Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Vandy said
Quarians are absolutely acceptable. By all means create a Quarian. He/she would still be in a suit, I think I remember Tali saying it would take a long time for them to be able to go suitless again.

Yeah she said that, they might have a better time now on their planet, but other climates is suit required most likely. Plus, not all the Quarians decided to go for the Geth way. Which I shall be happy to have a Geth and Quarian on board. Hah.

Phalanx: Greetings Creator.

And I'm quite surprised. This is the first Mass Effect rp that isn't overrun by humans

Oh and Phalanx could be a pilot... Its/she is techy and knows how's to fly one... But I expect Phalanx will be used for more infiltration mission types.:p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Malan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I think after the Reaper War the Council would be less concerned over having non-Citadel races (Quarians, Krogan, Batarian, Geth) on their side.

But... if the Reapers were destroyed, wouldn't that mean that Shepard also carried out the Geth holocaust? They're tied into each other. Also EDI and every other AI.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Malan said
I think after the Reaper War the Council would be less concerned over having non-Citadel races (Quarians, Krogan, Batarian, Geth) on their side. But... if the Reapers were destroyed, wouldn't that mean that Shepard also carried out the Geth holocaust? They're tied into each other. Also EDI and every other AI.

My take on it is that the Geth shut down. But Quarians helped rebuilt them. Not too many survived and regained any memory. That's what I put in my history.

Because screw all those endings xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Quarian: Uuh, yeah S'up brot.

*minutes later, to other staff*

Duuude, I swear these bots give me the heebie jeebies!

But seriously, I'll start working on the sheet now!

PS: Damned hard to choose endings! I loved all of them, but the consequences were too huge :c
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Quarians rebuilt the Geth after the Reapers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Malan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Here's my c-c-c-combo breaker by bringing in a human.

Name: Pai Min

Race: Human

Call sign/ nickname: The White Lotus (Well, Min tries to get people to call her this. She also likes Lady Shadow and Agent Zero)

Age: 27

Weight: 110 lbs

Height: 5'6''


Personality: Min is naturally deceitful. She likes lying to people and enjoys a certain thrill when they believe her lies. She's a daredevil and finds excitement through violence and danger, wherever she can find it. She boxes as a hobby and is strong despite her small size, and often will hustle men at bars by challenging them to fights. She gets bored easily and is hyperactive. She always dreams of being out in the field and often has dreams of grandeur where she fantasizes herself as being the next Commander Shepard. Shepard is her personal hero. She also can relate to Kasumi Goto and basically sees Kasumi as her evil counterpart (In a good way? In the sense that she want to be independent and daring). Min has a penchant for acting and has played both Kasumi and Shepard in plays before (And once Wrex, but that was a really weird play). She is very social and is uncomfortable being in total silence. She'll always try to lighten the mood any way she can. Although she's social, because of her job she views friendships as a hassle. Although she works with technology, she absolutely despises it and always wishes she could be the kind of person who uses shotguns and charges into battle.

Class: Engineer (Operative)

Powers: Decryption, Hacking, Electronics, Fitness

Biography: Min was born in a small fringe colony of humans. She always dreamed of seeing the world and solving injustices. As soon as she turned 18 she left the colony to go to the Citadel, where she worked with C-Sec for two years. She never liked being a cop, but it satisfied her urge to see the world and meet new people. When that wonder associated with C-Sec faded away, Min quit the force and joined a private corporation, Discovery Co. Discovery Co. was basically a private investigative service, but on a larger scale. Min would infiltrate companies, corporations, cults, gangs, drug rings, and even governments when hired to do so, and uncover their dirt. Discovery Co. would then sell that to whoever hired them, who would use it either for blackmail or to have the group exposed (if a secret criminal operation) or arrested/shut down (if corporate rivals). Min did that for four years, where she became one of Discovery Co.'s best agents. She loved infiltrating these groups and sleuthing around and gaining their trust until she had access to their secrets.

