Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 14 days ago

Patricia feels Erin grabbing her arm, and it feels like he is trying to keep her from floating away and it does work, she stationary stays only 2 inches above ground floating. "Erin, thank you I have never had this happen at all," Patricia said to Erin, since this is the first time she is floating and crying. She thinks on it and this is the first time she has a headache, floating and coughing up blood in all a minor span of time within a day. Patricia's tears are still going; she cannot turn off her waterworks because of some imbalance within her system, though the floating is magical in nature. "I guess, something decided to help me," Patricia said confused and crying, while floating. Patricia feels her body slowly reaching the ground, and the Bluish Gold aura vanished as soon as it appeared but Patricia felt a little bit exhausted too and she yawn a big yawn, as she has not slept for ten straight days but she was still crying. She was also still holding her heart with her left hand, but her heart was pumping five times faster than a human's heart, so her skin turned pale. Patricia starts coughing but this time it is not blood, mainly because her fever is a little too high mostly at 106 degrees Fahrenheit and climbing, but most humans die passed 105 degrees Fahrenheit of a temperature. "I'm so hot, why does it feel like I am in an oven?" Patricia asked confused, coughing, crying, slightly happy that she is on the ground again, and a very high fever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

David waved behind him, at the other first years he had played with. They were good but they needed some help on improving, shrugging he changed in the guys locker room pulling on his black shirt the dragon tattoo still showing some of the first years had asked what it meant he just shrugged and didn't give them an answer. Not many first years would recognize zhuahir as the dragon that had almost killed off the entire dragon race fifty thousand years ago and that he was sealed inside of him even though he was still the hell horse dragon. Still the academy wanted to keep an eye on him, he made his ways through the hall his hands in his pockets. Rolling his shoulders, he wondered where his friends were the third years he had met when he was just that small guy when he first came here. Now though being six foot seven had it's advantages sometimes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖔 𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖌

Member Seen 20 days ago

Kura took one of her arms and looked at Erin. "Thanks. Here, it's this way.." he said, nodding towards the door. "We'd better get her there soon."
Ari wandered the halls, smiling and saying hello to people as she usually did.
Fionna was laid out in the grass outside.
Kyle was asleep in the cafeteria, his head resting on his arms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖔 𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖌

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(whoops... Double post ^-^)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 14 days ago

Patricia feels Kura and Erin, helping her to get to the infirmary since she is slightly overheating with her high fever, which is increasing in intensity. "Thank you, Kura and Erin for helping me," Patricia said, crying and an intensely high fever. Patricia only feels like reaching her destination mainly the infirmary and the medic. The pulsar dragon necklace is still glowing bluish gold and the pulsing radiance was pulsating a pure silver color, signifying that Patricia is still concentrating and sick. Patricia looks at the same door that Kura looks at, and her fever reaches 110 degrees Fahrenheit and still climbing; at least Patricia's fever does not affect any other dragons but her own kind. "I hope we can get to infirmary sooner than later," Patricia said a small smile with an intense high fever, "Though you will not get sick from my fever it only affects my kind." Patricia knows this fever is a high concentrated of magical essences, disrupted by some unknown ability or magical anti-balance, she had this once before, but it was not this bad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

David kept moving through the halls, not caring whatever first years saw him they stayed clear. Shrugging before he spotted Ari, a small smile graced his lips it was rare now that anyone got him to smile only a few select people did. He kept moving till he grabbed Ari's arm and pulling her to him. "Nice to see you again," a smile was on his lips as he looked down at her the dragon tattoo of zhauir disappearing under his shirt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖔 𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖌

Member Seen 20 days ago

Kura sensed somethibg wierd about her situation. He led her, with the help of Erin, to the door and down the hall towards the medic.
Ari squeaked in surprise and turned to see David. She smiled and hugged him. "Hey. I was looking for you." she giggled, kissing his cheek.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 14 days ago

