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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryu was sound asleep, for about 5 minutes. Someone barged into the dorm saying "Hey!" this didn't entirely wake up Ryu. If he wasn't so tired he would've got up and introduced himself, but his exhaustion got the better of him. Ryu kept his eyes open for a couple minutes, just staring at the wall. Hearing the rustling from the other side of the room, he soon realized this was going to be his roommate. Ryu thought it was to late to respond at the "Hey!" a couple of minutes ago. So Ryu just laid there, hoping that his roommate would try to spark another conversation.

A few more minutes went by, and Ryu could hear his roommate try and talk to him again, "Hey...uh. You asleep, man?"

Ryu turned over on the bed, looking at his new roommate. He had blue hair, and a pair of glasses. He seemed to be occupied with a book, but even though he was reading you could just tell how carefree he was. The way he carried himself, showed that he was just a happy-go-lucky guy in general. Ryu spoke up after a couple of seconds. "Yeah I am, just taking a little nap." Ryu said lightly, giving his roommate a small smile before sitting up on his bed and stretching. "My name is Ryu Kazuki, what's yours?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Not tonight, Daniel. It's... well, it's really personal. Maybe tomorrow, when I'm a little more accustomed to our surroundings. Anyway, you haven't told me about you yet."
Although he didn't drop the smile, it was clear from Weisse's tone and the look in his eyes it was a sore subject. He was trying to deflect the point, but he knew this was going to come up again.
"Memories, to me, is the past. Our past's define us and mould us into, as you rightly said, us. And unlike toast," Weisse laughed softly "it can often be a painful and confusing thing to look into and act on. If I'm shaped by my past, by all rights and logic I should be a stuck-up, arrogant, oversensitive pig who sees everyone as an inferior plebian. Or I should be a quivering, crying wreck who feels no emotions but sorrow, who flounces about crying 'woe is me, the world sucks' and so on."
There was a short pause, then Weisse continued
"Of course, it's all very well to say that now. When I look back on my past, all I see is a life of total luxury suddenly snatched and replaced by a rather poor one, with little more than the promise of wealth in the future to keep me going. I bet if you saw my past, or I yours, we could pick up things that the other missed. Everyone seems to remember the bad things the most, with good memories showing up when things are at their worst to taunt you. So I make it a point to look to the present, and the future, instead of the past."
Once more, Weisse paused, this time to let out a warm, friendly laugh "And you said you talk a lot!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Yeah, I knew that toast thing was stupid." Daniel said quietly but still loud enough for Weisse to hear. Daniel laughed at himself. "But, Yeah I understand dude. talk about it when ever you're ready." Daniel gave a smile and looked around the room before starting his tale. "Well, my mother and father worked all the time and instead of hiring a baby sitter they would drop me off at my grandpa's house. I never knew my grandma, she died before I was born, but my grandpa always told me she was an amazing person and really knew how to make people happy. But, anyway!" Daniel said loudly getting back onto topic.

"So, I spend about 350 days out of the year just at my grandpa's. I was never mad at my parents, I understood working was very important and I was happy they did it all for me." Daniel smiled. "I was an only child, all my life. But, when I was six my parents tried to have another kid. It was going to be a little girl. the thought of having a little sister made me so happy. The thought of her, Grandpa and I going fishing made me so happy. But, when she came out she was already dead. It tore my mother apart. She quit her job and stayed home." Daniel let a tear roll down his cheek before wiping it away and continuing.

"I still wasn't aloud over there so I still spent all my time with my grandpa. And, my favorite memory is when I was eight. I got my Katana. Getting that for my birthday was amazing. My grandpa always told me not to touch it, but I was always fascinated with it. Opening a box and seeing that in it was just shocking. I started crying when I knew what was in the box." Daniel laughed at the memory of him as a little kid crying and screaming when he got the sword. "I couldn't stop hugging my grandpa. I didn't even open my other gifts until like 4 hours later. I was to busy letting my Grandpa teach me how to use the sword. After I got it I carried it everywhere, fishing, to school, to the bath room, to church, girl's houses and any where else you could think of. I fell asleep every night, until I was about 13, with that sword." Daniel laughed some more. He loved the happy times in his life. They were always so cute and joyful.

