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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Helix glanced at Ultramax's hat, unamused. "I'm just saying, just trust me on this one." He paused as Ultramax talked about the damages of the ship. "Well it fell down some stairs. Yeah." He said, blantantly obvious he was lying. After all, how would the Spaceship even get to fit down the staircase? "Anyway, just don't draw your guns, because uh, my pals, and such..." he said. "Just uh, trust me on this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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"You know, I get the feeling you don't trust me much now that you're over the scare of your partner exploding. But yeah man, sure, if you say so I won't draw. Let's just go in and see what's up, yes?" Wildmax shrugged, his tone was completely friendly but he was totally ready to draw and shoot some people if they tried anything funny. And they were probably going to. So he was probably going to shoot them. They were probably wanted men just like Helix anyway, and he'd just spared the lizardman because he hadn't been any trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The crowd's incredibly long and drawn out cheering finally came to a close. Two Cyconoid Guards stepped into the arena. Khaa held out his electro-staff pointing it at Akira. The staff hummed with the creation of electricity as he gave a nod to Akira. "Well done, you've impressed the crowd, and myself. However the spot Li-..." Spontaneously the crowd roared out, "ONE MORE MATCH! ONE MORE MATCH!" Khaa chuckled, "Slave dare you seek to entertain the crowd with one more performance?"
Helix let out a sigh of relief. "Alright" He scurried towards a small, and brightly lit panel as he began clicking them in a frantic pattern. The door let out a click as it retracted upwards as three small Gremlin-bots aimed their right hands, which were glowing bright red and resonated with a fair amount of heat. -Tear, Sunder, Rend- each of the bots squeakily said. A toy spaceship, which had its little blaster missles replaced with visual scanner and a two way communication device flew towards the door and levitated over the Gremlins.

Helix calmly nodded. Then he began empathetically waved at the smaller bots. "It's a lovely day, if this wasn't Lucky Shots, there wouldn't be a cloud in the sky. There's no need for this reception."

The Gremlin-bots lowered their arms. Whizzing above the toy spaceship broadcasted a message, which was obfuscated, creating a mechanical sound. "Identify yourself, name, species, profession and so forth."
As Serenity and Mika were still at the stand, a dishelved creature walked up to them. It stared at them for a moment, with its six eyes unblinking. It opened its mouth revealing flat teeth for grinding plant, as it spoke. "She never has good wears on time. Also I am 99.999 percent positive she bugs her wares." He moved his long and bony arm, picking under his bright silver hat clearly made from a metallic foil. "If you want good, goods, you'll follow me." He gestured to a back alley between two larger general weapon buildings with an elongated index finger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 42 min ago

Bugs them...? Serenity plucks one of the weapons from the stall stand and gives it a thorough examination. Her eyes glimmer as she does, as she searches for any sort of power draw.

"Even if these are bugged, I don't think it's wise to follow just anyone into a back alley without knowing they're being entirely truthful." And this guy seemed like he'd gone a little off the deep end. Foil hat. "You'll have to show me some proof you're a businessman."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Serenity felt no unusual power draw on the blaster she examined, but there was a noticeable power draw coming from a plasma rifle she had on the booth. The merchant hissed at the strange man, "Go away you lunatic!" Regaining composure she glanced at Serenity and Mika, "I do not bug any of my products. I take great care for my customers."

Chortling heartily the dishelved man shook his head at the merchant. He then glanced at Serenity as he got into he placed both of his hands on her shoulders and moved close enough that their noses almost touched. He spoke softly, "... This is bigger than you know. It is bigger than anyone can know." From his back emerged a mechanical tendril that pulled out a business card from his pocket. "My operations are secure."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Akira looked around the crowd, grimacing before pointing at Vivacer.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

On his perch Vicaver performed the finger pyramid of evil. "Oh you filthy, impudent, subservient, presumptious braggart. Oh, I will break you." He grabbed his mug as he took a massive quaff from it. He then slammed it onto the table so hard that the mug itself was cracked, and part of the liquid in it was pouring out of the lower cracks. He threw his left hand in a whipping motion as he gestured to a nearby slave, "CLEAN THAT UP!" he barked out, clearly furious. His face had a red hue, from the sheer anger he felt to the slave that was not broken. He moved over towards the panel and began frantically tapping on it. He then walked back towards his seat, with a much calmer stride, as he sat down. Placing his head on his right palm he glanced down as he wagged his left index finger.

"Tsk, tsk, slave. You will be broken."
The Announcer giddily announced, "And so Partial Metal WILL IN FACT GIVE US THE ENCORE ROUND!" The crowd began cheering yet again, for they were positive this new guy would continue to provide amusement. Khaa simply glanced at Akira and nodded, "Well good luck."
And with that, he left the arena floor with his partner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The doors swung open as the new fighter emerged. From the darkness, there was two bright red lights from the gladiator's eyes, and the shining of sharpened teeth, they were fairly low, as if it was crawling on its hands and legs, or if it had four legs to begin with. "Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream/." he began singing in a reverberating echo. The opponent came trudging forward, as more of his face was visible, revealing orange smears covering the left eye, which appeared to be replaced with a more advanced bio-tech piece. The smears looked as if it was caused from something desperately fighting off the individual. "Make him the cutest that I've ever seen/Give him two lips like roses and clover." It continued to sing, as it continued heading forward. The forehead of the individual had two large black curved horns, which were partially covered by brown hair that extended onto the back of the individual. The right arm was covered in a series of dark brown scales, while the left hand looked it was covered in a simple pink flesh.

