Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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As his classmates dragged him back to his seat Kyle decided he'd have to take a Slytherin approach to this friendship. There'd be no point reasoning with the boys. They probably didn't listen to the hat's song anyway.

Kyle was forcibly sat back down into his seat, but from there he had a great view of Siobhan walking right up to her brother. The Slytherin first years watched as she walked up to their head boy and hugged him. He hugged her back. There was hugging. He fixed her tie and then she skipped off telling Kyle 'see you later'. The other four first year Slytherin boys eyes wide watched Kyle's grin grow, "See ya later."

At that point Professor Snape swooped in and handed out class schedules. Kyle quickly looked to see what classes he'd have with Gryffindor, the only ones were potions and DADA. Of course it'd be the class where his head of house was Professor. Then he realized that the name wasn't Snape, but with a professor named Slughorn. He didn't recognize the name. Snape was teaching Defense against the dark arts though, so they'd still have a class with together with Snape as the Professor.

"Wait so your friend is the sister of the head boy." Sam asked as Kyle dissected his class schedule mentally. Kyle nodded. "She's still Gryffindor." Sam said.

"I know, but she was my friend before then. Nothing's changed except where we sleep and when we have classes." Kyle pocketed the schedule and ate happily. Alistair had sanctioned their friendship. Even Maggie would have a hard time arguing with that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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When Siobhan collected her timetable from McGonagall, still grinning wickedly with her back to the Slytherin table so they couldn't see it, her happiness dropped slightly. Only two classes with Kyle -- Potions and DADA -- and the flying lessons that a few of the other first years were talking about. She couldn't help but feel excited over the latter. Due to her small size, she'd often been a seeker when her brothers and sisters had played together, and maybe this was an opportunity to show off her skills.

Alistair had been right, too. Transfiguration was first. Siobhan happily returned to the first year side of the Gryffindor table, taking a seat at the far edge. Two of the other girls sidled away from her with only Yvette, a muggleborn, looking haplessly confused at her housemates reactions. Politics may make it so that she could befriend Kyle's house but it did nothing for her own.

Trisha ("Trish" as she insisted on being called) was the first one to complain as they began to trek to the Transfiguration classroom. "I don't know why you're coming with us, Siobhan," she said eventually. "Aren't you a Slytherin?"

Siobhan shrugged. "Sorting Hat said to make friends in all of the houses," she defended herself. "Or am I not allowed to talk to my brother at all?"

"No! Gryffindors never talk to Slytherins. It's the rule!"

In response, Siobhan merely pushed open the door to the Transfiguration classroom as was marked on the door. They were the first ones in. "It's a stupid rule, then." She much preferred Kyle -- and maybe even the other Slytherins -- to Trish. Merlin, I hope Kyle's not having as bad a time with his house as I am, she thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Kyle may have thought Maggie would have a hard time arguing with it, but that didn't mean she wouldn't try.

"I'll write Father." She hissed in Kyle's ear as Kyle started making his way toward the dorm.

"That's fine, I'm in Slytherin though. He'll be happy enough about that, and Siobhan is still Pure Blood. You're friends with her brother. Just because she's in Gryffindor doesn't mean she's against the cause. It just means she's more brave than the rest of us." Kyle wasn't sure where he found the words, but they tumbled out as he stood up to his sister for the first time every. Her eyes narrowed, and he could see her calculating. "I'll play my part just fine." He pushed past his sister, he still had to pick up his bag and get it ready for the day before he went to class.

"That's your sister?" Sam asked catching up with Kyle after Maggie split away from him. Kyle nodded. "So you're friends with the sister of Alistair MacFusty, and your sister is Maggie McCarthy." Kyle nodded again. "She may be a Gryffindor, but that's some serious credentials you've got." Kyle shrugged picked up his bag. His nonchalant attitude about the situation gave him a presence, one the other first year Slytherin's looked up too. It was a strange almost instant popularity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Siobhan's characteristic smile was missing by the time she made it down to potions. Transfiguration, her first class, was a new form of torture designed for eleven year olds. Who even wanted to know how to turn a matchstick into a needle, anyway?

A small part of her reluctantly admitted that she was just sour over only managing to turn the very point of it silver – not a bad effort by any means, and Professor McGonagall had praised her for it! – but magic was so much harder than her parents made it look.

