Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Perhaps the Cherod's would capture the Stone-Pelted Lynx, and domesticate them into loyal pets?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

That does sound like a good idea, it would give them a better reason as to why they weren't afraid nor harmful to those that passed by. It would also fit geographically speaking as well. Thanks!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Finally got this done and includes all the changes talked about, so I hope this works. If I miss any, let me know because I did a lot of revamping. The spells will be added as MacabreFox approves them. I'm so sorry... the bio turned into a small chapter. XD

Name: Angel Liadon (She rarely gives her Last name out in IC, so likely no one will know it.)
Age: 28EY=18HY
Race: Part Elf and Cherod (human)
Gender: Female
Class: Archer/Cursed Spell caster (depending)


Angel was born thanks to an ill-looked upon but a powerful union between an elven druid, Aust Liadon, and a Cherod woman, Julia Dysuria, of humble beginnings. Aust’s first wife and elder son’s mother had been murdered by some unnatural breast born of magic and cruelty several years prior to his encounter with Julia. Due to his need for justice and the fact he was a druid, one of Oradea’s own that chose to protect the natural world, Aust volunteered to stop the monster’s existence by any cost. Among his travels there came another task, one that took a secondary importance which was to examine the natural state of the other Regions during his journey. He spent many a year tracking it from the Dark Forest to the Blue Borderlands. Currently the last sighting had lead him to as far south as Cherod. It was little surprise he found the place was thick with suspicion and distrust, checking into a local tavern that was only a few days travel from the rumored sightings to be. It was here he met the woman that would one take his heart.

Julia longed for something more then she had as the sole daughter of a poor tavern keeper, a secret desire to explore the world and fall in love that conflicted with the Cherod’s cultured beliefs. This might’ve been the very reason she had been drawn to the strange Elven arrival in the first place. Unlike most love stories, this one didn’t happen instantly. Instead it grew gradually during his lengthy stay even after the beast’s death had been delivered. In their love’s height, the two had developed a bond so strong that when it was discovered the woman’s hand had been unwillingly promised to another, they fled. Quickly took to horses and then road, they eagerly left her fate behind in hopes for a better future then one without each other. Aust still had his secondary task he aimed to complete and with his new love by his side, they recorded the state of the world’s vast lands.

For a few years they wandered as nomads, roaming from town to town until the day it was realized Julia had a life inside of her. Aust beamed with heartfelt pride at the news and hastily made preparations, a written letter first to his son and to the King explaining his reason for returning back to Oradea sooner than expected. It was urgent to see a safe and stable home for his unborn child in the place he, himself, had grown up in.

The letter to his elder son had been the hardest. Merthias, surprising his father, had chosen to stay behind instead of tagging along in what he viewed as his father’s foolish wanderings. Aust knew there was likely to be some resentment towards him because of Julia and the unborn child, yet he was still hopeful. It wasn’t until Angel had been born and grown into a healthy, energetic child that Aust had received word from his son. He was stunned to discover that Merthias had agreed to meet them half way to the Dark Forest, directly from Angard province, due to some influence by the King.

Another important event was that Angel had started to show signs she had an intuitive with nature, something promising for a future Druid. Aust had begun her training on magic and starting with a small healing spell, unfortunately he would never see her become a lovely female Druid or fully grown for that matter. Something terrible would end Angel’s parents’ lives and change her forever.

It started off as innocent as a rough rainstorm, heavy and dangerous, had caused them to seek shelter within some temple ruins. One of the very few details Angel had managed to remember was the image she found carved above the entrance way: a rearing, onyx colored unicorn entrapped by twisted black thorns. It seemed to wink at her when the three entered before the memories disappear. The curse took hold that night and attached itself to the most vulnerable, ideal victim among the family. A six year who had some training would become its new host. Her body had changed, morphed into a horrifying creature that instantly set upon the mother first. The woman never had a chance to scream or know the murder’s image, killed with eyes still closed. Aust, on the other hand, had been woken up by crunching sounds and saw some inhuman creature that wore his daughter’s clothes eagerly devouring her mother’s dead corpse. Spell flashes were lost among the storm’s lightning and thunder drowned out the short combat sounds until all that could be heard was the familiar bone crunching once more resumed. Anjiru had a body once again…

Merthias had tracked his father and mother’s horses to the temple, despite the harsh rains and muddied trail, to find his step sister shivering over her parent’s half eaten corpses. It took time to settle the child but still, he gain little information about what had transpired during the night. Unsure what to do, the older Elven brother had spent a several days burying the bodies and caring for the child’s wounds, still fresh and unusual. Originally Merthias had assumed Angel became a lucky survivor from whatever had killed Aust and Julia, though he couldn’t fathom what monster would’ve done such a thing. No longer wished to dwell on it, he lifted Angel upon the horse to once more finish their journey to Oradae and to next determine his course of actions for her future.

