Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryu was just about to agree that it was best to go next door until he heard a loud scream come from down the hall. Ryu jumped a little bit at the scream, but looked down the hall in its direction. Bursting out of the room next to his, somebody with a katana in hand ran down the hallway, then a couple seconds later a girl with blonde hair was running down too. Looking back to Leo for a second, then down the hallway again, without saying any words Ryu started to walk down the hallway in a fast walk. Not to sure if he should rush to the scream. Watching the blonde girl enter the room, Ryu stopped at the doorway. The guy with the katana had already gotten there, and another yell came from within the room. This time a yell of questioning. "WHATS GOING ON?! DID YOU ATTACK THIS GIRL?!" Came from a female, with long red hair. The blonde girl yelled back at the red haired girl, "He didn't attack her, you idiot!". Ryu walked into the doorway slowly, keeping his distance from the group of teens. Looking over at them, he figured it was best not to get involved with what was found in the room and instead keep quiet in the back of the room, observing them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well, Shakantula, it's very nice to meet you." Weisse mustered a smile, but his eyes kept wandering back to Nikita. In a strange way, he was reminded of himself, except where he rejected femininity, s/he embraced it. It was an impressive and brave stance, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit inferior to this gentle, gender-confused boy. It had earned his respect all the same.

"Nikita, it's not a bad thing to be transgender. Sure, it is a little abnormal, but I don't see any reason why anyone should discriminate against you." It felt like the core of the Sun on Weisse's cheeks, but he kept going "In fact, I think you are beautiful the way you are."
Why don't you cut the chatter and just make out with her, why don't you
Weisses thought it wise to ignore his cynical inside voice.

And then the scream. The ear-piercing, blood-curling scream. Daniel was out the door before anyone had time to react. Shakuntala swiftly followed. Weisse paused only to grab his rucksack - if they were going to investigate this, he had a few essentials they would need - and his rapier. Before he darted off, he warned Nikita "I don't know what is down there, but I know it's dangerous. I need someone to stay up here so if I don't come back, you can say what happened. Please don't follow me."

With his superior speed and training, Weisse encountered the others in a speed that would impress Usain Bolt. There was Daniel, of course, being yelled at by a girl he didn't recognize, who in turn was being moaned at by Tala. Oh, forget the vicious scene in the basement, or the fact the one who caused this may still be nearby, this argument was hyper-important.
"Mi dispiace, Frauline but Herr Quinn's blade is clean. He was upstairs with me and Tala," he decided to leave Nikita out for now "when the screaming happened. And that brings me to you, Daniel. What in Dio's name are you playing at!? You think you can kamikaze charge down here to play samurai and rescue the damsel in distress? Mein Gott, you could've been killed!"
After that toungue-lashing, Weisse decided to study the basement. It was NOT a pretty sight.
"Che diavolo. What happened down here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by armedThespian
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armedThespian A Singing Bard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The blonde was happy that her baking was becoming a hit with her kohais.
I'm from here, but I think my name is Hindi or something like that. My mother read it in a book, and when she knew she was having a girl, after six boys, she wanted my name for me. My father honored her wishes..."
Nikita's eyes widened, "six boys? Wow,, big family." She was the only child in her household, but she had many cousins on her father's side, all of which were boys. It reminded her of when her father had her playing with her cousins from dawn to dusk during the summers as a way to "boy" her up. Obviously it didn't work because whenever she had a chance the 4 year old Nikita would find one of her aunts and stick to them, learning how to cook and sew. When her father confronted her about not playing outside, she lied and got a spanking, because unlike her cousins who's skin darkened under the sun, her's was still as pale as winter.
"It doesn't bother me, you're still super adorable! Thanks for the cookies again. They're super amazing!"
"I figured that out in about five seconds, and yet, I didn't run away screaming-soft laugh-you're a good person, and that's all that matters"
"Nikita, it's not a bad thing to be transgender. Sure, it is a little abnormal, but I don't see any reason why anyone should discriminate against you. In fact, I think you are beautiful the way you are."