Min was always the subject of assassination attempts after she came out of being undercover. Once, three years ago, an assassin broke into her apartment on Illium where she was working to reveal a child slavery ring and shot her three times. Min managed to kill him, but was hospitalized for four months. In order to protect herself, Min quit Discovery Co. She was then contacted by the illusive Shadow Broker. (S)he liked Min's work and promised her protection should she act as an undercover operative for hire in the Shadow Broker's employment. Min received much better pay working for the Shadow Broker, but her work really didn't change, except she found that she was acting as spy more often. She successfully infiltrated the Alliance by posing as a senator and uncovering a black op intended to assassinate an anti-human Turian extremist who was gaining political success on the Citadel.

Last month Min was released from the Shadow Broker's service very suddenly. Little did she know that the Council had made a deal with the Broker and bought Min's services. The Shadow Broker was fond of Min and fudged her record by eliminating any record of government infiltration, which made her attractive to the Council. Min was made a Spectre immediately, becoming the tenth Human Spectre in history. Min was overjoyed, believing that this was her chance for adventure and action that she couldn't get pretending to be some criminal mastermind's secretary or a corrupt businessman's intern.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leodiensian
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Harken Calibos

Race: Turian

Call sign/Nickname: Churchill

Age: 34

Weight: 190 lbs

Height: 7" 1


Like most Turians, Harken is tall and spindly in his built, covered in thick skin. He is of fairly average height and build by Turian standards but significantly tall compared to humans. His natural skin tone is a gunmetal gray. He has replaced his typical clan markings with a mark of a pre-Earth nation he admires, a symbol of imperialist unity, cultural power and historical significance - the union jack. This marks him as something of an outsider or individualist, which are basically the same thing by Turian standards, for denying or disrespecting his clan. He tends to wear typical Turian fashions, although his is a pragmatic choice rather than an aesthetic one, since most human clothes simply don't fit on Turian bodies.

Personality: Like most Turians, Harken is a war-nerd. More specifically, Harken finds the military history of humans most interesting. This sometimes makes him seem a bit strange for a Turian, since he ends up coming across as a bit too into humans - their culture, their history, their languages and so on. Like most outside observers to alien cultures, he's still got a lot to learn about stuff humans do but he has more understanding that a lot of his species. Still not as much as he thinks he has, of course. But enough to favour British English as "the proper English", which can stun English-speaking humans who don't expect that level of cultural statement from an outsider. He is quite an astute observer of others, keen to the body language of those around him - even of alien species. This means he quite often picks up on things other people miss, fine details that most simply aren't aware of or at least aware of the meanings behind.

By Turian standards, he is something of a renegade and individualist, but human's would have a hard time telling the difference given how strict and uptight they see most Turians as. Harken still has a strong respect for institutions, for authority, the group etc but he doesn't necessarily place the happiness of the group over the individual as automatically as most do. He has to think it's a good idea at least. This means he's more likely to take initiative in the moment than most Turians and responds better to failures in plans or infrastructure than most. He is good at adapting to new circumstances and finds the static circumstances Turians typically enjoy a bit boring.

Class: Turian Cabal
Powers: Dark Sphere, Singularity, Shockwave, Warp, Overload, Sabotage, Infiltration Cloak
Specialty: Saboteur. As a trained Turian Cabal operative, Harken specializes in stealth, close quarters combat and covert ops. His most common combat loadout involves heavy pistols (though often silenced) and sub-machine guns to strike a balance between mobility and firepower. He often uses an upgraded Salarian Scorpion heavy pistol for its precise demolition capabilities. His light duelist armor possesses a refractive coating which can be activated to render him temporarily invisible, allowing him to sneak behind enemy lines and sew havoc on their infrastructure, or to deal critical hits against key targets.

Biography: After the battle of Earth, many Turians were stranded on the planet after the severe damage to galactic transport infrastructure, which prevented them from easily returning to Turian systems. However, the fallout from the war also meant a large quantity of Eezo was seeded into the planet atmosphere, contaminating the environment. Harken Calibos' parents, Ahren and Myra, were both survivors of the Battle of Earth who came together in the victorious celebration. Neither were biotics, but the fallout meant that they had both been exposed to considerable amounts of eezo. This naturally led to their children having a high chance of being biotic - even years after the war, their youngest emerged with considerable biotic talents.

