Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Red Winston

Red woke up in a rather plain room. His clothes were replaced by white clothes bearing the school's insignia and he was surrounded by some medical equipment, although most of it was probably was not used on him at all. He tried to sit on the bed instead of lying down. What happened? The last thing he remembered was being taken by Ben from a strange Luis guy, then everything was blank. Did he pass out? Possible. He had a deep wound on his forehead that was bleeding excessively. Judging from his surroundings, he must have passed out and brought to the Academy's hospital. Considering that his abilities are not related to his physical attributes and he was mixed in something like a superpowered shipwreck, maybe he was lucky that only this much happened.

He was surrounded by curtains, but he could vaguely see the figure of someone else that was lying on the bed next to him. If he had to take a guess, it was probably Chris. He had experienced quite the shock back there, not to mention the toll of his body from the overuse of his power. It was a good thing that they could both get out of there. Red wouldn't stand it if Chris died, even more so since he was the one who was eager to find out about the Academy. Technically, it was his curiosity that created this small group, since he was the one to propose to Deborah to do it. He didn't have more room for guilt in his brain to lock away, so he was glad that they managed to get out.

He got up from his bed and took a couple of steps, only to realize he was staggering and his body hurt from head to toe. There was a full-body mirror next to the bed and Red noticed that he had scratches and stitches all over his body and that the deep wound on his forehead left a scar parallel to the one he already had. It started from the top of his forehead and it diagonally cut a line on his eyebrow. Great...Now he had one wound across his face and another one just above his eye. At least the second one was somewhat covered by his hair.

Red realized that he also suffered from a fever. It was a bad thing to happen to him, because it dulled his powers. His processing time would slow down considerably and, sometimes, he wouldn't be able to function, considering the task. Although he would normally rest so he could fully use his powers, he decided to go to Deborah and Shannon. He was uneasy about this Luis guy and he didn't want to leave them alone (even though he was probably weaker than them). His hand leaning against anything that could support him, he headed to a wardrobe, changed to normal clothes (albeit not his own. They probably belonged to the Academy and they were more casual than the ones Red preferred, namely an open checked shirt, which he wore over a black T-shirt and a pair of slim jeans, with the ends of its legs inside a pair of All-star boots.)

He left the hospital ward and now headed to the lounge, the place where it was most possible to find Deborah and/or Shannon. His eyes scanning the whole lounge, he eventually noticed the duo along with Poppy. Red wonder what they could be discussing about, but he wasn't going to ask. He moved to the small group, giving a discreet greeting.

"Hello ladies...Seems like I have troubled you a bit *cough*, but I am back now. And, of course..." he turned to Poppy "...I am happy to see you too, Poppy. I was worried that you wouldn't be accustomed to the Academy, but I can see you can *cough* manage on your own just fine!"

Red picked his words carefully, so he wouldn't spill anything about what happened before. He then sat in a nearby chair, since he was tired of standing and walking while sick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SerpentGear


Member Offline since relaunch

Rosette Saveterre

Rosette, after hearing sarcastic comments from two people at once, sighed, and shook her head, before looking at the woman, “I would be more positive and provide more interesting conversation, except that you keep making offensive comments about my appearance that are growing increasingly inappropriate in nature, and it is not a part of my personality to condone that. I told you before, that I did not like the way you were treating me, that I had nothing nice to say in response for it, and it was your choice to ignore that.” She said, her voice calm, and her words blunt. She then rubbed her temples, and seemed tired, “Although, before you say something in response, let me apologize to you for my own behavior. I am being too harsh and negative towards people, for a person who has just arrived at this school. I already allowed myself to become angry with a member of the staff, and I was thrown into the detention center as punishment, mere minutes after I had gotten off of the boat. I suspect I was kept there longer than what is considered to be normal, as I was released only a few hours ago, but I do not know how such systems are run.”

She continued rubbing her temples from a few moments, during which people would notice the beautiful ring on her hand, and how it resembled a wedding ring that had been soldered to the engagement ring, before she stopped. She then seemed to think for a moment, “Ah, I did forget something important, I never said what my name was. My name is Rosette, but it doesn’t bother me if you want to shorten it.” She then sighed, and decided to quit talking about herself.

Rosette then looked between Henry and the woman, before finally deciding to ask, “Out of curiosity, what happened that you had to be in the hospital? You do not have to tell me, if it bothers you. I cannot claim I have any sort of right to know, considering what I just confessed.” She then calmly took another bite of food. It seemed that being placid, even when stressed, was a defining trait of hers. The eerie thing about it was that not only did she look like a ghost, but only when she spoke, was there anything aside from her visual appearance that let someone know she was there. She would not be the kind of person that could be tracked. There was also the fact that her behavior was so calm, and her speech so formal, that she almost seemed robotic or artificial. It was in its own way somewhat creepy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Deborah Termellio, & Shannon Balore.

Oh, now Mr. Winston decided to come out of hiding? Deborah smiled at Red, in the "happy to see you" way. Looks like Red decided to drop the suit... It suited him so nicely (Those are not Red's clothing). She laughed to herself. Looks like the core members of the Mystery Hunters are all here. After that disasterous trip to the Shipwreck, and meeting that maniac, she just wanted to sit back and relax for a little while. Red should want to do the same, he got a little boo-boo (Treated and healed at the hospital) at the shipwreck (Deborah herself has been holding up fine despite suffering an information overload, something she's used to). But it's all good now. Deborah was hoping to spend some time with Red... Just seeing how he acts and fits in the grand picture that is the 218. After that little metaphysical adventure into his mind, he was the center of her attention. She wanted to get into his head again.

What spiked her curiousity was that he apparent knows Poppy Flanagan. Deborah's gaze switched between Red and Poppy, hoping to find any outward reaction that could activate her power (They met yesterday, haven't talked since). Interesting. Deborah personally wondered what their relation was like. She would have to inquire... For now, she'd have to talk to everyone here. Just to break the ice before she starts prying into their personal business. Deborah stood straight up, using Shannon as a boost (Getting a brief glare). She walked up to Red and nodded her head, keeping that smile on her face.

"Hello there, Mr. Winston, it's nice to see that you're up and at em'," Deborah told Red, "It looks like the gang's all here...." She was referring to the core members of the Mystery Hunters, if Poppy wasn't here, they could have a meeting. She doubted that they should rope the child in on their dangerous mission. "I've been meaning to have a talk with you... Not talking about our little band ...." She looked around briefly, "... Just talk." That was getting across her point plain and simple. Then there was Poppy. Deborah had a few things to say about Miss Flanagan that would provoke a few reactions. Just to see how close they are. "'Wouldn't be accustomed'? Boy, you trippin'." Deborah said playfully as she took a step back and put a hand on Poppy's shoulder "Poppy here is what they call a social butterfly! Nothing less."

Good. Mr. Winston decided to grace us with his glorious presence. Nothing made Shannon roll her eyes up into her head more. First she has to share Deborah's attention with this little Irish brat, now Red? Give her a break. For the most part, Shannon was still indifferent to both of them. Poppy was seems to be an annoying brat, and Red seemed to be vastly overcompensating for something - That, or she's still a wee-bit bitter from the whole murderer nonsense. It went without saying what Shannon did. She continued eating her cake in silence - Oh, maybe Deborah will let me eat some of her cake later. But she couldn't help but comment, "Nice shirt, Winston." Completely sarcastically. Because I can make better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakattacks


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deborah Termellio, & Nicholas Raynor

After a short time of wandering through the rain towards none other the Student Dorms, Nicholas used his one working arm to open the door to the building's entrance, before closing it behind him, making sure to avoid hitting his arm on it. The pain seemed to be slowly returning from his own injury, and at this rate, he needed to find a way to focus and relax his mind. During this time, he would usually resort to what was one of his favorite activities. Unfortunately, he knew the system of this school involved some form of roommate system. And that scared him. He couldn't allow himself to be caught reading by just -anyone- who walked through the door. So he resigned to himself -not- to read in his room...at least, not obviously. No, for now, he would have to find another option.

Quickly, he proceeded towards the Student Lounge. Yes, it would be occupied by several students. Yes, he could be caught, but thats if he didn't play his cards right. The nice thing about having a great deal of conversing around you meant that you were virtually invisible more-so than not when in a large crowd. And that was exactly what he was hoping for. As he walked along the hallway, he used his functioning hand to move his wet bangs out from in front of his eyes, before walking into the Student Lounge. He observed the situation closely, and took note of a few people he recognized...specifically, what seemed like both Deborah and Shannon. Strange that those two were friends, despite what seemed to be conflicting opinions. Either way, they seemed to be grouping together and away from a mass majority, which meant if people turned to look in that direction, they would focus on their group...perfect.