Their comments made her feel different from how she normally felt, she felt accepted with the three. Looking to Weisse she noticed his bright blush and thought it was very cute. This caused her to blush, her normally porcelain pale skin turning red. Covering her face for a second with the cool pink tin, Nikita's green eyes peered over the circular top, her eyes evidence of the smile being hidden and of the embarrassed-yet-ecstatic emotion that filled her.

Than a scream, it felt as if the walls vibrated from the sound and it sent a cold chill running down her spine.
'Что происходит*?' she thought as her throat dried. It sounded horrible, the sound was as if someone was being dragged and tortured, a scream of help and pleading for someone to hear. Nikita turned her head to Daniel who ran out, followed by Shakuntala who went to find the source of the scream. Looking back to Weisse she noted the bag and the thin sword he picked up. Even before Nikita could take a step, not wanting her friends to get hurt she was stopped by her underclassmen.
"I don't know what is down there, but I know it's dangerous. I need someone to stay up here so if I don't come back, you can say what happened. Please don't follow me."
His speed was undiniably fast, faster than she could ever run. Alone, she stood in the room for only a second before leaving the tin on the bed and running after them. If anyone knew the school the best it would be her and she had a feeling what might have happened. There were rumors for quite some time now or students disappearing and eerie, chilling noises at night. Nikita always heard these things and last year she had seen something that even she couldn't explain...
She had seen a few people in the dorms stick their head out, looking around, Nikita just told them it was nothing and asked for them to go back inside until their RA was here, and at that she followed where the others left, down the stairwell to the basement. She was panting by the time she made it down to the commotion between the students she met and another, in the corner was another quiet male.
Looking to Weisse she raised her hand, "I followed Daniel." She retorted quickly before he could say something along the lines of, 'I told you not to follow me'.
"Come back upstairs." She told the others, a gulp forcing down her dry throat. Placing a hand against the wall, to keep her up, she looked around the room at the underclassmen faces and finally to the scene before her. Her eyes widened and her body grew stiff. "Calm down." Her voice became a little hard as she tried to focus on the thought of getting the students of there but the screaming and arguing among boys and girls was becoming a problem. "This place is опасно**, no good."
*What's going on
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Academy life really was the best. Run around and troll during classes for seven hours, then you go to your magic circle and work on even more occult projects, and even when that was over you have people to boss around. Truly, life at the academy was good, especially with all the people around here to mess with, both in good and bad ways. To say she was enjoying this place would be an understatement. Diana understood. Diana always understood. This school was her playground. Except it wasn't.


Regardless, it was tea time with her sl-brother, and this was a good a time as any to think on master plans. And she had many plans. Many plans indeed. Most of them involved horrible things that would probably result in collateral damage. Probably. But then, wasn't that the fun in plans? To see how they changed the world?

Seriously, people were totally weird for not wanting to change the world around them as they pleased. It was like, so totally easy. Who wouldn't? Some pleb, that's who. But, Diana was not one to judge. She understood why people preferred to live reserved lives. They were easy, and one had the freedom to pursue their goals and wants at their leisure.

Well, regardless, it was time to explain her genius plan. Diana sipped some of her plum tea, before stealing a cookie away from her brothers plate and munching down on it.

"So, are you familiar with the ke-" She didn't even get to start her caper before someone screamed hysterically. Obviously, it was a ghost.

Or a murder victim.

As a member of the Detective Club and Occult club, that made this doubly relevant to her. Thus, there was only one option.

She grabbed her brothers plate with cookies and dashed toward the source.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Daniel helped the girl up. "Are you alright? The girl didn't speak. She was out cold. Daniel was ignoring the other people in the room. the girl had a huge hole in her side, Daniel applied pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. Daniel walked up the stairs to the nurses office, and he carried the girl in his arms along with his katana. along the way he passed Nikita, and smiled a little. Daniel walked a bit faster to the nurse's office. He was worried for the girl. He wanted her to be okay.