It was a few weeks later that he soon discovered what had happened. During a stop by a river, Angel had vanished and caused him alarm while he searched for her in the darkness. She instead found him. Her small form had a hood over her face, hiding the changes, when her older brother had scooped her up only feel the dark effects of her magic. It was a vicious and terrible experience that Merthias was uncertain how he had managed to survive even to this day. Like before, all Angel remembered is waking up, her side bleeding and feeling nothing, as she looked up to see her brother prepared to finish her off. Needless to say it was an uncertain event that left both them confused.

Torn from his experience, his and her wounds mostly mended, Merthias hastened their way to the Dark Forest. Immediately he approached King Eyres about Angel’s condition in hopes to solve it. The Elven King seemed rather neutral at first but soon after they had determined the existence of a curse, the ruler of Oradaes had assigned a small group of mages to Angel’s case, their goal to seek a countercrux to lift it. In addition, Glif, a powerful mage and friend to the Royal family had tasked with looking after Angel in the case her dark half peered out. For the most part she grew up on the outer edge of the Elven Kingdom but not because of hate or fear, but precaution to make the slaughter minimal and controllable. Sadly Glif was among the oldest Elves who outright refused to be placed into one of the sanctuaries and thus perfect as he would need aid to live out his days.

However Angel’s older stepbrother wasn’t content with the ever failing results to finding a countercrux. Eventually he attempted what he believed was a solution that ended up having both positive as well as negative results. During a spell to create a magical item, a bracelet, to dampen any magical effects upon Angel, Merthias had lost his Elven form and transferred into the body of an owl. Forever stuck in his present condition, the bracelet had been able to negate Angel’s curse as well as any magical abilities she had before. Sadly the healing and protective spells the girl had worked so hard to master was now useless too. A price she knew was required. In the years to follow she had learned to master her archery and had time to adapt to his new form, able to care mostly for herself when Glif died in his sleep at the ripe age of 700. Their caretaker dead, it was decided they would explore the world she had so little knowledge of.


One of the few side effects from the curse is that it divides Angel’s personality as well as physical appearance and abilities into two different aspects:

The first and original is Angel.

The appearance below is Angel’s every day look when the bracelet is attached and at full power in keeping the curse in check. The owl is what currently looks like. (please don’t pay attention to the bear or wolf, lol)*Side note: I don’t own the images below nor lay claims to their creation, sadly couldn’t find the creators. Either way, the credit for the owners of these wonderful artworks is theirs whoever they might be.

When the hood is off, Angel’s got a single braid that is longer than most of her hair, it wraps about her neck where it trails down her front ensuring it is difficult in taking hold by unwanted hands. What isn’t braided is loose and falls straight to about the middle of her waist making it very clear the girl’s hair has never been cut. Her eyes, unlike the picture, are an emerald green sparkling with an innocent light in them. Her figure is hourglass shape but not thin and fragile, rather a lean hunter’s built describes it best. Fair skin and fraying cloak, Angel clothes looks like her origins are from the wilderness itself and in fact part of that is true.

A side effect from the curse itself is the fact Angel can’t feel pain itself. She can still feel the sensations of her flesh being cut open, the blood dripping, and even become exhausted, her limbs become heavy, body started to slow down and becomes hard to move. Worse yet is that Angel’s focus can be quite drawn into her task that she might never realize she’s been injure, increasing the risk and heavier damage, until the battle is over and she collapses suddenly. Another negative side is unlike a normal person, she can’t draw increased strength or speed when in a state of fear or learn from pain itself. The latter means Angel tends to have to take someone’s work on something being painful as she couldn’t tell herself which leads to a slightly trusting nature.