In their damaged, post-war state, the Turian Hierarchy was eager to identify biotics at an early age and so young Harken was taken from his parents for training at a very young age. Turians also distrust biotics quite severely, so Harken and the other biotic children of his generation were isolated from most children. Normally this isolation wouldn't happen until they joined civil service, but the traumatic events of the Reaper War necessitated a social change and increased focus on social engineering for the next generation. And so Harken was largely raised in institutions, prep schools and academies. He was raised and trained for the role of a biotic in Turian society - a special operative and informant. When he came of age, he was drafted into the military like every Turian but with special missions - he was to observe his fellow trainees and squadmates. The idea was to make sure the other soldiers would always act as if anyone they met might be an observer for the Hierarchy. Once he grew old enough, he was placed into a dedicated Cabal.

Cabals are cells of biotics with specialized roles in the Turian military. They are infiltrators and special operatives, trained in infiltration, sabotage, small arms and close quarters tactics. They perform surgical hit-and-run attacks on vital enemy positions, cutting off supply lines or communication networks. A human analogue might be sentinels, due to their combined training in biotic and tech abilities, though with more of the Infiltrator's stealth abilities. They also tend to be kept distant from the mainline Turian troops due to the distrust biotic observers earn in their training. Being kept distant from the groups he had spent so long observing prompted introspection in Harken, causing him to question his loyalties, re-evaluate his priorities. He realized that for all the time he'd spent studying other people, he'd never made an identity for himself. When it became possible to, he left military service and spent some time moving around to find his roots. This involved spending some time on Earth, with his parents and studying much of the local history. He came to consider Earth his home more than any Turian world had been and engrossed himself rapidly in human culture. He in particular became interested in the parallels between the final Battle for Earth and the Battle For Britain in Earth's ancient history, the solidarity the British people had shown in that conflict.

He spent some time on the Citadel working as C-Sec, preferring the greater variety and diversity to be found there than the homogeneity of Palaven. So many races, so many individuals working together and developing new cultures and ideals together. He used his Cabal training as an undercover officer, earning great distinction by identifying and subduing a Cerberus terrorist cell planning a bombing on the Council chambers. In recognition for his work, he was promoted out of C-Sec and into the Spectres.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silly Cybin

Silly Cybin

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

We've got quite a rainbow coalition going. We should get a team Rachni!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leodiensian
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ooh, ooh, ooh! I wanna Thresher Maw! He can be my STEED!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silly Cybin

Silly Cybin

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Attach an Eezo core and thrusters and he could be our ship! Stealth is good, but Space Thresher Maw? Forget about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leodiensian
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Better - rig up the eezo core so it produces refracted spectra of light behind us and then play the NyanCat song all the way through space, trailing rainbows behind us.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alrighty, I have three character sheets to read over and then I'll throw mine in. Not sure how a team Rachni would work. Neither do I think riding on a Thresher Maw would be very good for anyone's health. (If you know what I'm saying.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 2 mos ago


Naomi Gagarin



Call sign/ nickname









Katarina average sized Human (for a female). Her body is lean and muscularly toned. She has a large scar in her back after fighting against one of her family members after she quitted. Due to being born with biotic parents, her eyes mutated to becoming dark Purple. When not on mission, she wears casual jeans and a hoodie. She pulls of the look of a mysterious person, due to her unknown past.


Naomi is quite charismatic and talkative and secretive at the same time. She pulls this off so that the crew won’t see her as a silent one. In free time, she likes to draw art or simply listen to music. Despite that, she can be bipolar with some minor outburst. She has controlled their by being self-aware of what she says before she speaks but something may slip out once in a while. One of her biggest weakness is her fear of being attached to someone she likes or loved. This attributed due to on the Battle of Horizon when she lost her squad on their and does not want to relive it again, and fears going into a rampage once more. For this, she tries to maintain distant with others while remaining friendly with them.




Adept Class Powers


Lena was born on 2217 on Earth to Constantine Volkova, Sonya Gagarin two Alliance N7’s that fought against the Reapers on Earth. She lived in a Military Base in Alaska and began her schooling with other military children.

Being birthed from two Biotics, she was immediately selected into a new Alliance military biotic program known as the New Generation Project or known as the Ascendancy Project which recruited hundreds of kids from Human biotic parents.