Daniel's hands were bloody now but he was at the nurse's office. He rushed in, "Excuse me! This girl is in serious trouble. She needs help." Daniel yelled as he sat the girl down on one of the beds. The nurse came up.

"Man, it's only the first day and already we've had an accident. Don't worry sweet heart we'll fix her up." The nurse smiled and sent Daniel on his way. He didn't understand what she meant by It's only the first day and there has ready been an accident. Daniel Shrugged off the feeling and went back to his dorm room to take a shower.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Shakuntala followed Daniel, as he carried the girl to the nurses office. What could have caused her injury? Part of her wanted to know, the other part feared it. Where was her attacker? Again, part of her wanted to know while the other part didn't. But...if the attacker was around, unhindered, and unknown...Shakuntala decided she didn't want to be alone, but she didn't want to be a hindrance to Daniel and Weisse, and didn't want to just assume that it was okay to hang out in their room, especially since she didn't know if there was any rules against that.

She sighed, looked about, hesitating. She supposed she would have to just go back to her room. Then she remembered Nikita, and she smiled, wondering if she would like to hang out and talk. So she went to hunt up Nikita, but stopped as she remembered what the nurse had said.

It's only the first day and there has ready been an accident What had she gotten herself into? She wondered if she should have enrolled as a first year now, but......already been an accident Was there going to be more of them? What was going on in this school? She decided then and there to carry around her bow and arrows.

So she went to her room, and gathered up her bow, and arrows, slinging it over her shoulder, and heading back out the room. She hesitated again, and made her way back to the boys dormitories, staring at the doors, wondering which one was Nikita's. She sighed, and just decided to knock on a door.

Right away, she knew she had knocked on the wrong door. What could she do now? If she left, they'd open the door up and see her, and then she would have made a fool of herself. She thought she could hear voices inside the room, two boys, but that may have been her imagination. She stood shaking slightly, biting her lip, and looking down, allowing her hair to wash over her face, curtaining it, waiting for the door to be answered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Clarius was prepared to hear his sister's "master" plan. They were never masterful, always left collateral damage, wasn't worth much, and always ended with Clarius taking the blame for her, or cleaning it up on his own. However, this was the norm for Clarius, and as long as is sister stayed herself, she should be able to pull strings to make sure nothing appeared on his record.

If having an evil genius of a sister had one benefit, it meant that nothing bad ever really happened to him. If something bad did happen to him, it was because of Diana. There was no middle ground, it was Diana's fault, or nothing bad happened to him. Honestly, she was more like a trouble making cat that loved torturing their owner, but Clarius would have preferred the cat. At least the cat didn't speak.

Maybe he should get a white fat Persian cat and name it Diana. Yes, that would be perfect.

As Willard began to formulate his plan on how to get his cat, he heard a high pitched scream.

Instinctively he placed his bookmark inside of his book, and made his way to where the screams occurred. Hopefully nobody noticed his bookmark, as it happened to be a scary picture of his sister's face with the words 'Big sister is watching.' He really hated using it, but his sister made him, and doing that was much easier than listening to one of her fits. They were always the worst.

Clarius was already calculating a few things inside of his head. The victim was obviously female given the scream, as well as the location being fairly close. This means that the culprit couldn't have gotten very far, which meant anybody they see in the hallway could be considered a suspect.

By the time he made it to the crime scene, there was already a small group, and somebody was carrying a girl off. He also noticed the boy carrying the girl was applying excess pressure to an area, as well as a ring of red around the area. She also seemed like she was knocked out, which added a lot to the case. Obviously, that girl was the victim, which meant it was time for him to get some clues. And given her current shape, he was more than likely going to bring her to the nurse. Hopefully, this would be an easy case.

However, before sprinting as fast as he could, Clarius looked straight into his sister's eyes. His usual uninterested, bored eyes were serious, which would tell his sister everything. This look would be more than enough for his sister, and it would also tell her what she needed to do. They spent so much time around each other, that they could probably think for one another, so small signals like this were nothing.