Her personality is sweet and gentle due to her considered to be sheltered life, making her rather positive and slightly childish at times. It also makes her both easily entertain as well as distracted when she’s bored. Though she doesn’t see much point in killing, not going out of her way to aid strangers, she won’t hesitate on the other hand to protect those she loves and has grown to care for. Which if you’re lucky she might take a liking to you immediately. Angel has a curious nature, enjoying new things even if she’s not good at them, while usually talking when she can with many, and sometimes pointless, questions. Ignoring her flaws in character, Angel is a pretty decent marksman with her crossbow, rarely missing her target even when she or they are moving at fast clip.

When her bracelet is off completely and curse form is revealed.

Anjiru however is a completely different animal, the clothes remain the same but her appearance takes a drastic change. Her hair whitens out into a pale blond color and molds around her head, shorting extremely. Upon her head grows two sets of horns, one like a rams and another like a budding Stag darting straight out form her forehead. Her eyes lose the emerald green, becoming red hot and seem to dance like flames. Her skin takes on an ashy look, her canines drawn into a point giving her a more primal look.

Like Angel, Anjiru can’t feel pain but it doesn’t mean she’s not able to be injured or killed. This is the beast of the young woman that lies beneath the surface. Pure, raw and primal, Anjiru strives on mayhem and chaos with little care about who gets in her way; she is mostly described as a destructive force by Merthias. Her primary tactics are spells since the bracelet is no longer there to deny these. There are rare times Anjiru seems less than an animal but for whatever reason that could be, Angel’s influence or outside forces, it’s hard to tell. Unlike Angel, Anjiru never speaks words, giving nothing to her enemies or her allies about her intentions in combat and tends to focus upon the biggest threat before dealing with the smaller insects.



Angel has a two handed cross bow, with a small quiver of arrows that has 10 total. They are slung and usually strapped over her cloak near her back, unless hiding them is required then they are safely tucked underneath it. Usually when the enemy is too close, acts as her blade when in close combat, buying time for her to scramble to a small distance and re-notch her crossbow.


For everyday things, Angel carries around a small knife. It’s only prime uses are for skinning animals Merthias has caught for her, preparing vegetables, and other mundane things like creating more arrows for her crossbow to replace those she lost/used. She wears a basic traveling outfit: What you see in the image for Angel, with addition of form fitting breeches, thick leather boots and a belt around her waist with pockets for carrying her knife, flint, sewing kit, and other needed survival things. She also carries around a rope that she can use as a medieval zip line or climbing. She merely attaches to arrow back and then it can be shot into a tree or rock nook to allow a sturdy lead upwards or whatever creative she has at the moment.

Jed A pretty little quarter horse they picked up which carries Angel and her things that aren’t found on her person. Like enough food rations for about a week at best in her travels when animals become scarce and Merthias’s hunts prove fruitless.


Abilities listed below are only accessible to Anjiru (Angel's cursed form), so they tend to take a key theme of decay, ruin and darkness with her spells. The spell range can vary depending on the type of spell.

~Rotting Touch: With a simple growl, Anjiru can cast a spell over her palms (only her palms house this power) which on contact can decay anything it touches and requires a close range to be effective, bring her into close combat. When the spell first comes into contact with anything, it starts off mild. Merely weakening her target but longer contact or multiple touches can increase in power causing the item-target or otherwise- in question to slowly rot, rust, or otherwise decay completely away. The stronger the materials, leather armor and anything around this toughness to magical items, within her grasp then longer it takes to completely decay it or 3-4 repeated touches in the same, exact spot . However it only requires a few seconds to weaken a small focused spot.

~Dark Reach: With this spell, any shadow (not darkness) within Anjiru’s line of sight becomes a tool she can use to her advantage. Focusing upon a shadow, she can manipulate the shadow to form a clawed hand that can latch on or attack her target if close enough and within its reach. Smaller shadows have shorter reaches while larger ones have greater ones from their origins. Due the need to become solid, the ‘hand’ is vulnerable to be severed or cut in order to end the spell’s effect, leaving nothing behind.

