Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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The Emperor is our guiding light, a beacon of hope for humanity in a galaxy of darkness. As we serve him, he is our greatest servant. As we pray to him, his thoughts are only for us. And in the dark when the shadows threaten, the Emperor is with us, in spirit and in fact.
-Thought for the day

Name: Lorrian Tennik

Chapter: Ignited Fists (Officially, an Imperial Fists descendant chapter)


Cataphractii Pattern Tactical Dreadnought "Terminator" armour
Mk IV Tartaros pattern Helmet.
Copy of the Bibilium Imperator (The Ignited Fists codex. A Holy Book describing the Emperors rise to glory and how he continues to protect from atop the Golden Throne. It contains psalms to his greatness and hymns to commemorate all he has done for Mankind.)
Bale Pattern optical implant.
A Crozius Arcanum that he has fitted atop a Power Maul.
Wrist mounted, Incaladion pattern Storm Bolter
Melta Bombs

Biography: Born on

His first official appearance was during the Death Blade Heresy in the Lomarus sector. They fell to chaos. Officially, Lorrian was one of the loyalists among them who fought against them. After the now Heretic Warband Death Blades retreated into the Warp, the highest up of the Loyalists founded the Ignited Fists chapter. Disgusted by the heresy of his brothers, he put in for a transfer to the Deathwatch, to make sure that he could keep his battle brothers in line and loyal to the Emperor, as they should be.

Notable Achievements: During a battle on Typharius IX, he personally extinguished the life of a Wraithseer that was leading his forces to recapture a Webway Portal that the Imperial Command was studying.
On Ferrus III, he managed to hold a valuable Teleportarium against an Ork onslaught with only 2 of his Devastator Battle-Brothers. He managed to keep the Orkish Horde away from the Devastators whilst they rained holy fire on the brutes from afar.

Physical Description: Has several tattoo's across his body. Across his face, tattoos of the holy words of the Emperor. On the palms of his hands are tattoos of a book with fire across the pages. This symbol can almost be seen on his armour, although the book part has been sanded off and replaced by a Fist, the symbol of his Chapter.
His left eye is replaced with a Bale pattern optical implant. It's a prosthetic eye with the ability to fire a small laser, it has the power of a Lasgun, but only has an effective range of 6 foot, meaning that it can only be used at close range, and has little to no armour piercing ability, meaning that its only really effective on exposed skin. His helmet is modified to allow this to use it without breaking.
Vox implant in his throat, it amplifies his voice to the point where his very words have the power of a Sonic Blaster, meaning that his very words can cut through a heretic like the Emperors would through their idiotic, false philosophy. He can use this to, literally, scream an enemy to death. But like his other weapons, has a limited effective radius as a weapon. It does not only work as a weapon, but also as a means of communication, his bellows can be heard across the entire battlefield.

Class: Chaplain (Assault specialist)

Personality: Silent... He rarely talks. That is not to say that he doesn't voice himself. He's known to sing, both in the calm and in the heat of battle, his singing, thanks to his Vox implants, can kill at at close range. He is a harbinger of death, totally devoted to the Emperor. He does not believe in the Omnisiah, there is no god but the Emperor. Although he knows that, for the sake of peace, he must take pity on the poor fools that believe this. Any time Deus Mechanicus is mentioned, he is known to sigh or bite his tongue to prevent himself from killing the one that mentions it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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I've limited this role play to ten characters, and you're the eleventh, Matt
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Poop... Well, call me if someone drops out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Will do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane.
-Thought for the day

Name: Brother Lantus

Chapter: Blood Ravens

Mark VI Corvus Power Armor
Stalker Pattern Bolter with Shot Selector
Bolt Pistol
Combat Knife
Frag Grenade x3
Krak Grenade x3

