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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Aureo disembarked his lightcycle and pulled his helmet off his metal face his eyes glowing a burning violet. He looked around surveying his surroundings the neon lights on the skyscrapers and the sounds of a city were wonderful to him. "well I guess its time to get to work" Aureo says to himself before putting his helmet back on. He started walking down the sidewalk his trenchcoat flapping in his wake finally he stopped and turned throwing both glass doors to the building in front of him open hard enough to make them shatter. His helmets voice modulator made his voice sound deeper as he raises his revolver on the man sitting straight ahead of him. This man was his target and he had but one thing to say "the creation destroys the creator" he said as he pulled the trigger on the revolver them mans head exploded in a shower of scarlet and people ran screaming from the room. Next he turned to exit the building and began to walk out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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"That's very Frankenstein of you." The voice came from a young looking girl, probably no older than seventeen, who stood leaning casually against robocop's cycle. "Sweet ride. Where can I get one?" She had a look of innocence about her, though only if one didn't take into account the sword slung across her back or the pistols holstered at her hips. She was clearly here for something more than just idle conversation.

She wore a leather jacket over a corset-like top, with leather pants, calf-high lace-up boots, and a belt composed of shiny metal rings to complete the outfit. In addition to the holsters for her pistols and the sheath for her sword, that is. To look at her, one wouldn't think she would be capable of standing up to the terminator himself, but looks could be deceiving.

She looked the cyborg up and down, then tilted her head to the side, as if trying to decipher something. "You should know, I was payed to kill you by the man you just murdered, and since I already took his money I don't really have much choice." She gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry buddy, but a contract's a contract." Then her right hand closed around the grip of her pistol, and she drew and fired, sending the bullet streakig toward the center of his forehead. To her, the motion was little more than casually efficient, a long-practiced maneuver that was done almost without thinking, ingrained into her muscles after years upon years of training. To a casual observer, they wouldn't even be able to see her arm move until it was already in position and the trigger had been pulled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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The girl was attractive to say the least he may be an exo but his mind was still human. She said something in a flirtatious tone then drew her weapon and fired a round at him. Now to a normal human the motion would not have even been able to be seen but Aureo was no normal person. He watched her draw her pistol and as she did he calculated the trajectory and sidestepped doing a pirouette as he brought his revolver around firing three shots at her torso.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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What the hell? Was this guy some kind of a dancer in a past life? Who even does a pirouette in combat, let alone to avoid a bullet. Couldn't he just tilt his head to the side like anyone else would have done?

While her mind gawked at robocop's display of dancing prowess, her body and instincts set about doing exactly what they'd been trained to do. Even before the pistol found its target, she was halfway over the cycle she'd been leaning against, and by the time he fired the bullets were whizzing harmlessly through the air above her. Some part of her mind registered that they were .45's, and another not so distant part added that up and told her he only had two shots left, at most. That was good at least. She still had 29 rounds loaded and rarin' to go, though she hated using them as anything more than a way to get things started. She always preferred up close and personal. Always.

Once on the other side of the bike, she didn't stop moving, instead dropping flat on her back and kicking away from it, keeping the pistol raised as she slid across the street and opening fire again as soon as she could see his head over the top of the bike. Once, twice, three times she fired, each time adjusting her aim to compensate for any movement on his part.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Aureo was pissed now SHE KICKED MY BIKE! SHE KICKED MY MOTERFUCKING BIKE! the bullets were flying at him as she slid across the street this time instead of spinning he rolled backwards making her bullets fly over his head and he sprung behind a concrete palisade beginning to charge his telepathic energy. He yelled in his modulated voice "you just kicked my bike I really really loved that bike"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Is he seriously crying because his bike got scratched a little? Dude has some serious attachment issues... Then again, he is a robot. Maybe it's his girlfriend of something. Because that wouldn't be creepy at all.

She shifted her aim, still flat on her back, and fired straight through the concrete he was hiding behind, aiming to hit where she figured his center mass would be. The depleted uranium bullets she was using would burn through the concrete with enough power left over to punch a hole in a tank (a very small hole, but still a hole), and she knew from experience that they hurt like hell if they hit their target. Then again, he was a robot. Maybe he didn't feel things like she did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Aureo was watching her through the concrete with his xray vision when he saw the heat signature from the muzzle of the pistol. He dove out from around the concrete and rolled down some steps jumping up and sprinting into what seemed like a futuristic subway as he heard the sirens of the police arriving. As he ran he began to charge his power once again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shit. He was running. Not good.

