Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiddo
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

OOC: Collab with Zoombeh

Ravira glanced around at her new teammates as the crowd cheered for their induction into the academy. She’d only gotten a chance to talk to Schwarz, but the other two looked… pleasant enough. One moreso than the other, but no obstacle was too high for the power of friendship!

Or, so she hoped. But having him run away like that at every chance might not make it so easy. She frowned slightly until the one person who’d stuck around turned to her and addressed her. She smiled across at him, and, resting her staff against her chest to free her hand, she extended her hand for a shake. “Haha, don’t worry about him. I’m sure he’ll come around!” She paused for a moment, suddenly at a loss. What had Ozpin said his name was? K… K something? P something? Oh goodness, that just wouldn’t do.

“Heh, you seem to have me at a disadvantage,” she said, pulling her Scroll out after they shook hands. “You know my name, but I seem to have missed yours. What would you like me to call you?” She pulled up her map and glanced at the glowing objectives thereupon. Ah yes, they would have to get their things before going to the room.

Running a hand through his hair again, he nodded even if he didn’t share her optimism. It would be nice if Kuhaku did, and logically four years was more than enough time for him to do so, but Perry didn’t count on it happening anytime soon.

“Perry Symund. I don’t particularly mind how you address me. We should probably go grab our belongings,” he replied as he turned around and made to leave the auditorium behind. The Headmaster seemed to have finished announcing the teams and it wouldn’t be long until the other students made to get their belongings from the Main Hall. Hopefully the two of them would make it ahead of the main crowd.

Ravira fumbled around with her Scroll for a few moments, trying to figure out how she could hold it to see the map while also carrying her staff, but eventually shrug with a frustrated grunt. Without giving him fair warning, she tossed the tech at Perry and poked him with her weapon. “Lead the way, fearless leader! We must go acquire our things and then make our way to our new abode!”

Thanks to good reflexes, when something smacked into his back, Perry managed to turn round fast enough to make a fumble for the falling Scroll. He might have been successful too if it weren’t for the staff that got in his way. Wincing a bit as the Scroll clattered against the hard stone floor, he pinched the bridge of his nose before picking it up and inspecting it. There didn’t seem to be any real damage to it as he opened it back up, so he stored it away before turning back around. “Yes, let’s.”

Despite that little mishap, it didn’t look like the Main Hall would be congested. The other students seemed content to stay in the auditorium and socialize amongst their newly formed and announced teams.

Ravira tittered apologetically as Perry fumbled the toss. Good thing Scrolls were made for much worse situations than dropping a few feet. But she felt especially silly when he put it away without looking at it. Apparently he already knew the way to the acquisitions office, and didn’t need her to throw her Scroll at him in the first place. And now she’d have to ask for it back! But not yet; that whole scene had already been awkward enough, and it would be better to get it back when they could laugh about the whole thing. Later it would have to be.

The “Uniform Issue, Supply Warehouse, and Requisitions Office” was just off of the Main Hall, and they managed to spot it without trouble. There was a bit of a line (apparently because the old badger running the whole thing had to mutter some under-his-breath lecture about something or other before actually fulfilling his duties), but it certainly wasn’t too bad. At least it wasn’t long enough that Ravira felt the need to see if she could get access to streaming services on her Scroll, since it wasn’t like she had it at the moment.

They made it up to the man, and, after politely listening to his tirade and only rolling her eyes when his back was turned, Ravira gave over the slip enumerating the supplies that she would need. The fellow glanced down at it, glanced back up at her, squinted, and then hustled into the back. At least he was good at his job; he emerged within the minute with a heaping stack of supplies, setting them down before her and then looking expectantly at Perry.

Ravira pawed through the things: uniform (and some spares), check; plenty of low-quality dust, check; pencils, batteries, and other necessities; check. Armor? Check. She felt the chainmail between her fingers and then stood there oddly for a moment.

How was she going to get this to the room?

While he had been planning to head to the Main Hall to retrieve the things he’d actually brought with him to the school, it seemed that Ravira had a different idea. Shrugging his shoulders, he didn’t mind and diverted towards the Supply office. Unfortunately there was a line, something that Perry couldn’t help but sigh at even as he stepped in to take his place along with his team member.

