her, in a triangle formation. Sabrina ran at them and jumped through the gap between them before the gap closed up. The three blasts continued on they path and headed right for Reggie. She rolled when she hit the floor and got back to her feet. She sighed as she thought to herself. 'This is bad, I already used up a lot of Nen. I have about two thirds left. At this rate, if I keep healing everyone without attacking I will run out of Nen and the others will keep getting knocked down like flies but if I try and take all these guys on my own, I will have no chance.' Sabrina began wrecking trying to think of a solution. Ryuji began to cough up blood as the black crystal began to shoot out of him. He knew his rainbow crystal was unstable but he also knew it had a lot of destructive power, enough to break black crystal and with his Light Dragon Slayer magic enhanced, it was fairly easy to stop the bleeding. It was now just Sabrina, Ryuji, Torriko and Jackie against the lot of them. Ryuji couldn't see any way to win, this was getting really bad. Sabrina used her portals to bring the four together. Ryuji grabbed hold of Assassin's body knowing the electrity could not hurt him, he ripped Assassin off Torriko while Sabrina focused Nen into the palm of her hands and shoot it at Assassin's body parts sending them flying back to the rest of his group. The two groups were now on opposite sides of the arena ready to continue to fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Jackie got back up again and was then teleported with the others. He summoned Uncle once more and waited for the enemy to attack first. He knew this was bad and they were unlikely that they were going to win. He prepared himself.

Stone was getting really annoyed now. They just refused to die. He now saw why it took so damn long. He gave a small sigh. One way or another, he was ending it. Torriko acted first, he sent flaming earth spikes at Morrigan, when he did, Stone crushed the spikes quickly. Morrigan then used a portal to teleport Torriko to them, and as soon as he came out of the other portal in front of Stone, Stone smashed his black diamond fist into him, sending him flying into the wall and made him cough up blood. He then teleported behind Jackie and Uncle and sharpened the Black Diamond, going to slash him. Jackie jumped up and dodged the attack while Uncle grabbed the slash. Jackie then used stone spikes to attack Stone. Stone grabbed Jackie's leg with his tail and then slammed him down, he then shot an energy blast through his chest, sending Uncle back. Reggie teleported behind Uncle and smacked his palm against his back, attaching paper to it, then it exploded, Uncle screamed and fell to the ground. Stone quickly jumped back and looked to Selena.

"Selena, you handle the Nen girl."

He looked back to Jackie who just got back to his feet. Jackie looked to Uncle worryingly, he then conjured up a elemental blast which would explode on contact and sent it at Stone. He had to stop these guys no matter what. While Jackie was open, Reptile teleported behind Jackie and slashed his back, cutting him deeply and infecting the wound. Stone then created earth spikes which would travel underground and attack Sabrina. Morrigan came out of her shadow and tried to blast her a powerful elemental blast. Stone moved so the attack could hit him, Reggie then tried to tie her up, using whips out of Morrigans shadow to try and grab her legs. While he did that, he used the shadows to try and cover paper over Ryuji using the shadow to transport it. Jackie screamed and fell to the floor quickly when he was slashed by Reptile. Now he was out of the fight once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sabrina and Selena

Sabrina watched as Jackie and Torriko then suddenly Stone tried to take her out with exploding stone spikes while Morrigan attacked from behind. Fortunately for Sabrina all she had to do to dodge both was to jump to the side, however, just as she did this Selena following the orders Stone gave her, intercepted Sabrina as she dodged, simply by watching her closely and figuring out which way she would dodge. She once again placed her hand on the ground and summon Ifrit to Sabrina's side, just as Sabrina dodged the attack she was heading right for Ifrit, by the time she noticed it was already too late as she thought to herself. 'Damn that monster came out of nowhere' Ifrit grabbed her and encased both of them in a stone dome as he raised his own body temperature to be equal to temperature of the surface of the sun once again. Sabrina's armor couldn't take the heat as it melted, Sabrina was receiving horrible burns all over her body as she screamed in pain. It was so hot the stone encasing them began to melt, turning into lava. By the time the stone dome had melted, Ifrit had turned his body to the normal temperature and Sabrina was unconscious and severely burnt all over her body. Selena then unsummoned ifrit.


