Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ever since Rose Tyler encountered the leather clad alien with the big ears and even bigger thirst for adventure, she never found herself bored. Back in London, she was in a constant bubble of boredom. Her job left her without ambition and her dates with Mickey became predictable and left no room for surprises or tricks. In other words, the Doctor saved Rose's life in more ways than one. He grabbed her hand and told her to run and she hadn't looked back. What was the point? Running into chaos with the Doctor was tremendous fun and filled her with so much life that she couldn't see herself ever wanting to go back to the old life, where only gray existed. When she helped people, she saw so many vibrant colors. The stars were pretty and the people were even more breath taking. Rose knew she needed to be useful, to prove that she was a proper companion and after a recent incident with her father in the past, she wanted to make things right again.

Though she and the Doctor had moved on and everything seemed alright, Rose wanted to do something for the guy. So far they had been on endless adventures and she couldn't ever recall if she ever thanked him. So as they stood around the console, Rose spoke up, "How about some place with a nice lawn? I think we've both worked up a fine appetite after being chased by those green blokes on that last planet." She suggested. They had just gotten out of a tricky situation in which some green creatures accused them of something, Rose really wasn't sure. Long story short, she and the Doctor somehow interrupted some important ritual and then had been chased away with spikes and other rustic looking weapons. Thankfully no one got hurt but it did make the blond hungry.

That was the weird thing about traveling with a Time Lord, time became really mismanaged. She had no idea when to sleep or eat since the pair was always doing something somewhere. When she visited her mum and Mickey, it was hard to acclimate herself to whatever was going on but she was managing alright and still wouldn't have her life any other way. As the Doctor fiddled with the controls, she ducked out of the room and headed down a few hallways until she reached the kitchen. She poked around until she found some items that would do well enough for cookies. Rose's mum wasn't a great cook so most of the responsibility fell to Rose. It wasn't hard to bake cookies, since the basics were easy to remember. She quickly put a batch together and popped them in the oven, which thanks to alien tech, didn't need the usual 10-12 minutes. Sh took them out and found them baked perfectly, a golden brown tint and gooey chocolate chips. Yum.

The girl carefully packed them up and jogged back to where the Doctor was, thankful the usual jolting of the TARDIS hadn't pushed her into the oven or something. "Where are we?" She asked him as she came out, carrying a tray of cookies. Maybe it wasn't the most healthy but for some reason, she was craving something sweet and hoped the Doctor enjoyed the gesture. When she first came aboard the blue box, she wasn't sure how to navigate herself around but over time the TARDIS took a liking to her and the kitchen began stocking more human food from around the era Rose hailed from. She had on her usual pair of jeans and a new union jack long sleeve shirt, something her mum got her during their last trip back to her home. She figured she might not need a jacket so she went without. "Oh and I made cookies for us."

Even though the pair had been together for awhile and their relationship was fairly good, she didn't know that much about him or where he came from. Rose wasn't sure how much he knew about her either. Was it important though? They got along so well but Rose wondered if he had any secrets he was hiding. She had to find out the hard way when they were face to face with a Dalek, about the Doctor's past, all of of his regrets and guilt. It pained her to think someone so strong and brilliant could be so tormented, which was another reason why she wanted to make sure she stayed by his side, that she didn't screw up so much and make him drop her back at home, once and for all. When she looked in his eyes, she would rather see delight, than anger or sorrow. "I hope you like chocolate chip, you wouldn't wanna hurt my feelings Doctor." She teased and headed toward the door, interested to see if they could finally have a peaceful day, they deserved one of those, surely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ErsatzEmperor
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The TARDIS. Time and Relative Dimension in Space. It was rare that the Doctor would stop to think on these words. Much like any other name, it can take on a completely new meaning following long-standing association. After centuries of use, TARDIS has come to mean home. Sanctuary. So why would the Doctor now, of all the rare silent spells start to think? To ponder these words now? Fleeting thoughts rush through his head as the silence is broken. A smile pulls at his face as a companion emerges from ahead.

Hunched over the TARDIS console, he watches as Rose jets over, cookies in tow. A unique sight for the ageing Time Lord. He lets a slight chuckle leave him as he adjusts his posture.

"Where are we?" Rose asks in a tone that had slowly become more and more expected as the number of these trips had started to stack up. It was the sound of trust. He starts to speak but notices the tray of browned goods. Pulling an inquisitive face, he's caught of guard by his fingers, finding something of interest in the confines of his jacket's left pocket.