With that, he slowly wandered toward their side of the room, peering down at one of the larger tables on the side. Watching their movements and making sure he wasn't within their vision, he quickly slipped underneath it, before slipping his backpack off. Quickly, he unzipped a smaller pouch, but near the center region of the backpack, pulling out a brown and black bible that had his name titled on the bottom of its front page, having been embedded in rainbow colors that seemed to have been done by an expert, rather than just someone marking it with some sort of coloring tool. Either way, he quickly opened up the book, drifting into a few of his key verses, repeating a few of them silently, as simply doing so helped him feel more at ease. He leaned back, relaxing underneath the table...

Unfortunately, he failed to realize how close one of the table legs was to his right arm. As he leaned back, the pressure of the table leg pressing against his arm, which was now completely sensitive, caused him to yelp in pain louder than usual. He widened his eyes, quickly pulling up and looking around, his lower body frozen in fear. Oh god...this couldn't be good. If someone caught him here, like this, he had no doubt they would ask why he was hiding. But with his injured arm, he couldn't really rush as quickly as he would like to...

What the hell was that sound? It made Debs jolt a bit. It sounded like someone hit their head. Fortunately Deborah's power nudged her in the right direction (Someone is under that table, likely injured). Thanks power. It didn't tell her who or what made that noise, but it was polite enough to point her in the right direction. Anyone else would have ignored it and continued, but not Deborah. Her curiousity was calling, and it was telling her to just have a quick look. Thus, Deborah put up a finger like she was telling everyone to hold on for a second, and walked over to it.

Shannon paid it absolutely no mind. It might be another sexual deviant getting off in public.... Again. She should keep these thoughts out of her head, she's eating cake after all. Good cake!

It wasn't long before Deborah was kneeling forward and poking her head underneath the table. Hopefully it's not another chronic masturbator (Last time was nas-tay)! It was hard to see under the table, but she got a clear enough view.... Nicholas Raynor. The boy she had talked to not too long ago (Under here to relax). Instead of his dick in his hand, he had a bible (He keeps his religion a secret). So Nicholas is a Bible-boy, huh? That alone didn't interest her, what DID was the fact that he felt it necessary to keep it a secret. He's a school full of the strangest and most beautiful people around. Being a Christian would be the least of it, though, she didn't fully understand him. She didn't know what he's been through, and what kind of person he was before he came here. Nor was she religious herself. However, Deborah wasn't going to blurt it out in public, she had to be subtle. She has a reputation to keep! Because as if now, she's Nick's Secret Keeper. And that was something she felt was sacred.
"Hey boy..." Deborah said with a impish grin, "Hit your head or something?" Her tactic was to bring as little attention to the Bible as possible. Because if he's going to get over this irrational fear, he needs to know it's not as bad as he thinks.

Oh dear. Oh...god help him. Someone's seen him. On the -very first day-, someone's seen him read this book. Or at least...he thought so. She didn't seem to bring attention to it. He slowly sighed, moving to set down the Bible and rub the back of his head with his functional hand. "...Well, kind of, Deborah. You see, I kind of hurt my arm during some sparring I did at the training hall, and I haven't really had that much strength to try to heal myself yet. I'm trying to give myself some time to relax and garner that strength back before overexerting myself. Anyways, I ended up hitting my arm against the table leg...and it kind of hurt." He finished, laughing a bit nervously at the end, the laugh obviously somewhat faked. He was completely fearful, underneath his smiling exterior. All too paranoid that something was going to go wrong, she would draw too much attention to him, and then...well, at some point, someone was going to pick on him, take his Bible, and rip it to shreds. And he couldn't -have- that. He -needed- it. So the best thing he could do is divert attention away from it.

The second Nicholas mentioned he had injured himself, Deborah scanned his body for any visible injuries (He is telling the truth). While her power confirmed what he was saying as correct, what she wanted to do was get a glance at his injuries, just for a second, then get more information about it. But she couldn't see anything! She was tempted to pull this child's clothes off to get a better look at it.... And that didn't sound good even in the slightest. Whatever. She had to keep this going, no matter what happened. "You picked a weird place to relax." She said with a small chuckle, raising an eyebrow. "But really, though, you okay, boy? Need to get to a nurse? I know someone."

Nicholas honestly considered this for a moment...before shaking his head. "Thanks, Deborah, but no thanks. I'd...rather not draw attention to myself right now, really..." He stated. He then quickly moved to grab his Bible and slip it into his backpack, zipping it up quickly before anyone else could get sight of it, before he moved to slip out from under the table, carefully grasping his entire right arm and carefully moving it away from the table as he stood up alongside it, smiling. He seemed a lot less stressed, now that his Bible was hidden away again. "Thanks for checking on me, though, I appreciate it. I can probably afford to heal myself now. Its...no real big deal, though. A few broken bones along my right arm, nothing my flame can't handle."

Well that was nice (Nick was relaxed with his bible out of sight). Deborah watched as Nick climbed from underneath the table and hopped up to his feet. "Boy, don't be hiding under tables like that." Deborah told him in an amused tone. "And I'm glad to hear that." She gave him a disarming smile, tilting her head to the side. Well, there wasn't much else to go over here. She'll have to think of something.... Oh! There's her new troupe. While he didn't get off on the right foot with Shannon, perhaps he could make nice with Poppy. In a swift motion, Deborah latched onto Nicholas's wrist. She held on tightly, probably to the point of causing him some pain, but to her; it's tough love. "You should meet my friends..." Deborah dragged him over to her group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Back outside, Aislin was almost grateful the sky still poured. As Adam unfurled his umbrella she hung back, just out of its reach. Drops of rain washed off the excess grit and grime on her face, which she wiped off as best she could. It was liberating, being able to clean up. The past had less of a fearsome grip in her chest, it seemed. She ducked back under the safeguard of the Power Instructor's umbrella, refreshed.

"Here, Dana. Let me help you." Aislin gripped the handles of Dana's wheelchair, pushing her along the sidewalk as they walked across campus. It seemed like a small thing to do in comparison to Dana's heroism, but it was a start. 

She almost didn't recognize the Training Hall. It felt like forever ago she was here, marveling over her own potential. The halls called to her again, though only in need of self-defense. The Jungle, it was far too terrifying. The school would become her gray, locked box if she couldn't bring herself to venture outdoors, but she was scarred beyond what a child should be. Traumatized, Aislin had a paranoid fear for her life, petrified of the monsters in the dark. 

Aislin kept at Adam's heel as he took an unfamiliar path down the many halls of his building. They eventually reached his private office which Aislin immediately felt special to have the honor of entering. Jeez, Adam had a golden key for it and everything! It was a spacious and impressive office, and Aislin would kill to sift through his filing cabinets. If anyone knew secrets, it was him. Heh, maybe another day. There were two smaller cushion chairs facing Adam's imposing ebony desk, which Aislin quietly sat in. She had a feeling they'd be in here for a while. 

"What do you need to discuss?" Adam asked, still looming over her head despite them both sitting. Aislin couldn't help but appreciate his sharp figure accented by the sunlight shining behind his chair. The dark hues and sharp lines reminded her of a graphic novel. But of course, she was distracting herself with this image, holding her empty tongue. She had no idea where to even start, what to tell him. It was all so insane, Mr. Blackmore might not even believe her. 

"I guess... I'll just start from the beginning." Aislin gave a shaky sigh, rubbing some warmth into her arms. "As soon as I could, I left the hospital in search of the blue lady. I felt I owed it to both Jaska and myself to get some answers..."

Aislin talked at length, holding nothing back. She spoke of the growing darkness as she descended deeper into the tunnels, about the panic she felt when she knew she wasn't alone. She exclaimed with bitterness how she blew her chance at meeting the blue lady, infuriating the beautiful stranger in the dark instead. The story got darker from there as Aislin depicted how Luis slashed out at her with knives, and how her upgraded power saved her once, but not twice. The chase lasted seconds, she was certain she wouldn't make it.

"It was in that moment I heard a gunshot, and my assailant collapsed. In the blackness I only saw him once, but with the brief flash I caught a man standing over the stranger in a black wet suit and mask, firing one last round into his... Ugh, his head. After that, silence. Pure, unadulterated silence. If Dana hadn't come, I might still be out there, lost in the caves with a... C-corpse." Aislin said, rubbing her eyes frustratingly. She couldn't stop the tears leaking from them as she felt the terror all over again, explaining her story as best she could. 