Ryuji saw as his allies dropped one by one. Then Reggie snuck up behind and attacked with exploding paper bombs, the small explosion was enough to make the unstable rainbow crystals explode. There was a huge explosion that sent everyone nearby flying back and with Reggie being so close, he would receive the blunt of the explosion. The explosion was strong enough to send everyone from Berk flying into the arena walls, the resulting shock wave was enough to shatter the walls, making the whole arena collapse. Ryuji stood in the center of a huge crater surrounded by rubble. Completely covered in horrible burns. His eyes had turned pure white as he fell to his knees and face planted into the ground coughing up blood he was barely conscious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

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Stone and his army. Theresa.

Stone watched as the battle finally ended. Reggie had a few burns on his body and was badly injured, but, they had won. The indestructible barrier finally collapsed, dropping the crystal to the floor, As stone walked up to it, Theresa suddenly appeared in the middle of the arena. She knew exactly who was going to win. She grabbed the crystal, which shined in the arena. Stone stepped forward for a moment, and growled.

"You! What are you doing here?"

Theresa gave a small smile. She had planned this all. She knew that Dagur was going to invade Berk, she knew that Morrigan would search the crystal and Berk would find it first. She knew that Drayko and Regina would follow the magic energy which would lead them heal, and she she knew that Morrigan and Regina would challenge everyone around for the crystal, the battle killing Dagur and Bandit, as well as take out all the everyone except Morrigan, Stone, Reggie, Assassin, Reptile and Selena. Theresa looked to Stone and smiled. Rogue was just waking up, and began watching.

"Crystal, now I have. End of Legends, end of spirits. Neither good nor evil. Neither bad, nor good intentions. The blind witch takes the power. Castle of Spirits, where all are made. Breaking down, falling to the ground. Two choices, save spirits, all end them all. Intentions are my own, but be warned, this battle is not over. The blind witch is not done, she had not won. New enemies, new spirits. Stronger than ever. Intentions to stop this blind witch, intentions to save the spirits. Legend stands, spirits safe. Legend dies, spirits gone."

She then teleported away. Morrigan and Stone were angry that they didn't get the crystal all this time. He sighed and sat down for a moment. He released Bahamut, and simply sealed him inside of him again. Morrigan and Reggie did the same to their spirits. They were all tired and safe for now. Stone turned to Selena for a moment and took a deep breath.

"Damn, she tricked us all. Played us. She wanted that crystal for herself, but for what? We will have to chase her down, but there is more to her than meets the eye, I cannot trace her or even sense her power. It is best if we wait for morning comes. We stay here for tonight. I am sure, that if the spirits are in danger, then everyone will want to know about this, but as soon as we get a chance, we grab that crystal."

He summoned a bed and laid down on it. He sighed, he was low on energy now. Fusing with Bahamut took a lot out of him. Morrigan and Reggie nodded to him, and summoned a bed for themselves. They knew that is would take a lot of energy to travel back because the location was so far away. As well as the fact that they had to travel on foot for some of the way. It was best to just rest for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Selena got some rest like everyone else, In the morning Selena went to meet Dagur's army. She headed for the caves where they were hiding, once there she approached his army and said,

"Dagur is dead, I killed him myself and considering Dagur became chief by killing the last chief, that technically makes me your new chief. Any of you that don't wish to follow me, don't worry you don't have to. You will simply share Dagur's fate. Those of you who wise to join me simply kneel. I will kill the rest and that will be that."

Selena then used a spell to implant the memories of Dagur's death, allowing them all to feel and experience the pain Dagur went through when he died to show them that she was serious. They all keeled before Selena and Selena teleported her and everyone else to the arena. Once there, she looked to Stone and said,

"Allow me to introduce you to your new army. They may not look like much but each one of them has a skrill and knows magic so they may be useful."

Selena awaited Stone's decision.