~Nightfall: For a set area, 4 yards in a radius around her, an unnatural darkness will fall and stay there for a fixed time before disappearing. (1-2 posts max) Only within this area victims will suffer sensory loss like sight, scent, hearing, touch and even taste yet they would be able to move and attack. The only one not affected is the caster and likely her allies, if an additional growl is added to the spell. Once they step out from the affected area or the spell fades then their senses return instantly.

~Midnight Chill: Fixing her eyes on a target, Anjiru can immediately summon darkness that can cause the temperature to quickly drop on a determined target. The larger the target, like a full human or beast, would take longer to freeze over and merely slow them down in movement and reaction. However Anjiru could focus on a much smaller target like a foot, leg, arm or hand to create a thin layer of ice that could quickly entrap the target's limb/area. Once the target escapes her vision, for any reason, the spell effect will stop.

~Corrupted Host: Anjiru can cast a spell upon any nearby inanimate object and transform it into a single minded creature that’s only goal is killing the target she selects. The creature’s form and strength varies depends on the materials used for the spell, allowing only one wood, steel, and stone monster out at any given time. The more complex the object is then the more focus and time Anjiru must put into the task, but also the strong in physical power it is. Likewise, the short time taken then weaker the monster is. Any transformed magical items won’t retain their magical properties or spells within that form, so it is able to be killed and injured in the same manner as any physical beast can be. Killing the creature will return the object back to it's original, sometimes leaving it into a broken state.

~Twisted Thorns: Black thorns sprouts from under her skin, twisting and molding into dark claws that can cut into flesh and bone rather easily. If allowed to take hold, the black thorns grow and spread quickly in an attempt to constrict around her target. Prevents can be as simple as cutting away the thorns or breaking her grip, the spell's effect retreating back to her hand while just scratches and small, minor wounds remain on the target.

Other Tidbits:

Unknown to Angel and , Anjiru is really the soul of a long dead mage and has co-inhabited the young woman. Her past is mysterious and dark, likely as inhuman as the rest of her, that will remain so due to her inability to speak in known words. The cause of her demise is unknown since the time of it was a rather long time ago and her soul trapped in a state of slumber until the presence of the family entering the temple woke her up. Rest is currently history. With the bracelet on, Anjiru is unable to surface or immediately take over Angel’s body because the bracelet denies magical effects from being performed.

Due to Merthias’s ritual gone wrong, the bracelet isn’t permanent as he intended for it to be. At times it seems to have a mind of its own, the item tended to fall off or be easily removed, allowing Anjiru to break free in a chaotic reign. (GM determined when this happens)
s happens)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wow. I feel kinda bad for Angel, but at the same time, that ability could end up helping her greatly. I really like your character, it brings a whole new feel to Aerusya, and will help shape the group as well.

Macabre will probably add her own opinion as well, and help you through the spells. But overall, I'm really impressed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

I'm glad to see this up here! (: Yeah, at first, I was a bit iffy on having such a strange and unique character added to our mix, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that having Angel/Anjiru might actually be of some help to our group later on. Plus, there is some serious, but very fun, character development that can occur between everyone in the group and Angel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Nightwing said
Wow. I feel kinda bad for Angel, but at the same time, that ability could end up helping her greatly. I really like your character, it brings a whole new feel to Aerusya, and will help shape the group as well. Macabre will probably add her own opinion as well, and help you through the spells. But overall, I'm really impressed.

It's a blessing and a curse... I've already sent a few for her to look over and hopefully will be able to work out the kinks. I sure hopes someone knows some good healing spells or Angel might not last very long on this journey, which would suck. xD No pain might allow her to keep focus, even when being struck, but it also can't help her determine damage control which can be dangerous. So yeah...expect some serious wounds be a normal thing after a battle, lol.

MacabreFox said
I'm glad to see this up here! (: Yeah, at first, I was a bit iffy on having such a strange and unique character added to our mix, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that having Angel/Anjiru might actually be of some help to our group later on. Plus, there is some serious, but very fun, character development that can occur between everyone in the group and Angel.