He supplied the man at the counter with the paperwork and drummed his fingers on the counter as he was moved aside to wait for someone to round up the necessary pieces. Whoever was working behind must have cared a great deal more than the counter employee since it wasn’t but moments before a pile of belongings were laid out in front of him. Several sets of the uniform, some school supplies that he hadn’t thought of getting until he saw them on the list, some extra Dust to refill his supplies, and a pair of clothes to replace the one’s that’d been ruined during initiation. It wasn’t too hard to rearrange and wrap things up so he’d be able to carry them around, but turning he saw that Ravira did not seem to reach the same solution as he did.

“Huh. You want to watch over our things? I think I should have some extra room in the bags I brought to help you carry some stuff.” Thinking for a moment, he returned the Scroll back to her and mentioned, "If you point them out, I can grab your things at the same time."

“Oh, thank you! Sure I can watch the stuff.” Ravira accepted her scroll back, and smiled at his offer to grab her other things. “Oh, no, I didn’t bring anything with me. That’ll all be arriving later; no point in bringing stuff when I don’t have anywhere to put it yet!”

“I see.” With those remarkable words, he left for the Main Hall. Finding his bags amongst the hundreds of others proved somewhat challenging seeing as they’d been moved around, but he didn’t take more than a few minutes to locate the rather distinctive fabric used. Shuffling his things around so that one was left empty, he slung both over the shoulders afterwards and made his way back to where Ravira waited.

“Here,” he said, holding out the sizable travel bag for Ravira to take, “should be enough to hold your things.” Once she took it from him, he’d set to work cramming his own new belongings into the bag he kept for himself.

Ravira merely stood to the side for the few minutes that it took for her teammate to go grab his things. He was an interesting fellow, it seemed: polite, but not particularly friendly. It almost felt like she was imposing on him. He seemed to do everything with a sense of urgency that didn't seem quite proper for the situation, and it was kind of getting on her nerves. He made her feel slow and even more inadequate than she already was.

She put on a smile when he came back, though, stuffing her new things into the bag as quickly as possible so as to avoid ruining Perry's day any further. He'd undoubtedly want his bag back as soon as possible. Once she had everything in place, she awkwardly slipped the shoulder strap over her head and pulled back from the counter, letting the bag slip off and the weight to rest on her shoulder. She grabbed her staff and moved to follow Perry back to the room.

Ravira saw that door to their room was ajar when she reached their hallway, and she cautiously poked her head in, knocking on the doorframe with her staff to indicate their presence. "Hello, ladies!" She moved over to the bunk that the two of them were by, trying not to break into whatever conversation they were having. She knelt down until the bag was on the floor, and then slipped the strap back off and began removing the things.

It really wasn't her place, but after a moment, she turned to look at the two again. Schwarz didn't look like she was feeling well, and after a bit of hesitation, Ravira paused in her unpacking and spoke up. "Hey, you alright?"

Given he had received less supplies, it hadn't taken him as long as Ravira to pack up. Once it looked like she was ready, he bid the workers goodbye with a small wave before turning around and making his way out and to their team's room.

He stepped in after Ravira and made his way over to the only unclaimed bed after she'd chosen her own. Glancing at the two that had gotten here first, it didn't look like anything had really happened. Ravira seemed to be trying to start up conversation, so he left it at that and focused on setting up his living area for the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Normally she would have probably been quite overjoyed somebody shown concern for her well being, but not now. Some wounds were too deep and opened all too easily. "Yeah, I'll be fine." she said back before she wrapped herself in the blanket. She slept like a log in a minute, the wear of the initiation at least giving her the mercy of a dreamless sleep, without forcing her to relive her nightmarish past again like so many times before.

When she woke up it was still dark outside, but she didn't feel like sleeping any more. Dragging herself out of the bed, she shuddered as her feet touched the cold floor and quickly found her slippers. Searching for something more decent to wear, she found the school uniform. Awful thing. She hated skirts, and the boring color pattern reminiscent of a wallpaper didn't help at all. And the jacket was so bloody tight she was wondering whether the harness for her wings would even fit under it. At least she had enough presence of mind to get one a notch bigger than her size. Slipping into it, she hissed. With how much she had to tighten the thing, she just knew her back would be in constant hell.