"I was stupid to have ever wandered out, again. I'm sorry, sir. Truly. ...But the school isn't safe..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Henry Olin

Henry slapped his hand to his snout, creating a loud whacking sound. "Wait what, really? I'm alive? No way!" he said, hugging himself a feeling his thighs and then curling his tail around and feeling the base of it. "I never would've known unless you told me!" He said, giving Theresa a sly grin. When she pushed the piece of chicken over to him he sighed. "Gotta take it with something, you know how my metabolism is, they gotta give me enough to make an elephant sick. Gotta take it with something or I'll regret it." he said, stabbing the piece of chicken with one of his claws and popping it into his jaws. With his other hand he picked up the very large (horse sized) pill and popped that into his jaws as well, and within a few seconds both were down the endless abyss that was Henry's gullet. "Yeah, I hope the other guy's okay. Jaska's just a kid after all." he continued off of Theresa's comment, taking a seat next to her. He was momentarily thankful the school had invested in steel chairs like he had asked for to deal with the weight of larger students. He couldn't even remember how many he had broken by sitting in them.

He looked over to Rosette as she began to speak. "Pleasure to meet you. Dr. Olin. Most of my students just call me Henry." he said, then raised an eye-ridge at what she said. "Riiiiight." he said, not really creeped out as much as accosted by how much information this girl was spewing out about herself and where she had come from. "Uh, well, I was taking a few students out on a jungle exploration effort to get them acquainted with the island. New students mainly. While that was occurring something roared and I heard screaming. I had sent a few students out to check on another at that time, and the roar belonged to nothing that exists on this island. So I wend to check it out while the others went to get Mr. Blackmore, our power instructor. Another student, whom I will not name had attacked another in their own little session of fun, and had transformed into a very large, demonic like creature." he said. He looked over at Theresa, who seemed a tad uncomfortable. "Theresa bought me enough time to get there and save a few lives. The student and I got locked in combat and I was thrown through a tree. The student who had been attacked used her power to stall more, and woke me up on accident. Meta humans, when is stressful situations, have accelerated power evolution, and my potential increased. I wont go into detail but it gave me the strength to fight a fifteen foot behemoth and win." he finished. "Mr. Blackmore arrived soon after, and used his own power to force the student out of his transformation. Everyone who was injured was taken to the hospital. Myself included."

He shook his head. "What about you, what did you get detention for?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SerpentGear


Member Offline since relaunch

Rosette Sauveterre

Without a person teasing her for her appearance, Rosette immediately seemed more comfortable in the conversation. Although she was truly embarrassed about getting detention, she would rather share that information with others, versus hide it from them and have them find out from someone else. A nasty rumor could easily stem from something like that, if nobody knew the exact nature of her offense. She finished her bite of food, and proceeded to explain the story, “When I arrived here on the boats yesterday, I was greeted by a staff member who immediately treated me like a child; an honest mistake, in his defense. However, the main problem was that he used a ridiculously high-pitched voice, more like the kind you would hear someone use when talking to an infant, than a child the age I appear to be. When I told him I was actually twenty-two, his tone grew even more exaggerated than before, and he proceeded to reprimand me for trying to act like an adult when he knew I was probably only about ten or eleven.”

She sighed a bit, and shook her head, “I had been feeling sick during the entire boat ride, so I was in a particularly irritable mood, and I lost my temper. My sense of reason fled to the great and wondrous beyond, and I did something that I will not try to defend. Not a single person in this room would consider my actions to be anything other than foolish. I proceeded to assert my real age, and in a rather nasty tone, demanded to know if he wanted me to kill him. The truth is that I would never actually do anything like that, but I was furious enough to make dire threats, ignorant of the consequences.”

She looked down at her spoon, thoughtfully swirling at her black-eyed peas, “What happened next, was that he flew into a panic, and I was dragged off to a special cell meant to hold students with spatial powers.” She looked back at Henry, “In hindsight, I should have known better than to think a person would not take me seriously. I should have kept greater control over my temper, and taken my things to my dormitory. A brief flash of anger is not worth the troubles that come as a result.”

Rosette then took another bite of her food, having finished the story.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Hm... Guess nobody's home." Kade sighed as there was no answer from Theresa's dorm.

With a shrug, Kade turned and headed down the hallway. She didn't know what to do now, with the rain, it was difficult to go outside and have some fun. So it'd need to be indoor activities. She could go to the cafeteria and pick up something to eat, or maybe grab her pool cue and play a couple rounds with somebody in the student lounge. She thought on it as she walked down the hallway of the dormitories. After deciding that she didn't want to backtrack to get her cue, she went with going to the cafeteria.

Kade opened the main entrance doors to the women's dormitories and looked at the torrential downpour. She looked around for something that could shield her from the rain, but didn't find anything. She didn't really want to get wet. Kade debated going to the inverse to pass by without the rain, but it was too risky for her wellbeing. With a long inhale, she sucked it up and made a mad dash for the next building. She wasn't really watching her footing, which played against her more than anything as he slipped on the wet ground. She flew forward a couple feet and ate the ground, her arms covering her face. Kade lay on the ground for a moment, the rain pelting her while she soaked in a puddle. "I hate raaaain!" she yelled out, not caring if anybody was around.

She pushed herself from the ground and finished her dash to the next building. Looking herself over, there were a couple of scrapes on her elbow. She brushed them off despite the rainwater having already cleaned them. Her clothes were saturated with water, they clung to her body. It felt awkward to move, feeling the fabric stick to her and then peeled off whenever it wrinkled, it made her cold and uncomfortable. There was a look on her face, a look that wordlessly spoke, 'Just my luck...'

When she opened the door to the next building, there was a thunder clap, accompanied by some lightning, that made her look like a dark entity was entering through a door, silhouetted by the flash of lightning. She shuffled into the building, water dripping off of her like she was a human shower.She immediately traveled to the nearest bathroom to start the long endeavor of drying herself off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leonerdo
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Leonerdo Spoopy Scary

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Abraham Gene, Jake Valos, Gabe Valos, and Sylvia Bertoose

"No neva', no neva', no, nev'a again, 'till I live to be a hundred or a hundred an' ten - will I be cleaning up this fucking bitch-ass hallway again!" Abraham yelled as he put down the final touches of the mopping. A sopping, half-broken mop was plunged into the soapy bucket and was wringed out in the mechanism that came with it. He had to redo this particular spot three times, probably. Over and over again, students came around tracking dirt and mud over the floor he had cleaned. By about the third time a student came through, Abe had snapped the mop over his knee and chased him down hallway with two sharp pieces of wood. The only problem being that he almost ran into sight of Adam Blackmore - Adam Bitchmore - Adumb Dickless - Dorothy Fuckabish - whatever, and was forced to make hasty retreat.

What kind of place was this, anyhow? Cleaning? Why don't they have maids or housekeepers doing this chore-work for them? Why have students do this? What kind of punishment was cleaning? Well, clearly, pretty good punishment if he was this livid about it, but cleaning? That was a million miles beneath him! A billion miles! No job suitable for a man like himself.

He pushed away the mop bucket into the nearest janitor closet and walked away in a hurry. God forbid anyone seeing him do that. Before making a clean getaway from the scene and finally grabbing a bite to eat, he did have to make quick stop somewhere first. The men's restroom. It was Jake's final chore before being let off. It'd be such a shame if that poor bastard had to redo everything. A real tragedy.

That's why he took a roll of toilet paper off its hanger and tossed it into one of the toilets... just before he pressed the lever repeatedly with his fingers a blur. Abraham ran out - no - sprinted out without even checking to see his handiwork. Yeah, fuck that getting caught noise. He was quite the runner too, racing down the hallways like a madman before taking safe refuge in his dorm at last. He looked around - it appear as if he had a roommate now. His bag? There it lay untouched, safe and sound. This is good. Of course, there was nothing there save for adobe bricks, but this was at least a good sign that his roomy knew his place.

This was turning out to be quite the evening. While he did have to clean, he finished it at a reasonable hour, sabotaged dickless' hard efforts, and nobody touched his things at the end of the day. That had to warrant a celebratory song! He went for one of the two cases under his bed. The guitar was, obviously, the superior instrument, but lugging that around brought problems. The ukulele at least had a fun, cheery factor. Now to go to the cafeteria and get some food. He plucked the ukulele from its case and strolled out the door, singing to himself an old Neil Diamond song.