I'm really glad you allowed me to play her and yes, she's rather odd but that's what makes her fun for me. All my PCs are a little unusual and have their problems or conflicts they either struggle with have accepted, the later doesn't happen often. She's a sweet girl and though she's considered immature, she's got a great heart. Anjiru on the other hand...I would advice you to just stay out of her and head for the hill-at least in the earlier stages when she's released. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Well hopefully it's not too many severe wounds, Sevine is the group's primary medic, if Angel isn't careful in battle, Sevine will not be able to save Angel if she over-exerts herself. Serious wounds take time to heal, the most Sevine can do is quicken the healing process on severe wounds. Any minor or mild wounds she can easily heal. But obviously, I'll give her time to heal, it might not be fully, so keep that in mind. After all, you decide how they are wounded and they severity of it.

But that's not important right now, what is important is your introductory post. How do you plan on introducing Angel into the group?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

MacabreFox said
Well hopefully it's not many severe wounds, Sevine is the group's primary medic, if Angel isn't careful in battle, Sevine will not be able to save Angel if she over-exerts herself. Serious wounds take time to heal, the most Sevine can do is quicken the healing process on severe wounds. Any minor or mild wounds she can easily heal. But obviously, I'll give her time to heal, it might not be fully, so keep that in mind. After all, you decide how they are wounded and they severity of it.But that's not important right now, what is important is your introductory post. How do you plan on introducing Angel into the group?

Mathias will helpful in prevention and the fact she's a long range fighter as well. So I'll try to control her injuries received, though can't see her getting away from (unless she's out of the way) a battle without at least a few scratches. I can't have her dying can we?

As for intro, there only two ways I can actually see her coming in: either sitting there, watching it all and waiting for it to end or being one of the hostages with Mathias likely helping in the wings sort of speak until Angel's released. The only bad part is she isn't going to be very helpful in the later since she's not got her weapon and it is currently close range, increasing her chances of getting hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCaptainQ


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

hope my post was okay;; lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Your post is good Captian, don't worry!

My post is done, but will be delayed until later today because of basketball. I apologize for that, but I can't miss my first game.

Anyway, have a good day guys!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Reaper, of course! As long as you maintain a balance, that's all that really matters (:

Captain, your post was brilliant! I think after everyone posts, I'm going to end the battle scene. So please, make it as long and as gory as you want.

Nightwing, great to hear it, and thanks for being on task. Good luck at your basketball game!

Rtron, I just realized I didn't have a part for Tathein in my post, since you mentioned him once in your post, would you like to take temperoary control over him during the fight scene? Tbh, if he does nothing for the rest of this scene, that's perfectly ok with me. However, after this scene, I'm going to send Tathein on his way home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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MacabreFox said Rtron, I just realized I didn't have a part for Tathein in my post, since you mentioned him once in your post, would you like to take temperoary control over him during the fight scene? Tbh, if he does nothing for the rest of this scene, that's perfectly ok with me. However, after this scene, I'm going to send Tathein on his way home.

I'll make a brief mention of his doings here and there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ok (: sounds good to me.

Hey guys, I've been actively updating the Reference Sheet, so please be sure to check it out!

So I just realized that several of our characters do not have last names, I asked Reaper to include a last name for Angel, although Angel won't be announcing her surname haphazardly. I would like for everyone to add in a surname for your character. So, De, Narcia, and Erahja/Elrithian need last names.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCaptainQ


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

well techincally DE isn't DE's actual name its just a nickname he got when he became a squire so that he could remain anonymous in case he made any big enemies. But I guess he could just be a smart ass and say "De sheep."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

I remember you telling me this the last time we roleplayed together, with EWill, but, if you could give him a name, I really don't care what it is, or if you never use it. It's just for character info, and it adds more depth to the story.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

MacabreFox said
Reaper, of course! As long as you maintain a balance, that's all that really matters (:

Call me Fallen, please. It's shorter and less to type, not to mention the later sounds like I am after souls... Something I don't want made public, so shhhhh! :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lol, sure thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

MacabreFox said . So, De, Narcia, and Erahja/Elrithian need last names.

*Zal slips by.*

Goood. GOOOOood.

I mean..*cough* I'll get a Zal post up tonight..ish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fallenreaper said Something I don't want made public, so shhhhh! :P

Yeah. I'd tell the world but ah...

Several 'things' keep my silence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

MacabreFox said
Lol, sure thing.

Since Anjiru's spells are in the reference page then do I paste them, as written there, in her magic area? I'll admit to wondering if they weren't a little over the top in complexity and well power. *shudders*
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