Looking around, she confirmed the rest of her teammates were still asleep, so she grabbed her scroll and headed out to the hall not to wake them. Opening the files she was sent after the initiation, she found their schedule and had a look. It seemed a bit packed, but even with her electives, it still left the last day before weekend ending an hour after noon. Yawning, she connected to the web. Now that she knew when she was free, it was time to look for a way to get some extra finances. Her savings could cover the first two years, but with her weapon project and need for much purer dust than the school would give her, she better start earning some lien now.

An hour later, the Sun was already above the horizon and she sent the application to the place she chose. Checking the time, she noticed the cafeteria would be open by now. She started walking in the direction of breakfast, but froze midstep and gone back, deciding to check if someone else was awake already.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kael found no response to his question, leading him to simply shrug at this. He was used to being ignored. That is how he was treated most of his life, what else would change? He simply slipped out of the group of students and made his way outside, looking for peace and quiet. These small things tempered him and calmed his mind, allowing him to think more clearly. His feet carried him towards from the auditorium into a small field, where all he could hear were the crickets and their song. He knelt down to the ground, trying to hear them a bit better when one of them seemed guided into his ear. Kael jumped back from the shock, but began to chuckle.

Relaxing himself, he pulled his two blades off his belt and hooked them together. He took a deep breath in and held his zhen in front of him, his right foot ahead of him and his left behind, more pressure in his left though. This was to put more strength into a attack and be able to guard. He held this pose for what seemed like hours, breathing in and out. Kael felt his legs starting to cramp, but continued to hold this pose. When he felt his legs starting to give way, he swung slowly downwards and began to move through a series of attacks, slicing through a imaginary opponent that had equal, if not greater, skill than himself. He continued this training for a while, trying to go slowly rather than quickly. Time seemed to slow, as he did this, but it would also quickly disappear into the night before he was done. However, he continued to do this until he would collapse into the darkness. Such was his training.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Michelle was lost in thought about being the leader of the team. She wasn't sure if she was the one best suited for the role. Perhaps Ozpin had made a mistake. Perhaps-

She then shook her head, clearing her mind of these thoughts. Time would tell whether or not she deserved the role of the leader. For now, she had other tasks to attend to. She looked at her teammates and found one missing. Probably left while she was lost in thought. She sighed. So much for keeping track of her teammates. Oh well. She cleared her throat and said, "Ok, so, you're free to do whatever you want today. I will be heading over to our room to, uh, see how our sleeping arrangements are." She nodded, continuing, "That'll be all," and then leaving her teammates to their own devices.

As she wandered around the school, she pulled out her Scroll and brought up the minimap. Hmm, ok, so that's where I need to go... alright, path is set, Michelle thought to herself, turning around the corner to put her on the path to her quarters. It wasn't too long until she reached the hallway with her dorm room. As she turned the corner, she was greeted with the unexpected surprise of Kuhaku wearing nothing but a towel. After the initial feeling of surprise, her face was in the same flushed state as the day she first met him, and her heartrate skyrocketed. "Uh, I, I uh, I..." she stuttered, frozen in place, and then she fainted, collapsing to the ground and unable to function any longer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

His laundry done, his body clean and showered, Kuhaku was quietly making his way back to his room. Receiving the typical and expected odd looks from various students as he walked along in his towel. It was annoying. Hadn't they ever seen towels before? Idiots. Pulling himself out of his thoughts, he blinked when he saw someone he recognized. It was Michelle, the Cat Faunus he had met before. That's right, she was appointed leader of her Hunter team, wasn't she? He was about to wave at her in greeting and maybe offer a personal congratulation to her, but then...

"Uh, I, I uh, I..." Again with the s-stuttering and s-stammering.
What was with this girl?
Her face was oddly red too.
Does she have a circulation problem?
Then, she fainted and collapsed to the ground.

Ears and tail standing straight up in alarm, he looked around to see if anyone else was the cause for her collapse. A few students gasped and muttered amongst themselves, giving Kuhaku evil looks. They didn't possibly think it was his fault, did they? Why wasn't anyone coming to her aid? Imbeciles, all of them. Quickly padding over to her, he pressed two fingers against her neck to feel for a pulse. He lowered his ears to her lips to listen for her breath. Good, she was still alive and breathing. Standing up, he looked at the other students and scowled at them when they were just content with gossiping and bystanding. Growling, he determined he would be the one to have to take matters into his own hands. What could he do, leave her and seek help of a faculty member? No, that would look worse on him. Knowing the other knuckleheaded students, they would be content with standing around her abandoned body to do lord knows what. Well, he could only think of taking matters into his own hands literally.