Clarius began to follow the pair, which eventually lead him to the nurses office, like he figured. Hopefully everybody would cooperate with him, and this could end quickly.

" Hello, excuse me sir. I'm Clarius Branford, year four, and head of the detection club. Given the events that have just transpired, I believe it would be best if you could tell me everything you know. I'd also like to examine the girl once the nurse is done with doing what she needs to. I already noticed something fairly weird. So please, cooperate with me so we can find out the truth of what happened.

It was show time for Clarius, and now wasn't his time to screw up. He spoke as slowly, clearly, and respectfully as he could. He needed to get these things done, and fast so that nobody else got hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hmph. That had gone down well. Daniel knew what he was doing and taken the girl to the nurse, and Tala followed him out like a lost puppy. That left Weisse, Nikita and the angry redhead to deal with.
Damn it, Nikita! I told you to stay upstairs
Why do you care so much? You didn't ask anyone else to stay, or offer to stay back yourself
Well, I...
Weisse and Nikita, sitting in a tree...
Shut up
You like her, don't you?
She's a guy
Is this really the time?
Present and future, you said. This is the present
Yeah? Then let's leave it to the future
Of course, Weisse being Weisse, his cheeks had decided white wasn't the in color this season, so they adorned themselves with red.
"Well, that was something." Weisse chuckled nervously "Now I feel stupid for lunking this stuff along. Do either of you feel like lingering, or do you want to come back to the dorm? Of course, we could stay and investigate, but judging by our position, timing and the size of the girl's wound, my guess is either the attacker fled when the girl screamed or the girl hurt herself. Why she came down here, though, is beyond me. Either way, I'm happy to do what you two are doing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by armedThespian
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armedThespian A Singing Bard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nikita couldnt keep her eyes from the blood that adorned the floor. Her eyes couldnt erase that big hole on her side. She wondered what could have done it.
Was it...
Sge felt her body shiver, chills going down her spine. This was not a good place to be any longer. "Lets just get back. Its late and Im sure we're all tired." Nikita said with an uneasy smile. She knew something that the underclassmen didn't... and she knew the only people who knew what might be going on...though she did not like to talk to the siblings, Diana and Clarius, she had a feeling they knew something." Please make it to the dorms safely." She had politely, hurridly,wished the girl and boy farewell and looked to Weisse. "Lets head upstairs, please..." she begged, her green eyes showed how very uncomfortable she was after the sight she just saw and wanted to get out of there, just incase whatever it was that attacked the girl was still with them. She reached for his hand, the two fleeing up the stairs till they were somewhere brighter, safer, and none of that eerie air that seemedbto clog the room below. Up stairs, as they walked down the hall to the rooms, Nikita's tall, slim body seemed tense, her arms crossed over her chest and shoulders rigid. She stopped, standing and looking at the floor before staring up. "Weisse, dont walk around the school at night. Ok? Its dangerous. After 7 just stay in..." she had said after sometime of silence. They still hadn't reached their bedrooms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Of course. Stupid question." Weisse let himself be pulled along by Nikita's hand. She looked scared. Why wouldn't she? After seeing such a calamity, especially that wound, even he was a little on edge.
He tried to shrug it off as an accident - girl went exploring, tripped and fell, hurt herself, no big deal - or someone horsing about and taking it too far, but one look at Nikita blew those theories out of the water. That wasn't a "I saw something scary" scared face. That was a "Oh god, it's happening again" scared face.

Something funny was going on and he didn't like it. It was like a sick, twisted joke he didn't know the punchline to. He needed to find someone who did.

"Weisse, don't walk around the school at night. Ok? It's dangerous. After seven, just stay in..."
He had actually forgotten Nikita was there. Maybe she knew.
Weisse opened his mouth to ask her... Then shut it again. Questioning her like the Gestapo would help no-one. He had to calm her down and let her talk when she was ready.

