Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rizzi
Avatar of Rizzi

Rizzi Red Rose

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Our Pack leader

Name: Vivian
Species: Werewolf
Pack Rank: Alpha
Playbed by: Rizzi
Age: 569
The Vampire

Name: William
Species: Vampire
Pack Rank: Fourth
Played By: Rizzi
Age: 571

The Walker

Name: Hide
Species: Walker (Raven)
Pack Rank: Ninth
Played By: Mayadere
Age: 22

The Witch

Name: Crystal
Species: Witch
Pack Rank: Sixth
Power: Make blood disappear, repair broken objects, and defensive magic
Played By: Both
Age: 57

The Half Fae

Name: Esma
Species: Half- Fae Half-Human
Pack Rank: Third
Played by: Mayadere
Age: 45

The Werewolves

Name: Rowland
Species: Werewolf
Pack Rank: Second-in-command
Played By: Both
Age: 613

Name: Darren
Species: Werewolf
Pack Rank: Omega
Played By: Both
Age: 247

Name: Rossale
Species: Werewolf
Pack Rank: Seventh
Played By: Both
Age: 456

Name: Bethany
Species: Werewolf
Pack Rank: Eighth
Played By: Both
Age: 17

Name: ‘Scooter’
Species: Werewolf
Pack Rank: Fifth
Played By: Both
Age: 355

Pack Knowledge:

  • Order of Joining the Pack: Vivian, Rossale, Rowland, Darren, Scooter, Will, Esma, Crystal, Hide, then Bethany

  • Vivian and William are siblings.

  • Scooter is deaf because of human interference. No one really know’s what happened and he has not bothered to tell anyone how it happened yet.

  • Hide has no living blood-relatives, he is very dependant on the pack.

  • Bethany has only been a werewolf for half a year, so she loses her temper a lot and still has trouble controlling her wolf.

  • Esma has little contact with her human mother. She talks to her fae father frequently though.

  • Darren is easily scared by large groups of wolves, especially dominant ones.

  • Crystal is still leaning her defensive powers, so in battle her spells are limited.

  • William was the first non-werewolf Vivian accepted into the pack. The sibling bond they share showed the strength Vivian has as an alpha. Enough power to pull in non-werewolves into the pack using the pack magic.

  • Rossale was the first member of Vivian’s pack after she had been a lone wolf for a hundred years.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mayadere
Avatar of Mayadere

Mayadere The Misplaced

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hide stood silently outside of the small abandoned house he had scouted out just a few days ago. The area around it was heavy with trees, thick bushes, and most of all, snow. From where he stood, he could get a clear view of a pathway that lead directly to a large clearing that was also pretty close to a small frozen lake. The house itself, for something that had not had anyone living in it for a long time, was not in that bad of shape. A window was broken, the front door did not shut all the way, the floors creaked, and there was even a place where the roof had collapsed in because of the weight of the recent snowfall. All minor things, Hide thought. With ease, Esma and Crystal could have the roof fixed and the window sealed with their magic. Nothing outside of that really mattered, no one would care if the floor creaked or if the door didn't close all the way, he knew he didn't care in the slightest! Then again... he did turn into a bird half of the time and just slept snuggled up to someone else. So maybe they would care, but it was not like this was going to be a permanent home anyway.

In the past five years that Hide had been with the pack, they had never stayed anywhere for more than a month, maybe two if something came up. They didn't exactly 'fit' the normal pack criteria, he had come to understand shortly after they had found him. It was dangerous to stay some place for too long, especially if there was another pack in the area. He could easily recall several times they had a few run-ins with other werewolves and it had all ended badly. Not many were accepting of what Vivian did, but then again, there were not other werewolves as strong as her that could bring so many different kinds of creatures into the pack structure and bonds, either. A vampire, a half-fae, a witch, a walker. Hide had only been told stories of one other walker that had been brought into the pack magic, but other than that, he knew nothing about a vampire, a half-fae, or a witch being in a pack either, just associates or friends of it...

