Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasquedMartyr


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Current status: Closed

The story will take place in a modern fantasy setting. New characters will all be those that have recently been chosen for some unknown reason. These characters are cursed at the start of their story to continue to be reincarnated as they work together to track down information related to this.

Appearances may alter from each life. The sex of a character may change with each reincarnation, but the gender will not. In other words, the soul of the character might identify differently than the body they are placed in.

Some benefits are going to be based on a luck factor.

Nearly everything is going to be based off chance. The GMs will flip a coin, or do something, to decide the outcome of certain luck-based events. Death and anything resulting in death will more or less be based on actual choices.

Most of the elements of this rp are to be a mystery, and will be learned as the characters unravel it. That is the reason the description is minimal.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Milo Cash
Nicknames/Aliases: Johnny, Music
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Appearance: (Working on getting a pic to upload to imgur but reCaptcha being a dick)

Personality: Milo is essentially the loyal pup, who will try to lighten the heavy moods. Though his depression hits like a truck at times he is normally relatively cool, and happy. Though even with the calm demeanor anger is still possible and that's when you need to be worried.

Skills: Guitar playing/ Song Writing, Climbing, Being peaceful (does train in Leopard and Snake style Kung Fu in case)

History: Milo never really was one for trouble besides his common drug habit everything was normal for him. There've only been two major events in his life, 1st when he got his girlfriend (and scar) by protecting her when she was getting jumped, and the other when his girlfriend died of Scoliosis. Since that day the depression set in but all in all he deals with it relatively well.

Other: Will always try to get the necklace back (given to him by his girlfriend who died)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interested! Reserving a spot!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ah, I should mention. Martyr and I were talking and the joining won't be a first come, first serve basis, considering that we're limiting the group of people available. So, we're gonna wait until we have a good number of people interested and choose from among them to fill our available slots. This way, we'll be able to both fill in our ranks with RPers and also have some back ups in case we lose some members during the duration of the RP.

That being said, it is going to be based off both the characters (seeing how well these characters would meld in the setting we have pictured with the characters we have available) as well as a sample post, if you guys don't mind. Just add it to the bottom of your interest check and treat it as the opening post for the RP itself to introduce your character and give us an idea for of his personality.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 27 days ago

Awesome, very interested in this, especially the ‘luck’ based decisions and reincarnation element. Eager to see what the story of this will be!

Wasn’t sure exactly what kind of character vibes you were going for, but this is what I’ve come up with. Let me know if anything needs changing or if you had something totally different in mind.

Name: Teres Wratherton
Nicknames/Aliases: Wrath
Gender: Female
Age: 23

Teres is 5’9, slightly taller than most women, though definitely not the tallest. She has a light frame and a somewhat athletic build, but more recently has gained a little weight adding curves to her physique due to her relatively lazy lifestyle. She has a naturally lighter skin tone than the average person, which combined with the fact she now spends most of her time indoors has resulted in a slightly pale appearance. She keeps her light blonde hair long, it naturally being slightly curly and often ending up a tangled mess. She often ties it back or up, especially when doing something more active (not a regular occurrence as of late). She is quite protective of her hair, having grown it long for the first time in many years – and she plans to keep it that way. Teres wears an assortment of clothes, strongly favouring hooded tops and other jackets with hoods – an old habit of hers that is hard to shake. She wears jeans or other practical leg-wear as opposed to dresses or blouses – aside from the rare special occasion.

Generally speaking Teres has quite a fiery and independent personality, but is friendly and happy the majority of the time. Unwanted talk of her personal life (or unwanted topics of conversation in general) drives her to become aggressive and bitter, her personality making an almost complete shift from her usual carefree demeanour to one of an short tempered and angry disposition.

She is articulate and very smart, but wastes her intelligence somewhat as she generally fails to commit herself to any particular course of action for any sufficient period of time. Teres may seem to make friends easily, however the truth is she has no real friends – failing to make any meaningful relationships that go deeper than surface superficial levels, this was not always the case. She generally ignores problems for as long as she can before dealing with them. Occasionally she can become depressed and very melancholy about her situation, despite the fact there are very few ‘real’ problems that face her.

In terms of realistic life skills that she could use to contribute to society, it could be said that she has none. Alternatively it could also be said that she has a great many skills. She often loses interest in any skill she pursues after a few weeks, though will occasionally revisit these skills at a later date, this has led to a very varied however slightly shallow skillset. Her most noteworthy skill would be her ‘social skills’, having the ability to portray herself however she wants, though others would call it a proficiency in lies and misinformation. The only others worth mentioning would be her proficiency with technology, having spent much of her time using computers of all kinds as well as a brief job as a skilled technician (however she was soon let go after her employers realised that she had bluffed her way through the interview process and first few weeks at the role with none of the actual required qualifications). This was possible as she has also gained a fair amount of skill at forging all kinds of documents and qualifications, which has previously landed her in a spot of trouble. Aside from these she has also managed to stick with the violin, now after many years being able to play a few short pieces here and there.