"Oh, look at the way she's wavin' her sail, what a wondrous sight to see!"
What a great time the Valos are having with Ms. Davis. All their problems upon coming here are just melting away... But naturally, they can never get what they want. Gabe was disconnected from this entire stupid demonstration of Jake's amazing illusions. She put her elbow on the table and leaned into her open palm. She let out an exhale as she looked around the cafe. Which was a lot fucking harder when you were missing an eye, but she learned to live with it. Gabe's gaze directed itself to the doors of the cafe, someone just walked in and.... "Hey!" She shouted, immediately jumping out of her seat and slamming her palms onto the hard table. It was none other than Abraham Gene, the person she had a bone to pick with. It was about time someone taught him a lesson, that you can't just do what the hell you want and everyone will bend forward for you! "Gene! Ya' got a lot of nerve tryin' to fuck with one of us!"

"...What?" Jake looked around the second Gabe exploded in anger. He knew Gabe well enough that when she acts like this, he knows that she's seen someone she doesn't like. Because the concept of being subtle is alien to her. Jake whipped around towards the center of Gabe's attention - and of course. It's Abraham Gene. He can never leave Jake alone, now can he? "Oh god..." Jake said as he put his face into his palms. He was just hoping he could just avoid Abe much as possible and enjoy this near-perfect paradise for what it is! But, no, he has to get fucked with twenty-four-seven.

Abraham took a brief recess from his whimsical playing at the sound of abrupt yelling. With his name, to boot! How wonderful! Abe turned to face Gabe's outrage with glee. Half of it was simply toy with the firecracker of a gal. Really, he didn't care to waste his time on the Valos' tonight. He had his fair share earlier - was there blood under his fingernails? Oh god, the blood of serfs. On him. Such taint.

"I have a lot of a lot'a things, baby doll," Abe whimsically patronized, "and nerve is just the tip of the iceberg!"

"Oooooh!" Sylvia said with a cheeky grin. She poked Jake with an elbow. "It's your boyfriend, Jake, how about you go put on some makeup and say hello...?"

"Oh shut up." Jake snarled at Sylvia. He needed to stop this before it escalated, which, with two trigger happy morons, will happen in a flash. He jumped up and grabbed Gabe by the shoulder and pulled her down. "Calm down. We're already in deep shit, don't get us in anymore..."

"... I ain't-" Gabe tried to reply only to get cut off.

"That proud shit isn't going to fly here. Look around you," Jake observed everyone here, "There's like five hundred damn people here, if you start something here, we're probably going to get thrown off the island."

"My, my! And my last girlfriend said that I was self-centered!" Abraham chuckled. Man, what cute siblingry! Little firecracker getting held up by Slim Jim. Slim Jim! That's a good one. Short, skinny, unbearably greasy, and lacking in taste. "Don't flatter yourself Slim Jim, I just came around to eat something - haven't had a bite since that sashimi on board, so I'm feeling a bit peckish."

Abe's clever smile turned smug.

"If your sister or lady friend right there ain't shy though, I'd be down for eating out - if you catch my drift."

Sylvia started quietly giggling underneath her breath, putting her hand over her mouth, with a cheeky smile on her face. "... Maaaaaaybe later." She said for no reason other than to string this meat-head along. Entertaining the idea that he'll ever get close to getting with her. Sure he was a hunk, but Sylvia liked the wimpy innocent boys - Like Nicholas! The kind that she could corrupt to her heart's content.

He winked at Sylvia and walked away from the group with hearty, amused laughter. Man, what a riot those two. Now, what's here? If it's fish sticks and french fries, he's gonna throttle a punk-ass little shit. He sure didn't know what he was getting into on the way here. Some higher class food ought to be the least they could do.

Jake and Gabe watched as Abe walked away. God damn they hated that smug-ass bastard, and being trapped on an island with his ass didn't help. But whatever he was walking away, and they were just dandy with him being far away from him. Though, Gabe was going to teach him a lesson or two when there aren't so many witnesses - because they're always getting in the way. Gabe decided to distract herself with her coffee, thankfully that resistance to heat allowed her to down it like it was nothing. Still, no matter how much coffee she consumed, she was still fucking angry. At Abe... and now Sylvia.

"Sylvie," Gabe started off, oddly calm, "don't fucking fraternize with that rock bastard."

"I'm not fucking fraternizing with anyone!" Sylvia replied, "I think he's fun-nay!"

"Then why the fuck don't ya' head ova' there then?!" Gabe snarled, "Get some fucking laughs!"

"Maybe I fucking will!" Sylvia got up off the chair and marched her way over to Abe's table. What the fuck was her problem? They were like sisters... but it's not like sisters never fought. Whatever! Sylvia was going to have the bestest of all times with Abe. At least he'll treat her right!

Abraham still stood by the cafe' line. Hmm. Steak salad. Whose idea was that? A man who wants a teak turns his nose at salads, and girls who turn to salads are doing that to lose weight - because there's clearly no other reason - and putting a steak on a salad acts counter-productive to that! Ugh. The selection was poor. He looked the food once more. Seriously, back home, he could get food from one of the - oh God! Oh God! Was that a fly?! Did a fly just land on some of the food?! And the guy behind the window just waved it off!

Yeah, it's time to get out of here. Abe lft the scene with a cup of black coffee and a bag of corn chips, which he had gotten at the end of the line with a pre-packaged container of guacamole. He didn't trust the guy back there. His only experience cooking was probably in a prison. He sat down at his table, discouraged by his unexpectedly small meal.

Sylvia slid her way into Abe's table, "Heeeeeeeeeey, there," She said with a cheeky grin. "I decided to take you up on that offer." She laughed.

Abe's head perked up at the sudden arrival of a familiar voice. Oh? So it's this girl! 'Ha! Feelin' pretty sly right now.' He thought. And some of the most beautiful words ever spoken came from her lips! Yes! Booya! His meal started looking a lot bigger.

"Oh? Is that right?" Abe purred. "And what was the straw that broke the camel's back?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Adam Leo Blackmore, & Dana Lucille Alcott.
Adam listened to Aislin's story with open ears. That was the most he could do as he wasn't attentive enough to stop her. He looked down at her, his professional glare never escaping her. How could he be so foolish to assume these children would sit tight after being healed? How could he assume someone would stop them? But, ah, that was the problem. He assumed too much when he needed to take action himself. Nonetheless, it was time to rectify that. He listened to Aislin, casually crossing his arms. Her problem came when she went out by herself without telling anymore. She should have left it to him. She should have stayed put. But what's done is done. Ms. Rose would certainly stop herself from snooping around again, but he had to keep the rather cold comments to himself. However, once Aislin continued, her story about what happened... Adam's heart sank. She ran into a strange man that almost killed her, and it all ended with Luis getting killed himself. This was completely unacceptable! Strange men on the island was one thing, but they were threatening students. Adam should have went out to look for this woman, instead of leaving it up to Aislin, but he never expected her to run into a maniac.

Oh, God. It was worse than what Dana thought it was. As she listened to the story, she ended up playing with her fingers nervously. It was truly foolish of Aislin to go down there alone, but Dana Alcott never leaves a friend to go it alone. If only Dana was there sooner, she could have apprehended this man. There was no way in hell that he would be able to compete with Dana. She could have stopped him! She could have... No. She couldn't have done anything. Dana let out a sigh as she looked down at the floor - What a beautiful rug... She was too slow, and she abandoned her friends in the hospital. Through her glasses a small tear rolled down her cheek to her jawline. But - I will wipe my own tears. With a hand she slid it against her healthy skin, and wiped the tear dry. It was like it wasn't there. "Aislin..." She started off, speaking valiantly. "I was not there for you before, but I promise you I will not leave your side until it's over." And that was a promise Dana intended on keeping.

Adam immediately got off from the table, and stood valiantly over the two women. "Ms. Rose," He started off, taking his glasses off for a second to brush this. "This is completely unacceptable. I will not stand by and let my students be put in danger like this." He immediately pulled out a cellphone, pressing speed-dial to get in contact with the Headmaster immediately. While the phone rung,  "Pick up, dammit..." Adam hissed into his phone, before turned towards the girls. "Girls, the school is going on lockdown."

"Really...? This was the first time it's happened in like... years." Dana remembered the first time she's experienced the school went into lock down... It was a scary experience for everyone. Dana never wanted it to happen again.

"Yes, Ms. Alcott, and it's necessary for another one." Adam replied sternly. Thank God, he got through to the Headmaster. He raised a wrinkled finger up to the two girls. "Mr. Dellamorte. We have a situation. The island has been compromised. Mhm, yessir. A student has been attacked in the caves, her name is Aislin Rose. I want a security detail sent there immediately. Ms. Rose is-"

A thunderous crash roared through the school and loudly impacted the school. Where ever this energy hit, it definitely didn't miss it's mark. The lights went out mid-sentence and provided a rude interruption to the conversation. Adam jolted as the power shut off, and darkness filled his vision. Eyes wide open. "Good lord!" Adam let out the noise. He knew this office like the back of his hand, so it didn't take too much effort to hobble over to the window and peak out of it. He shuffled aside the blinds and peaked out, he squinted. "It seems that the power has gone out school wide...." He observed. "... This is no good."