But, that would mean touching another person.
He couldn't well ask someone else to carry her or even ask someone else to seek medical assistance.
He sighed, his ears and tail drooping.
Making sure the knot on his towel was tight, he quietly apologized to Michelle for what he was about to do.
He'll have to apologize again later when she came to.
He hoped her condition wasn't serious.
Better make haste.

Quickly kneeling down, he slipped his arms underneath her upper back/neck and the back of her thighs/knees to scoop her up into his arms. Holding her close, he looked around at the other students and was about to ask where the nearest Infirmary was but, they exploded into more loud gossiping as they continued to watch him and Michelle. So damned annoying. Oh, well. He'll find it on his own, he supposed. Ears twitching and nose sniffing, he relied on his natural sense of direction to lead him on the right path. Now the only problem that remained was how to explain the entire situation to the medical staff.

He groaned. What a pain.
He hoped Michelle wouldn't mind him having touched her.
He'll apologize to her later, feeling rather uncomfortable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Henzukaya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

OOC: Collab with harine

Tail swinging happily, Leona wandered through the halls near aimlessly, proving Sauro's earlier statement correct. How did he know she was going to get lost anyway? Weird psychic powers at work she figured. Sounded more fun anyway. She had her new clothes and other supplies in a bag wrapping her arm as she absentmindedly walked through Beacon, slightly unsure of where she was. "Ah well, I'll found the room eventually. Oh thats right!" she exclaimed to herself, causing nearby students to look at her strangely. "I have one of those Compass thingiemadoobers! How..." Leona mumbled as she dragged it out of her pocket, holding it upside down and by the corner "Does it work again?" She never was good with technology.

Passing it off as a headache for later, she continued her little trek, then noticed some of the other students were staring. Not at her, though, which was a first, but it also kinda confused her, so she looked in the direction they were glancing at. Much to her surprise, she found that Tiger boy half naked carrying the Kitty girl passed out in his arms. Bag falling to the ground in utter shock, she screamed "MR. TIGER, ARE YOU KIDNAPPING HER?!?" Kitty might be in trouble!

Kuhaku was jogging swiftly, taking extra care not to jostle the unconscious student in his arms, when a grating voice screeched out to him. Wincing, he halted in his tracks. His ears perked as he looked at the person addressing him.


His tail straightened, stiff in a mixture of alarm and confusion. Mr. Tiger? Kidnapping? What? He looked down at himself and realized that yet again, this entire scene looked extremely questionable and suspicious. He sighed, his tail and ears drooping. Looking back at the other student, and noticed that she was a Faunus. Sniffing at the air and observing her animal traits, he figured she was a Lion-type Faunus. He rolled his eyes.

"Great." He thought to himself.

Here comes the pretentious 'Queen of the Savannah.' While he and his kin ruled the Jungles. Though, Panther and Jaguar type Faunus would argue against that. At least she wasn't a Male Lion Faunus, the lazy bastards having the Females do all of their hunting for them. Whatever, he didn't care. What he did care about was if this student would try and stop him, or worse, report him and get him into hotter waters. If he continued running, he chanced his image and reputation worsening. Not that it was good to begin with in the first place. If he stopped, she would prolong Michelle getting medical treatment for whatever ailed her.

So, then...
What to do?
He shrugged.
Wiping the bottoms of his feet on the floor at her, he took off at a brisker pace towards where he thought the medical bay/infirmary to be.

Mr. Tiger. Dressed only in a bath towel. Carrying Miss Kitty. Knocked out. What on earth are you doing to her??? Leona wondered in horror as she hid behind a hapless student while watching the tiger Faunus freeze and tense up. Her mind was muddled and confused as she stood in horror still. Wait a minute, am I jumping to conclusions again? Her expression looked more calm, or blank, but still in the same confused as before as she tried to piece together what exactly was going on. Using her hands and fingers to determine possible reasons for them to be like this, the other students were getting her attention, too. Wait, were there more than before?