With absolutely no experience in this area, Weisse just did what came naturally to him. He hugged her, a warm freindly hug to show her she was not facing this alone. She felt rigid, stiff. Like a corpse
"I don't know what's going on" he whispered gently "but I do know this. Everything is going to be fine. There is nothing to be afraid of." Cliche words, true, but anything else would just sound hollow. Everything he said, he meant.
Weisse released his companion, but held on to her shoulders, looked her dead in the eye and said, with the uttmost sincerity "We'll get through this, one step at a time. Who knows, maybe this was a one-off. Just a big accident. But even if it wasn't, I promise, it'll be alright in the end. Okay?"
He let go off her fully, offering a shy smile. "Anyway, we should probably get back. Daniel will be wondering where we are."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Daniel smiled as the person began talking. "Yeah, I'll tell you everything you need. Well, me and my friends were in my dorm talking and eating cookies when all of a sudden we heard scream. I grabbed my Katana and rushed to the girl." Daniel said patting the sword. "I found he knocked out and bleeding, so I picked her up and applied presure to stop the bleeding. I then took her to the nurse's office so she could get the right medical help. That's all I know." Daniel said looking at the person that stood in front of him. " But, I really need to go. Tell me what you find and if you need any help." Daniel then began to walk away again with Shakuntala.

Daniel continued walking with a smile. he always had a smile. No matter what, he wanted to make people feel happy. Truly he feared for the girl, he hoped she was okay. Daniel looked at Shakuntala "So, uh, you should stay at my place tonight. It's not safe walking the halls right now, the attacker could be your roommate. If there is anything you need from your dorm lets go get it now. " Daniel said with a smile. He liked all his new friends. Nikita was adorable even for a guy, but Daniel wasn't into guys. He still found them attractive in their own ways but he would never date one. But, he found Shakuntala even more attractive and adorable than Nikita, so it was okay.

Daniel smiled once more and then began to walk to the girls dorm with Shakuntala. No matter her answer he was going to force her to stay at his dorm. Daniel wanted all his new friends to be safe. "No matter your answer Shakuntala you're staying at my dorm. Sorry if I'm being pushy but I just want you and Nikita to be safe. You're both my friends now." Daniel smiled and put his arm around Shakuntala's shoulders. "So, lets get to your dorm, grab your thinks and then lets get bacl to my dorm so I can wash all this poor girl's blood off me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by armedThespian
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armedThespian A Singing Bard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nikita was a little surprised by the hug, but it did not stop her from blushing and sinking into his embrace. Though she was a bit taller than the other, she still felt warm and secure. The thoughts of what might be happening again to the school leaving her mind as she listenined to Weisse, his words comforting to hear, especially now in this madness. She held onto him a little more and was a bit let down when he pulled away....
let down?
Nikita's cheeks just grew darker as the flame erupted across her cheeks.
"Okay." She nodded, the soft reply leaving her lips. Her green eyes that shyly looked up at his also pink face.
так мило* She thought staring at the male. His smile is so nice...
"Yes." She took in a breath and slowly released the tension in her body. A soft smile on her lips. "Lets go." she said as the two continued to walk down the hall, Nikita still blushing and smiling as her body seemed to gravitate closer to Weisse.

