Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I don't remember mentioning only she can use it ... only that it's rare to use it, because it's not a well understood type of magic. During the conversation, you mentioned several times you need to understand how a certain type of magic works in order to use it effectively. So my reasoning why she can understand it easier is because of a genetic mutation that is carried down her (and some other) bloodlines and become activated seemingly randomly. Basically, it just wires your brain differently in a way so you can understand this type of magic. Yes, anyone is techincally capable, but it takes a certain way of thinking ... like yes, everyone can do mathematics physics, but certain people (like a genius) can more easily understand how to do it.

And... for the connection... I wasn't aware that was a requirement... but she is set up that she can easily start off anywhere. It's not a stretch to say she's be hired to guard one of the nobles maybe (who's not overtly evil, obviously).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 13 days ago

Name: Giovanni D'Ario
Age: 42
Gender: Male

Appearance: Giovanni is a tall and strongly-built man, and despite being somewhat on in his years, he retains an appearance no older than a young man of eighteen or nineteen. His features are striking and finely-wrought, giving him an elfin, almost androgynous appearance, though his piercing red eyes stand out greatly on his otherwise serene face. Giovanni's skin is fair and without blemish (with one notable exception), almost reminiscent of porcelain. Dressing in finery whenever the occasion allows, Giovanni is a great purveyor of silks and supple linens, often garnished by a tasteful amount of jewelry. Meticulous in his grooming, the length of his golden hair is always shining and without tangle, his nails are immaculately cut and polished and his entire body carries a clean, fragrant presence. However, the great disruptor of Giovanni's almost ethereal beauty is the thick, obvious scar that runs all the way around his neck, which he makes no effort to hide.

Role: Court Physician

Interests: Despite his obvious interest in matters of fashion and personal grooming, Giovanni is in fact a dedicated scientist, quite committed to his field of study. He has an avid interest in the functions and failings of the human body, and how it may be repaired and maintained. He frequently experiments with both alchemy and magic, inventing remedies and maladies all the same. He also takes an active role in matters of the court, politicking as well as any noble Witch.
Skills: Giovanni is a master alchemist, and an expert in magics relating to flesh, vital essence and living things; an art generally known as "biomancy." Skilled in anatomy, surgery, chemistry and herbology, Giovanni's ability as a physician has never been called into question, as he can quickly deduce what is ailing a body, and soon conjure a spell, potion, or other such treatment to right it. Often overlooked, though, is that the ability to heal often goes hand in hand with the ability to kill. Giovanni's alchemical ability and biomancy can bring an untimely end to many, frequently in seemingly natural or undetectable ways. Giovanni is also an authority on the creation of haemonculi, simple little creatures given life by magic that serve as his lab assistants. A skill not often seen in Giovanni is his charisma and ability as a shrewd negotiator, as he can quite easily read body language and use this knowledge to aid in manipulating others.

Personality: An eccentric and enigmatic fellow, Giovanni is known for his melodramatic and capricious nature. His mood and demeanor shift suddenly and dramatically; Giovanni may be a preening dandy one moment, and a startlingly serious scientist the next. He takes his work very seriously, though his patients he often does not. While paying the dues owed to the noble Witches to whom he owes his livelihood, Giovanni has a habit of subtly mocking or teasing them, which is considered playful by some and uncouth by others. However, those adept at reading into people find his presence incredibly discomforting, claiming that he wears the face of an actor, and yet they cannot tell what lies underneath.

Biography: The D'Ario family has served as the Court Physicians of the D'Cerf Coven for several generations, beginning with a wandering gypsy Witch-doctor employed by the noble house to cure ailing members of the Coven from a plague that was circulating at that time. Generations' worth of research, formulas and wisdom have been passed down to Giovanni, who was trained in the the skills of the healer by his father, Diego D'Ario. Even so, as a young man Giovanni had no interest in serving the D'Cerfs, instead choosing to travel the world, helping people wherever he could and learning esoteric secrets of medicine and magic.