All of a sudden, Tiger boy bolted out of there, still carrying Kitty girl. "NOO!! KITTY!!" Pushing the student she was using as cover away, she punched into the air, a ball of energy shaped like a fist chasing after Tiger boy. Going into the position of an athletic sprinter, she sprung into a full on sprint, chasing after him, unmoving determination.

What? Was she referring to him or Michelle?

He turned just in time and his senses flared, going haywire as he saw an odd ghostly fist fly at him. Skidding to a halt, he quickly leaned backwards as the fist narrowly missed him and smashed an unfortunate wall that happened to be in the way. Blinking, a bead of nervous sweat dripped from his forehead as he looked at the damage. Straightening up, he saw the female faunus tearing a path towards him. Whatever she was thinking, she was serious. White 'stripes' appearing on his skin and his blue eyes darkening into a red hue, he bared his teeth at her as a growl rumbled in his chest. Just what the hell was she thinking? He held someone hurt in his arms and she was chasing after him, attacking him?

Raising his voice, he barked a few words out at her.

He had to think quickly, how could he get out of this situation? He was in no position to fight, he was caught completely unarmed and he had Michelle to consider. As usual, he was in no mood to explain the situation to someone who seemed dead set on attacking first and asking questions later. So then he had to stick with his current plan of action. To continue running. But, his endurance still wasn't the best. He wouldn't be able to run for very far or fast while carrying Michelle, as light as she was. Shutting his eyes, he attempted to recall the brief image of the map of the school he saw while browsing his scroll. Where was the closest infirmary and fastest way to get there? He had a general idea but...

Maybe he could use her.

The female faunus didn't give him the impression of someone very graceful or intelligent. More so driven by emotion and quick to attack. Maybe he could egg her into attacking him more with those odd energy attacks and cut a straight line to where he needed to go. Once he dropped off Michelle into the professional medical care of Beacon, he could sort things out with the faculty and this other faunus there. Looking at the hole she punched into wall, he hopped through and stuck his head out so that the lioness faunus could see him. He wasn't good at making 'funny' faces so...how could get her attention?

Ugh, he'll hate himself for this later. He stuck his tongue out the lion faunus. Whatever. He didn't know what he was doing. He remember seeing the other children sticking their tongues out at each other during his time at Signal. He ran to the opposite wall of the room that the lioness faunus had punched a hole into and turned around. Now to see how she would react. He felt his cheeks growing hot and reddening from the face he made earlier.

Damn it all, how the hell did he get himself into this crazy situation?

SaveKittySaveKittySaveKitty was all that was running through her mind as she bolted after Kuhaku. Her initial attack had missed, instead blowing open a wall into another room. Normally, Leona would be concerned, or at least ashamed and in panic of the results of the faculty's reaction. But there were more pressing matters at hand, and she ignored the hole, focused purely on the kidnapper. Watching Kuhaku jump through the hole, she pressed onwards, unfaltering in her mission to save kitty. Then, of all things, the Tiger Faunus... stuck his tongue out at her? Was he mocking her? Was he really a bad person?

Did he really think he had a chance?

Upon closing in on the hole, she crouched down quickly and lunged through it, dedicated to capturing Kuhaku. She passed through the hole like a bullet, missing her target and crashing through the wall on the other side. More students watched in baffled awe at the living battering ram. To Kuhaku's surprise, she emerged from the other side, almost unscathed, although certainly her Aura still wasn't active after that kind of attack. "Release... Kitty..." Was all that escaped her mouth through ragged breathing before she reached for him again. No way was she going to let him get away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Henzukaya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


He was alarmed when the lioness faunus shot through the hole in the wall only to crash through the space of wall near him.
She didn't seem to have good aim.

Taking a few steps away from the new hole, he watched and waited as the debris cleared. Seeing the faunus emerging from the new entrance she made, she didn't seem to suffer so much as a scratch. He was impressed, she was durable. Strong, for sure. The faunus reached out towards him as a few words escaped from her lips between ragged, drawn breaths.

"Release... Kitty..."
She wanted him to let Michelle go?
What was she going to do to her?
"Not a chance. he thought.