Patricia's fever gets even higher, it hits the Pulsar Dragon's limits of seeing what is reality and not, she starts daydreaming but starts crying a lot more than normal; her fever hit 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Patricia starts mumbling something in completely different language, it is Pulsar Dragon's secret language that is only used so no one can hear what they are saying or mumbling. Her eyes was flickering between seeing the past and the present, mainly her eye color was changing between golden eyes and her natural eye color of blue, this effect stopped right before the medic and she was extremely depressed because of what she saw. "I'm worthless," Patricia said with a slightly glazed eyes and crying, "I couldn't help my friends in my last school." Patricia was looking down at the ground while walking with Kura and Erin's help. "The Rising Sun Academy, in Japan was my last school," Patricia said softly, only Kura and Erin can hear, and she is still crying and everything. Her fever goes up slightly more, but also lessens in intensity but hits an all time high of 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

David smiled down at her, "I was in the gym you kinda get bored staying here year round and all of that other stuff." He shrugged lightly, a small sigh escaping his lips. As he pressed his forehead to hers, "I missed you Ari I will always miss you when you are not on campos."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖔 𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖌

Member Seen 20 days ago

Kura patted her back gently and carefully. "It's alright.. Nothing's you're fault.." he said, remembering the accident slightly. "Let's just get you to the medic."
Ari kissed David gently, setting her hands on his shoulders. "Well, I'm here now. You don't have to miss me all that much.." she giggled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 14 days ago

Patricia felt Kura's pat on her back and his words ringed in her head slightly about what he specifically sad about it is not her fault for what happened to her friends at the Rising Sun Academy. Patricia still is depressed and crying but slightly better for what Kura said. "Th-Thank you, Kura and Erin for helping me," Patricia said with a speech impediment now, since her fever is affecting that part of her brain. Patricia looks up slightly and noticed the infirmary sign about 3 minutes away, her smile returned slightly but faded away since her pain had returned big time, she grinned, and her injury on her leg starts glowing the same as her mark again. She was slightly twitching since her injury, her fever is interacting in giving her a painful headache and her draconian wings, and her hair changes colors rapidly back to their pure colors instead of a mix of multiple colors. "F-Feels l-like t-the p-pain is back but worse," Patricia said crying a lot more because her pain is back in full force and her speech impediment is getting worse. Her dragon mark starts glowing a strange color from its normal reddish color, it starts to glow a blackish gold color and starts wrapping around her left leg like a snake from her hip to her ankle. Patricia feels the blackish gold aura glowing from her mark on her entire left leg and she feels weakened from it, as it is a cursed mark. The pain was almost too unbearable for her to handle and she faints but the Pulsar Dragon Necklace was keeping her walking and standing in until she hits the medic's bed, since it was pulsing an opposite color of the Blackish Gold aura from her mark to counteract its destructive magical presence on it.

Patricia was dreaming while she was fainted and in the hands of her Pulsar Dragon Necklace, Erin and Kura.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

David smiled to that, then nodded. "Their now scared of what I would do when I'm off the grounds that I can't go off the grounds anymore because of zhuahir." Pointing slightly to the tattoo though people thought it was a tattoo it was the sealing mark that held the dragon that almost killed every dragon race fifty thousand years ago.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 14 days ago

Inside of the Infirmary of the Academy, that all these students go at was a very nice woman who was standing there talking with the primary nurse of this school; this one person was an assistant nurse since she lost her old job at a far away school. She felt a strange and dark aura, as she only felt once in her life. "Huh, that's familiar," thought the assistant nurse. She gets out of the infirmary and noticed Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd being helped by her necklace and two nice students that go to this school. She gasped as she saw the unbearable pain she is going through and cursed mark on her left leg like it had happened in her very first dragon academy in Japan. "Oh my god, I never thought I would see the one person I helped with that affliction," said the assistant nurse towards Erin and Kura's direction, "The Dreaded Curse Mark of Self-Defeat, that is." She walks towards Kura and Erin and sighs at this. "Hello, hurry her up into the Infirmary now I have to do a 'counteract' spell to that curse mark before she loses her magical energies," said the assistant nurse, "My name is Sasha R. Scottsdale, I used to work at the Rising Sun Academy before I was fired." She was wearing all red clothes that matched her Red eyes and long beautiful black hair and a strange gust of wind appears in all of the hallways of the school but stops quickly. Sasha looks at Patricia and notices her pain, and sees she has a very high fever. "Still amazing that she can live with an intensely high fever," Sasha thought to herself.