Not to mention herbology. No, she didn't want to learn the theory behind the proper method to trim and harvest wormwood. Nobody did. Out of the Gryffindors, she was second last, beaten out for the worst in Sprout's class by Yvette who has a perfectly legitimate reason to be terrible at it – a muggle heritage. Siobhan didn't blame her for that, of course; she much preferred the brunette to loud-mouthed, black-haired Trish who just wanted to drone on about her hatred for Slytherin.

She swore even the other girls from her dorm were getting tired of it.

But, nearing the end of the day with only Potions with Professor Slughorn remaining, Siobhan couldn't help her anticipation for the class. It wouldn't be the most interesting of subjects, she was sure, though at the very least she could partner up with Kyle.

As the Gryffindors all filed into the classroom, being at the front of the line, Siobhan grabbed one of the two-person benches at the far side of the room and plonked her bag on the other seat, saving it. Yvette was clearly expecting that and took a seat in front – not particularly upset at being split up and possibly without a Gryffindor partner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Kyle sighed happily as he headed down into the dungeons. It was finally time for potions. He was greatly looking forward to it. Not as much because it was potions, but because his friend was in that class, finally.

He had somehow miraculously done well in the other classes, earning him points for his house, and more impressed looks from the other Slytherins. He wasn't the top in his class, but it was only the first day. He had plenty of time to improve.

Entering into the Potions class room he saw that the Gryffindors had already claimed their seats. Siobhan was alone. Kyle grinned and quickly took the seat next to her. He gave her a grin, and could see out of the corner of his eyes a black-haired girl looking as if he had flipped her off personally. Kyle was in a surprisingly good mood, much improved by Siobhan's presence and the so far good first day. "Do all Gryffindors have a stick up their arse?" Kyle asked just loud enough for Siobhan to hear him, and a boy from Gryffindor in from of them. The boy turned around and glared at Kyle.

"Do all Slytherins have troll brains?" The Gryffindor snapped back. "Even the ones who got lost on their way to their dorms?" He glared at Siobhan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Siobhan couldn't help but stare. Were all boys so aggressive, no matter what house they were in? Eyes slipping to the side, she looked at her only ally within Gryffindor. Yvette shrugged apologetically at her in response -- she clearly didn't know her new Potions partner either -- and turned away.

In turn, Siobhan raised an eyebrow at the rude boy in front of her. Shaggy blonde hair, droopy face... he'd introduced himself at the feast last night, she was sure, but she could not remember his name at all. What she did remember, on the other hand, was his horrible attempts at changing his matchstick in Transfiguration. A snarky grin on her face, she retorted, "Well if Slytherins have troll brains, you must have none. Didn't you set your matchstick on fire earlier?"

Without allowing him time to respond and noting Trish's bitter grimace from her nearby bench, Siobhan moved herself around so she was only facing Kyle -- a clear dismissal if there ever was one. "What subjects did you have then?"

A portly man who she guessed was Professor Slughorn began to meander into the room and to his desk but he didn't seem at all inclined to stop the frenzy of chatter from the first years. Siobhan wondered whether that was a good or a bad thing. Maybe he would be a terrible teacher?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 4 days ago

"I had Herbology and History of Magic, which is quite possibly the most dull subject ever. Even the teacher thought it was dead boring." Kyle grinned at his own joke. "I liked Herbology, Though I got a splinter and had to have it removed." He held up his left hand and wiggled the fingers that showed no sign of the injury.

Professor Slughorn made it to the front of the class and turned around, "Today we'll work on the beginning concepts of potions, and then next class we'll work on the potion Cure for Boils." Professor Slughorn sounded rather bored with the subject. Kyle couldn't exactly blame him, he must have taught this a lot. Kyle had found out that Slughorn was an ex-professor returned for the year. Rumor was Dumbledor couldn't get anyone for DADA except Snape, so he had had to replace the Potions master's place. Kyle had also found out that Slughorn was a Slytherin. It was a good thing for the blond boy in front of the friends that he hadn't heard the comment about Troll brains. "Take out your books now please and carefully study the potion in question." Slughorn's distracted teaching made it easier for the student's to continue their conversations in low mummers. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask any questions you may have about the potion."