The lightning strike caused Dana to loudly yelp. Naturally, she immediately shifted into her alternate form. Since there was no way for anyone to see her at this given moment. "... You think?" Dana replied blankly - though her ghostly voice removed all manner of speech from her words. "Aislin, can you shine a light on me?" She asked Aislin.

Adam turned the brightness on his own phone up by a little bit. "Everyone stick with me"
Theresa Sindel Obott.
Daaayum, that's one large pill. For one large croco. Bet that wasn't the biggest thing you've put in your mouth! Theresa tried to get her usual back and forth going with Henry, but she just wasn't feeling it right now. It was something about the mood, and Rosette being annoying, that just ruined the whole flow. And she couldn't get back into it! She let out a sigh, then tried to keep eating the food... A weird feeling crept up her throat from her stomach. A sickening feeling, which made her stop next-to-instantly. She immediately cupped her mouth with both hands. Trying her damn near best to fight the feeling down, letting out a short cough. It felt like she was losing this fight. God dammit, not now, not here. She needed food to keep her damn metabolism going, she'll die if she keeps vomiting. Right when she felt like she was at her breaking point, she managed to fight it all down. Still, she felt queasy. Very nauseated. For now, she was going to cut the food intake down for a few. Just because she was about to projectile vomit over everyone here. Then she'll have to start eating again! Though, with all this coughing, she most likely put a bit of her narcotic into the air. One cough or sneeze was enough to put a noticeable amount into the air. She'd appreciate it if her power is kept as much of a secret as possible. Henry knew - But she can trust Henry. Rosette? Well, not so much. Fortunately her trusty purple scarf was waiting right here for her. She quickly wrapped it around her face, and tightened it into a thick knot behind her head.

The teen let out one sigh, one hand was being used to grasp her stomach. She had been ignoring the conversation so far. But she had heard Rosette get a little bit too chatty. Most of what Rosette said was ignored by Tess. Because Jesus. This woman, personality-wise, was odd as all hell, and just as annoying. When you put those two together, and add in talking-too-much, you got yourself a droll human being in general! However, Rosette was kind enough to apologize. Maybe, just maybe, Theresa was annoying Rosette. There wasn't any reason to reject Rosette's apology, other than saying that the little woman-child was being annoying herself. Heh. Whatever gets the ball rolling and allows her to keep having fun. She tried to reply, but she still felt a little sick. Her mouth moved, but before she could let out the first word, she let out a quiet cough. Feeling absolutely worse. "... It's, uh, cool. I only wanted to fool around. Let off steam, you know..." Exactly what it came down to in Theresa's eyes. That whole incident required some fun. Just fun. Maybe it was at the expense of Rosette, but no one was getting hurt here (Unless over-twisted panties counted as an injury...).

... And of course Henry had to recap what happened. Rather liberally she might add. With a brief roll of her eyes, Theresa sunk back into her chair, her lower body going underneath the table, she was twiddling her thumbs. She was trying to ignore the conversation, and think happy thoughts. Puppies! Kittens! Sunshiiiine! Whatever didn't depress her. Though, one thing had caught her ears: the identity of the big bad monster that attacked Aislin. Henry didn't exactly say who it was, but he said that it was a student transformed. Theresa herself didn't exactly catch what happened after the incident (She had guessed that a healer came by). She didn't think too much about it (Trying to forget it all), but she had guessed it was another meta-human. There's not an animal in existence that is close to it. But man. What a hell. Forced to become a beast and kill people... Or at least that's what Theresa thought. For all she knew, the guy/gal wanted this. Whatever, the reason, Theresa was going to give this mystery person the benefit of the doubt and keep her distance....

... There's no way in high hell Theresa is going anywhere near this beast-student.

Henry's story went over Rosette's head. She didn't react to it even in the slightest and just went on to talking about herself. Which was preeeetty weird, since she was the chick who was asking how he got injured. Ask a question then forget about it a second later? Suuuure. Theresa had to roll her eyes. She sat here awkwardly realizing that she was sitting here playing with her thumbs. Doing piss all nothing. That wasn't right. But enough of that. Theresa listened to Rosette's little story about how she got thrown in the slammer. Pttf. Tess never even seen the detention center, because she was such a classy act that she never came close to being sent there. Except for those few times she spiked Adam's coffee. Oh boy was he pissed! But, hey, it was worth it.

Still, Rosette's story made Theresa think even less of her. She threatened someone's life...? Whoa, that's escalating it a little too quickly. She thought that the guy probably freaked out because he knew that she was a Meta-human. One of the most dangerous people on the planet. He probably thought that she would splatter him against the wall. Even Theresa herself had a dangerous power if she used it  right (At the same time, it could be helpful. Helping Aislin was an example of that). Of course, these thoughts were kept to herself. Merely because she wasn't exactly the type who'd give someone a good dressing down.

"Heh, you know, show me a pig that can fly, then I'll believe a grown man was scared of a little itty bitty-" Unfortunately the crash of lightning caused her little poke at Rosette to be cut short. She let out a quiet squeal before grasping her mouth. Jesus, she was about to vomit again! She tried to hold it in and hope that the surprise doesn't make her do something she'll regret. 'Something she'll regret' being vomiting all over the place. She held it in one last time, before letting out a sigh of relief. It's about time that she finds a trash can, or a toilet, or a...

... Oh, yeah, the lights are off. Darkness. Darkness far as Theresa's eye can see. Fortunately the sudden surprise of darkness was nullified a bit by the battle with her own gut. "Oh boy." Theresa bluntly, devoid of all emotions, "I have taken many close and precise observations, found plenty of clues clues, made many deductions, pieced together this puzzle, and I can safely announce..." she paused for dramatic flare, "... that it's really dark in here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Red Winston

And just when the conversation started, the lights went out. A blackout. That's great....Red was hurt all over from a sinking ship adventure, hurt from the powers of a psychologically unstable adult, fell sick and he is now faced with a blackout. What could get worse? Frightened first years who cannot control their powers going berserk...maybe things could get worse after all...

"It seems that our little reunion is going to have to wait until the lights are back. But if you want my opinion, we shoukd avoid staying in the lounge...People might panic in such a situation and things can turn out to be quite hectic!"

Of course, Red wasn't only thinking of just going out in the rain. Even sick, there was ine thing that wouldn't change. His curiosity. Taking advantage of the situation, he touched Deborah and Shannon to establish mental contact with Deborah's ability. Then ne proposed:

I think that this is a good chance to ditch Poppy and make a go for a new expedition, a more authentic one, I might add!", the last phrase containing a bit of humourous sarcasm.

Victoria LaRousse

Victoria, after returning from her little adventure with her nosy roommate and her friends, spent most of her afternoon in her dorm. That was because, as soon as sne returned, she learned thst Henry was wounded in the hospital. It was a nasty surprise thst, combined with the mental stress she had, exhausted her. While she was fooling around in the shipwreck, Henry was exposing himself to God-knows-what kind of danger. If only she would go with him on the jungke expedition, she could help him, support him and for that, she blamed herself. Her power was strong enough to give Henry a hand and she could handle herself pretty well.

She didn't hear any news from Chris after they returned to the Academy. She thought of paying him a visit, but wasn't in the mood to do so. That's when a thunder was heard and the lights went out.

"Stupid Academy...You have technology to support and suppress some of the world's most powerful individuals, yet the electricity is cut from a simple thunder...stupid Americans!", she said to herself.

However, the blackout gave Victoria a boost in her mood. The blackout made her uneasy about how things were running in the Academy, whicn in turn made her worry about Henry once again. For her, there wasn't the slightest possibility to let Henry get injured again, at least not without her trying to protect him. She had to go to her beloved, although she was pretty much tired herself. Without wearing a jacket, only a white T-shirt and a pair of running trunks, she jumped out of her dorm window and changed place with a big rock she placed nearby beforehand to control her landing. It was her usual faster exit for the dorms.

Getting awfully wet, the rain turning her T-shirt semi-transparent and revealing her underwear without her noticing, Victoria ran around the Academy yelling:

"Henryyyy! Where are youuuu?! It's Victoria, mon ami!!"