He might understand one day, but today was not that day! Sucking in a chilled breath, Hide slowly exhales as he fights off a bit of a shiver. It wouldn't be long before the rest of them arrived. With so much snow, he knew it was not exactly easy for Esma and Crystal to move about. They had to worry about the chill of the cold as much as he did, but he could at least fly ahead and bury himself in his clothing if he got too cold. He might have chosen a different house, as there was one other several miles in a different direction... but something told him that house was bad. He couldn't really explain it, but it gave him bad vibes, to the point he had not even walked inside to check it out. And while it was much larger than this shabby cabin, he was not going to go against his gut instinct that the rest of the pack had been teaching him to use.

Sighing softly, Hide quickly starts to trudge his way through the snow, down the path towards the clearing. As he arrived at the edge of the clearing, he stopped, tilting his head slightly before lifting a bare hand to tug his scarf up a bit more over his face. He had seen a lot of snow before, but he always found it so mesmerizing, especially when it had not been disrupted. Suddenly Hide jerks his head to the side, blue eyes going wide as the back of his neck began to tingle a bit... excitement slammed into him like a sledgehammer upside the head. He really had not been paying attention, he realized as a familiar black and grey furred wolf leaped from the trees on the other side of the clearing.

"Scooter!" Hide called loudly as he watched the large werewolf bounce around in the snow like a rabbit as he made his way across the clearing. A bit of a laugh escaped the usually quiet Walker, probably from Scooter's influence from the pack bonds. Unlike the others, Hide was not very great at blocking out others emotions when he did not want to feel them, so unless they did the work, he felt everything. But he did not mind most of the time, especially when Scooter was around. The werewolf was deaf, Hide had learned very quickly. But he was a very happy soul, much despite his loss of hearing. And what he lacked, Scooter sure made up for with is tenacity and kindness. It was Scooter who had taught Hide sign-language, too.

Though the werewolf lacked his hearing, as his name was called he came to a halt and lifted his head up. He looked directly towards the rather dark clothed figure that stood out like a sore thumb among the mass of white snow. His tail wagged rapidly before he went right back to bouncing about in the snow like a large, playful puppy. He did not need his hearing to understand his packmates. Since he lost his hearing, his other senses had developed to an impressive extent. He could hear the pack through the pack magic and he could sense when things were amiss rather well, too.

As Scooter continued to bounce around, he suddenly stopped once again and narrowed his gaze toward Hide who was just standing at the edge of the clearing with a bit of a grin on his face. A thought suddenly popped into the wolf's mind before he dashed forward at an alarming speed. It looked like he was going to crash right into Hide, who at this point had already taken a step back as if to prepare for impact... but a few seconds before he would crash into the lowest ranking member of their pack, Scooter came to a grinding halt. Snow flew all over Hide in a massive pile, enough to knock the young man over with a bit of a yelp. All Scooter could manage to do was wag has tail and let out soft, playful rumbling sounds.

"Oh, come on, man! This stuff is cold, I can't play in it like you can." Hide says with a rather loud laugh, shoving the snow off of himself as he pushed himself back onto his feet. He watched Scooter carefully, the large werewolf was moving around a bit and flicking snow towards Hide with his nose while his tail continued to wag excitedly.

"Oooooh, its on now!" Hide manages out as he brushes off some snow from his shoulders, only to have Scooter throw more onto him. Letting out a low rumble of his own, Hide suddenly lunged forward and tackled Scooter! While it was obvious Hide was nowhere near strong enough to ever actually tackle a werewolf, Scooter rolled with the motion until both of them were on the ground, practically buried in the snow, flailing about wildly with a lot of laughing and playful growling. It was like watching a wolf play with a cub almost, it was cute in a way, especially when people remembered Hide never really acted like a kid, even when he was still a teen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rizzi
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Rizzi Red Rose

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The sound of snow crunching under their shoes was all that had filled Vivian's ears since the pack had headed out earlier that morning. Winter was starting in full swing, and this was the packs fourth day to trudge through the snow. Each day brought colder weather and each night brought deeper snow. While the werewolves had no problem in the growing cold, the knee deep snow was slowing them down. For the non-werewolves of her pack, working through the snow coupled with the cold was making them miserable.