Kyle dropped his voice lower, thankful their seat was further from the front of the class. "What about you? Other than Transfiguration obviously."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Clearly Slughorn -- she refused to give him the title of Professor seeing that, unlike the other teachers, he wasn't teaching -- hated his job. Reading out of a book? Boring!

Nevertheless, Siobhan slid her pristine textbook out of her bag, flipping it open to a random page to at the very least look like she was doing something. Staring down at her textbook just in case she caught Slughorn's attention, she quietly (for a Gryffindor) said, "Transfiguration and Herbology. We were supposed to be doing practical work, but Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs couldn't keep quiet long enough for us to get started on it. Just some theory questions."

Deciding it better not to continue giving how much she had disliked her subjects so far, Siobhan swiftly changed the subject. "How's Slytherin been treating you? Your attempt at coming over to the Gryffindor table was pretty cool."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kyle pulled out his own text book and pretended to be reading it as well. Slughorn didn't seem to notice.

Kyle grinned at Siobhan around the edge of his book. "Quite well actually since your brave display of familial ties. The other boys have decided that since I'm not only the brother of Maggie McCarthy, but friends with their very own hero on a pedestal head boy's sister, I must be cool. I probably still wouldn't get away with waltzing over to the Gryffindor table for breakfast, but I suspect no one is going to complain that your my potions partner."

Slughorn suddenly looked up from, whatever it was he had been looking at "MacFusty?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Siobhan stopped like a deer in the headlights, mouth open slightly with whatever she was going to say to Kyle dying in her throat. "Uh... yes, sir?" she croaked out, flipping the page in her textbook mindlessly. The Gryffindor in front of her snickered under his breath, but she couldn't find the time or motivation to glare at the back of his head. Trish, she was sure, looked ridiculously smug, even without turning to see her. "That's me."

Why on earth would Slughorn be looking for her?

The youngest MacFusty nudged Kyle's foot under the table, trying to get his attention. She raised an eyebrow, eyes wide open in panic, in a universal gesture for what is going on?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Kyle gave her a confused look, he hadn't the foggiest idea what Slughorn wanted.

"Your parents have that dragon island oh my what was the name of it again?" Slughorn seemed excited, much more than he had been when he had first walked into the class. Then it dawned on Kyle, he had heard of the thing the Slugclub, where students with talent or important families were invited to dinner in his office. There had been a meeting of them on the train. Kyle snickered.

"Someone is about to be teacher's pet." He whispered from behind his book which he had buried his face almost completely into to hid his grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh. Oh. Slughorn was that particular sort of Slytherin that Alistair often complained about in his letters. The sycophants, the bottom-feeders, the ones that sucked up to anyone and everyone with even the slightest inch of power or wealth. Merlin, she really was going to become a teacher's pet, and to a man who was rapidly becoming her least favourite professor.

Siobhan shot a mild glare at Kyle, but there was no heat behind it. Some help he was... She flicked her hair back and smoothed down her jumper beneath her robes. May as well make a good impression. "Ceann Ear, sir. We raise and care for the Hebridean Blacks," she said, turning her chin up proudly (and snootily). After a moment's hesitation, she added, "Largest dragon reserve in Britain."

Yvette turned around as fast as a whip, staring at Siobhan with wide eyes. Oh. Muggleborn. The dragon-keeper's daughter mouthed, "Later," and set her shoulders as Slughorn went on and on about the prestigious art of rearing dragons and how he had taught her father, and remembered a few of her distant cousins who had come through Hogwarts in the past. Siobhan couldn't let it continue, not with her dignity remaining intact – already her blush was tomato red – so she coughed lightly.

It seemed to work, bringing the Potions professor out of his lengthy description of her great-uncle's ability to brew a mean Draught of Living Death and back to the classroom enviroment. She watched as his eyes went back down to the list... she hoped he would call out Kyle's name too, if only for a bit of just vengeance. "And directly under it – McCarthy... An old name, that is..."