However, about ten years ago, he received word that his father had fallen gravely ill, and he rushed back to Castle Moonshearth to be at his side. However, he was too late, and by the time he arrived, his father had passed from a condition of the heart. With no siblings, Giovanni took up his father's mantle, as was expected of him, and resumed his duties as the Court Physician. In the recent troubles with the Vilicus, Giovanni has been notably absent from the Castle on several occasions, including the claim to the D'Cerf throne, only to reappear later, acting as though he had never left. Curious letters and literature have also appeared within his laboratory as of late, relating to a mysterious "Order of the Dragon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

No, you are perfectly correct and fine in your understanding that magic needs a sort of reasoning to be used properly. :) My only problem with that first part, meaning with the magic, was that, through discussion, we decided that the same (or similar) spell effects can be reached via different steps on certain occasions. So perhaps they do not do "Bladesong" magic because a witch's process is different; but the magic can definitely been seen exhibited by any other, considering they know how. Really, it's just mean "warning" you that, in pure technicalities, this specific Bladesong magic is rare, but that in no way means that you won't be anyone else doing identical spells in a similar way.

On the connection, yes, as explained it was explicitly stated in the interest check, although not yet in the OOC. My fault on that. It will be mentioned in the FAQ, and I'll change the sheet in the Role part to state that the role must be within the D'Cerf. Thanks for helping improve the RP. If you hadn't made Jocasta, I never would've found out I forgot to mention the connection to D'cerf. Again, thanks! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milieu


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Name: Atlas
Age: 31
Gender: Male

Appearance: Standing tall at 6'5", and weighing around 250 lbs, Atlas's brawn was forged from years of constant fighting and surviving as both a mercenary, and later on as a raiding commander. His hair is the color of tempered fire and long, typically disheveled and hanging past his shoulders, although when tidy and clean it is voluminous yet delicately straight. It serves as a warm frame for his cold angular features and pale skin marred with pink scars, the most notable being a horizontal scar across the bridge of his nose, and three downward disfiguring jags extending from his left cheek and down to his neck, stopping right above his jugular. His eyes, when they had color, were a lifeless emerald, but now he wears a sea blue sash inscribed with magical sigilia since he lost his vision.
His body is entirely muscle and also riddled with scars, when it can be seen. Atlas's armor, unique to him, was specifically designed by D'Cerf's renowned blacksmiths to suit his particular fighting style. His obsidian shoulder plates are layered six deep for each arm, and concave in an arch so that they form protection all the way to the ends of his bulky triceps, the layering allowing for maneuverability. He also dawns a thick midnight black cloak that extends to the back of his thighs. These attach to an earth gray concave breastplate made from finely refined steel, cut diagonally by a leather utility belt fit with six throwing knives clasped from his right shoulder plate to his reinforced leather belt/groin protector also adorned with three more utility pouches carrying miscellaneous items useful on the field of battle. His arms are unfettered by armor save the obsidian plated elbow to hand guard on his left, used for leveraging his weapon and deflecting incoming attacks, and his right hand is almost always bandaged up for grip on his blade. His legs are scantly protected, the knees down covered by his steel greaves worn over breathable hemp trousers.
Reference for Armor

Role: Raider Commander/ Vincent's Body Guard

Interests: Atlas has only one real interest: fighting. He's been doing it since a young age, and its developed his uncanny reflexes and absurd strength and remarkable will to survive. This being said, he is not fond of a slaughter, rather he seeks a strong opponent he can unleash his ferocity upon. He trains obsessively in between his duties. However he is not just a meat head, he understands the shadowy treachery of politics. and the subtle flows of battle and where to apply his tactical prowess.

Skills: Fearsome in battle, Atlas is quite known for his ferocity and blood lust on the battlefield. There are few battalions that could maintain morale after seeing him cleave the legs off a horse with his over sized blade. Being brought up basically on the battlefield since the young age of six, Atlas was fighting with adult sized equipment when he was younger, which caused him to become accustomed to blades larger than himself. At first physically impossible, he now has titanic strength which he utilizes to wield a massive blade capable of cutting a man clean in half. His speed, reflexes, and instinct are as equally impressive which means he can't be easily taken off guard. Also, during times of warfare, he picked up other skills from his various comrades, aiding his versatility, skills such as; knife throwing, basic herbology,swimming, archery, pick pocketing, and some pyrotechnics. Elevating to Raider Commander introduced him to tactical thinking and a familiarity with the depths of combative magic and how to economically make them effective with regular combat. Since he lost his vision he has also been able to "see" everything around him, elevating his regular senses and developing a sort of sixth sense which can detect anything from magical energies/auras to hearing faint pulses beating in the lurking shadows.