Lantus was born on the Feral World of Typhon Primaris. The planet was a major recruiting world for the Blood Ravens, and at the age of 10, Lantus passed the Blood Trials to become an Aspirant of the Chapter. He served his Neophyte training and Scout Marine deployment under Scout Sergeant Cyrus, and took his many lessons to heart, eventually becoming a fully fledged Astartes when he was 18. Lantus served loyally as a Battle Brother as both a Devastator and Assault Marine in the 4th Company under Brother-Captain Davian Thule, and excelled to the point that he was assigned to be a Tactical Marine. For over 100 years, Lantus served in the 4th Company, and even took part in the Kronus Campaign. On Kronus, Lantus proved himself to be one of the Emperor's finest several times over, but his greatest achievement came in the final battle against the Tau entrenched on the planet. During the battle, Lantus and his squad were assigned to assassinate Ethereal Aun'El Shi'Ores, the leader of the Tau on Kronus while the majority of Captain Thule's forces were deployed against Shas'O Kais. The squad broke through Tau lines, taking heavy casualties from their murderous plasma fire until Lantus was the sole remaining member of the squad. But he broke through to the Ethereal and his bodyguard and tore them apart with his chainsword. For this feat, Lantus was assigned to join the Deathwatch after the Kronus Campaign had concluded.

Notable Achievements:
- Assisted in the retrieval and "gifting" of many relics and wargear for the Chapter
- Served with distinction in the Kronus Campaign
- Broke through Tau lines and personally slew the Ethereal Aun'El Shi'Ores, as well as his elite bodyguard unit

Appearance: Bald, scarred, has one service stud. Average in both height and weight for an Astartes.

Class: Tactical Marine

Personality: Stern, stoic, and disciplined, but occasionally delivers sarcastic barbs in a completely serious tone. Lantus is rather level-headed for an Astartes, and often advocates caution and stealth when facing enemies until a weak point in their ranks can be found. Once he is in the midst of combat, though, Lantus displays the fury and hatred for the enemies of the Imperium that any Space Marine would possess. Due to the events of Kronus and the Battle of Victory Bay, in which he was forced to fight and kill Guardsmen, Lantus is noticeably accommodating of and willing to work alongside the Imperial Guard, perhaps out of guilt for Victory Bay.

Tried my best to not go full meme and make him a total Bloody Magpie. Not that there won't be references to "gifting" relics every now and then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


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Psyker Landshark said

I laughed. Though to be fair, I heavily based my character off of grimdark songwriting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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Who has yet to post their CS's?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

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Not sure, I'm at work, I'll create an ooc thread tonight and compile the characters, or tomorrow if I end up drunk
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

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Yup, going to be drunk. Will do it tomorrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


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Don't go overboard on the amasec. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Stefan0620 said
Yup, going to be drunk. Will do it tomorrow

Amen brother.

Also, I know it's been a while, but here is my CS. If there is no room, thats ok.

Name: Olaf Shieldbreaker

Chapter: Vylka Fenryka (Space Wolves)

Equipment: Frost Blade
Barrage Pattern Plasma Pistol
Combat Knife

Biography: Olaf, son of Kjartan, was born on Fenris to a noble family. He spent much of his early days as the shield brother of Rawl, the chieftan's son. After fighting valorously against another clan, both he and his comrade were recruited into the Space Wolves. Olaf performed admirably, and gain his former friend's jealousy. After a lengthy campaign against the Eldar, Rawl publicly accused Olaf of cowardice. Rather than face his old friend in a duel, Olaf accepted a post in the Deathwatch. His Wolf Lord gave him a Frostblade from his personal armory, making Olaf promise that he would survive and return it.

Notable Achievements: Known in his company for fighting an Ork Warboss to a standstill, buying time for his brothers to regroup and kill it. During the fight, Olaf knocked the Warboss' metal mouth guard off, hence earning the name "Shieldbreaker"

Physical Description, any noticeable markers, scars, augmentations: Short cropped red hair. Full beard and a long scar on his forehead.

Class: Assault Marine (Technically called a Blood Fang in Space Wolf-ese)

Personality: Olaf is normally jovial with his brothers, both in the Space Wolves and in the Deathwatch, but secretly he feels betrayed by Rawl. Once his term of service with the Deathwatch is over, he knows there will be a reckoning between the two former comrades.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

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Heres the OOC thread to subscribe to, i'm working on it right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lone, you still have WIP in your character sheet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yeah, I've added a bio, got some more background for Severus but I want to include it in the RP first before adding it.
Also, would you mind if I just put a "TBR" on my personality? I know how he'll act and talk, etc. But I find it difficult describing my chars personality, before RPing them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

That's fine
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hmmm could I be a sister of battle or maybe a Adeptus physker?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Only 6 people ended up making character sheets, and thats enough for this thread. Roleplay full.
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