Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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he readied his gun leveling it at her and using his ocular implants to track mark where she should dodge to then he telepathically grabbed this sword with telekinetic energy and brought it blade first at the blind spot at her back. As the sword was in the air he fired his four rounds at the vectors she would be most likely to dodge to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She dodged to her right, but this time was ready for his almost precognitive attacks, catching the bullets at an angle on the flat of her own blade and deflecting them past herself, anticipating his anticipation, as it were. This move also took her out of the path of the sword, and when it flew by her left shoulder her eyes widened in momentary surprise. A telekinetic robot? Who the hell builds a telekinetic robot?

On instinct, her left hand released her own sword and grabbed hold of the grip on the flying one. This would mean that if he still had a telekinetic hold on it and was pulling it forward, she would be pulled along with it straight at him, and if he didn't have a hold of it any longer she would have deprived him of a weapon. Either way worked for her. Personally, she was hoping for the former, so she could use the momentum to drive her own blade straight through his chest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Damn it looked like she had already figured out his trick oh well. He had let go of the blade already and was preparing to fire his weapon again when he heard the sound of the police. Instead he turned and took off into the darkness of the subway tunnel reloading his revolver as he ran knowing that he had the advantage in the pitch darkness. As he ran he began charging his energy from before and quickly took cover in the darkness surrounding him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shit. This bastard is NOT getting away.

She flung her newly appropriated weapon to the ground behind her and took off after robocop before he'd even turned all the way around, and he'd only gained a couple meters by the time he skidded to a halt. She could still see him just as clearly as before, thanks to her heightened senses, and she didn't even slow down as he turned. She had her sword in her left hand now, and drove it straight for his chest at several times the speed of a professional boxer's fastest punch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interesting she can see as well he thought as he leaped sideways avoiding the sword and bringing her back into his eyesight. She is pretty fast he thought he had barely managed to avoid that one and only because he had heard her footsteps right behind him it wasn't that he knew where she was striking it was that he figured jumping to his right was the safest dodge. He never stopped charging the energy in his off hand as he watched her. She no longer had his sword and her attacks this far had been mainly linear. "allright its been fun girl but I think we should try to find another way of resolving this because from what I have seen so far we are pretty evenly matched. I know you think you still have an ace up your sleeve with those claws but I saw them earlier when I scanned you from the shadows. Also there is a chip remotely imbedded in your spine just to let you know." Aureo said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


He didn't even have the first word out before the pistol went off, having been pulled from the holster on her right thigh as she passed him, when her right arm was obscured by her body. She'd brought it across her stomach, still out of view as she passed him, and fired a single shot at his sternum before burying the tip of her sword in the concrete floor. From there, if he was still in range, she would use it as a pivot and swing herself around, using all the momentum of her previously forward charge and taking a single step on the wall before lashing out at his throat with a vicious kick and the subtle "snikt" of a claw popping out of her right (leading) foot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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The bullet hit him hard and it hurt like a bitch cutting him off but not stunning him thanks to the thickness of the plating on his chest. She used her sword to pivot and throw a kick with blades coming out of her feet. It is a good thing he had seen those earlier. He blocked the leg by stepping forward and blocking her shin with the forearm of the hand with the revolver in it. As he did that his hand shot forth with all his might and speed at a blinding 210 miles and hour his fist in a ball and aimed at her sternum. If this landed it should throw her a couple of meters from the force of the impact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Her right leg thudded into his left arm and was stopped dead, but her left just kept right on going, sliding beneath the arm even as the claw it houses slid out and towards his ribcage, aiming to bury itself deep enough to puncture both lungs. Maybe that would shut him up. The second kick would land the instant before his punch did, thanks to the fact it was already moving, but with that much momentum in his blow already it wouldn't do anything to change the power of his attack, even if her claw landed and pierced all the way into the side of his torso.

She winced as the punch slammed into her sternum, and had her bones been composed of anything other than vibranium it would have sent her flying a good deal farther than a few meters. As it was though, her bones soaked up the impact like a dry sponge soaks up water and she hardly moved at all, thanks also to her grip on the hilt of her sword. Her right hand, closed into a fist around the grip of her pistol, suddenly sprouted the claws he had been about to brag about noticing and slashed down toward his elbow fast enough that he wouldn't have time to withdraw from the punch before they reached him. If all went well, he'd lose both the arm and the ability to breath almost simultaneously. Though she didn't really know how much of an effect the second one would have on him, being a terminator and all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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He felt the claw strike him and pierce a good amount before being stopped by the armor plating underneath his exoskeleton it was a painful wound but nothing that would slow him down. He let off the torrent of energy he had previously charged. Now while this wasn't enough to do anything but blow a brick wall into pieces at the enclosed vicinity of his hand on her chest and the fact he was already touching her making it instantaneous there was little she could do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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The flesh between his fist and her sternum was almost instantly reduced to a mass of blood and twisted skin and muscle, leaving a hole in her skin and ripping away a portion of her corset as well, but as they had with the punch, her bones soaked up the force of the blast like a dry sponge soaks up water, keeping the damage localized and the brute impact force to a minimum.

Still, it hurt like hell.

She'd been through worse though, and a growl escaped her lips as she grit her teeth and ignored the pain, but god it hurt, then continued her slash toward his forearm, seeing as the momentum was already there and it would have taken more effort to stop it than let it keep going. Now that she also had a claw buried in his side, she instinctively followed her original plan and used it as leverage to pull her right foot forward, aiming to cut his gun-wielding arm off about midway up the forearm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

her arm was still coming at a downward angle and he couldn't dodge so he did the next best thing he countered. He pulled his arm back and stepping back aimed a kick at her nose. He wasn't entirely fast enough to dodge the claw and it cut deep into his forearm simulation blood spilling and his artificial muscle tearing. he observed it as he stepped back badly damaged but he could still use it to punch with though he doubted it could take much more punishment. thank god for that armoring Now he turned and sprinted back towards the sounds of the police intending to go back the way he originally came looking like a hurt spectator.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He ripped himself free of her claws, and she jerked her head to the side, only narrowly avoiding the kick. When he spun and ran off, her first instinct was to follow, but when even a single step sent pain tearing through her body, she gasped and fell back against the wall, then sunk to the floor. It felt like every inch of her body was in agony, and the feeling was only made worse by the healing factor that kept every nerve pristine.

Maybe just this once she could let him go and finish the contract later. After all, he wouldn't exactly be hard to find. She tried standing again and her still-healing chest exploded in pain. Yeah, she could kill him later. For now she'd just sit here and heal.
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