Patricia slightly comes out of being fainted and looks up at Sasha. "Why are you here?" Patricia asked confused but goes back to sleep. Sasha smiles at Patricia and sighs at the fact that the Pulsar Dragon Necklace is glowing in an opposite color compared to her Dreaded Curse Mark of Self-Defeat, which is what she calls it anyway since it is easier on her brain. "Poor Patricia, you went through a lot at Rising Sun Academy," Sasha said sadly. Sasha opens the door to the Infirmary so the actual nurse/medic and she can do their healing to Patricia. "Why did my twin sister have to own a Hotel?" Sasha asked herself quite loudly, "Damn it, Irene you should have told me you had Patricia living there so I could have sealed this before it was like this." Sasha was still holding the door for Kura and Erin to bring Patricia into the infirmary since she is very ill and has a cursed mark of all things. However, she is more annoyed at the Headmaster of the Rising Sun Academy for not telling her what that cursed mark was for so she just assumed it was the curse mark of self-defeat, since it does, weakens one's healing magic very well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖔 𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖌

Member Seen 20 days ago

Ati touched the mark softly. "I thought I told you not to worry about this..." she said quietly.
Kura brought her imside with the help of Erin. He was slightly confused, but he didn't say anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sasha closed the door behind Erin and Kura and looked at the nurse of the school. "Hey looks like you got a patient, Patricia Cole Tetra-Lira the 3rd a Transfer student from the Rising Sun Academy," Sasha said kindly. The Nurse is shocked and looks at Erin, Kura, and smiles at them. "Thank you; you are very kind students," the nurse said, "So this girl you were talking about." Sasha nods her head and sighs slightly at the fact Patricia is hurting badly. The Nurse looks at Patricia from a distance and notices that strange blackish gold aura glow on her left leg while her right leg was glowing red and she looks like she is in intense pain from a injury she notices from her 'right leg's ankle to her knee.' "Lay her down on the left most bed," the nurse said to the two boys and pointing to the one, she is talking about. The nurse also noticed that a very gentle flame untwisted Patricia's nerves just at first glance. "I guess you did that," the nurse said to Kura, "Good job, what is your name you two?" The Pulsar Dragon Necklace was pulsing a strange color akin to multicolor rainbows and golden light meaning it is safe to leave Patricia in these kind people's hands.

The Nurse walks up to Sasha and whispers something into Sasha's ear. "I thought all the students in the Rising Sun Academy died?" the nurse asked Sasha quietly and whispered. Sasha looks at the Nurse, sighs, and whispers back. "No, she was the only one that survived the Backdraft Explosion, that is what I heard from a source," Sasha said to the nurse quietly in the ear. The Nurse was slightly pleased at this development because she is willing to help anyone from that horrible school, and she whispers back into Sasha's ear. "I will help this poor girl, though you have to deal with that mark," the nurse said whispering in Sasha's ear. The Nurse walks away from Sasha and smiles very kindly towards Kura and Erin. Sasha leans on the wall next to the door and waits for those two male students to lay Patricia on the bed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

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Erin lays her on the bed with the help of Kura, and sighs "I hope she'll be okay, but my class is about to start" he nodded to the clock on the wall "Kura would you like to escort me to my history class?" Erin smiled kindly at Kura before retreating out the door
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 14 days ago

The Nurse heard what Erin said and almost forgot it was class time. "I hope you have fun in class then, you two," The Nurse said. Sasha smiles kindly and stops leaning at the wall, and gets a chair and sits it in front of Patricia's bed near her legs since she is an expert on all kinds of marks. The nurse looks at her desk and notices Patricia's schedule since that what Sasha brought to her since for some odd reason it was, fate for her to be in the infirmary right at this moment. "The Fated child is here in our school, looks like this school is going to be having some fun with diabolical forces from now on," the nurse thought to herself looking at the ceiling, "Stupid ass Jainus S. Earthen-Scales, the Headmaster of the Rising Sun Academy." Sasha looks from where she is sitting and turns her head towards Erin and Kura. "Looks like the respite will come sooner than later," Sasha said with a tone to her voice, "Also good luck in your studies I will personally deliver Patricia to her next class so you do not have to worry." Sasha looks back at Patricia's condition and it was getting slightly better since the Pulsar Dragon Necklace was pulsating normally instead of intensely like it was, to counteract the Cursed Mark's glow. "The Pulsar Dragon Necklace, the primary thing that keeps her safe from evil, and since it is a family heirloom of her family," Sasha said kindly. The Pulsar Dragon Cloak appears right besides her bed folded on the floor and her purse is on her cloak.