He had taken responsibility for Michelle. He wasn't about to just hand her over to this violent individual and just pass her off. Hefting Michelle and making sure she was still held close, Kuhaku bounded through the hole directly at the lioness. Getting enough height, he used the lioness' head and face as a springboard for his feet and launched off off her. As he quickly padded out of the room and utilized the shortcut the lioness made for him, he hoped she had lost enough steam to stop pursuing him. To be honest, he was already starting to get tired himself. At least he was closer to his objective. Recalling the layout of the academy strictly from memory, relief washed over him when he saw the Red Cross denoting the medical bay/infirmary.

Pushing the door open, he stopped as the nurses and doctors within all looked up and stared at him. Someone dropped something on the ground, making a raucous crash. Freezing, he again took notice how bad he looked carrying Michelle in nothing but a towel. To him, it wasn't a big deal. But, to others, like the lioness, it probably looked horrible. As he began to break out in a nervous sweat from so many judgemental eyes piercing into him, he cleared his throat and padded over to an unoccupied bed to lay Michelle down gently. After looking her over to make sure she didn't suffer any new injuries from the hectic dash over here, he looked around for some paper and pen as a female doctor approached him.

"E-excuse me, sir. But, what happened to her and what are you doing here?
He turned around to face her and his eyes snapped from the doctor's face to the faces of the others in the room, even a few students.

They all had differing expressions of horror on his face. Yeah, yeah, he got it. He was sweating and wearing nothing but a towel. He had barged in with an unconscious female in his arms. He got it. It looked extremely suspicious. Frowning, he took the doctor's clipboard from her hand. Thankfully, it had a pen clipped to it. With pen and paper, he quickly scribbled on it and handed it back to the doctor.

It read, "She passed out. No one helped her. I brought her here. The damage is the lion faunus' doing."
The doctor's brows came together as she read what he wrote, confused.
Kuhaku had delivered her. She was in their care now. He was done.

Walking past her, he left the infirmary and slowly made his way back to his room. He was sweaty and filthy again. Any bit of relaxation he had gotten from his long shower was wasted as an unnecessary amount of stress had been placed on him. He thought of taking another shower, but he decided against it. He just wanted to go to bed now. A small part of him regretted helping Michelle as it brought him more trouble. But, at least he had peace of mind knowing that a fellow faunus would be taken care of. His ears and tail drooped as he sighed heavily.

He hoped he wouldn't run into that lioness faunus again.

To her surprise, Leona became a platform for the Tiger Faunus to leap off of, causing her to collapse after his departure. Still motivated and concerned for the Cat Faunus girl's safety, and possibly her chastity, Leona gave chase once again. Kuhaku was nowhere in sight, however. As she frantically searched, she regained her head, starting to panic about what would happen to Kitty girl. Noticing the increasing number of perplexed students, some of their gaze focused elsewhere. He must be somewhere that way!

Dashing through the hall, although at a slower pace than before, the fatigue catching up to her, she resumed her quest to save the girl. Then, she noticed him step out of the infirmary, tired and sweaty. Kitty girl was nowhere in sight though. Her fatigue immediately forgotten, Leona jumped onto Kuhaku, catching him a little off guard while she grappled and held on for dear life. "Nooo! Where's Kitty, you vile pervert?! You did something to her didn't you!" she then had him in a headlock, grip tightening every second. "Must... Save... her!!"

Only then did she notice that kitty girl was laying on a bed, seen through the glass door. Her grip loosened for a moment, allowing both relief. "She's safe..." Then remembered what she was doing. Surely, she shouldn't show him mercy, who knows why he was half naked and holding her like a princess! Throttling him, she yelled "What did you do to her?!". No mercy, no mercy, no mercy, No Mercy, NO MER-

Suddenly, she was lifted into the air, held by the neck of her shirt. Holding her stood Saurodrinn, scowling and irritated. "I told you you would get lost. What are you doing to him??" Flailing in panic, Leona replied "That guy! Mr Tiger did something to Miss Kitty!" "Mr Ti-what??" then he glanced over at the boy, catching his breathe, sweaty and only wearing the towel. His gaze fell upon the Cat Faunus in the Infirmary still. Saurodrinn couldn't help but give the boy a doubting gaze, but despite this said "Did you give him time to explain?"