The individual smiled as he got closer, licking his maw with a dark blue tongue. It appeared to have a grotesque amount of muscle on the back legs, as even the black fur back their could not even cover all of the muscle back there. On the ground, it dragged a large spiny tail. It continued singing, "Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over./Sandman, I'm so alone/Don't have nobody to call my own." It then looked again at Akira in deep observance, as it fully stepped out of the arena. It smiled ear to ear, the flesh contorting around his face, as the lips stretched out. It sang again, "Mr Sandman, someone to hold/Would be so peachy before we're too old." After finishing that line, it stood up on its two feet, at a height of six feet eight inches, revealing a torso covered in several smudges, very similar to the ones on its face.

The announcer did not speak, and the crowd grew silent, at seeing that the encore round was against it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Wildmax just stood there, calm and collected like Helix had asked, though his hands twitched when he was once again pointed at with what he assumed were weapon arms. He was starting to get real tired of that crap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Helix gestured to Wildmax, "Hey uh, buddy. Would you mind just answering the questions real quickly? Friend?" The toy spaceship continued whizzing in place. "And uh, thanks for not shooting. That would have just complicated matters, a tad. So uh, please answer the questions."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Hello there friend..." The monster gladiator said, in a rather bright and cheery voice, without an echo. He flung his spinyd tail to the right side, aiming the barbed end point of the tail, at Akira. He eyed Akira up and down before he smiled again, much more enthusiastically than before. He began licking around his sharpened fangs. "What's your name? I'm Calos." He gave a friendly waving gesture for Akira to head over to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 42 min ago

Serenity takes the business card with a certain measure of... apprehension. "Right, sure. Ok, crazy conspiracy dude. I'll take your card." She looks it over once before turning back to the merchant in front of her. That plasma rifle gave her some kind of reading, but isn't it in the nature of a plasma rifle to have power draw? She'd have to get a closer look.

"I don't think I've actually seen that model before." Serenity replaces the item she had picked up and reaches for the plasma rifle, intent on looking it over. "I wonder if their method of power cycling and heat dispersion is the same..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I don't know why I thought they might've been asking you those things. Yes, let's see, Wildmax, Ceedromian from planet Ceedrom, designed as an artistry unit. Anything else?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well they know me." Helix stated. The toy spaceship whizzed in the air. Helix paused, "Fine I'll do it. Name is Hel-." +Real name+ The Toy's communcation device transferred. Helix sighed in defeat, "Slizardo." Their was an abrupt stream of laughter. "You were actually named after that lame machine on that Demolition Derby." Helix glared at the spaceship irritably, "Permission to return aboard?" There was a pause as the Gremlin-bots moved to the side as the toy moved higher up. +Granted+.
Representative Red. Weapons Supplier

The card read, with a simple black font over a white background. It emanated with some energy, strange a card would have a noticeable effect. If Mika took a glance at the card it would read something else.

Onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia. Over and over again it read, some of it as legible as a normal card, many were barely legible as if it was frantically scrawled on the card.

The plant merchant nodded at Serenity, "Yes it is a very good product. Excellent choice." As Serenity observed the gun, she would notice it was in excellent condition, produced a nice amount of heat, quick recharge rate. Oh and that there was a slight cut on the barrel, which looked like it was fixed. Oh and also that there was an entirely different power source in the gun, something that usually was not there in manufacturing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 42 min ago

Serenity would turn the card over in her hand and slip it into her dress before she continued to examine the gun. Upon finding the second, foreign power cycle within the structure of the gun, the engineer proceeds to take the gun apart, using her ability to form kinetic barriers to provide her with tools. She forms any radiation barriers necessary, when necessary, and her eyes can be seen to glow brightly. She extracts the external component, frowning as she waits to inspect it. The gun would be reassembled without the component, as she continues to scrutinize this. "Ararara..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The plant merchant scowled at Serenity as she was taking apart the rifle. "Stop it!" She said as she swung her right hand to take the rifle back. Red, at least that's what it says on his business card, swung his metal tendril towards the merchant. "She must see." He said very empathetically.

The external component in the barrel was incredibly small, just a small white spec, at least typically to the naked eye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Akira looked at his opponent, then his stick, then at the Senator overseeing the games.

"Dude, what the Hell?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Senator Vicaver was cackling maniacally. "Slave this is what you shall pay for your impudence!" He stood up on both feet as he was cackling.
The announcer spoke, up, trembling a bit, "C-calos... He sent CALOS?" The crowd watched in awe, silent as ever.

Calos eyed Akira yet again and smiled. "Oh don't pay attention to Vicky. He's just an old fuddy duddy. Buuuut the individual who keeps me caged, so to speak, owed him. And so Senator Agorix, or 'Vicky', as I enjoy the pet name for him, asked for me to deal with this, or rather you." He licked his lips as he gave a quick bow, keeping his barbed tail focusing on Akira. "Personally.." Calos blinked at Akira, "You didn't tell me who you were, now that is awfully rude, after I told you who I was. ... Fancy yourself a bad boy?" He smirked as he extended out his clawed hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 42 min ago

"Bug." She crushes the spec before replacing the rifle. "I could build a better gun anyway." She huffs and turns to the shady businessman. "Alright, I'll bite. Let's go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Red smirked at Serenity, "Yes, yes you see the truth." He adjusted his foil based hat, as he glared at the Plant Merchant, who snarled at Serenity and Red. He crouched down as he walked towards a back alley, as he waved for Serenity and Mika to follow. "Yes, yes, come, come. And you will see..."
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