Sixth Sense: This ability allows him to sense magical energy and magical auras present in souls and spirits. The magic essence of the world provide the "haze" which he can now see. He has learned to capture these sensations and become familiar with them, even coming to the point of detecting colors unique to a spirit or soul. There is a limit to this. Solid states of matter become opaque points in his "vision", haze that he cannot see past. Gases, liquids, and living beings provide the transparent haze which he can look beyond, and pure magical energy being accumulated in the act of spellcasting would be the most visible, and depending on the power of the spell, could sometimes even be detectable through a wall. Also, many bodies casting spells in a close proximity could cause a cacophony, making it hard for him to distinguish what's what and whom is where. Besides colors in spirits and souls, all other magic perceived operate in a monochromatic scale.

Although he himself doesn't practice or study magic, he does know the activation phrases to the runes inscribed upon the sash across his eyes. There are three with distinct functionality;

Rune of the Seer's Enlightenment: This rune will immediately reverse the effects of a hex or curse afflicting Atlas's mind or body. The drawback to this is that he is more susceptible to elemental magics for a time.

Rune of the Seer's Vengeance: This rune gives Atlas an even higher threshold for pain. He enters a berserk state which augments both his strength and speed by inhibiting the limits of his own muscles. The drawback to this is that his body could suffer permanent injury from the stress it causes, and even cause death.

Rune of the Seer's Grace: Invokes healing magic to hasten regeneration of damaged tissue and broken limbs, and has the capacity to bring one back from the brink of death. The drawback being that the user has to enter a comatose state until the healing is done.

NOTE: Each sigil has the magic of the one who inscribed them stored within, and they are only good for a one time use.

Personality: Atlas has changed over the years, although the core of his personality has always remained the same. From a young age he was flippant and unrefined, speaking his mind with remarkable bluntness even in the presence of the Nobles who had hired him for his services. He used to take pride in being an instigator, challenging opponents fearlessly, or even recklessly. This caused him to get into a few scraps that almost ended his life. However, Atlas has always had a remarkable and indomitable will, that has maintained its composure through even the most grim of situations. It's a love for the dance with death that is the root of all his predilections, although since he's become a witch comfortable among the ranks of the D'Cerf, and especially since he lost his vision, he is more reserved, gentle, and quiet. His ability to speak his mind plainly is always present along with the bottled up blood lust waiting to surface. It is this repressed want for combat that makes him seem like a beast underneath his composed exterior.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milieu


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Since my character is planned to be a bodyguard, I'll be looking for another player to guard. Or I guess I could just create an NPC, but that's no fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll review your characters, Milieu and Dead Cruiser, in a moment, but before that, I just wanted to make the announcement that the basic framework of the FAQ is up. As the disclaimer says though, its very rough. Sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milieu


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Ichthys said
I'll review your characters, Milieu and Dead Cruiser, in a moment, but before that, I just wanted to make the announcement that the basic framework of the FAQ is up. As the disclaimer says though, its very rough. Sorry.

No worries. You're doing great. Such an intricate and interesting world premise fleshed out by both the GM and players is something I haven't been apart of until now, but how thorough you are is impressive, and I imagine, taxing. Take your time bro.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Ichthys: Similar effects makes sense. Though I imagine creating similar effect on the same level of power or efficiency (as in, having to speak, hand gestures, whatever as opposed to a swing of a sword) ... which is what would make the magic mythical or legendary or whatever. Unless that's too much of a leap? I didn't mean to say no one could enchant weapons to flames or create air that cuts, lol.

So the connection with her being a mercenary is okay or... do we really need to change that? I think it's important to her background, but she's easily installed into the area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

No, it's all swell, lydyn. :) No worries; I formally accept your character.
@Dead Cruiser:
  • I don't see any issues right now, so Giovanni is accepted. :)

  • Just one clairfication: How good is Atlas' sixth sense? What are it's limits? And what can he discern from a magical source? Can he tell what kind of effect, its relative power or location?

  • Other than that, I love his concept. I especially like his biography, particularly the death of the three friends he made while roaming. I think it really exhibits the dark nature of the RP. It's also just well-written.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 13 days ago

Cool! Hopefully my incessant questioning makes sense, now; I wanted to make a Witch-Doctor that may or may not be neck-deep in conspiracies, secret cults and forbidden magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That may or may not have referenced the historical Order of the Dragon wherein Vlad the Impaler was a member.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milieu


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Ichthys said

  • Just one clairfication: How good is Atlas' sixth sense? What are it's limits? And what can he discern from a magical source? Can he tell what kind of effect, its relative power or location?