She was clueless as to where Henry was, but she counted on his heightened senses to hear her voice and find her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SerpentGear


Member Offline since relaunch

Rosette Sauveterre

Rosette found it amusing when a flash of lightning startled Theresa, but mainly because it had cut her off before she could say something irritating about the way Rosette looked. In truth, that amusement really wasn’t appropriate, considering that the lights went out, but Rosette’s preferred brand of humor had a tendency to alight on the dark side. She had noted, though, how Theresa had suddenly developed a kind of unhealthy pallor to her features, as though she were feeling sick. It did seem that the incident that had thrown Henry through a tree had somehow affected her, as well. At the same time, Rosette had suffered her own trials, and therefore, she didn’t care to have any sort of dramatic reaction, when it was clear that everyone was fine. Rosette had spent a lot of time in a state where her only thoughts revolved around self-preservation, and often, she stayed in that mindset, regardless if she wanted to or not.

When Theresa decided to make a grand speech about how dark it was in the room, Rosette actually found the statement comical, as the dryness in it appealed to her own sense of humor. The fact that they were in a dark place, though, was more immediate as a concern. The lightning had also seemed quite unusual, in that Rosette did not hear any sort of thunder before it happened. Her own personal belief was that if a storm formed over the ocean and would have lightning, it would have violent crashes of thunder long before it hit land. She supposed, though, wondering about weather patterns was the least of the problem, though she reminded herself to do research if she got the chance.

“Well, power outages will happen during storms like this, although the lightning comes as a bit of a surprise. I do not recall the entire time since it has been raining that there was any sort of thunder to alert us to the presence of lightning strikes.” She said, stating this personal opinion aloud. She then sighed, and stood up, although nobody would hear her rise from her seat. “I suppose we should go look for flashlights or something along those lines?” She voiced this as a kind of question.

Codi Bailey

Codi was just walking into the cafeteria entrance to eat dinner when a loud crash of lightning blew out all of the power. She yelped a bit, but quickly recovered, having been through countless power outages before. She and Atticus had lived in a location out in the country where the power went out virtually every single time a thunderstorm happened. It was extremely annoying, but generally, there was some sort of small power surge that told everyone to unplug their appliances or turn them off so they didn’t get damaged by everything. In scenarios like this, where nobody knew to save their devices beforehand, the power outage would likely damage some electrical equipment, which was a nightmare to fix or replace.

Deciding to avoid the chances of a person bumping into the urchin on her back, she backed up so that Reef’s spines faced towards the wall next to the entrance, and sighed, a bit annoyed. She really was hungry, but nobody was comfortable eating when it was pitch black and you couldn’t see your food. In fact, she couldn’t get it even if she wanted to, because she had no idea what was being served. She could survive for a bit longer, but it was irritating how inopportune the whole thing was. She also had no idea where Atticus or anybody she knew was, and although she wasn’t exactly scared of the dark, she didn’t quite enjoy being alone in it.

Atticus Fowler

Most people were bothered by the power going out, but because he was in his creature form, Atticus was not troubled by the sudden darkness. The membranes covering the organs beneath his eyes folded back to reveal a brilliant pure-red light, and several other membranes present in the lure on his head also folded back, allowing the blue bioluminescent lure to shine and help see. These did not aid others, except to notify them that something or someone was leaving the hospital. To Atticus, however, these two light-producing parts of his body made him see perfectly, although in truth, he did not need them at all to find his way in the dark. Even in human form, he was more comfortable in the shadows like this; he would even be free enough to remove his tinted lenses, although his creature form was still better-adapted, overall.

He decided he would probably wander around and help people trying to find their way around the school. Not everyone could see in the dark, and the inability to see was a miserable thing. Atticus knew from the times when he would wake up with light somehow managing to get into his room, where he would have to shield his eyes and blindly search for his lenses. Blindly searching, he had found, was a good way to waste time, as well as get badly hurt from bumping into things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Engel
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Engel Wonderland Psychotic Wonderland Perfection

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aileen O'Reilly

Aileen was in a rather good mood, despite being forced to change her old roommate for someone new, based on nothing else than suspicions. Hehe, she’d show them that it wasn’t the two of them put together that were the problem. Aileen could start plenty of mischief on her own, or perhaps with this new roommate. Still, she’d miss her old one, but with an end comes a beginning.

She finished packing, closed the bag and gave the handle to Yuyu. He’d manage to drag it down the halls since it had wheels on it. Aileen carried a smaller bag herself with the most essential things in it, like her credit cards and toothbrush. She took one last look around the room to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything, then she closed the door.

“Come on.” She said to Yuyu as the lights went out.

She heard him move down the corridor with her bag, and bump into a wall. Aileen’s storage wasn’t entirely full, but there were a lot of solar energy to draw on. She only needed a little to see where she was going, so she lit up the palm of her hand and used it as a flashlight. It had a dull light to it, not the powerful one she could muster if she wanted too.

Her first task was to make sure that Yuyu was fine. He had gotten further than she expected, and was rubbing his head with his chubby hands, but wasn’t too badly hurt. Aileen put him on top of the bag with wheels, taking the handle herself.

“Relax, I’ll get us there.” Aileen told him when he began to climb off the bag to return to his assigned job. He didn’t make any attempt to argue or disobey. Besides, she’d checked out the door before and it wasn’t that far.

She lit their way, walked slowly and soon arrived at her new room. Aileen knocked on the door to see if this Kade was inside, but as she heard nothing and no one came to open for her, she assumed the girl was somewhere else. Aileen opened the door, with a key she’d been given earlier, and found it as dark inside as in the hallway.

Rolling the bag carefully inside, and closing the door behind them, she checked which bed was already occupied and took the other one as hers. She lay down on top of the bed, turned off her weak sunlight to conserve it and patted the side of the bed as a gesture for Yuyu to climb up on it. He did, after struggling a bit. The plant was like a cat or a dog, but more useful than either. He was chubby, green, slightly shorter than a meter tall and covered by tiny flowers. He’d been with her for years by now.

“I wonder when this Kade will return.” Aileen said after a while. “It would be a shame if someone took this opportunity to learn more about her…” She glanced at Yuyu next to her with a grin, and could swear the same mischievous grin was on his face.

“I’ve got the door.”

She sat up in her bed. Yuyu climbed off of it, making a sound that could be compared to laughter and rushed over to the other side of the room. Another thudding noise was heard as he hit something again, but he didn’t seem to mind as much this time, not now that he got a chance to help his master with more of her mischief. They’d only look through Kade’s stuff to see what they may learn, nothing too sinister, not so early.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Henry Olin

The lights went out as soon as the lighting struck. It had to have been the combination between a few strikes to overload the generators like this. It had so. It hadn't happened for a long time, but...

The lights went out.

Henry began to sense with the pits below his eyes. He didn't shut his eyes, allowing them to adjust to use the minimal amount of light that was provided to the maximum proficiency. He could see smaller details better in combination with his heat seeking, but either alone would've left him only able to see general shapes if they weren't warm. He remained seated for a moment, simply watching Theresa and Rosette for a moment before he spoke up.

"I can't hear you. It's too dark."

Nailed it. He looked over to the cafeteria doors as Codi entered the building. He watched them for a moment, taking care to look them over in detail to be sure they were who he thought they were. He made no sound, but stood up to walk to the doorway. As Codi has come in, he heard someone yelling outside over the rain. Normally he wouldn't care much about it, or mind it, but whomever it was they obviously needed him for something. He stood up, and walked over to the doors, deftly evading Codi's spines as she backed up near the wall that he was walking behind. Probably not on purpose, as she didn't know he was there. He opened the door, allowing the rain to spray on him for a moment and the loud and cold wind to pass over him. He shivered. His body was warm blooded, but hovered at about 76 degrees fahrenheit. So while he could survive most temperature changes or shift his metabolism to cold blooded without much repercussion to his body, he was still affected by the cold more than mammals were. "In the Cafeteria!" he quite nearly roared back, his sandpapery deep voice very easily distinguishable over the rain. Henry then very quickly shut the door and then turned back around to face the red and yellow shapes that were Codi and Theresa.