"Now for the so called "sad part"." Daniel said rolling his eyes and making air quotations. "At the age of ten my parents ran away. They didn't say good bye to me or anything. Just one day they didn't call or come pick me up on their scheduled day. Grandpa checked their house and they were gone. The only thing left was my room, it had everything left in it. Honestly, I didn't care and don't care now that they are gone. They were never really there. I of course miss them, all the time. But, my grandpa has always been my father figure so I was already used to not having my real parents around. Sometimes I sit and wonder where they are now and if they have had another kid." Daniel looked at Weisse, "Nothing else really happened up until now. Now at the age of 16 I am enrolled in Shi Bendo academy. I really only came because they allowed me to carry my Katana around." Daniel laughed and looked at the sword on the wall, "Isn't that right little buddy?" Daniel laughed a it more and then said. "Sorry if I talk to much or bored you to death Weisse."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh, English, thank god. For a second I thought I would have to continuously yell something like 'sushi', or 'ohaiyo' until someone responded. That's Japanese for good morning, yeah? It's not morning though. So... A lovely good afternoon to you too, sleeping beauty." the boy chuckled before putting the bookmark back in and putting the book down on the provided nightstand, kicking his shoes off and moving to sit cross-legged on the bed now as he examined his roommate, still laying in bed, before he stretched up and out of the covers. His head cocked to the side and he carefully examined his roommate through the lenses of his glasses, bringing a hand up to fix them on his nose a little. "Seems to be that I keep running into redheads, haha. Hope I didn't bother your nap. The name's-" he paused here, sticking his nose in the air for the most snobbish impression he could manage. "Sir Leonardo Shuuya Snow. Sometimes I wonder why my parents chose to be so uppity. You can call me Leo. 'Leonardo' doesn't make many appearances. Unless of course, there's a cute girl who's asking."
Here he laughed again, indeed a carefree, light, airy sound, before actually pulling himself off his bed and walking over to the other side of the room, extending his hand to the boy who sat in his bed. "It's nice to meet'cha, Ryu. Guess you and me are stuck together for the year, eh? New student or returning for another year?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Shakuntala found the cafeteria, and grabbed some good. She sat by herself, and slowly ate her food, looking about. She didn't know what to do, or who to go talk to. She didn't want to go back to te dorm room, bd back to "lady arrogance" of a roommate, but didn't know where else she could go. Eventually she signed as she finished eating, wishing she knew someone friendly. Wishing se was back gown, with her father and brothers. But she wasn't and she never could again.

She sighed, pushing away her half finished plate of food, and rose, pushing her hands into her pockets, she began to wander, until she reached the dorm room again and she sighed again, opening the door and going to her bed without looking around, and sat on the bed, knees to her chest, arms wrapped around them, as she stared at the wall with her plaster images of her family.

She missed them greatly, and not for the first time, she doubted her ability to love without them, and to so what she wanted to do. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply, wondering what she was doing here and decided she just wanted classes to start, then she could talk with others, and wraps banish the unfriendliness of her room mate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well, Paruko had finished her task of leading a lost lamb to where be was supposed to be staying, the only issue now was that she had nothing particuarly interesting to do. She most definitely did not want to return to her room, as the country home town girl was there. She looked at one of the clocks along the hallway.
"Seven Thirty Five, egh, not really curfew hour, I suppose I could sneak in for a little fun... Yes, that'll do nicely aha"
A cheeky grin grew on Parukos' face. She began to take a detour, it went past the gymnasium, past the cafeterria and to the desserted bamd room. They never keep it locked, incase students felt the need to practice, alot of the instruments were arguably too heavy to steal anyway. She saw what she came for, the pristine black grand piano stood in the back corner ofcthe room, covered in dust. Paruko slid in through the door after opening it quietly, she then closed it skillfully to prevent others from hearing her play. She wiped the dust off with a pink handkerchief she had, the handlercheif was standard only it had a black base symbol on it.
"*Sigh* Sooth my pain great musical god." Paruko began to play 'Credens Justitiam' in a beautiful fashion, she played while singing and imagining she was in a grand open feild of healthy green grass, with nothing but the wind and trees shaking with her symphony.