As the two made their way to the dorm rooms she spotted Daniel and Shakuntala walking away from the rooms and toward the elevator in the dorm. She looked to Weisse, "I guess Daniel is walking her to dorm." She voiced her thoughts. There was an uneasy expression on her face and she hoped that he would be ok walking back...he'd be by himself. Even if he had a weapon...Nikita was about to suggest going after them, to keep them company, three would be better than one...But she was sure after the whole fiasco the security would be tighter in about 5 minutes, meaning they would have to head off into their rooms. Looking around she noticed they were really the only ones in the hall, there was a faint sound of music coming from some of the dorms, probably from the radio.
"Oh, uh, Weisse." She turned to him fully, rummaging in her pockets until she pulled out a pink flip phone. Old, yes, but it was something affordable and simple that her mother gave her so she could keep in contact with family when needed. A four leaf clovered charm with a light purple bead swayed as she opened and handed him the phone. "In case you have question...I am fourth year and you are my kohai." She smiled brightly, still the lovely red blush coloring her cheeks madly. "So exchange numbers?" She was way too embarresed and hoped he didn't think it was wierd for wanting his number. THey were friends, and aside of having her grandparents, parents and two other names which were her boss and co-worker, she didnt have much school friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Shakuntala looked up as Daniel said that she should stay in his room tonight. "I doubt my room mate is the attack. She's a piece of work, but I doubt she'd try and kill someone...but then, I don't even know her name" She said, shrugging. She found herself blushing as Daniel seemed to stare at her, if only briefly, and when he smiled, she couldn't help but return the smile.

she wasn't going to argue with staying in his room. Anything had to be better then staying in her dorm, with an unfriendly room mate. She seemed shocked when Daniel put his arm around her shoulder. Having six brothers meant that throughout school, and other social gatherings, she hadn't had much guy contact. Friends, sure, but never anything more then that. She always suspected that guys at her school were scared of her brothers. So this was all new territory for her, alway from her brothers.

She swallowed and nodded, "I'll be just a moment" She said, ducking into her dorm room, she shoved a change of clothes in a backpack, grabbed her guitar case, and pillowmade sure she had her bow and arrows, and put her art gear in the backpack and somehow shoved her pillow into the pack as well, slinging it over her shoulder, and left the room, carrying her guitar. She had composed herself, and she smiled at Daniel, "Okay, I'm ready" She said brightly, "Let's go" She had probably been in her room a minute, if that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Daniel smiled as the girl came back out of her dorm. He put his arm back around her should and began talking. "So, what brings a pretty girl like you to this school." Daniel said smiling at her. And, then he realized she probably thought he was hitting on her. 'Uh, I'm not trying to hit on you or anything. It's just that I think you're pretty and I'm complementing you." Daniel Smiled once again hoping she was convinced.

After a short walk they arrived back at the dorm to see Nikita and Weisse waiting. "Well hello everybody!" Daniel said entering the room with a big wide smile. "Weisse, Shakuntala is going to room with us tonight. I hope that's okay? I just want her to be safe. We don't know who the attacker is, and Nikita you're welcome to stay too if Weisse is okay with it." Daniel said with a smile as he grabbed his towel and soap from his backpack. "But, I'll be in the shower. Be right back." Daniel said as he went to the little oak door in the corner of the room and opened it. Daniel thought it was awesome that each dorm got their own bath room. He hated public bathrooms and showers. He thought they were disgusting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SumikaTheBeautiful


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Takeshi happened to be minding his own business, as Takeshi often did, when he heard the shout of a damsel in distress. To the young man, this was his calling, his reason to be, and, as such, he ran off in search of the source of the noise. Upon arrival, however, he spotted a small crowd as well as his roommate seemingly following someone. He decided he may as well have some fun and pursue the one who was already pursuing another.

As he lightly jogged in Clarius' wake, Takeshi gave a quick nod to Clarius' sister and his co-student council president. Actually, she was the president and he was the vice-president. But vice-president implied a level of inferiority that did not sit well with the sharply-dressed womanizer, so he referred to both himself and her as co-presidents. Never when he was around her, though. Of course not. That would be suicide.

He caught up to Clarius shortly after the aforementioned roommate had reached the nurse's office and seemed to ask someone there a question. Well. "Asked a question" was putting it lightly. Knowing Clarius, he was was probably interrogating some poor soul. In an effort to save others from his roomie's dreadfully boring yet somehow intense inquiries, Takeshi slapped the young man on the back and greeted him in a manner as to suggest familiarity. Though, the familiarity was certainly present, not merely suggested. You really get to know a guy when you sleep in the same room, are in the same club, and are co-president with his sister.