Sasha looks towards the nurse and sighs. "You will need to lower her fever and lessen her pain the normal way since this mark is completely blocking her natural healing abilities," Sasha said towards the Nurse. The Nurse nods and looks at the medicine cabinet and notices a strange bottle right there, that wasn't there before it says 'Illogical Serum' on the side of the bottle. "Huh, where did this come from?" the nurse asked herself, "Oh wait I remember now someone delivered at least a full 30 of these medicine bottles."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

David shrugged slightly, "cant help it since I really have nothing to do around here when you've mapped out every inch of the academy out of boredom when no one else is around letting your mind drift while you walk the empty halls. Taking in every single detail of the walls I've literally tested myself if I could walk these halls with my eyes closed and I did."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 14 days ago

The Nurse took the Illogical Serum from the medicine cabinet since it had the right amount of pain reliever inside of it, and the delivery person said it was made for the Transfer student, Patricia. "_Hmm, I have a funny feeling that Patricia made this herself_," the nurse thought to herself. Sasha looks directly at the nurse and smiles slightly. "**So Illogical Serum, that is a strange name for medicine for pain**," Sasha said towards the nurse. The nurse nods at Sasha, takes it over to Patricia, opens her mouth a bit, and slowly pours the Illogical Serum down Patricia's throat but she shallows the Illogical Serum down. Patricia's color in her skin came back, and the fever was slowly dropping back to the normal levels of a pulsar dragon has in human form, and that is 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The nurse and Sasha were amazed at the Illogical Serum's miracle on Patricia, since there was not anything like this in medical science on planet Earth. However, the Cursed Mark was glowing a rainbow of evil colors now, but the injury/fever was almost completely no longer affecting Patricia since the injury was no longer glowing a reddish color. "**Whoa, now it is your turn Sasha**," the nurse said completely shocked that one bottle worked completely too well with the empty bottle of Illogical Serum in her hand. Sasha nods towards the nurse's amazement since she was slightly worried since this Cursed Mark, never glowed this before. Patricia starts moving on the bed and she opens her eyes towards Sasha and smiles again but in a different kind of pain, the kind of pain that only a Holy Dragon feels when its life force is leaving it. Sasha looks at Patricia and holds her left leg with the cursed mark and starts chanting in a strange language that was long lost to the dragons a long time ago. "**No dragon deserves the punishment of a powerful evil dragon god ever**," Sasha said annoyed, "**Release Patricia Cole Tetra-Lira the 3rd from it or else**." The Outer land dragon mark rapidly goes back to normal around Patricia's left hip but the curse was not broken because it was a very powerful curse on her. "**I got it back to normal I guess but you need to rest here for a bit, Patricia**," Sasha said to Patricia. Patricia falls asleep since she is highly tired since the magical essences, life force and her tiredness would get in the way of her time here. Sasha looks at the nurse, sighs slightly, and looks slightly tired as well. "**Whoever put that curse on her is very powerful, in terms it is a very evil dragon of a long lost history in our past**," Sasha said towards the nurse. The Nurse nods at Sasha's assessment, though Patricia does look cute sleeping in the Infirmary bed. The Nurse covers up Patricia with the Infirmary's bed blanket since it is warm and she feels her forehead and noticed it is at 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit. "**I guess Pulsar Dragon's physiology is different from normal humans since it is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit temperature for normalized body temperature**," the Nurse said to Sasha. Sasha nods though all dragons have different physiology compared to humans.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(I'm back, a month of pain and I can finally post again) Mike swinged down on the tree before he landed in front of Fionna as he said "Good afternoon Flo, relaxing after a long day at the academy?". His Z took on another golden glow before it finally settled into a golden blue glow.
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