"Salti roiyary tamarie pastiarasa resting (ah~)
Salti roiyary pirarya soltia reiya resting (ah~)
(Huwa) Gritariya pirarifu safariha
(yui) Yasoriiya (il) zay fariya (Salti roiya)
Salti Oane
Salti roiyary tamarie pastiarasa resting (ah~)
Salti roiyary pirarya soltia reiya resting (ah~)
(Huwa) Gritariya pirarifu safariha"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Heh, no need to apoligise. It was a nice story. Thank you for telling it to me."
"I guess I should say why I'm here. I bet there aren't many German-Italian Swiss kicking about. Probably aren't many Europeans in general."
"I moved to Japan at the age of nine, so I could live with my sister and two... neices, I guess. One of them is older than me. I'd never even met my sister until that day. Anyway, to make a long story short, it was unpleasant. My sister was always calling me names, saying I was 'useless', 'arrogant' and 'pathetic' and, despite having about three rooms to spare, she put me in the same room as my older neice. So, first impressions weren't good. It got worse, though, as those two girls were a nightmare. I don't know if it was something I said or..."
"No. I do know what it was. It was the way I looked. They'd flash me with torches - erm, flashlights? Is that what they're called here - so I couldn't see, screaming and yelling 'damn vampire!', or restraining me to a chair before pulling out their make-up bags"
The fact Weisse could talk so evenly surprised even himself.
"'How are you going to attract a boyfreind if you wear this, Weisse?' or how about 'You're such a pretty girl, Weisse'." The pale-skinned boy rolled his eyes and continued "At first it made me cry. That made the stuff run, so they applied it again, none too gently either. Then I struggled, trying to kick them off. That didn't work either - I'm as light and as weak as a feather. In the end, I just had to take it"
"It isn't fair and isn't right, but what could I do? Tell my sister? Hide? They had me in a corner and they knew it. They could do anything they wanted and I just had to accept it."
"In fact, those three girls are the sole reason I'm here. That's why I've got so much stuff with me, too. Education hardly comes into it - I just wanted to escape."
Weisse looked his new freind in the eye. There was regret in those eyes, regret and hope.

The moment was somewhat ruined when he let out a ferocious yawn.
"That's enough depressing chatter for one night, I think." He grinned, regret giving way to joy "Like I said, present and future. No point crying about things we can't alter. You can't pick your family, but you can easily pick your friends."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by armedThespian
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armedThespian A Singing Bard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Step by step took her further to the top, with each step she yearned for the bed that waited for her in the plain room. Another grunt left pale pink lips as she hoisted up her bag from the stairs. But this was her choice to use the stairs instead of the elevator that was crammed with people. Finally getting to the floor she would be staying on, the blonde let out another heavy breath followed by her sleeve coming up and wiping her forehead. Why she packed so much when she came to school? She never knew but it most likely had something to do with her grandmother, the woman had probably packed a whole kitchen, bedroom and bathroom in the 3 rolling suitcases, and one by one they were brought up by no other than the Russian-Japanese, who was currently leaning against the wall as she entered her room. So far it seemed that she had the room to herself, which was something she was used to, the other boys in the dorms never felt comfortable with an androgynous, transgender boy as their roommate, Nikita never knew why, she was a great cook, but maybe it was because they thought she was into men...not far from the truth but it was her curse she guessed. To be a girl trapped in a man's body, not many people looked at her the way she had hoped and it caused some disappointment through her years at the Academy. But now it was going to be different, her Horoscope said so! Okay, so believing in horoscopes is a little brash and childish, but she had to have some hope...right?
Reaching into her bag she pulled out a container. It was something the blonde did as a Dorm-Warming present, silly yes, but it was best to meet the neighbors now before they saw her walking the halls, though she was a girl at heart and mind she was still a boy in body though her soft appearance didn't give that away, it was safer to tell the people on her floor who she was so they didn't think a girl was staying in the boys dorms.
Opening the container, and a gentle smiling curling her pink lips, she left her room and could hear someone talking in what seemed to be English in an accent:
"You can't pick your family, but you can easily pick your friends."
Three clear and gentle knocks hit the door as she held the small, round tin container of sugar cookies. When the door opened she gave an excited and pleased smile. "Hello, I am Nikita." She said, her English being slaughtered by her accent. "I am neighbor." She pointed to the door next to theirs. "I live on same floor. I make cookie for friends." She lifted the tin and just continued to smile, a little embarrassed that her English was so bad, even to her ears she could hear the accent, and hoped that the grammar was correct... it probably wasn't...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Oh my gosh! I love you!" Daniel yelled jumping up and hugging the girl with the cookies. "You're so cute and adorable." Daniel smiled at her. "Please come." Daniel spoke while moving aside to let the girl into the room. Once Nikita was in the room Daniel began to speak again."I'm Daniel, Daniel Quinn. This is Weisse, my roommate." Daniel smiled once more.