"So, does anyone wanna play Marco Polo? We're not in a pool or anything but hey it could be fun."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Theresa Sindel Obott.
"What do you-" Theresa replied to Henry when he said something rather confusing. He can't hear in the dar- "Ooooooh..." It quickly dawned on the black haired teen and she slapped her forehead with a goofy smile on her face. Heh, thanks for pointing out the obvious, Ms. Boring McBorington. Theresa had to smirk when Rosette spoke. Flashlights? Yeah who carried those around? Super prepared paranoid loons, that's who. For all the normal, non-loons, they had cellphones. "Oh, Rosie, flashlights are sooooo last century." Thank God most cellphones have a flashlight app. She quickly dug into her pocket... Oh yeah, she couldn't grab what wasn't even there. She let out a sigh of frustration, and crossed her arms and pouted. God dammit. Her phone got trashed by the tidal wave. Something that is certainly awful on her tummy. She still needed to find somewhere to vomit all this food up. Shit, it'll take one hell of a toll on her metabolism, but there's no point in eating up when all she's going to do is upchuck it. Whatever. Theresa would have to rely on her perfect sight and sense of smell... Okay, okay, maybe looking for flashlights didn't sound like a bad idea. Problem was that Henry was most likely the only person in here who could even see in the dark... Actually where did that lizard-man go?

He was here a second ago... Well, crap. Looks like she's going to feeling around in the dark until she found something. Heh, you know, this might end up like one of those cheesy murder mysteries. Lights flash back on and - surprise motherfucker - there's a dead guy with a knife in his bum. Heh, only in the movies. Fortunately Theresa doesn't have to worry about that, right? Enough of those thoughts, Henry shouted at someone and she quickly - no, she decided to take it slow and steady, she is in the cafeteria after all, might slip over someone's clam chowder! - followed his voice after grabbing her saxophone case and throwing it over her shoulder. Going off the sound of the door opening and closing, Theresa guessed that he was near the door. It looked like someone else was here, but okay, she wasn't sure, but maybe a little bit of confirmation is in order?

Henry helped by suggesting that everyone plays a little silly game of marco-polo. What fun! "Suuuuure!" Theresa said enthusiastically, flashing a toothy smile. "Hold on, let me start us off...." Theresa took in a deep breath, before letting out the loudest and mightiest, "MARCO!" she could. Once she was finished, she quietly giggled. Of course, that was probably not the best idea, since she suddenly she felt sick. Oh God, there wasn't no fighting it down this time! It was a pressure that was building up and she had to release it before it was too late! She covered her mouth with a palm as she stumbled around, her head was desperately scanning for a place to vomit - but she couldn't find any! Dear god, no, no, no. Just hold it.... Theresa bent over forward, and let all the food she ate come out in a chunky and multicolored waste that puddled on the floor at her feet (And even got on her shoe!). It was not the best feeling having a large amount of food come out of her mouth, she still felt it in her throat, and had that same sickly feeling in her gut. But this time she didn't have to. There she was, kneeling over a puddle of her own vomit, hands on knees.

Obviously not Theresa's greatest moment.

"... Oh god...." She wiped her face off, and shuddered. But, hey, at least it felt good having that massive load taken off her shoulders. All she had to do was not be seen with a puddle of vomit when the lights come back on! She jumped (literally) straight up, and put her hands behind her back. She stepped her way to the side, and waited for something interesting to happen!
Deborah Lillian Termellio, & Shannon Jacqueline Balore.
"Oh, sh-!" Deborah almost let the swear leave her lips, but she remembered she was in the presence of kids - and, come on, she had some modesty. Jesus, the lights went out. Probably some mighty big lightning hit the building and knocked out the whole damn grid - which is annoying. This posed a large problem for Deborah, her power needed her five senses, and she relied on her sight the most. Christ, now she has to hear around for everything. But wait! Technology says that her phone might be of assistance here... Deborah pulled out her Android phone, and quickly fished for that flashlight app she has (Because let's be honest here, who carries around a flashlight?). A smile etched across her lips as she put the brightness on high, and scanned her environment. Nicholas was here, Poppy was there.... She nearly jolted when Red touched her (He plans on establishing a mental link between everyone). Ooooh, how does Mr. Winston plan on indulging Deborah's curiosity today? Red didn't disappoint... mostly. He planned on heading on another adventure, go find out new things... only that she had to leave Poppy behind. Tempting as Red's offer sounded, she didn't want to leave Poppy all by herself in the dark - Especially after she made friends with the little girl.

Sorry, Winston. She's staying with me. It doesn't feel right leaving her all alone in the dark. Deborah replied mentally. Hope you understand that.

On the other hand, Shannon replied with apathy as the lights went out. Because why should she freak out when the lights go out? It's just a little darkness. Every kid probably has a phone or something - Please, spare her the over-dramatics. She rolled her eyes. "Eek." She dryly said, taking another bite of her cake. She tossed the fork back into the tray, and used her power to liberate her cellphone out of her pocket. Before she could play around on her phone, Red had the bloody nerve to touch her without her permission. She was tempted to break it off and give it back to him. Shannon tensed her hands and upper body, and her eyes were hyper focused on the offending extremity. She whipped her hand at Red's, getting his filthy paws off her. The way it should be. Giving him a short and sweet, "Hands off." comment.

"... Alrighty, then." Deborah's smile quickly turned awkward as she watched the scene and hoped that Red wouldn't reply too negatively. It was in Shannon's nature to be so... aloof. And no one understood that more than Deborah. "How about we all head somewhere else? Anywhere else? Red has a bit of a point here, people do show their true colors in the dark...." Not that Deborah wouldn't want to know herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SerpentGear


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Rosette Sauveterre and Codi Bailey

There was a yelp from next to the door, “Henry? Oh, dear, I didn’t almost pin you to the wall, did I?” She fretted, concerned, since the voice had come from very close and from behind her. She would feel extremely guilty if she hurt someone by sheer accident. It was no mystery that Reef’s presence on her back was cumbersome at times, but if it came to the point that she accidentally hurt someone, she would probably hate herself. She was then hit by another thought, “Wait a minute, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the hospital?”

“Codi? You’re here, too?” Rosette’s voice came from the dark. The two had met each other before they even reached the school, having come on the same boat because of their close living areas. Rosette’s home was established in a wealthier neighborhood that was somewhat mountainous about two hours from where Codi and Atticus were. The homes were further spread out from one another, which allowed far more privacy, although one struggled to see the well-kept residences as being in the same boat as the rural places where the other two passengers had lived. Where Codi and Atticus lived, pastures with cattle could be found roughly fifteen minutes away from the property, and families privately raising chickens, goats, or small gardens were not an uncommon occurrence.

It was then that the terrible sound of retching drew the attention of both girls, "Uh, did someone just uh..." Codi didn't bother finishing the sentence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakattacks


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nicholas Raynor

As the lights went out, Nicholas quickly grabbed a hold of a nearby piece of furniture with his left hand, though, it wasn't out of just fear. He didn't want to stub his toe on something, so having his hand on a piece of furniture allowed him to have some level of understanding of where items were in this darkness. Then a thought occurred to him. He could repel this darkness. He did have the means, after all, and he had given his body at least a little time to rest. So he might as well put himself to use. Quickly, a white flame of white color took hold over his right hand, the energy from it seeping into his arm quickly and beginning to mend his arm little by little, bones regenerating and adjusting themselves to their proper positioning. It wouldn't take long before it was completely healed. But that wasn't the point. This very same flame illuminated the area in a white light, making sure that at least a part of the room was clearly lit up around him, as he slowly lifted up his arm to get a better vantage point. "...There. Now I can actually see where I'm stepping."

His eyes quickly dashed towards Red and his hands. Hrm...he wasn't exactly sure what that was about, but something about it seemed strange, off to him. Perhaps another ability? He wasn't even sure, but he wasn't going to speculate on that too much longer. He looked at Deborah, slowly nodding. "That sounds like a smart enough idea. No sense waiting around. Maybe we should try to find out what knocked out the power?" He asked, moving to readjust his backpack so that he was ready to get going the moment they got going. After all, he didn't want to get left behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Red Winston

Deborah's reply made Red feel bad, because he seemed like the bad guy. Leaving Poppy alone and just heading off to somewhere was not a nice thing to do admittingly, but Red was the type of person who, once he sets his priorities straight, would pay all his attention to them. However, Deborah had a point. The first time Red talked to Poppy was because she was crying. She was a fragile character, so it would be best to keep an eye on her. He took advantage of Deborah using her phone for light and scoped around for anything unusual, but everything was mostly in place for the time being.

"You are right...Let's stay together. Poppy would appreci...Woah!"

Red's mental conversation was interrupted by Shannon's overreaction. Red was already convinced that Shannon disliked him and would usually not pay much attention to it either, but her overreacting character was getting into his head. Maybe the sickness made his a little less patient than he would normally be, but he was annoyed by her gesture. He turned his head and covered his mouth to cough away from the girls and noticed that another person was with the group, a person he noticed that was with them before, but didn't really pay attention to.

"My sickness must be really affecting me...I wouldn't normally miss a person standing near me like that."