Raiden, Astrid, The Twins, Ryuji and Sabrina

It was now morning, Ryuji and Sabrina were still unconscious due to their severe injuries. The others had just begun to wake up just in time to see Selena an army to Stone. This was really bad, if they couldn't stand a chance against these guys on their own, what chance did they have if they had an army behind them. Especially if they have the crystal now although Raiden thought to himself 'If they did have the crystal then what are they still doing here?' For now Raiden and Astrid just pretended to be unconscious while the twins were almost about to wake up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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Stone got up in the morning and nodded to Selena. He waved his hand over the army, giving them details of their location as well as sending them most of the way, telling them to make their way towards their camp. Once he had done that, he smiled and turned to Selena for a moment. He needed to know where the castle of spirits was.

"Selena, do you know about the castle of spirits?"

Suddenly Rogue got up and walked up to Stone. She knew most of everyone were up by now.

"I know where it is. I have heard it only in legends, I never knew it was true, but if it is true, then I know where to find it, but, I am not going to give that information for nothing. Raiden, Kuro, and everyone else. You can get up now."

Kuro looked up to Rogue and slowly got himself up. He had never heard of the place, but he was sure that Rogue would explain soon. Stone looked over to Reggie, then sighed, he nodded to Rogue for a moment, knowing what she wanted.

"You want to come with us, don't you? Very well. What is this legend you speak of?"

Suddenly Torriko got himself up and brushed himself off, the arena was a mess now. He looked around and gathered around Rogue and Stone as he waited to hear the legend. Regina and Drayko both got up and slowly moved closer. It seemed everyone was going to the legend. Reggie simply sighed, this was such a drag. Rogue spoke loudly so everyone could hear.

"The legend speaks of fourteen powerful spirits. Each one being sealed inside a powerful magic user, although, with a great price. By sealing the spirits into you, you must sacrifice the one thing you love most. Even before then, certain conditions must be met. If you are creating it for another person, then the thing they love most most be taken. Once you have the heart of the thing you love most and the conditions you have been met, you can create the spirit. The legend speaks of a castle where all spirits are born from. The highest places, where least expected. A hidden land, impossible to reach by normal man. If this castle is destroyed, all spirits will die, meaning, that anyone who is linked to a spirit will die. In the legend, the castle is said to crumble and fall but after seeing all the spirits yesterday, I realized that is wasn't just a legend."

Stone's eyes widened. This was bad, if the castle fell, he would die. He nodded, now he had to find that castle no matter what. Reggie sighed. This was such a drag. He couldn't believe that his life depended on this damn castle. Drayko though didn't care about that. To be honest, he would let the castle fall, that way all the strong guys would be dead, but Regina thought it was cowardly to do so. Morrigan couldn't let it fall, she had to destroy Berk first. Kuro was with his mother on this one, it was only the right thing to do. Torriko also agreed with Kuro and Rogue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Astrid, Raiden, Ryuji, Sabrina, Selena and The twins

as Astrid, Raiden, Ryuji, Sabrina, and The twins all gathered around to her to listen to Rogue tell the story of the 14 spirits it became clear that Theresa was planning something pretty big Astrid Raiden and the twins where not happy about working with stone and the others but they knew they had no choice Selena shied when stone decided to let everyone come with them to the castle she thought she they could handle it by themselves as she looked to stone

"Stone we dont need Rogue to show us the way as Dagur knew where to find the castle and now i have his memories i can lead us there"

she said this hopping to change stones mind about taking the others with them but she didn't think it would work Stone could be as stubborn as a rock when he wanted to be
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Twin Blade, Beast and Jackie.

Twin Blade and Beast slowly got up and gathered around, listening to what Rogue said. From what they heard, they decided that the best thing would be to work with Stone, even thought they both hated it. They had no idea what Theresa was planning with the cystal, but whatever it was, it was going to be big. They had to find her and get to her before it was too late. They both nodded to each other and agreed. Jackie had also agreed. He couldn't let himself die, not right now. He had to live which meant he had no choice in helping.
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