"Oh and I made cookies for us." She hastily adds. The doctor brings a piece of silt to his eyes and inspects it. Noticing nothing out of the ordinary he flicks it away, to find a home somewhere in the TARDIS. A mental note is made to stop dropping things while inside the ship. He nods at what the other has to say.

"I hope you like chocolate chip, you wouldn't wanna hurt my feelings Doctor." She teases finally. Said Doctor disembarks from the console with a swivel.

"Well, to be honest, no. Me and chocolate, not fast friends. I'm like a dog, in that respect I suppose." He reflects, gaze drifting upwards for a second. "In a lot of ways, actually." He stops and pulls an arm out, retrieving a cookie. As he continues to talk it follows his hands in their explanatory movements.

"I mean, it's not as clear cut as with dogs." A short bite follows. The Doctor's face colours different emotions, ranging from mock disgust to fear before settling on a gooey smile as he turns away.

"Fantastic! Rose Tyler: pâtissière! Fan-tastic..." He says, flipping a final switch and turning back to her. "You wouldn't have thought it." He shrugs, grin still glued to his face. The first question finally makes its way into his mind and he obliges the asker with an answer.

"A planet. An alien one. The furthest one yet. You know, I've really outdone myself with this one, I feel. Come on, I'll show you." He beckons Rose along with a gesture, strolling over to the TARDIS door. He clasps the handle and pulls, a vibrant exterior coming into view; the traveller steps out arms wide, casting an eye back to his ship before facing it.

"It's the year five billion and twenty three. We're in the galaxy M87. And this place, this is New Earth." He exclaims, face embodied with pure curiosity. "Well, are you coming?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 3 days ago

Her face fell when the Doctor mentioned that he wasn't real fond of chocolate. if she had known that, she would have tried to do something with oatmeal or peanut butter. But who could say no to chocolate? Rose almost wanted to reconsider their partnership considering he wasn't one for chocolate. Maybe out in the great void of space, there was something the Doctor really enjoyed, the way some humans loved chocolate or cherries. What was his weakness? "Yeah I guess dogs don't go well with chocolate." She considered, knowing most got sick and some even died because of it. And though it wasn't her fault for not knowing his likes and dislikes, Rose still felt bad, or at least uncomfortable that her gesture hadn't gone over as well as she had first intended it to.

All the same, he snags a cookie before she can tell him that he doesn't have to, if he doesn't want to.

The man made another comment that it wasn't a great comparison and she stalls as he takes a bite of the cookie. her eyes watched him carefully, wondering if he'd lie to spare her feelings or if he'd really rather have something else. Guys could be hard to shop for, and in this case, cook for. The Doctor was a puzzle, ever changing and quite complicated. Rose hoped she'd be able to figure him out someday and maybe it would begin with learning what he liked and didn't like to eat. Then the man finally exclaims a favorable response and her face regains color, glad she didn't kill him or something. It was a relief to know he could at least try her chocolate chip cookies, she had to wing the recipe but to her, it was pretty spot on, considering the kitchen she had to use.

"O-oh good." She sighed, calming down a little. His smile is infectious and allows her to relax easier, a small smile creeping across her own face which is slightly flushed due to the anxiety of having made something he might have hated. The man finishes his tweaking and beckons her to him which she follows without any question. The blond is curious to see where they are this time. She hoped that this venture wouldn't be as deadly as the others have been. Even if it was though, she was pretty confident in the Doctor and their ability to get out in one piece. He steps out first and finishes the introduction. She moved and set the tray of cookies down by the door but not before grabbing one herself.

The sunlight was bright and reassuring. So far, so good. "New Earth?" She repeated as she stepped out and felt grass fall under her weight. The shop girl moved out further and saw a glorious horizon spread out. She remembered the first place she went with the Doctor, to a space station where they saw the Earth blow up. They met a bitchy trampoline and several others as well, all interested in watching her home planet burst into flames and debris. "It's lovely." She commented and looked around, her head eventually going back to where the man stood outside the TARDIS. "What's that smell?" She sniffed around. it was sweet. She looked down and quizzically tcourched down to pick at the grass. Was that where the smell was coming from?

"Blimey the grass smells like...like apples!" She laughed and picked some and sniffed it more closely.

Could she eat it? Should she?

"It's beautiful." Rose finally said and stood up, grinning. "Fantastic!" She added brightly.
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