"Yo, Claire. How's it going?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Diana was a fast girl. She was also very good at turning up at places unnoticed, and that's exactly what she did at the basement. Without a doubt, the adults would arrive within a few minutes and start ruining the scene.

Someone had without a doubt got hurt. That was no scream of surprise or excitement, it was pain, and the legitimate real kind. It wasn't a paper cut. That girl must've been really hurt. And a look at the small pool of blood in the basement confirmed any doubt she may have had about violence. Taking a look around the room and memorizing it down to the smallest detail, she turned to leave. This was enough for now. Moving as stealthily as possible, she made her way through the halls to the nurses office, albeit the long way.

She didn't intend to arrive just yet. Time needed to be given before her side of things were relevant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hmmm, so he was eating with his friends? Alright, he would need to ask people to validate that. While it seemed rude to just press on a guy like that, he was his only suspect. It also doesn't help his case since he openly walks around with a Katana, but that didn't mean he was instantly guilty, Clarius would just press him further, yes, that was all he needed to do. He was good at getting information out of people.

" Alright now could you answer a few qu- Hey! Get back here! "

Clarius tried to get the man's attention, but it was already too late, he had left without completing his investigation. This made things even worse, He was starting to develop another of his common headaches. Being Clarius was suffering.

It was at that moment, that a familiar slap on the back and a familiar nickname registered with him. It was his roommate, Takeshi Maetaka. Takeshi was an alright guy, a bit of a ladies man and an oddball, but as long as he avoided Diana, Clarius didn't care who he started to flirt with.

Good thing Takeshi showed up, it would allow Clarius to do things in the time of one.

" Hey, Takeshi. The girl lying down on the bed just got stabbed. That scream was her's, and she blacked out right after that. At least, I assume so. Now, I'm sure you're wondering exactly what I am, how could she have passed out so quickly from blood loss? I suspect she was either hit over the head, then stabbed, or they happened around the same time. A stab wound isn't enough for someone to pass out from the pain, even if it was pretty painful. The boy I was just talking to was the one who brought her here, as well as being the first to see her. He was also carrying a Katana, which I doubt was the murder weapon, but it isn't normal for people to walk around with those. You don't see me walking around with my sword, right? Or Diana with her kendo stick, right? I want you to go door to door to ever person's room, asking if someone with a Katana was in there, or if they have had seem. When you do, text me the situation, where he was, who was with him, and so on. Then, I want you to tell him to head down here. "

Clarius had to bark orders as fast as he could, he needed to work before the adults really started screwing everything up. They were useless, but him, his sister, and Takeshi would be able to solve this case. Even if they needed to work 24/7.

With his barking of orders out of the way, Clarius waited for the nurse to go off into the back, and then he began his own examination. He took a close look of the wound, paying attention to the length and width of it. That would determine what kind of sharp object was used to stab her. He also want to note at the amount of blood loss, as if she was knocked out before being stabbed, she would have lost less blood than if she was awake.

Clarius also began to inspect her head, looking for any kind of bruising or bumps. There just had to be something, or else nothing added up. A stab couldn't cause you to knock out seconds after it happening. These few key details would mean a lot, and if he could get that, working towards the Howdunnit would be easier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Shakuntala was quite happy to walk back with Daniel. He was friendly, and adorable. It made her smile, but she did blush when he called her pretty, and the tried to throw it off as if it were just a compliment. Perhaps it was. What did she know? She was niave. But she wasn't a fool. Daniel was nice, and right now that was all that mattered to her. He hadn't made her beg to not be left alone-he seemed genuinely concerned for her welfare and that made her fell safe. Another part of her wondered if that was such a good thing. Was she just trying to replace the security of her brothers? For now, she decided not to dwell on it.

"Oh. Uh. Well..." She sighed softly, "my dad died in a fire and my older brothers all have lives if their own, I stayed with my eldest brother for a bit, but he has two young kids and...I just felt like a burden. So I soon found this place and thought it was a good choice" she said "so here I am" she said with a shrug, falling silent as the reached Daniels dorm room, and he spoke with Weisse.