She began her training on Hecate’s Academy (Starbase) orbiting Phaistos in the Artemis Tau System, Knossos System. Lena along with hundreds of kids began training with their parents. Katarina made lifelong friends at the Academy and was one of the top at her class. The starbase was like a family. Everybody was lived a good life while training to become the Alliance next best Biotic units.

When she turned 18, the Alliance looked to putting to work now the trainees from the Ascendancy Project to help fight the Separatist Movement of Human Colonies in the Terminus and the Attican traverse. Lena her nickname Archangel was part of Omicron Squad and her family fought in several battles in the Traverses.

Despite that, Lena actions decisions as squad leader of Omicron grew attention from her family. They wondered whether her decisions were right. Many decisions were pragmatic to defeating the enemy, in cases such as abandoning group of Alliance marines in a firefight. Alliance military grew worried of her and thought of pulling her out of service though her skills negated their decisions.

Lena would then fall afterwards. During the Battle of Horizon, Omicron Squad engaged in heavy battle with Alliance Marines against the Separatist. Against a large enemy group with their own Separatist Biotic units, her entire squad was eliminated. She saw their faces as they lay dead on the ground and in the end, she went into full rage charging at the enemy, in the battle causing collateral damage to her allies but killing many Separatist in the process, including killing Separatist civilians.

After the battle, her family questioned her reckless action but justified it for avenging Omicron Squad. The Alliance chose to keep quiet about and continue employ Lena but planned to reform her in the process so her decisions would be more moral sound but Lena would take a worst turn.

Separatist hackers acquired the footage of the Battle of Horizon showing a rage filled Biotic killing civilians, and uploaded it on the net to be known as the Horizon Massacre, or less referred as the Shadow Sea Incident due to It sound more popular to the Separatist. Spliced to that footage only, it emboldened the Separatist against the Alliance and was used in propaganda. The Alliance gained heavy criticism on it and loyalists questioned their war against their Human brethren. Eventually her family along with the Alliance military kicked out Lena.

She was angered, and saddened. She was in the galaxy now, alone and with no family. Lena drifted eventually arriving in the Terminus system operating as a Biotic Mercenary under the nickname ViS, a first letter combination of both her parents’ first name with and in the middle to make it sound like a name. She found herself fighting against the Alliance and other powers, to which she encountered members of her own family which she, battled and killed several of them.

ViS grew in fame across the Galaxy to which she was approached by Cerberus. Cerberus offered her implants and revenge on the Alliance. Katarina joined and became a Cerberus member. She herself became a teacher like her parents, training Cerberus biotic. Yet as the years went by, the emotions she suppressed came back to her. She felt stupid for the actions she did, despite how half them helped the Alliance against the Separatist. She wondered to herself why she fought against her family and the Alliance a shining star in the Galaxy as she used to think. She thought to herself why she helped Cerberus, an enemy to the Alliance despite how she passively agreed on some issues with them. She wanted out and wanted to return to the Alliance and amend her sins which haunted her past.

Lena fought against Cerberus as she tried to escape from them. Cerberus tracked her until Lena lost them out of their sight. When she was out of Cerberus reach, Lena secretly returned to Omega where she changed her entire face through surgery and modification by a man named William Zarander, which Lena realized was one of her friends back in Hacate. She learned from him that that most of the NGP fell apart years after she left due to disagreements between the Academy and the Military. Most went into the military while it was unknown what happened to the others. Zarander himself talked to Lena how he did not want to be a tool of war ever since the Horizon incident to which he told her, “an incident in which the tragedies of conflict cause an individual emotions to go rampant to avenge them.” Lena told him that she wanted to atone for her “Sins” and wanted to rejoin the Alliance. Zarander did not like the decision.

Instead, he suggested Lena going out as a morally-good mercenary fighting against pirates. To which Lena agreed. After the face change, she renamed herself to from Lena Volkova to Naomi Gagarin. She made a name of herself in the Galaxy to which she was desired by many groups. This included the Alliance who questioned her advanced biotic abilities.

