Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by athanshadow
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athanshadow Amateur Occultist

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Oh my apologies. He's decent at it. Like he can't summon huge armies, but he has been living with his uncle for a long portion of his life. So he learns a lot with him. Like I would say intermediate. He's not a total novice with it but he isn't the best. He mostly relies on his charms to keep his spells from backfiring. Making him not very good without them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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athanshadow said
Oh my apologies. He's decent at it. Like he can't summon huge armies, but he has been living with his uncle for a long portion of his life. So he learns a lot with him. Like I would say intermediate. He's not a total novice with it but he isn't the best. He mostly relies on his charms to keep his spells from backfiring. Making him not very good without them.

I see, on his charms, what form do they take and how does it help him? Like does it regulate and remind him certain things unconsciously or something along those lines? And how would he do without them?

Also, 15 is a bit young for even intermediate level Necromancy, even assuming he began practicing when he was still young (which is something that borders on illegal mind you) Either you lower his skill level or up his age and seniority, to explain his relative prowess.

Sorry if it seems I'm asking too many questions, but the Necromancy branch is an easily exploitable ability, which can make situations I'd rather avoid :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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I might give Lovedaia DID (Dissociative identity disorder) and have one part of her be her primary personality and the other be a cold-hearted manipulative bored girl. But at the same time I don't want to butcher the disorder and portray it wrong. I'll probably look up how to write it and guides and stuff, plus articles of how people that have it feel. What do you guys think?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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If you feel like you can pull it off, then go ahead :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Personally, I wouldn't suggest giving your character a mental illness or any disorder of that sort. It feels a little too arbitrary, like you'd be putting it in just to try to make your character more 'interesting' and 'unique'. However, as Hanged said, if you feel as if you can pull it off reasonably well, please do go ahead. As you'd also be doing research prior to and in parallel with this character change, it seems you're fairly serious about it.

tl;dr tentative go ahead

TheHangedMan said Also, 15 is a bit young for even intermediate level Necromancy, even assuming he began practicing when he was still young (which is something that borders on illegal mind you) Either you lower his skill level or up his age and seniority, to explain his relative prowess.

Might I add that adding more "conditions" to the efficacy of the Necromancy would be of help, too. Things like "he'd only be able to be this good when ____ happens/____ is present". Uh... In general though, Hanged, perhaps the line of thinking that "geniuses can happen" may be appropriate. Seb might just have had the extraordinary luck of just... grasping such a complex spellcraft.

Perhaps he's a savant, though I doubt it. Athan did mention that he's not very good when he doesn't have his charms, so I'm guessing that without those symbolic/magical items, he's on the novice or lower-intermediate tier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Like, how it is is that I don't know how I can develop Lovedaia that much right now. She's just eh. No conflict, no nothing. However, if she were to struggle to control another personality (which I read is possible and something that people with DID struggle with) then it could add character development but at the same time, if I can't pull it off then I will be stuck with it. I'm still a bit wary about it, so if anybody has any suggestions or alternatives, please tell me ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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I always thought the point of the whole leaf thing was to highlight her dissatisfaction with her normalcy. Like, she's tired of being "that girl". So personally, I would be focusing on trying to develop her into a character that struggles to become special and matures as she goes along.

She's immature, petulant, rude, self-centered and weak. Most of all, Lovedaia is normal. She has no great powers, no terrifying past, no prophetic destiny that hinges upon her interaction, and this dissatisfies her, it's one of the reasons she's such a petulant child of a girl. She's unremarkable, and what she needs to learn most is that it's okay to be unremarkable, she needs to mature and develop into the Badass Normal that she could develop into.

And the first step on the road to being a badass is admitting that she's truly incompetent. It's not as hard to write as it might seem, and Lovedaia can turn out to be the character everyone relates to, everyone sympathizes with, and everyone cheers for the most.

