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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt was saddened by the fact he lost, but relieved by the fact he wasn't called again, He headed for a seat when he heard a voice. It sounded familiar, it asked if he was okay. He glanced around to see what the source was. He eventually decided it was the figures by one of the tables. They looked familiar. He pulled himself to a stop. He thought for a moment. "N-no... I don't think I'm fine." He had to stop himself from collapsing, and he wobbled over to a chair, falling into it. His sword was still outside, and he didn't remember until he sat down. That didn't matter, too late now, he wasn't getting up. At least, not for a while. He rubbed his mouth. Everything hurt. That last punch was the worst. Mayt wouldn't have been surprised if he was told he was missing a tooth or two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Silence... that was all that went through Lazarus' mind. He could neither think, or formulate a sentence. "Master... but..." He paused. "It seems like Heaven has granted us a new star." He nodded his head in Mayt's direction. "If... he doesnt get S class, master... you have to move him up in the rankings. We had each other on the ropes. Heaven respects that man." He slumped his head back in the chair, closing his eyes.

Lazarus opened his eyes. Tears were trickling from both eyes and onto his chest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian had watched the fight between Lazarus and the other sword wielder, apparently named Mayt, when he hadn't been bandaging up Sasha. Every movement they had made he made sure to note and study mentally, looking for some kind of tactical advantage to be had in it. As it stood, it seemed he would now be facing Lazarus next and there was a lot of things to consider. "I've got the supplies, I'd be happy to help patch the others up." Making Mayt sit down near him, he picks the rag back up and sets to cleaning his wounds. That demonic form was interesting...he called it Satan. If he's going to unleash some of his top tier magic, I can't hold back. Armageddon Storm, Radial Slice, and my other stronger spells will have to come off the shelf.

While still thinking of the best strategy, Damian decides to introduce himself to Mayt. "I'm Damian Gerard. I take it you're the Mayt guy Lazarus just fought?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Sasha worriedly watched Mayt, he didn't seem to know where he was, or who was around him. Had he taken a blow to the head? It seemed likely, and Sasha bit her lip, wondering if the fight had been that intense. Compared to Mayt, Sasha had got off easily. She hovered around, but knew she was useless, so after napkin sure Mayt wasn't about to die, she gave his hand a squeeze and said "you fought well, and showed everyone that you're just as much a member as the rest of them" she gave him a smile, before getting out of Damian's way.

If Mayt was injured, how was Lazarus? Sasha bit her lip, and headed outside, where she found Lazarus on the ground. She knelt, trying to find his injuries, seeing the tears. "Oh, Lazarus" she whispered softly, wishing she knew what to do. Sometimes Sasha wished she could do more.

"Mayt will be classes as A rank, but he is not ready for S class. Soon maybe, when he is more confident" master Jamie said in reply to Lazarus. "Rest now"

Sasha looked up, she knew that Mayt was still new at his abilities, so it was a surprise, but Sasha knew they could all get better. She looked back to Lazarus
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus was unaware for a moment that sasha was there. the tears remained glistening on his cheeks. His sense returned to him and he was aware of her presence. He didnt move his head to look at her. He didn't have the energy to do that. "My soul. It's..." He paused. "Freezing." There was another pause. "That truly took everything I had. I dont have any magical power left." He coughed. "Those blades do pack a punch i'll tell you." Lazarus hadn't budged an inch since hitting the ground. He was just looking at the sky. "Now, I have to fight Damian right?" He sighed. "I'll need some recovery time, but hey, I saw your fight. You were great." He smiled. Also hearing what master Jamie had to say filled him with something. Joy, energy? He didn't know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Hi... Mayt... Yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you." Mayt was trying to relax, and was a little startled when someone grabbed his hand. He relaxed when he heard the same voice as before. "Give my congratulations to Lazarus for getting picked to continue." He's say to Sasha. He seems unable to focus his eyes just right. Chances are, he has a concussion. He rubs his head while Damian helps him. Most of his injuries are blunt force trauma. However, his hand is cut open, and his back is scratched up from hitting the ground. He wouldn't have his aura of warmth around him, and his jacket is a bit singed. He lets out a long breath and lets his head fall back, hoping to get a bit of rest. "Thanks for.. Helping." He'd say absentmindedly to Damian.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Sasha let out a soft sigh, "I lost. But it was a worthy loss. Damian is a formidable opponent and I'm glad he got to move on. I have to fight Angelo" she rose, "come on, let's get you inside and get you some food and drink. Damian can look you over and see just how injuried you are" she went to help Lazarus up, to offer her support, careful of her own injuries. She couldn't help but smile "I'm aware that blades are quite powerful. Damian got me good" she looked back to the guide hall, hoping Mayt was okay. "You knocked Mayt senseless, it seems."