Slughorn's eyes drifted involuntarily to Kyle – perhaps looking for some familial resemblance – and Siobhan saw a bead of sweat rolled down the professor's forehead. Her eyes narrowed in interest and she hummed under her breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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"Yes, very old indeed." Slughorn said audibly. "Well known for associations with, well other rather old families." Slughorn tactfully dodged saying who those families were.

"Yes sir." Kyle was tempted to add something along the lines of 'and proud of it', but he bit back the comment. It was clear enough without saying it. He held his chin up proudly. A Slytherin trait, too proud to think through the implications. Slughorn then drifted back to silence and reading the class roster. He found another name to pick on.

Kyle took the opportunity to glare back at Siobhan. His glare faded quickly though back into a smile. He snickered and turned the page of his book to the proper page. "I've got free period after this, want to walk around the lake if you're free?" It'd get them out of the castle, which as fantastic as it was, seemed suffocating at the same time. There was too much to live up to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Sure," Siobhan said excitedly. Perhaps they would see the Giant Squid while they were out there. "Maybe even go into the Forbidden Forest..."

Either way it would be better than sitting around with the other Gryffindor first years in the common room and the desperate wand waving in an attempt to hex each other when nobody knew how to.

"I hope this ends soon, though -- Merlin, Slughorn's annoying." With a sly grin on her face, she continued, "Think he'll bother us more since he knows our names?"

Siobhan turned to the correct page, a dull description of to make the Cure for Boils potion, step by boring step. She would have tried to read it, at the very least, had it been even slightly interesting; however, since it wasn't, she didn't feel the least bit guilty for ignoring it. There was a reason she wasn't a Ravenclaw!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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It was a whole agonizing hour and a half class. When the bell finally rang, after Kyle had not only read the Cure for Boils, and the next twenty potions, he had also discussed with Siobhan in quite tones from behind their books how best to make this class more interesting. They had come up with limited ideas.

At the sound of the bell Kyle shoved his book back into his bag, a green a silver bag that would have been really awkward to own if he had convinced the hat to let him follow Siobhan into Gryffindor.

"MacFusty," Slughorn called just as the pair of them had gotten to the door to leave the room. "I expect great things from you. Your father was a model pupil." Slughorn gave her a smart grin, "And," He glanced at Kyle who still hadn't left his friend behind. "Friday, if you're free, I'll be having a small get together in my office. You should come." Slughorn at this point was purposefully not looking at Kyle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rather than put her textbook back into her bag, Siobhan merely grabbed it, intending on carrying it instead. The amount of time it would take to fasten all the clips again was so not worth being targeted by Slughorn for some more dull ramblings. Unfortunately, they were slightly too late as her least favourite professor offered her an invite to a 'get-together'.

Ew. Politics -- politics and schmoozing. That was a Slytherin's job. Alistair would probably kill her for missing such an opportunity, but then again, he probably would've been offered it too.

Siobhan peered at Kyle curiously for a second before glancing over at Slughorn. "I think I'll might be available, Professor, but I'll have to check," she said politely. "Am I allowed to bring a friend?"

The professor didn't look pleased, obviously reluctant as he formulated a response. "Ah, I believe other students are bringing a plus one with them..." As soon as he started speaking, Siobhan grinned, already well on her way out the door. She just about dragged Kyle with her by the sleeve of his robes.

Calling out, "Thanks, Professor! I'll see what I can do!" She hurried along the corridor until the Potions classroom was well out of sight before turning again to Kyle. "If I have to suffer, so do you. Besides, it can't be that boring."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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"You're evil. How in the world did you not end up in Slytherin?" Kyle was staring at her aghast as she dragged him away from the Potions dungeon. He couldn't help but laugh though. "Come on let's go walk around the lake." He finished adjusting his bag, which had come askew when Siobhan dragged him off. The pair of them walked outside.

It was a cool afternoon with a nice breeze coming over the tops of the trees and causing ripples on the lake. Kyle told Siobhan about how the lake lapped at the dorm in the Slytherin dungeon, and how he swore he had seen the Giant Squid that morning floating around one of the windows. He took two apples that he had grabbed from breakfast and handed Siobhan one.