She smiled, almost shyly, realizing that she probably looked like she was carrying her whole life, and essentially she was. Shakuntala had a good memory, so she could pretty much draw what she wanted, her guitar was her own way of expressing herself, and her bow and arrows was the way she defended herself. "I don't mean to invade your room, but...well, with this attack..,and my room mates weird...I just want to be with people that make me feel safe. And besides, I think there was still cookies" she said, giving a small laugh, setting down her things where they wouldn't be in the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Daniel got into the shower, washed the blood off then got out and hanged into his night clothes. Which were only a pair of pajama bottoms. Before reentering his dorm he poked his head out into his dorm. "Just to let everybody know, I'm shirtless so if you have a problem with it just tell me." Daniel smiled and stepped out in his blue pajama bottoms. "So, I have a feeling people think I attacked the girl. That one chick did yell at me and then I did get questioned by that one guy at the nurses office." Daniel laughed a little. "Eh, maybe, maybe not. Who knows? I just hope I don't get questioned to hard by people investigating. I don't work well under pressure." Daniel said shoving another cookie into his mouth.

"Also, I'll sleep on the floor tonight. Shakuntala, you can have my bed. Nikita do you want the sofa? It folds out into a bed." Daniel said point at the grey sofa that sat up against the wall of the left side of the room. "Weisse are you okay with this? I don't want to push you into something you don't want." Daniel said looking at his room mate. He was unsure if Weisse wanted the company on the first day.

In the back of Daniel's mind he was still hoping Shakuntala didn't think he was hitting on her. He wasn't, he never had a girl friend or hit on a girl. He just really likes complementing people. He just wanted the girl to feel safe. Daniel was use to girl those, most of his friends growing up were girls. The guys all thought he was weird and what not. Daniel also found that girls had less interest in the things like football and soccer and other guy things. The kind of things Daniel didn't like. Of course most girls didn't like videogames or swords but he still found that girls were easier to talk to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The scream, when it came, was about to spur Leo into action. There was never a moment to waste when a lady was in trouble, though he had to ball his fists and bite his tongue when the brigade of students already making their way to the sound swooped past their doorway, and made him inhale sharply in surprise, before staggering back with a hand in his hair. So many people, it was almost like a stampede. Overwhelming.
He shook his head, and decided he most probably wasn't going to get involved with it this time. There were plenty of people to frighten themselves over it. It wasn't that he was cowardly, it must have been the case of the girl tripping and falling and hurting herself on the stairs, maybe twisting an ankle, tearing a ligament or whatnot. It would be easily tended to be a nurse if she was quickly escorted to one.
As a new student, however, an injury as had occurred was nowhere in his immediate line of thought of what had happened, as he shrugged it off and chose to hang in the doorway, watching as his new roommate silently went off towards the scream as well. He wasn't one to ask someone who was clearly focused on something many questions. He brushed it aside. It wasn't of insane importance. Though the hallways were now eerily quiet, since most of the hotblooded inhabitants had left to check out where the scream came from, and only a handful remained behind.
Leo was one of them.
And as of the moment, the only person who had absolutely nothing to do with the scene of the crime.
Absolutely. Nothing. He didn't even go to that place before, or do anything that might have caused a panic.

Regardless, he picked up his novel again and chose to wolf down the last couple of pages before he reached the end of a chapter, it was a mystery-thriller, Dan Brown kind of novel. The kind that can get really engrossing, but the more time you stay away from it, the more delicious unwrapping the story becomes. He was sat in a comfortable, cushiony armchair in the room, one of two on either end of an end-table with a reading lamp on it, and almost missed the sounds of hurried chatter that passed by his door again. His roommate was soon to return, though it wasn't lights out yet, but the evening was drawing pretty late. He'd at least make an effort to go meet the neighbours.
For the moment, however, his roommate's return was of a priority.
And so the crisp crinkling of pages continued, clear blue eyes absorbing every last inked word.
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