She was on her feet and after him less than a heartbeat later, jumping over the guardrail and skipping half the steps on her way into the subway. God this guy was fast. He was almost out of sight around the nearest corner by the time she got going again, and when she rounded the next corner all she caught was the tail of his coat as he swerved around the next one.

When she made it to the subway platform two flights of stairs and only a few seconds later, the place looked deserted. No sign of her quarry except for the scent he left behind. She couldn't hear any trains either, or footsteps pounding down the tunnel, so he was still on the platform somewhere. Probably behind one of those shiny pillars. Or inside a trash can. Or crouching behind the drop to the actual tracks from the platform she was standing on. She decided to check that first. She walked over to the edge cautiously, then leaned slightly over and looked both ways.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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he waited in the shadows watching her as she bended over the platform still charging his powers he used his helmet to cast his voice all around the room so she couldn't locate his position from it. "Nice ass you got there sweetheart to bad im gunna have to kick it." he tried to silently reload his .45 while watching the woman's every movement. his helmet tracking her and his ocular implants scanning her showing him she had a metal endoskeleton but she was an organic more man than machine. He could also see two claws on each appendage other than her head they seemed to be made of the same metal as her skeleton. hmmm a genetic mutation? and an interesting one at that and by her skills I can tell she ahs killed before. Shame these were the circumstances we met under I would have loved to take her out for drinks he thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cocky little bastard, isn't he?

She smiled at the voice as it rebounded around the empty station, the echoes making its source pretty much impossible to locate. Smile still on her face, she straightened and holstered her pistol, then turned to face the "empty" station platform again. "If you like what you see so much, why don't you come get a closer look?" Her smile turned into a sultry smirk, and she began to saunter towards the faint clicking of a revolver being reloaded. Her keen eyes quickly picked out the shadowed figure of her quarry standing in the shadows, and she was suddenly embarrassed that she hadn't seen him earlier. Shadows were a poor substitute for physical cover.

Three steps into her saunter, her sword slipped off her back and into her right hand, and her jacket seemed to slink off her shoulders almost of it's own accord. "There's a lot more to see than just my ass." It slid down her arms until it was hanging on only because of the sword and scabbard in her right hand, so she switched it to her left and let the jacket fall completely to the floor, leaving her arms bare and her bosom very much in view. The corset, of course, did nothing at all to make that view less appealing. "How 'bout it sugah?" She'd heard the accent used by one of the x-men once, and it seemed to make men become immensely compliant. She never had figured out why.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Stepping out of the shadows he raised his now reloaded revolver to aim it at her and said in a calm voice "your a feisty one.". She thought she was going to seduce him? That was kind of insulting I mean sure she was hot and he was into the whole kickass girl thing but she DID fuck up his bike and he really did like that bike. he thought while letting the energy charge even more in the hand he held behind him. He could feel the kinetic energy rising and becoming more powerful and he absorbed it so as not to make it visible as of yet. Making the modulator on the helmet stop he said in his normal voice that was deep but smooth "i didn't have you pegged for the kind of girl that went for shiny and big.".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yup. Definitely a cocky bastard.

She continued her forward movement, passing by a large pillar to her left, and kept the smirk on her face. "Oh, shiny and me go back a long ways, Sugah." He was less than ten feet away by this point, and still hasn't started shooting at her. That was a good sign, right?

Unless of course that hand behind his back was hiding some dastardly attack that he was waiting to unleash until she was too close to avoid it. Like a grenade. Or some sort of energy blast. Maybe he was a new model of sentinel. She wouldn't really be surprised if that were the case. Trask was always coming up with some new way to torment mutant kind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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"is that so? well then it seems that maybe the interest here is mutual." he said in his normal voice. sighing he continued "if only you hadn't kicked my bike I could have even forgiven the trying to shoot me thing but you kicked the bike so its gotta be this way." just as he finished saying this he fired two burst of his revolver firing two bullets each time one burst to her right and one to her left before holstering it and drawing a large longsword and rushing her slashing at an upward diagonal angle towards her stomach in one motion. He was attempting a slash from what she would see as her left hip up to her right collarbone attempting to hit with just the very end of the blade to transfer the most energy and cut as deeply as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well that was pointless. Complete waste of four perfectly good bullets. On the bright side though, he's only got two shots left again.