Teres had a mostly normal childhood, living with both parents until her eighth birthday when they divorced and she moved to live with her mother, seeing her father on only rare occasions. This however didn’t affect her much, and she still continued to have a ‘normal’ life, this was until her teenage years. She felt out with her mother due to her performance at school dropping dramatically as she became much more interested in spending time with her friends. After her exams were completed she left her mother’s house and moved to live with her father, leaving the relationship with her mother in tatters. She soon came to realise that she had had it easy with her mother, being allowed to do pretty much whatever she wanted. Her father was much more of a disciplinarian who tried to get her to sort her life out – it was during this period that she attempted employment several times, however each job either fired her or she stopped turning up. This resulted in another massive blowout, this time with her father which caused her to leave home for good. She now lives on her own, surviving through money made as both a ‘jack-of-all-trades’ and also several more questionable sources (generally scams involving wealthy men, or on occasion a little illegal work through her ‘friends’).

Smokes, drinks, does pretty much whatever she wants with little regards to long term consequences.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noyuri


Member Seen 12 days ago

Ooh interested!
Taliah Stepney

Taya Rivers (Her new friends/bandmates don't know her real name)




Her relatively sheltered upbringing made Taya into a trusting person. While this is something that could potentially bring her into trouble, it also greatly helps her in the forming of new friendships. Used as she is to getting what she wants, she might expect people to accomodate to her wishes. While she might come off as a spoiled girl at first, she is quick to apologize for her behavior once it is pointed out. She doesn't look down on people, but might have trouble relating to people from very different social-economic classes. She tries to blend in with the bandmembers, and has not told them about her past, as she feels it might change the way people look at her.

Taya learned to play the violin and the cello when she was younger, but she hasn't played them in a while. Her skill with the guitar is quite impressive, and she is still improving.

Taliah was the only child of the rich Stepney family, and has lived a mostly worry-free youth. Her slightly old fashioned parents wanted to give her everything, and mostly succeeded in doing so. While she wasn't a perfect straight A student, she was not too far off, and she would surely have succeeded in life the way her parents wanted her to. One day however, her life took a turn in another direction, when a friend took her to a concert of the famous rock band 'Whytox'. While Taliah loved the classical music she had grown up with, this new sound captivated her. A backstage meeting with the guitarist made her realize she wanted to learn how to play this instrument. While her parents didnt agree to her choice at first, she took to guitar playing like a fish takes to water. Five years later, she had left her house to play in a band.

Thin and easy to bruise as she is, her psychical strength isn't all that, and while her parents tried to have her take self defence classes once, it was far from a success.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noyuri


Member Seen 12 days ago

Double post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noyuri


Member Seen 12 days ago

Triple post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oskar DiLondra
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Oskar DiLondra The Eldritch Engineer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I definitely have interest in this, I really hope I get in... :) :3


Name: Orochi Wakahisa

Nicknames/Aliases: Snake / Shinja

Gender: Male

Age: 23


Orochi is an incredibly aggressive person. Not in a threatening way, most of the time, except he has been known to turn to violence if he doesn't get what he desires. Yet most of the time his aggression is in a way friendly, for example painful punches to the arm as a form of greeting, scowling at people when he doesn't trust them fully, accompanied by twitching fingers and a very still and rigid posture. Yet in a way, it seems completely out of place with this aggressive nature, he is extremely childish most of the time, laughing at the most simplistic of things. He is incredibly inappropriate and does not completely know how to deal with other's emotions. When something serious comes up he tends to back away and hide within a world of his own it seems. Communication with him when he's like this is very difficult, if not impossible.

Sleep Deprivation Coping - He can go around 4 days without sleep without feeling any signs of fatigue... He's weird like that, he believes it has something to do with his brain being partially damaged, but really he has absolutely no clue how he can do this.
Musical Talent - He is slightly proficient in the piano, but nothing outstanding.
Emotional Depravity - If needed, he can suppress every single emotion he has for up to one hour, which allows him to do some morally questionable things, or cope easily with otherwise difficult situations.
Basic Fighting - He studied and did some boxing for a while, but it is in no way extraordinary, just average.