"How you talk is adorable by the way, just wanted to let you know. Please sit down." Daniel sat patting his bed as he pulled an extra chair up for him to sit in. Daniel thought the girl was adorable, her hair was so shinny and beautiful. Daniel was happy he had already made a two new friends. "By the way, sorry if I talk to much." Daniel laughed, "Now, can I have some cookies please?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Shakuntala eventually couldn't stand the company of her own solitude, so she gathered up her drawing things, and started to simply wonder the school halls, somehow making her way to the boys dorms. Shakuntala had always felt more at ease with guys, then girls. She always guessed it came from living with seven males most of her life. Guys were simpler then girls, she found. You could never guess what a girl really thought about you, but a guy...they told you how they felt-it was all in their actions to you.

She hesitated, wondering if she should just continue, when she heard voices. They seemed cheerful, and Shakuntala was attracted to cheer. So before she could even think it through completely, she was walking towards the voices

"....have a cookie please?" reached her ears as she drew closer, and Shakuntala swallowed. She had a fondness and weakness for cookies of any sort. She took. Deep breath, reminding herself that she could do this, even if she didn't succeed at least she would have tried. She knocked in the door frame, for the door was open slightly and she didn't want to push it open, just in case there were unclothed boys in there.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by armedThespian
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armedThespian A Singing Bard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It surprised Nikita when the younger male student suddenly exclaimed 'I love you!' She was use to comments about being cute and adorable from girls who would come to the flower shop he worked at but never from a boy...in the boys dorm...after being told she was their neighbor; it seemed to always lead to confusion. But this talkative, bright ball of sunshine was very open to her sudden appearance...that and the cookies of course.
Her sparkling green eyes closed slightly as she giggled and laughed, watching the two male students who were in the room. The other had very pretty features too that look androgynous. She stared at Weisse and a bright smile lifted her lips as her pink blushed cheeks were big and cheery. She felt very welcomed in the room among her neighbors. Listening to the talkative male, taking in his words, complements, introduction and his apology she just answered with another giggle. "I am happy you talk, talk is fun." She opened the tin and handed the two men the cookies that were small and shaped in circles, squares and rectangles, a few had a topping like cheery or sugar covering it, and others were just plain with a cute design. "Take and Enjoy." She handed the black haired boy the round pink tin and smiled with hope sparkling in her eyes. "I make at home, I cook. Tell me if you like." She told him thinking of the words that almost slipped out of her mind for a quick moment. She did not want to embarrass herself in front of such a nice person and their roommate.
Looking to the pale skinned male, she stood from the bed where she had taken a seat, and bowed. "I am Nikita, neighbor." She greeted, throwing her thumb in the direction behind the wall. "You very beautiful, you androgynous?" She asked taking a step closer to the light blonde who also seemed foreign to this Japanese land, Nikita noted that she was much taller than the other by a couple of inches, the mix was around 5'7". Her hands were clasped together close to her chest and she still had this bright and cheerful smile, maybe her horoscope was right after all? Good things were happening and she was happy that finally there was a change in the always misfortune that seemed to shroud over her. Looking to Daniel she blushed and realized how rude she was by only engaging in conversation with one person. "Oh, sorry." She blushed, hands waving in front of her as she apologized, her green eyes shifting in emotions from hopeful to wide and embarrassed. "I don't mean to be rude," a soft nervous chuckle, "I was just surprised to see someone androgynous here other than me." Her eyes shifted away, her hands against her stomach, fingers twirling and threading between each other.