She just stood where she was as the bullets zipped by to either side of her, completely at a loss to explain why he hadn't even tried to hit her. She was less than ten feet away. It couldn't have been that hard to aim at a target less than ten feet away. Maybe he was just trying to keep her from dodging to the side.

Regardless, he had drawn his sword in the next moment and was rushing forward, pulling the blade back in order to build power for what her training and instinct told her was a right to left (from his perspective) upwards diagonal slash. Too bad she didn't have nearly indestructible bones in her stomach. Then again, she wouldn't have needed them.

She dove forward and to his left as his sword came into striking position, hitting the ground in a roll and drawing her own sword as she came upright, then spinning in her crouched position to bring a right-to-left slash across the back of his knees, aiming to sever whatever facsimile of tendons he might have there. Maybe it would slow him down a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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He foresaw her dodging the attack in fact he had completely expected her to and as she rolled to his left he leapt into the air drawing his revolver again with his left hand and spun to face her. Using his ocular implants he targeted her position and triangulated her movement patterns thus far and fired his two remaining shots. One was fired at her body in the current position the other was fired at what his ocular insights told him would be where she dodged to. All of this happened in the air and as he hit the ground he let the spent hulls drop from his open cylinder sliding six new ones in and raising his sword in a guard position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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She used her own momentum to avoid the first shot, pushing off with her left leg and allowing her swing to carry her into a roll to her right, but the second shot caught her entirely unprepared. Robocop was aiming and already firing even before she was in the crosshairs, as if he already knew where she would be, and it surprised her to say the least. Was he some kind of clairvoyant? If not, he was extremely lucky. The bullet tore through the flesh of her left shoulder only to be stopped dead the instant it struck bone, and even as she straightened from her roll her healing factor had begun to expel the intrusion.

"Neat trick." She forced the searing pain in her shoulder to the back of her mind, just as she'd done a thousand times before with wounds a thousand times worse, and grit her teeth as she rushed forward with a low growl deep in her throat. She covered the distance in an instant, and brought her sword down in a two-handed slightly diagonal chop that was aimed to strike between his left shoulder and neck, then cleave through his shell toward whatever he had in place of a heart. Even with a normal sword, the blow held enough force to cleave through a steel I-beam, and with the monomolecular edge of the adamantium blade working in its favor, anything short of vibranium would be unable to escape such a blow unscathed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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He was ready for the assault though the fact she healed surprised him immensely. She brought her sword down towards his left shoulder but was just a little to hasty in her attack. Sidestepping and leaning to his left he spun and attempted to bring the pommel of his sword into her temple. if this connected he would carry through and kick her in the ribs with enough force to send her flying. And as she was in the air he would fire all six rounds of his revolver using his ocular implants to determine trajectory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

She ducked beneath the pommel strike and let it sail above her head as she shifted the momentum of her blade to a completely horizontal strike, pivoting on her left foot as she stepped away from robocop with her right, bringing the sword into a horizontal strike across his stomach, traveling from her right to left. It wasn't the target she would have picked if she'd had more options, but it was the fastest one to execute, and her blade would be slashing across his metal flesh long before his sword arm could recover from the pommel strike and mount a proper defense. At least it would be if be was only as fast as he'd displayed so far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She had good instincts he gave her that but he still had the advantage. Seeing the swing coming at his stomach he continued his spin and registering the trajectory leaped to his right spinning in mid air letting the sword strike go over him. He landed and rolled leaping up and throwing his sword his sword at her like a javelin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bad move, Robocop. Very bad move. You don't throw away your weapon like that.

She avoided the throw easily enough, sidestepping as the sword streaked past and clattered to the floor a good two dozen meters behind her. She kept her own sword up though, ready and waiting for the bullets she was sure would come next.
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