  • Other than that, I love his concept. I especially like his biography, particularly the death of the three friends he made while roaming. I think it really exhibits the dark nature of the RP. It's also just well-written.

Thank you.
The way I imagine his sixth sense is that it acts as a sort of 360 sight for magic. Since you discerned it as an energy or force which is ever prevailing in living things, he can only "see" the energy itself and its accumulation. Not what the spell is or its desired effect. For instance, a potion made with magic would permeate in his vision, in a sort of- how I imagine it- blue green glow. Humans, since they possess souls and spirits, can be a myriad of colors which he can see. He hasn't quite figured out what varying colors mean yet. So in essence, he can see magical auras.
Now that I'm thinking about, I think the distance of this sight should be directly related to how far he can hear. Like, mapping out the space with echolocation and filling in the space with the sixth sense. So a reasonable limit to impose is that if there isn't a sound to bounce off the object permeating with magic, then he technically can't "see" it.

Other examples to help with the visualization is that if someone were casting a firebolt, and voicing a particular incantation, he could see the magic accumulate in the users hands or and the end of their staff, before the actual fireball materialized and took flight. Or say the spell has an area of effect, which to normal eyes, that area wouldn't be able to be seen, but him, he would see the area the spell encompasses pulsate with the color of magic he sees.
To aptly describe the supposed limitation, if someone is performing alchemy in a sound proof room right next to his own room, he would not be able to sense it. Or if technology rapidly advanced to provide headphones and CD players, and my character was enjoying some metal, he couldn't "see" a spell being cast right in front of his face.

Would this be viable? And if so, should I add this to the CS for further clarification?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Name: Vexia Velis (Vallens)
Age: Uncertain
Gender: Female

Appearance: Vexia has quite a unique appearance, her skin has a faintly purple tint to it, and her eyes are a pale violet in color. Her hair is white gold and worn quite long. It typically is bound intricately together in a complicated braid that falls roughly halfway down her back, and alongside this main braid of her hair are two others that also fall down her back, though these are each thinner and shorter by virtue of using less of her hair. Her face is not quite what would be considered beautiful, being altogether too narrow and predatory. Her mouth is too thin, her face too long, her eyes a bit too off putting, for her to be considered beautiful, still she is attractive in her own way. Her body is thin and not particularly well muscled, likely due to her lack of physical exercise, and in much the same way as her face it is not quite beautiful. She is approximately 5'8 in height. Her age is uncertain as she has been living as a member of the D'Cerfs for nearly 50 years and has not seemed to age noticeably, perhaps there are a few grey hairs amid the white gold locks but otherwise she still looks quite young.

She typically is dressed in robes that are both hooded and veiled. These robes are typically made from a combination of dark purple and golden fabric and some of them are believed to be quite ancient. The vast majority of these elegant robes bare the sigil of the D'Cerf coven upon them to show loyalty and solidarity as well as to mark her membership in the coven. There are though some that do not bare the sigil of the D'Cerf. These are the oldest of her clothing, and instead of containing the D'Cerf symbol they instead bare an old marking emblazoned upon them, that of a pair of clawed hands clutching what seems to be large crystal eye. This design is extremely ornate and the level of detail that is present in each depiction is very high. She does not wear those robes about the castle and it has been many years since they have been used. Her attire also includes claw like attachments that are worn on the fingers of her hands and occasionally an ornate porcelain mask that is completely blank of features, showing just her eyes through a pair of holes. Also of some note within her robes a number of small boxes hang from smaller sleeves within the ornate ones, these boxes are 'soul' traps containing souls that she can draw on.

Role: The Court Executioner, Torturer, and Crypt Warden. (Basically she performs executions when necessary and is in charge of disposing of and arranging for the final fate of bodies of the deceased.)

Interests: Vexia appears to be fascinated by death and to have an uncanny affinity for it. The study of souls and spirits seems to be her life's work and her calling as she has historically been eager to perform the needed executions and inflict punishments if only to study exactly how the soul and spirit function in death or in response to various tortures that she has devised. She has been known to experiment within the bowels of the ancient D'Cerf crypt beneath the castle and the exact nature of her experiments there are known to very few. It is said that she meddles with the stuff of life and death itself but exactly how true this is, is uncertain within the Coven.