Either way, that's how I felt about Lovedaia, and it's a question that I think you should ask yourself. That question being, "Lufu is normal in a sea of abnormal, is she okay with that?" Perhaps you can then also ask if her personality and disposition are how they are because she wishes to outwardly show her dissatisfaction with herself and jealousy of others by attempting to be unique while at the same time just being... rude.
Jedly (Posted 3 days ago) said
Yeah, my post'll be up tonight. I don't seem to have that much HW. Mah lawd, that's a bit of OOC chatter. I'll have to read it during my free, and catch up on the IC. Also gotta finish the book for school, "The Sun Also Rises"...

; A ; Jedlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I don't normally like to rush people, but pleaaaase. I feel starved from not having anything to write!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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And I wondering if I am making Alexander too paranoid. On one hand, he is in a new place, surrounded by new people, in a culture pretty vastly different from the one, while he only briefly was in it, than he became accustomed too, and even then I image his other stages of his life was still pretty different than school life. And he is a psychic, and when you know a little more than you are suppose to, I can see how that can cause some anxiety. However, I wondering if I am over doing it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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Fear and paranoia are bosom buddies spawned from unfamiliarity. So, is Alexander too paranoid? You already answered that he is in a place that is almost entirely alien to him. It's a natural human set of reactions to be wary of the unfamiliar, to fear the unknown, to loathe what is obscured by darkness. You already mentioned that he is psychic, which is fine in a confined environment, but absolutely mind bending (pun not intended) when suddenly thrust into a place with so many minds.

In short, Alexander would be overwhelmed, distracted, and justifiably paranoid. I think you're doing fine; heck, I think you could make him even more paranoid and off center. Within reasonable limits for the naivete of a child, of course
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Also, I am just try to keep him in the zone of "Scared because he is in a very foreign enviorment with new and stretchy stuff" and less "paranoid delusion"

So, I am guessing we are waiting on Shifter?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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No, Jedly. Shifter's post for this round is already up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Dude, thanks so much. That made me realize the potential of Lovedaia and stuff. You are like the guru of this roleplay. Sorry for any mistakes, I'm on my iPod that I've had for like 5 years
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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; ;...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Still waiting on Shifter to reply :)
Anyway, if you guys have friends who RP, invite them over, I wouldn't mind seeing more people x)

Anyway, on the tiers of Necromancy, I'll give a simplified version:

  • low - usually around 15 years old, can do simple manipulation of carcasses, however, they are mostly rotten (the more preserved a corpse is, the harder it is to manipulate) and cannot stay for more than a day.

  • low-intermediate - usually around 17, and the same as low rank, but corpse-puppets can last from a one day to four. Corpse-puppets can do complicated actions.

  • intermediate - usually around 18. Can use better preserved corpses, and have them do more complex actions barring operating machinery. Corpse puppets last for a week or two.

  • low-expert - usually around 19. Low experts can use more complicated corpses (such as gryphon or manticore) in near perfect condition. Depending on the corpse used, the puppets could last up until a month.

  • expert - usually around 27. At this stage, corpse-puppets are able to use abilities they had in life (even magic) through their controller, can operate machinery without precise instructions, and can do calculated thinking if ordered. Corpses are near perfect condition and can last up until a year-and-a-half.

  • low-master - usually around 32. At this stage, corpse-puppets can talk and can move about even without orders.

  • master - around 40's - 50's. corpse-puppets are now nigh indistinguishable through living beings through sight alone. For all intents and purposes, corpse-puppets controlled by a master are effectively alive until their controller says so.

  • Again, this is a simplified version and does not cover all that a necromancer can do, but it should give you a rough idea. On another note, I'm almost done with the maps and stuff :)
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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    Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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    Shifter? Adam's already made his action for this round of posting, that is, going into the Hall of Healers.

    The two people that need to reply still are myself and Jedly. I'm waiting for Jedly to say if he's going to have Finks do anything with Shifter and my characters.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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    Jedly Espresso Drinker

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    Sorry I haven't been active, I've been busy with school, D:. Anyways, I'll be home early today. I'll read up on the IC and get up a post.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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    Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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    Tomorrow, I presume...

    Guess I'll keep writing disjointed lines in a Google Doc to keep Aoife's character in mind.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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    Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

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    I'm still here, and as mentioned I'm waiting reply's so I can reply, but I'm doing my best to check in often
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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    Same here
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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