Sasha sometimes wished there was more then one of her. She wanted to make sure Mayt was okay, as well as Lazarus, and knew she needed to speak with Angelo about their battle, and then there was just resting herself. Sasha liked to fuss, and she tried to coax Lazarus up
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus chuckled. "I cant move my body." He chuckled some more, before wincing and putting everything into lifting an arm. He managed it, but only enough to grasp onto Sasha's hand. She helped him up and he leaned on her. "yeah... I did, I had to. I had no choice." Making their way inside, he was slumped into a chair near Damian. Lazarus was still pretty dazed, all that blood rushing around his head. He didn't really know what he was talking about. "So Sasha, did you enjoy last night?" He had a childish look on his face. That collision with the stone wall a minute ago had knocked him senseless too, and he was starting to feel the effects of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Grinning, Damian finishes doing what he can for Mayt's cuts before sitting back on his heels. "My pleasure, really. You put up a good fight out there against Lazarus." Snapping his fingers, he stands up and heads for the guild hall. "Be right back." Getting some ice from Jarvis, he wraps it in a smaller towel and takes it back out to Mayt, putting it against his jaw, which was starting to bruise, and putting his hand on the ice pack. "Keep that there for about fifteen, twenty minutes. It'll reduce the swelling, bruising and help clear your head." Picking up the medical supplies, he gives Mayt a meaningful look. "Don't move around too much, it won't help your head." Nodding to him, he goes to find Lazarus and sits him down as well.

"Right then, lots of nicks and cuts, including on the chin." Pulling out the wet cloth again, he sets to cleaning them all. "You two were rougher than Sasha and I, and I've got cracked ribs from our bout."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha made sure Lazarus wasn't about to fall out the chair, sighing as he asked about last night "yes, it was very enjoyable" she said, feeling her face heat up in a blush. "Now shush, let Damian work on you" she said, sitting down, looking over to Mayt to see that Damian had finished with him, before Damian said about cracking his ribs "I hurt you that bad?" She asked worriedly, "you shouldn't be doing this if you have cracked ribs!" She rose, "you should be sitting down too!"

She hadn't meant to seriously hurt Damian and now she felt retched because of it. "I'm sorry" she said softly, looking down. "I should have been more careful..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt nodded thanks again to Damian, and gladly accepted the ice pact, holding it against his jaw bone. "What did it look like... When we fought?" He was curious, that was an interesting thought. How did the battle look. It didn't really matter, save for maybe aesthetics, but it would be an interesting thing to know. His body still ached, and he had regained enough reason to know that would be true for a while. So much for heading on to do what he was planning, unless he had someone like Sasha round to make sure his head didn't give him any troubles. He had a thought suddenly, but groaned. "Damian... Could you get my sword? I left it outside." He sounded weaker than he meant to, damn. He sighed, and shook his head a little. He didn't deserve nor want to be S class, Lazarus could have the victory. His abilities weren't consistent enough to warrant S-Class
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian chuckles as he works, calling to Jarvis for more ice for Lazarus's head. "It's not your fault, Sasha. I got so caught up in the sheer SIZE of that thing I didn't consider the fact that it would attack me." Setting the cloth to the side, content he'd cleaned him up the best he could, he sets to putting the salve on the worst of them first, starting with the chin. "Besides, it's not painful, at least not yet. Still not sure if that's a good thing or not..." Looking at Sasha, he smiles. "Trust me, I'm fine. Just need to take it easy and help the others out." Thanking Jarvis for the ice pack when he brings it over, I put it to Lazarus's head and have him hold it in place.