Skills: Vexia is most known for her skills in what is occasionally known as necromancy or magics specifically involving death. But in truth it is not death related arts that she is most skilled in. Her expertise lies in the manipulation of the soul and spirit. When people are troubled by a ghost, or some other manner of haunting she is the one who is called to deal with it, when enemies 'raise' the dead and use them against the D'Cerf it is her that they turn to with the expectation that she will strip the risen dead of their spirits and souls. Of particular note in this area is her extremely advanced knowledge of soul traps. These heavily enchanted items are capable of capturing ghosts and other beings that do not inhabit a body and storing them. These traps also can serve as magical batteries as with the proper inscriptions excess energy can be siphoned from the soul and spirit of the beings contained within. The art of capturing and using these spectral remnants to increase ones own power is largely unknown and the precise rituals were said to have been lost long ago with the demise of a certain secretive line of witches.

Personality: Vexia is secretive and private, she is rarely one who seeks out company or companionship. The few friendships that she has with other members of the coven typically came about because the other partner in the friendship actively courted her attentions and worked to get her to view them as a friend. (Any who desire to have a friendship with her can message me.) Her interests are turned away from the living in many respects and she has historically been shown to care very little about politics. The only time she actively intervened in coven politics without being either requested or ordered to do so came in response to an attempt by another member to usurp her position. She is not a particularly ambitious person, being largely content with her own existence. Typically Vexia would be described as cold and aloof with little tolerance for nonsense or overly emotional people. This is a trait to the extent that some have remarked that she seems almost soulless in jest. In truth her lack of emotion and desire to simply obey orders from on high comes from both the method through which her life has been artificially extended and spells cast upon her by her father years ago. Her father tolerated no disobedience and actively stifled the ambitions and desires of his children to keep them obedient, and the nature of drawing on the energy within other spirits and souls to retain youth causes a slow degradation of emotion as well.

Vexia Velis (Vallens) is the last scion of the line of Aldranes Vallens, a great witch who lived nearly 300 years ago. The exact details of the life of Aldranes Vallens have largely been lost and historically he is a figure that has been written out for a number of reasons. Some say he was a twisted fiend who sought immortality and gained it at an unimaginable price, some say he was simply a great visionary who revolutionized a long defunct field of magic, some say he was considered a threat by the D'Cerfs of the time, some say that he made deals with the beings that lurk beneath the surface of the world, some say truly absurd things. What little is known of this figure is that he did indeed revolutionize an area of magic, and that he was a great witch whose power rivaled the greatest among the D'Cerfs of the time. The official records say only that he challenged their authority and that he and his line were extinguished when they refused to bow down. The truth of the matter is something rather different.

In reality Aldranes Vallens and his line, a coven made up primarily of his immediate family and their servants was an ally of the D'Cerfs of old. There were always rumors that surrounded the Vallens coven, rumors of sinister dealings and dark rituals, of black sacrifice and infernal bargains. Some of the rumors even seemed to have truth to them, for Aldranes himself lived seemingly unaging through several different iterations of the D'Cerf leadership. The Vallens were a valuable ally, and the D'Cerfs were no saints and so a blind eye was turned towards their antics. At least until the Vallens were wiped from the map. Other covens having grown disturbed and enraged joined together to destroy the Vallens. It had taken an alliance of many of the minor covens but by the time the D'Cerfs arrived to aid their vassals there was little left.

What little remained sickened even many of the D'Cerfs of the time, mass graves buried beneath the old Vallens castle, and other things best left unmentioned. The D'Cerfs decided the best approach was to simply wipe away all memory of the Vallens and they were expunged from nearly all records, leaving only a brief fictional account of an uprising. In time the truth has been largely lost and few remember them at all.

What was not known was that one member of that particular bloodline avoided the destruction that was brought down upon the family. There are no records of this individual and for over 250 years there was nothing to suggest that any scion of Vallens still lived. It was 50 years ago that Vexia Velis came before the D'Cerfs and after aiding in expunging a particularly potent necromancer pledged her willingness to serve and her desire to join them. At the time there was one elder among the D'Cerfs who guessed at what and who she really was upon seeing her skin and the 'soul' traps and it was the counsel of this elder that led to her being welcomed into the coven.