Edited: Ok, I updated~

There was a soft knock that caught Nikita's ears, followed by the creak of the old dorm room's door and a soft, hesitant:
THe voice was female and turning to look at the person in the doorway it was most definitly a girl, there was no mistaking of the bust. For a second Nikita thought that there was another transgender but that would be asking for too much miracles in one day, hahaha. Looking over the shoulder that held her thick, bradied and curled blonde hair, Nikita smiled, tilting her head and turning her body to introduce herself to the hesitant female who stepped into the room. "Hello," She greeted with a bow and walked closer to the female, "I am Nikita, nice meeting you." Was that how you say it? for some reason she felt the grammar was off, or how she said it at least was off...Maybe the tense? "Sorry English no good, need work," another nervous laugh along with her blush darkening slightly. So many people were here, the most people she had talked to at once...other than in class for a project.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Haha, Nice to meet you Leo." Ryu said, as he extended his hand to shake Leo's. "I guess we will have to put up with eachother." Ryu said lightly, giving off a small smile. "I'm a new student to this school. Had to focus on my studies and heard this was a pretty prestigious school. What about you?" Ryu said, his stomach grumbling during the sentences. Ryu soon felt the pain of starvation hit his stomach. Ryu instantly stood up, and walked over to his shoes putting them on. "Before you answer that question, I gotta make a run to the Cafeteria. I'm starving." Ryu said quietly. "You want to come with me? We can talk there while we eat.." Ryu was never the one to invite people anywhere or make a decision involving talking to people, but the conflicting emotions of him wanting food, and him wanting to know more about Leo overwhelmed him. So he decided that combining the both of them was the best choice at that moment. He got to eat, while he learned more about his roommate for the year.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Weisse didn't like suprises. At all. And Nikita's presence was certainly a suprise.
Oh my. How awkward
Daniel re-acted faster than himself, jumping up to hug the... person? Girl? Boy? And practically dragging him/her inside. S/he was offering cookies at least. And Daniel kept her occupied for a while. All he had to do was sit and smile. Right?
Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, please don't...
"You very beautiful. You androgenous"
It wasn't that he didn't like the admittedly very attractive stranger, it was more the fact he didn't want to make a massive faux paux and insult them. That fact was made even more rich by the fact s/he immediatly apoligised herself/himself for being rude.
"Hardly rude, amico, just simple human curiosity." Two bonfires light up under Weisse's cheeks as alarm bells rang. Whatever you do, don't say anything stupid
"Erm... No. Sorry. Just an average male. If I may be see bold, would..."
A knock on the door and a quiet voice saying hello.
Grazie Dio
"Come in, madonna. The more the merrier, as the english say"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Shakuntala gave Nikita a smile, a little uneasy for a few seconds about a boy defining as a girl, but was quickly over it. She smiled, "Its okay, I understand you. It's nice to meet you too" She said in reply, "Um. I don't mean to be rude, but I heard cookies?" She said, looking around as if to look for said cookies

She looked over when one of the guys, who it must have been their room, said "the more the merrier" and Shakuntala realised she hadn't introduced herself yet, and Shakuntala i blushed deeply, "Oh. Uh. Sorry. I'm Shakuntala" She said, "I know its a mouthful, so it you like, you can call me Suki or Tala...I'll answer to both..." She realised that she was babbling, and looked down, "I'm sorry, I'm rambling...its just, my room mates kind of a piece of work and...it just sounded cheery here and..." She clamped her mouth shut, blushing.