Orochi was born and raised in Japan, with a strict mother and a caring father. Not to say that his mother did not care for him, she just had a different way of presenting it to others. His lifestyle tended to be based around his mother's desires, as his dad was not strong-willed enough to go against her in anything. She pushed him to academic limits, until, one day, he punched a teacher in his High School. Of course he was expelled from the school, and no other schools that his mother attempted to get him into would accept him. Due to his mother's disappointment, she became distanced from him, and so he regressed into his father more, and broke free from the iron rule of his mother.
His father, being as he was, was understanding of Orichi's situation, yet soon he realised that Orichi's violence towards the teacher was not a one time thing, as when he entered his room, there were dents in the wall, and many broken plates which he had assumed had gone missing. At the age of 16, Orichi's father confronted him about this. Orichi broke down in front of his father, and his mother came into the room, usually so separated from them both, she came up to them, and gave Orichi a small pat on the head, and ruffled his hair. His response was not what she had desired. He suddenly burst out, punching his mother right in the nose and then sending a right hook across his father's jaw. He screamed and ran out of the house, attempting to leave it all behind him.
He's been travelling across the world ever since, hitchhiking whenever he can, and under-the-table jobs. It's a low pay, but he manages to get by on what he has. He manages to control his anger now, and can form base relationships when it helps him and if he enjoys it. Due to him not having parents for 7 years now, he is still in a rather childish state, and can keep a good control of most of his emotions, even though his anger sometimes gets out of hand.

Other: He has little interest in any form of sex or love, yet it can happen if the connection is true enough. He does not partake in many (if any) recreational activities, especially drugs, as they are way too expensive for him. Any form of leisure for him that he can find for an affordable price is heaven to him.

Sample Post: On its way
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Good character sheets so far. I'm sure this got lost in translation again, but I would like to point out that we did mention wanting sample posts. The latest one says his is pending, but I saw no indication that one was coming for any of the previous posts. So just a reminder that, to be considered, we would like to see some example of your writing style.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 27 days ago

Ah yes of course!

I will get a sample up asap to go with the CS asap! :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasquedMartyr


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Lord Pie
Looking forward to it. :) Just make sure to post here if you edit your post to add it to the end of your CS, or PM one of us so we know to look for it. We don't want to miss it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oskar DiLondra
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Oskar DiLondra The Eldritch Engineer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I have updated everything but the sample post so far, gonna spend a bit more time working on that if that's okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 27 days ago

Sample posted, edited into CS post.

Nothing fancy at all - I may add more to it later, but thats what I've got so far :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasquedMartyr


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Oskar DiLondra
That's alright.

@Lord Pie
Looks good so far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 27 days ago

Yeah I wasn’t sure what actual content to write about, but having a think now and like I said may add more (also depending on how much time we have), unless you guys had any ideas or suggestions at least that could be roughly plot oriented?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Henzukaya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A little mystery is always nice. I'm a little unsure as to how heavy of fantasy this will be, as well as the action elements in play. Unfortunately for me, things need to be rather specific before I can understand them. If its all right, could you explain that bit to me?

What kind of combat will there be, if any at all? Will we just be potentially immortal, constantly reincarnating but still normalish humans, or do we have unique capabilities? What timeline is the setting? Whats the current technological advancements in this universe?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alright, I'm gonna try to answer those questions without giving anything away. Fantasy is not a huge part of the roleplay. When we were thinking about magic, I figured it would be somewhat fascinating because the fact that you're reincarnating infinitely is fantastical in itself. As far as other humans go, that is going to be part of the luck factor. So, yes, you are normal humans starting out with no memory of past lives. At best, a hazy dream of something that may or may not have happened. There will be next to no combat unless we think of something that warrants it. You can always have a character who can fight, but there's no guarantee that you will get to use those skills. Of course, you're given free reign of your characters so you can always have them being more hot-headed or battle oriented when there is no actual battle being fought. Could cause conflict on its own. I would have to ask that no one has magic starting off, though.

The timeline, I would say, just think of our timeline. We're at about the same level, technologically. Cell phones, computers, cars, etc. It's a modern fantasy so everything is basically the same, plus some fantastical elements that we'll be throwing in.

Does that answer your guys' questions?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 27 days ago

Awesome yeah, I’ve added a little more to my sample post (again nothing to much or to special), so hopefully it’s a bit more fleshed out now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Okay, well, it's been close to a week since we put this up and a few days since we asked for sample posts. I'm happy to say that Lord Pie is accepted. I really like the character concept you've already created and the sample post was great.

As for the rest of it, we are still open for one or two more people. While I do like some of the character concepts, we are still lacking sample posts. Thus, I cannot accept any that have already been given to us as that'd be unfair to the rest (Lord Pie) who did edit that in. So, we'll still be keeping this open for new character sheets.
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