Usually by this time of the year, Vivian would have already found a place for the pack to stay for the winter. This year, however, the pack had run into trouble with their first location. Another pack had been out running and found her pack of misfits, and most other packs did not like nor agreed with the pack that Vivian ran. The other pack defended their territory, forcing Vivian and her pack to move just as winter was setting in.

Upon request, all werewolves had been traveling as wolves and allowing Crystal, Esma, and sometimes Hide to wear the extra clothing for warmth. Vivian, with Rosalle at her side, were leading the pack. The snow packed under their foot steps making it easier for William, Crystal, and Esma to walk on the snow. Rowland followed the whole pack, saying it was his duty, and honor, to give his life for the pack if ambushed. The truth of the matter was that he thought he was the only one strong enough, outside of Vivian, who could protect the pack from danger.

Hide had spotted an abandoned cabin a few miles away, and if by any luck the pack would make it to shelter before night fall. Through the mental link the whole pack shared, Scooter, who was well ahead of the pack, claimed that he could smell Hider just a mile ahead. His excitement spilled through the whole pack as he shoot off to surprise Hide. The excitement rippled through everyone, some even went running to join Hide and Scooter. Vivian shook her head and kept pushing ahead at a slightly faster rate. A few minutes later, Crystal walked up between her pack leader and Rossale and placed her cold hand into the warm fur of Vivian’s back.

“I know we are all anxious to be where we are headed. I want to try to get us there faster.” Crystal said softly, though she knew everyone close by would hear. Vivian looked up at her then nodded her consent, for she was ready to be at the cabin as well.

As all the pack members backed away, Crystal crouched down in the snow on one knee facing the direction of the cabin. “Please work!” she whispered as she thrusted her hands out. A long tunnel of fire shoot from her hands and melted away the snow and some of the brush of the forest leaving black char marks along the way. “I can cover up scorch marks.” Crystal assured when Vivian let out a low growl. As the witch stood up, Bethany shoot past her, a blur of brown fur. Crystal laughed as she pushed the hair back from her face.

Not too long after, the whole pack was running towards the cabin, all of them being drawn to join in the rough housing that was happening in the clearing. Vivian stepped to the edge of the clearing and watched her pack play and laugh. Even the oldest of the pack were playing gently with those who did not share their strength. For a long time, Vivian never thought she would have a family again. Her first family had been ripped away from her violently one evening long ago, but time had given back what she had lost an then some. Vivian watched a blonde wolf streak past her as she was chased. If it had not been for Rossale, she wouldn’t have had this pack that she did now. William came to stand by his sister.

“I know what you are thinking about.” He said simply. Vivian shook her head and shifted away from her brother. “What we have now is better than what we had then.” He said gently before taking off to play with the others. Vivian laid down in the snow with a huff and watched her pack play.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mayadere
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Mayadere The Misplaced

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"This is refreshing." Esma mumbled out as she tugged the neck of her sweater up over her face a bit more. The half-fae seemed rather content despite the cold weather, but that was probably because she was wearing two jackets on top of her sweater, gloves, two pairs of sweatpants, three pairs of socks, and gloves. She had been hanging back with Rowland, chattering with the wolf about the snow while she fiddled with an old cellphone that her father insisted she keep with her at all times. She tended to talk a lot when she was dealing with something a bit stressful, and much despite her content appearance, she really hated the snow. The warmer summer months were more comfortable for her.