She squirmed, suddenly feeling like a fool, and wondering if she should just back out of the room or not. She decided to just stay where she was standing, and waited for a reply from the guys or Nikita
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hey, if you're putting up with me, I'll cook if you clean." his eyebrow shot up and he gave the boy a lop-sided grin. "...well, maybe not cook exactly but, if we manage to steal anything from the cafeteria and bring it back here, or go out and buy anything...guess who brought a microwave, ahaha." his laugh trailed off nervously and he jerked his thumb towards his closet/wardrobe thing, on his side of the room. "I don't know if I'm magic yet, but I somehow managed to secure a microwave in this country. Brilliant, isn't it? Now we don't have to eat food cold! Though cold pizza is an exception-good god don't tell me you're hungry already."
The sound of the boy's stomach rumbling made Leo have to hold in a little chuckle, which he did by biting his lip, fixing his glasses with a hand for distraction's sake. "M-me? Yeah, I'm here because...err, I wanted to see Japan before I left, haha. You want to go grab something to eat? I'm up for that." he ran a hand through his hair and made to slip on his own shoes, and made for the door, holding it open and immediately being assaulted with the sound of many a voice in a certain direction.
Which he turned to look towards.
And saw the very same blonde from the room earlier slip inside a boy's dorm.
"Lucky bastards." he faked a little whine at his roommate, before a little laugh. "I think there's a party one-over. You think we can stop by and ask our neighbours-to-be if they'd like to spare some food? I don't even know where the cafeteria is."
He paused, lowering his voice now.
"Plus, there's a cute girl with long blonde hair there...and if there's one, who knows if there are any others, right man?"
He grinned now. What a pervert of a young man. Though it was not unlike his seventeen years, in the slightest. In fact, he thought of himself as quite normal, really!
...he just hoped his roommate wouldn't take it as him being way too forward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Academy life really was was the worst. Sit around during classes for seven hours, then you go home and work for on even more school work, and even when that was over, you have clubs to deal with. Not only does he have his Detection club to run, which was work, but a lot of fun, After that, there was his sister's kendo club, which was nothing but torture, since he preferred Western sword style.

And if that wasn't enough, he had to deal with his sister's "Occult" club, even though he didn't even believe in it. She really did have him whipped, but there wasn't anything he could do about it now. She had the leash now, and there was no way to get it away from her. Being her slave wasn't all that bad though, he at least got to eat and drink under her dime. That was always good.

Speaking of drinking under her dime, he was currently in the cafeteria, sipping some tea. It was European Plum tea, the kind that costs 5 dollars a pack. Along with that, there was a plate of biscuits for himself, and on the other side of the plate was chocolate chip cookies for his sister. Then it went her glass of plum tea, and after that was his "lovely" sister, Diana.

He was currently reading a collection of short stories by Lovecraft, but this wasn't anything new. Reading while talking/dealing with his sister was completely normal for Clarius. Honestly, he was probably the best in the world when it came to Multitasking. Oh well, at least now he had a moment to relax in silence with his books.