He tried to make his usual profiling by sight, but he couldn't concentrate to compare his details to his information, so he once again turned to Shannon. He had to make things clear between them one way or another, so he took the initiative and said:

"Shannon, your reactions are going to give me a hard time. If you don't decide to make clear what's your problem with me, I will not be able to fix it, no matter how eager I am to do so. So, instead of acting like a spoiled girl and just bitching your way out of your problems, try to make things right by facing them...", then he turned to Deborah," ...and yeah, I agree that we should get to somewhere else. I am certain that both the Garden and the Hospital will have backup generators in order to function properly. Except if you have something else in mind."

Victoria LaRouse

Victoria was certain that she heard Henry's voice, who said that he was in the Cafeteria. With the location pinpointed, the only thing left for Victoria to do was to go there. Her clothes were heavy from the water they had absorbed, by the time she reached the cafeteria. She opened the door and entered, but it was too dark to see who was there. Her vision was vital for her powers to work, so protecting Henry from any possible threat was much more difficult in here. First things first. She had to find Henry in the dark. The only peculiar thing in the room was a bad smell in the room (from Theresa's vomiting). Nothing more. She decided to use her phone for light, but it short-circuited from the rain outside. She wanted to swear, but thought that she shouldn't startle Henry, which also made her question herself if there is someone else in here. She said:

"Croco-boy, c'est moi! Are you here? For any other person who is here, I am Victoria, Henry's friend!"

A thought came by Victoria's head when she shouted. She thought that something similar to a movie could happen, like her looking for people in a place that's full of zombies. Although, in her mind, she would kick the asses of the zombies, hard. Taking advantage of the darkness, she took her T-shirt off, to dry it somehow. She hoped that the lights wouldn't come back quickly, it would be embarassing, especially if someone else was in the room. She had the bad luck to wear a black bra with purple outline, which she thought was very provocative.

"If anybody's here, please don't turn on any lights soon, or you can kiss your assess goodbye!" she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Dana..." Aislin watched the tear she wiped from her eye.

"I was not there for you before, but I promise you I will not leave your side until it's over." She said, confidence brimming in her voice. The tense knot in Aislin's stomach loosened, and she gave Dana a look filled with gratitude. 

Adam rose to his feet at her conclusion. "Ms. Rose," Oooh shit, he took off the glasses. "This is completely unacceptable. I will not stand by and let my students be put in danger like this."

She grimaced. "Yes sir." His reaction was the type she expected. Ah, her story did her no justice. She left without a word into a jungle filled with the unknown. And she stepped into the gaping mouth of a snake, her and her stupid naïveté. It was almost a relief to hear the school being locked down, that meant Adam took her seriously. Maybe... Maybe we can finally relax. She thought, releasing a slow exhale. 

As Mr. Blackmore spoke with the headmaster on his phone, a very strange thing happened. A brief flash of light sparked behind the blinds, and a deafening sound echoed through the halls. For a terrifying moment Aislin found herself back in the depths of the caves, the smell of gunpowder souring the air. 

Fate, it seemed, was not without a sense of mockery. With the lights out the office quickly plunged into darkness. Aislin raced to pat herself down; she needed a light, pronto. Something to push away the stinging, creepy feeling the blackness brought with it. It was to her great dismay that her pockets turned up empty as her phone was lost in the tsunami wave. Her only other source, the lighter, was abandoned in the caves. Aislin fought to suppress her panic, slowly allowing her eyes to adjust. She had friends here, there was no reason to worry... 

"Aislin, can you shine a light on me?" Dana's warped voice was back, causing her to wrinkle her brow. Perhaps Dana's form change was an involuntary thing, but why would she want her form revealed? Aislin was confused as to the specifics of her powers, but she knew the power of observation had something to do with it. 

Aislin shrugged in the darkness, clutching the plush of her armchair. Gah, this made her uncomfortable. "I would, but I don't actually have one. Going to the shop for a new lighter was on my to-do list."

A cellular light shone out, pushing back the silhouettes and re-orienting Aislin. "Everyone stick with me." Adam said, still standing. 

Aislin searched for the source of Dana's voice in the dim lighting. Thank goodness one of them was prepared for anything. Of course, Mr. Blackmore had the reputation of divine luck. 

Well, the situation was certainly unique. In her mild paranoia Ailsin voiced her thoughts. "Anyone else thinking this might have been too well-timed? I mean... Bad weather is one thing, but what if the blackout was intentional?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Deborah Lillian Termellio, & Shannon Jacqueline Balore.
Now Mr. Winston was attempting to anger her. Shannon pursed her lips after hearing Red's tangent about her action. Oh, he thinks she has a problem now? The only thing she remotely had an issue with was Red laying a hand on her like they were friends, then having the nerve to call her out on it. Bah. Only Debby's allowed to lay a finger on her. Oh well, it's time to set Red straight and get a few things clear. With sunshine! She remained seated as she pivoted towards Red, and gently placed the cake tray down on the side. Someone was making light for them, she recognized him as that idealistic brat from earlier. Still not worth her time (And most likely never will be). The most sarcastic smile etched it's way across her face, she even let out a giggle or two.

"... There isn't a problem Red," She started off, hissing his name like it was offensive. "The second your hand stopped being on my body, the problem vanished." She took a sip of her coffee and flashed Red a smirk. Before she continued drinking.

Thankfully Nicholas's light allowed Deborah to get a clear view of the scene. Right now she was relying on her power to provide her with just a little insight (Red was greatly annoyed by Shannon's gesture, and confronted her about it). God dammit, Silkworm. This was seriously starting to get annoying. Shannon can't keep starting problems and being moody. Because so far, Deborah's the one solving all of them! She clenched her jaw and rolled her eyes up into her head. "Looks guys, let's not tear into each other right now...." She got between Red and Shannon and hoped that she could be the mediator between the two. If not, she would do nothing. "It's dark as hell and we should be focusing on more important things than stupid disagreements..." She placed the palm of her hand onto her face.

"Fine." Shannon sharply replied. "But I think we should leave here soon...." She looked over her shoulder as she grabbed her cake. She paid for this damn treat! She was sure as hell going to finish it. Here, there, elsewhere, where the hell ever. Shannon closed her phone as she jumped to her feet.

Deborah rolled her eyes yet again when Shannon grabbed the cake, but fortunately she decided to drop it. Which was all Deborah wanted. She now had to decide for everyone where to go. There was Red's idea... Going to the Garden or the Hospital. Deborah herself only really saw herself going there if she really needed power. Something that's not really necessary, since Nicholas is giving her all the light she needs. This was an opportunity! And Deborah never wastes her opportunities! She thought about snooping around the Administration building... which might be hard with two children with them - two children she barely knows. God dammit, it would go against her principles to get rid of them just so she could snoop around. Plus, she didn't feel comfortable leaving Poppy alone. Well, that left one thing, Nicholas's idea. Which actually might work. Poppy nor Nicholas would get exposed to any sensitive details that she would rather keep quiet about. Besides, she wanted to know what the hell knocked the power out. Because that couldn't have been one bolt of lightning that screwed the whole grid up.

"... How about we go with Nicholas' idea?" Deborah suggested out of the blue. She looked around the lounge. Yeah, it's been a few minutes and they're still standing around in the lounge, beating a dead horse. "Um, how about we all decide while we walk out...?" Deborah started heading towards the nearest exit, but before Shannon could walk by her side, Deborah brushed up against her and sent her a message.

... We're going to have a talk later.
Adam Leo Blackmore, & Dana Lucille Alcott.
"Oh..." Dana groaned in a low voice, her alien, ghostly, voice made it hard to emulate emotion. She shook her head. "... Okay."

A bright flashlight was shined upon Dana, and she immediately reverted back into a human. "I've got you covered Ms. Alcott." Adam said with a large flashlight in one hand, and pressed another against Aislin's chest. He had grabbed a flashlight from his desk. They always came in handy for when the lights went out like this. However, he had his suspicions that there was some foul play at hand here... Everything seemed so contrived, and planned, and Adam planned on getting to the bottom of this. One way or another.

"Thank you." Dana replied with a smile as she felt human again.

"Do not mention it," Adam leaned up against his desk. "I assure you, Ms. Rose, you are not alone." He tilted his glasses. "I get the feeling that something is strange here. Because blackouts on this scale are very rare..."

"What do you suggest we do?" Dana asked.

It was simple. Adam got off the desk and shined his light towards the door. "We are going to head to the only place I know has power; the hospital." Adam walked over the door, opened it, and scanned both ends of the hallway. Coast was clear. "Follow me..."

((Sorry for crappy pov, this is what I get for late night writing))
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