"I mean, look at them all play like that. Even Hide is enjoying himself... though I bet he is freezing in that thin shirt like that." Esma at this point was standing a short distance away from Vivian and William, she was in a fairly good mood too, but it did not seem like she was all that interested in joining in the play. She seemed a bit tired, but not from the walking they had done the past few days. And she was right, all Hide was wearing currently was a sleeveless shirt, a scarf, and a pair of old jean pants. He had no shoes on or a jacket or anything. In fact, Esma was wearing his jacket.

"I'll go check out the house while they all horse around, see if I can't fix some of it up and make it nice and warm for those of us without fur. And maybe conjure up some medicine for that stupid bird of ours, he is going to get himself all kinds of sick again." She murmured before swiftly starting to make her away along the edges of the clearing. She walked across the top of the knee-deep snow, leaving only a small imprint of the bottom of her thick leather boots. She extended a gloved hand, lightly running her fingers across the various tree trunks she passed, causing several of the trees to sway ever-so-slightly before returning to their original shape.

During winter, plants usually slept and awaited spring. Forest fae sometimes slept, too. But as a half-fae, Esma had wonderfully been able to avoid such a thing, mostly. She still got fairly tired during the winter months if she did too much. Her father was slumbering and would be for several more months, she was thankful she did not sleep like they did. He was an old fae, one who had been around since long before humans had been a 'thing'. He was powerful, plants and nature alike bent to his will, he could grow trees from nothing but half of a dried out, brown leaf. He could mend broken or ill plants, or even revive them entirely. But while he could do many good things for it, he could also cause them to wither, to die, or to even be poisonous. Unlike her father though, Esma could only grow plants as she needed them. Nature bent towards her instinctively as well, but if she had to explain it, it felt more like it was out of respect for her father than her own power.

Moving along, she turned her head occasionally to watch the wolves while they all ran about and played. At this point, Hide and Scooter had been joined by Darren, Rossale, Rowland, Bethany, and even Crystal. They were all running about, bumping into each other, tackling each other, laughing and yipping happily while they played. Esma truthfully found it relaxing to see such a scene, nothing made her happier than seeing them all this happy. But with an inwardly tired breath, she quickly continues her trek around the field before finding the path that lead to the house.

Games with the wolves was always interesting, Hide mused to himself. After the others of the pack had joined in, it went from rough housing to tag, then back to rough housing and then back to tag. Not that he was going to complain too much, he was having so much fun, he had completely forgotten how cold he was. Not that it was entirely his fault, he easily got caught up in the emotions felt through the pack bonds. While he wished he had some control over it, due to his 'Walker' magic, it was difficult for him, even with Vivian and Rowland trying to guide him. Would it ever be possible for him to figure it out? They had told him it was different for everyone, how the pack bonds worked. Even Esma had tried to explain it to him with her abilities and it didn't work. But-

Hide was suddenly jarred from his thoughts though as a mass of wolf slammed into him, sending him flying several feet and onto his back. And within a few seconds, something heavy plops down on top of him, smooshing him down into the snow. A bit of the air was pushed from his lungs as he began to struggle to free himself from under the weight, but Bethany remained on top of him, keeping him pinned down with a soft rumbling growl.

"Beeeeth, you are heavy. Did you gain some weight?" Hide manages out shortly after he quit struggling to try to free himself, mostly because he could feel the low impending snarl that was threatening to escape her. Even with the other wolves around, she was still not quite in control of her wolf. She was easily aggressive if something set her off, and being pinned under her, he really did not want her to suddenly become angry at him. Panic began to swell in his mind, though it did not show on his face.

"Hey, Scoo-OMPH!" As he attempted to call for the others, another wolf suddenly joined in on the dog-pile on top of Hide. Darren had thrown himself over both Bethany and Hide. He was much larger than Bethany who still had growing to do. Though somehow he was not crushing either of them, Hide was still able to breathe miraculously. The brown, black-faced wolf wagged his tail happily. The tension that had been growing in Beth within the past few minutes practically vanished and even Hide's panic had disappeared. Darren had that kind of ability, it was something Hide sort of understood, but at the same time, was a complete mystery.
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