Vexia has been a timeless staple of the coven since then. She has never been hesitant to obey an order from leadership and has gladly performed all duties asked of her save one. She has refused to teach the arts needed to create the 'soul' traps, and while others have tried they have not yet reached a level of success that can equal hers. Her lack of personal ambition and desire to serve has made her a valuable member of the coven.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Milieu: I think I wanna try something here. Considering, debate has been going so well. I'll open the fate of Atlas' sixth sense to the current players. I hope you don't find offense to this, but I just wanna see if this kind of problem resolution can work. If this works, I'll allow the players' to discuss certain aspects of future characters, although only those that I deem "open for debate". If this doesn't work, well, I'll just stick to traditional judgements as a GM, but considering the political nature of the RP, I think it would be a fun experiment to bring some of those politics into certain OOC things. I mean, of course, regardless, I have final say, but I wanna give the player's a chance to voice their concerns.

Anyways, you've made your case so far. Is there anyone here who would argue against Atlas's sixth sense ability, as it currently has been explained? If so, how would you improve it (i.e. adjust it to be allowable)?
  • The character is relatively okay. That said, I do want an actual age, which you can send to me privately if you want to keep it confidential to other players. As GM though, I need to know you aren't going too crazy and having her been 1,000,000 years old. I mean, I know that at most she is roughly younger than 300, but I want a little closer of an approximation.

  • Anyways, to what extent can these soul traps empower a witch? I just want some more-or-less general guidelines as to their ability.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milieu


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Nope, that certainly sounds reasonable. Discussion and debate is always welcome on concepts introduced, its how we, as writers, hash out details which serve to shape a world. That's important in my opinion.

I've made my case :) and I'm sticking to it.
But just to know if the judge is on my side (despite the jury lol) is my idea acceptable to you? You are technically, apart of the debate process, I'm assuming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 13 days ago

Weird double post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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If it were me, I'd probably make the vision monochrome, and as though he were seeing through a haze. An example of what I'm thinking would be whenever Frodo put on the ring and the world around him became less distinct, but the things tied to the ring were revealed for what they were. I'm not sure what your reasoning was for tying it to his hearing, but to me that doesn't really make sense. Why would the magic decide to attach itself to his ears instead of skin? Or why not replace his eyes?

This is just a suggestion, but perhaps you could simply have it be a sixth sense that doesn't rely on any other sense, but is blocked by solid objects (such as walls). According to the premise of the RP, magic exists in everything, so a solid wall would effectively be a barrier of magic for this vision. This would mean that a spell would have to be immensely powerful for him to see it through a solid object, and would also make the vision less distinct if looking through water or at a distance (due to the air itself being permeated with magic as well). He'd still have 360 degree sight, and if the spell is powerful enough the ability to sense it through a wall, but it doesn't have the added complexity of tying it to one of his original five senses. Essentially, zero magic would be black, pure magic would be white, and so the world around him would be varying combinations of the two. He'd be able to see almost perfectly in his immediate proximity, but the farther he looks the blurrier things get (which would also give a reason for why he uses a giant sword and short range throwing knives and has no bow).

Put even more simply, it's a sixth sense that lets him see magic but is impeded by the very thing it perceives. Simple enough for a single sentence, and easy to extrapolate from regarding strengths and weaknesses.

That's my two cents on the issue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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I don't see a double post, Dead Cruiser. :P

Anyways, Milieu, I am a part of the overall judgement, but I would also consider myself apart from the process. I don't want GM bias changing anyone's opinions. In regards to anything that I "open for discussion" though, it's usually because it's in a gray area, where I could see it as possibly accepted and also declined. This is why I would open something up anyways. In terms of whether I like it or not, that's what I'd like to keep unsaid until my decision. :p Sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Ichthys: I sent you a pm with the information you requested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milieu


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@Schradinger: I like, and it makes sense. I would rather, however, for souls attached to humans to appear in color since they are unique to humans, it would also allow him to distinguish a person from the magic they are casting. But where magic is present/ not present could be monochrome. And the haze is a good factor. I just thought not allowing a sort of distance limit would be a bit OP, but since you're suggesting it I like it. (The only reason I attached it to a sense was to impose a distance limit, and also since energy of any sort operate via vibrations, I figured tying it to his hearing, which directly receives and translates vibrations, would make some sort of sense xD to me at any rate)

@Ichthys: No worries :P I was just wondering.
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