"Possible concussion from that, so you can't sleep for a bit. Once your head starts to clear up, then you can sleep. Eat and rest for now." Standing up, Damian groans slightly as he stretches and a slight popping sound comes from his ribs. "Best go make sure Mayt isn't asleep. Lazarus's punch packed quite the wallop behind it." As he reaches Mayt, he hears him ask about his sword and nods. "Can do. Don't sleep." Going outside, he makes sure to skirt the next battle and pick up the blade, bringing it back in and setting it on the table next to the wounded Mayt. "There ya go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt sat up proper and took the sword, carefully making sure to put it in the scabbard and not cut himself. "Thanks... My head is starting to clear a little. But, got it. No sleeping." He gives Damian a thumbs up and continues to hold the ice to his jaw. After a moment, he starts pulling off his jacket and tossing it to the ground. He rubs his free arm. "I think my ribs are cracked as well. But, you should tend to Lazarus first. I tried to drain his body of heat, so check that." He feels the hilt of his blade with his free hand. and nods to Damian. "And thanks again. I hope you and... Sasha? Recover just fine."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian shrugs, finally sitting down and letting himself rest, his ribs making a popping sound again. "Not much I can do for him. I don't use any kind of fire magic, otherwise I would be all over it." Drawing one of his own swords, the cutlass on his hip, he got out a whetstone and set to sharpening it again, though not very loudly. He'd learned how to sharpen it with various degrees of strength to affect the amount of noise it made. "Your bout with Lazarus, was...it was intense, for sure. You held your own without an issue, but it definitely looked like it hurt when Lazarus caught you with that left hook. Haven't even thought to check your teeth."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt sighs. "Let's not check my teeth... I like to believe they're all there. But yeah, it was a hell of a hit. He threw so much effort into it he went right through me and into a wall. On top of that it really did some damage. Gah..." He rubs the ice pack against his face some. "And from the other stuff, my entire body just hurts right now. He's definitely not one to overlook for S rank. What does S rank even give you besides special missions and prestige anyway?" His eyes have returned to focus, mostly, so he could make out the world around him somewhat. He recognized the faces around him, but he couldn't put names to a lot of them. It was odd.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha tried to do wht she could to help, but ultimately, her salve was the only thing she really knew about. And then that was just smearing it on the wound and bandaging it. So she sighed, and sat back down, nodding at Damian "I think I was more shocked then you. I didn't knew where it came from...it just came out" she said, glancing at Lazarus. If she won te fight with Angelo, it would mean she'd have to fight Lazarus, or Damian again, or whoever won out of Wes and Scier and she found she really didn't want to fight Lazarus

She didn't even think she could beat Angelo, in her state, but she would try her best. But she realized something. She could have kept fighting Damian, but she didn't. Because she had no reason to. Her strength came from wanting to protect her friends. She didn't need some silly rank to do that. She smiled, shifting as Jarvis brought over some good for Lazarus. "Eat, and rest. You have another fight coming up soon, after all" she said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Caits said
Sasha tried to do wht she could to help, but ultimately, her salve was the only thing she really knew about. And then that was just smearing it on the wound and bandaging it. So she sighed, and sat back down, nodding at Damian "I think I was more shocked then you. I didn't knew where it came from...it just came out" she said, glancing at Lazarus. If she won te fight with Angelo, it would mean she'd have to fight Lazarus, or Damian again, or whoever won out of Wes and Scier and she found she really didn't want to fight LazarusShe didn't even think she could beat Angelo, in her state, but she would try her best. But she realized something. She could have kept fighting Damian, but she didn't. Because she had no reason to. Her strength came from wanting to protect her friends. She didn't need some silly rank to do that. She smiled, shifting as Jarvis brought over some good for Lazarus. "Eat, and rest. You have another fight coming up soon, after all" she said

Angelo was grinning wide seeing the others fighting each other and that just made Angelo that much more ready to fight. Angelo was toe hoping from side to side like the old boxers did since Angelo couldn't stay still plus if he was going to make it a good fight he needed to be limber and flexible to make sure he didn't get to close to sasha or he wouldn't be able to throw his lightning bolts and he would be forced to use his lightning armor and use his high speeds strikes to make it end quickly before his magical power went to low for his next fight. Soon he went over to sasha and asked "are you ready?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian had been in the middle of taking a light nap when he heard Jarvis ask for his help. Opening his eyes and looking over at Sasha, he immediately stood up and got the supplies together and ran over with it, setting it out on the table and summoning a small blade to cut the bandages off. Now wasn't the time for modesty. As he works, he quietly berates the unconscious Sasha for doing reckless things. "Damn it, girl, you knew you were hurt. Now you've gone and torn open your side again and you've bled worse. Didn't get enough cake or juice in your system before the fight either. Damn it..."

Finishing cutting off the bandages, Damian quickly gets to stopping the bleeding so he can clean the wound and put more salve on it. He'd have to remember that next time he and Sasha fought, to blunt the edges of his blades or something so he didn't hurt her so badly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt heard Jarvis call for Damian's help, and was curious. He stood up slowly and followed. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Sasha. He closed his eyes for a moment, then came over. "Is there any way I can help?" He slid to his knees next to Damian, only partially of his own choice. "I can keep her warm. I could... Cauterize the injury." He wanted to make sure she'd be aright, and he looked over the other two, then up at Angelo, his eyes showing anger, and he mutters a promise to himself, so quiet only he can hear it, he then turns to Sasha. He started gathering heat around him from various sources. Other than Damian and Sasha of course.
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