Except, it really wasn't silent, he was just good at blocking people out who wasn't his sister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by armedThespian
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armedThespian A Singing Bard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Shakuntala?...Shuh-kuun-tuh-laa, Shuh-kuun-tuh-laa, Shakuntala." She pronounced the name slowly softly to herself tried to memorize the name before finally saying the full name with out have to sound it out. "It is beautiful name. Where from?" Nikita asked, meaning her nationality. The younger female student was very cute. "Oh cookies! Yes yes, have some." Her blush was a light pink as she had forgotten that the cookies were in Daniel's hands. "May I," she pardoned and took the tin with a smile and turned to the female, giving her the choice of the variety of homemade cookies. "I make fresh...well in morning," She chuckled shyly. Looking to Wiesse, Nikita gave a small, shy smile, her green eyes darting away slightly from the other's. She decided that now would be a good idea to tell them, seeing as they had a moment with no interruptions. It would be bad to deceive these people and no one should be deceived when it came to gender. For girls they seemed to still be friends with Nikita, their opinion on a male being transgender is different than when it was coming from a male. Males tended to be awkward around Nikita because they didn't know what to do in the situation.
"Since you are here I wanted to say something important." Nikita said to the three, looking at each one of them with a nervous look in her eyes. 'And they are so great for friends.'
"I live in dorm, I am male, no female. I am...uh... транссексуалов, uhh,trans...gender in english." She tried to say thinking of the word as it slowly went back to her. Looking at the three faces she quickly became self conscious about herself and fiddled with the tin can's lid. "I undestand if no want to talk to me." She said with arms out again and waving frantically around her space.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"So, many people! I love it!" Daniel shouted as the other girl walked into his room. Daniel loved people, and cookies. "I'm Daniel, Daniel Quinn. Please to meet you. Please take a seat." Daniel said as he stood up from his chair to let Shakuntala sit down. He watched as Nikita handed her the cookies. Then Nikita began to speak bout being a transgender. It sorta shocked Daniel but he stilled liked his new friend just the way she was.

"It doesn't bother me, you're still super adorable!" Daniel said smiling at Nikita. "Thanks for the cookies again. They're super amazing!" Daniel said finishing his cookie. "Also, Shakuntala, you're super pretty. I love your hair!" Daniel smiled at every one in the room, he was about to open his mouth to talk again but Daniel was interrupted by a scream. It filled the whole boys dorm. It was a girls scream, Daniel grabbed his Katana from the rack. "Oh god! We need to go see who made that scream!" Daniel didn't give anybody time to answer befire he was out the door. He ran down the hall, down the stairs to the basement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Yuuta Sochi Kataruu.." Paruko had been singing a second song when she was interupted by a loud scream.
The scream was female and seemed close.
"Uuh.. It must be a simple issue, I will need to sort it out I suppose.." Paruko removed any evidence of her having been insode the music room and stealthily snuck out of the room, she followed the direction of ehich the scream had come from, it lead her down an unfamiliar hallway with an open door that lead downstairs. (Could someone be in there? Egh, for some reason, I can't turn back... I have to keep going...)

Paruko entered the door and walked down the stairs to see a rather frightening sight and a boy with a katana.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Shakuntala smiled as Nikita tried to figure out how to say her name, and she said "Just call me Tala. Easier to say, not so much of a mouthful" She said with a smile, eagerly pouncing on the cookies and choosing one happily, nibbling out it. "They're delirious" She said brightly, "I'm from here, but I think my name is Hindi or something like that. My mother read it in a book, and when she knew she was having a girl, after six boys, she wanted my name for me. My father honored her wishes..." She swallowed, looking down at her cookie, blushing deeply as she realised she was blabbering on again.

She listened as Nikita spoke about being transgender, accepting the seat Daniel vacated, feeling like even if she argued that it was his seat, he would insist on giving it o her still. She chewed her cookie as Nikita talked, and gave her a smile, "I figured that out in about five seconds, and yet, I didn't run away screaming" She said with a soft laugh "you're a good person, and that's all that matters" She said brightly, and then blushed deeply as Danial said that she was pretty. "Oh. Uh, Thank you" She twirled a finger around her hair, looking down at her half-finished cookie still.

She jumped at the scream, and was already half-way up when Daniel said that they needed to see who made the scream. Shakuntala was good wwith a bow and arrow, but she didn't have hers on her. She still didn't hesitate to follow after Daniel, groaning when she saw her room mate. "He didn't attack her, you idiot!" She shouted at her
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