Under one of the trees that was planted along side the lake Kyle spotted his sister amongst a group of Slytherins. He hesitated, nodding in their direction so Siobhan was aware of their presence. He didn't immediately spot Alistair, but it was likely he was there. His sister was reading a book, from what Kyle could tell was probably a library book, as he had never seen the book before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Around a mouthful of apple, Siobhan grinned at Kyle. Even though the air was chilly -- it was September after all -- she was sure that nothing could dampen her perfect mood. Potions with Slughorn, though horrible, still allowed her time spent with her friend rather than Gryffindors.

As Kyle had told her about his dorm, Siobhan informed him of how Gryffindor tower was so high -- it had a view of all the grounds and the Quiddich Pitch; even if everything was all red and gold on the inside. It felt like summer inside, the crackling of the fire and the bright lights.

Siobhan stared out across the lake at the gathering of Slytherins, noting Maggie's presence. She wondered what the book was in her hands -- whether or not it was something dark. Not that it mattered of course; Alistair probably read things like those as well.

And there he was, her brother, bent over to read over Maggie's shoulder. His sleeves were rolled up, presumably because they were on the far side of the lake and nobody could see the Dark Mark that stained his arm. Siobhan didn't know what it meant, only what it was called. Of course, she got a plain view of it when he waved Kyle and her over. She wondered whether that meant he was in support of her new friendship with Maggie's brother, or at least trusted him enough to keep his mouth shut from the teachers about whatever taboo the tattoo symbolised.

"We should probably go and see what they want, right?" Siobhan twirled her hair around her fingers nervously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kyle's stomach twisted into a knot. He didn't want to go over there, but with Siobhan he could do anything. "Yeah." His heart pounded as the pair of them walked over to the tree. Kyle finished his apple and tossed it.

Maggie closed the book and set it down as they walked over. Not a single person in the gathered group was below fifth year, except now the two first year friends. Maggie leaned back against the tree and said "It's your party Alistair." Kyle glanced at Siobhan, he didn't think it was Alistair's birthday. What he had started to realize though was how little Siobhan knew about the Dark Lord. Sure Maggie was dangerous, but if she was deferring to someone there was a good reason. Maggie gave Kyle the grin that he had long learned to recognize as an omen akin to the Grimm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Siobhan felt suddenly out of place, even though Alistair was her brother and she shouldn't. Though she wasn't at all small for her age, two of the older Slytherins were massive - built like brick walls with faces looking like they'd been smashed in, or at the very least seen a hard life. She watched Alistair carefully, all too aware of the red and gold on her Gryffindor tie.

Alistair raised an eyebrow at Maggie as she distanced herself, if only slightly, from the group. "You don't seem to like it," he said genially. "Am I not allowed to introduce my cute little sister to mean the ol' Slytherins? Just 'cause she's in the wrong house doesn't mean she can't be guided in the right direction."

"You're a weirdo, MacFusty," said one of the boys, alternating between sending lost-puppy glances at Maggie, who seemed to be completely ignoring him or disinterested entirely in his presence, and staring stoically in challenge at Siobhan's brother. She wondered what that meant -- perhaps Alistair had "called dibs" on Kyle's sister, as he once said about life in the Slytherin dorms before. "She's probably turn around and go straight to McGonagall, rat us out and the like."

"Rat us out for what, Craig?" Alistair mocked in an innocent-sounding voice. His following laugh was crueler and colder than Siobhan had ever heard before. "'Sides, I got stuff for them to do. Sure as hell don't trust any of yous to take care of things after the year's out. Save Mags, of course."

Siobhan watched as he ran a tired hand through curly blonde hair, eyes tightening for only a split second before he was striding to the side. "Kyle! How's life been treating you so far? Good? Okay then," he said, quickly enough so as to cut off any attempts Kyle would make to respond. The Death Eater's sister raised an eyebrow at his rude antics, and he sighed in response. "I have an important, important task for you in particular. If you do it, I might make you 'King of the Firsties' -- crown and all -- ah..."

Maggie had given him a flat look, and Alistair deflated slightly. "When do you next have Defense?" he asked finally in a low voice, close enough now to the two first years that only they could hear him. Despite his previous words, Siobhan thought he didn't look all too fussed or serious about it, a sly half-smile plastered across his face.

Something told her, perhaps the part of her mind that wanted to be in and should have been in Slytherin, that this would be a fool's errand to keep them busy.
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