With that, the Alliance approached her and offered her a position into the Specter’s. It was the first time an independent contractor was offered a position on it, even though Naomi repulsed intrusive question into her life. She chose it and being assigned to the Normand SR3 as a way for her to atone for her sins.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, so I guess they've been updating the site today but I did get to look at those character sheets. Malan Pai Min is accepted. We'll use her as an undercover specialist I suppose. Leo I like Harken and he's in. I'm guessing you're from Britain huh? 'murica man myself. Shadowkiller Naomi is also accepted. Just so everyone knows the years are counted under A.B.E (after the battle of Earth) so the RP starts in 50 A.B.E.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Malan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You can use Pai Min as an undercover specialist or as a tech specialist, as most of her job entails hacking computers to find hidden files. It could transfer over to most other technology too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 2 mos ago

So, when do we start?

Also a little note for Naomi, since she is Russian, she speaks the language and remembers their culture.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Galen Kaiser

Race: Turian

Call sign/ nickname: Captain

Age: 29

Weight: 203 lbs.

Height: 7 foot


Personality: Galen is quite sarcastic for a Turian but a natural leader. He brings a cocky attitude into battle and diplomacy alike, and while this quality can get on the nerves of both his enemies and his superiors he always seems to get the job done. Even with his "unprofessional" attitude he has risen in ranks out of sheer tactical genius and combat skills. After all no Turian will argue with results. He leads his troops from the front, always willing to put his own life at risk in order to save his men or innocents. While most would not think it at first glance, he has a strict moral code. Galen strives to do the right thing and has been known to disobey orders on moral grounds. He has been called everything from sarcastic prick to brilliant hero. He has a cold hatred toward the Reaper Cult and any of its followers, and will not hesitate to "inform" Cultists of his opinion. Galen is strict we he needs to be and knows when to give his men a rest. Galen is also a shrewd diplomat despite his slightly arrogant nature.

Class: Sentinel

Powers: Overload, Wrap, tech armor, throw, slam, lift grenade

Biography: Born in 21 A.B.E to the Turian admiral Marcus Kaiser and his wife Sila, Galen grew up around the high ranks of the Turian military. His mother and father pushed him through the best military academies of the Turian Hierarchy since he was four years old. He was seen by instructors and students alike as the most gifted young Turian in his class. He excelled in history, military tactics, and combat simulations without giving much effort. Many instructors began to see him as a lazy sarcastic ass, but the best and brightest sarcastic ass they had ever seen in their lives.

Throughout his teens, Galen was put into gifted classes in the military academy on Palaven. There he met his closest friends, Spiros Vandarin and his sister Emala. The three soon became the top scoring squad in all areas of the training simulations. By the time Galen was sixteen, it was determined that he had biotic potential. He was trained away from the other students in the academy with the other few biotic prospects. While he wasn't the best biotic student (something his father considered a failure in his son) he was gifted.

When his training was completed at the age of 18, he was reunited with Spiros and Emala. They were each granted the title of lieutenant and assigned to the Turina war ship Bakas. Galen spent his next three years fighting Reaper Cult terrorists who were bombing some of the weaker Turian colonies. He won multiple commendations for brave actions against these terrorists and eventually assassinated their leader. The threat was thought to be ended.

At 26 he married his long time friend Emala Vandarin. Galen was granted command of the Bakas and made his new wife his XO. Galen was placed under the command of his father in the 8th fleet along with the Garnicus, the vessel that Spiros now captained. For a year the Turian empire lived in relative peace until the start of the claim war. A Turian who was a member of the Reaper Cult had employed Blue Suns, Eclipse, and Blood Pack to invade the empire for his "right" to the Primarchy. In one battle over Menae, the Garnicus was destroyed and Spiros was killed. Not being able to live with the grief of her brother being dead, Emala commited suicide. She was pregnant.

When Galen was 28, he was offered command of a Dreadnought class starship by his father. Instead he retired from the Turian military and was offered a job as a Spectre by the CItadel council. He accepted and for a year he completed many missions on the behalf of the council. Soon he was offered command of the Normandy SR-3, a ship to be crewed by the best new Spectres the council had to offer. He would lead the highly deadly strike team on its mission to restore galactic peace. A job easier said than done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

We will probably start sometime this week. Not today though since I want to watch the Super Bowl!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Forgot to ask this question but what about the weapons and armor? Since its 50 years after the invasions, are you going to write out a list of weapons and armor etc? Or should us as players create them on our own?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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