"Ack!" she blurted, realization dawning upon her. She hadn't, to be honest. Then again, he probably wouldn't, given how she was chasing after him like that. She started sweating nervously, hanging limp from his hand. "M-Maybe..." A heavy sigh erupted from him, and he gave Kuhaku a pitying look. "So. What happened? Surely it wasn't something so complex or embarrassing that you'd give all no explanation?"

His hopes were dashed quite expertly.

Having lowered his guard after successfully delivering Michelle, the lioness appeared out of nowhere and tackled him. Being taken to the ground, he felt the faunus then set in a headlock after his initial shock, his eyes reddened again and white stripes appeared on his skin as he snarled and flailed against her.

"Nooo! Where's Kitty, you vile pervert?! You did something to her didn't you!"
Pervert? So she did think he was up to something malicious.
How dare she. He thought himself an absolute gentleman and would never do such an unforgivable thing to another female.
As her headlock tightened, he found it harder to breathe. His face began to turn red from the blood rushing to his head as a result of him fighting and struggling against her. She was ridiculously strong. Pushing away feelings of inadequacy, he tried to recall techniques of breaking out of headlocks. Unfortunately, grappling wasn't a strong suit of his.

"Must.. Save... her!!"
Save her? She's fine! He made sure of that!
He felt the world around him spinning as he grew dizzier and dizzier...
Then, for some inexplicable reason, her lock loosened and he was able to breathe momentarily.
"She's safe..."
Kuhaku was able to muster up the courage to explain what had happened when she started to resume her assault on him by striking him repeatedly. Forcing him to put up his guard to defend himself.
"What did you do to her?! she yelled at him.
Damn it, he didn't do anything!

Just as quickly as her attacks on him began, they stopped. Lowering his guard slightly, he panted as saw the faunus being lifted up by the neck of her clothing. Blinking to clear his vision, he recognized who it was.
"I told you you would get lost. What are you doing to him??" the large male student said.
"That guy! Mr Tiger did something to Miss Kitty!" she flailed, pointing at him.
"Mr Ti-what??" the young man looked at Kuhaku.
Kuhaku's cheeks burned again. The way he must have looked absolutely crushed him with embarrassment. The doubtful look he shot at him didn't help either.
Turning back to the faunus he held in his hands, he asked her "Did you give him time to explain?"
"THANK YOU" he blurted in his own mind. Finally a bit of common sense somewhere.
"Ack!" she made a noise, then grew silent and limp as she hung in the air.
Kuhaku shot her an angry glare.
"How about, NO?"
The young man sighed loudly and gave Kuhaku a look of pity. The look stabbed into him painfully. He hated that look.
"So. What happened? Surely it wasn't something so complex or embarrassing that you'd give all no explanation?"

Even more filthy and disgusting from having an impromptu grappling beatdown, Kuhaku lowered his guard and got to his feet. His stripes still visible and eyes still crimson, he had enough residual anger to fuel his words and cause him to speak. Chest heaving from exhaustion, he roared his words at the two of him.
His rage was fueled in part from having been 'rescued' by a human, the same one from the examination too. Some part of him appreciated it, but his faunus pride did not in the least. Gritting his sharp teeth, he turned away from them and stormed off. Desperately wanting to curl into his own bed and be left the hell alone.

Kuhaku, driven by fury, spat at them his brief explanation, shocking and kind of scaring Leona, while simply surprising the human. And yet, he thought to himself as he stared at the broken down walls down the hall, it didn't surprise him. Pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation, he sighed again. "And there you have it. Now. What's your explanation for all that disaster?" Saurodrinn shifted her to view fully the destruction of the feline Faunus, to which she did not respond happily, almost shrieking at the realization. Hesitantly, she mumbled "U-umm... Collateral... damage from... a noble quest...?" Leona chuckled nervously, trying to lighten the mood, unfortunately for her Suarodrinn's response wasn't so friendly. "Submit yourself to the faculty, tell them what happened, and suffer the consequences, o great team leader." He told her as he dragged the poor Faunus to Ozpin's office. They say the grim shrieks of regret and terror still echo through the halls...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This is nothing. Move along.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kuhaku arrived at his assigned room, wearing a deep scowl still. As he reached for the doorknob to the room, he had half a mind to just kick and force it open in anger. But, no. That would be rather rude and immature of him to do such a thing. Deflating a bit, his ears sagged and tail swept slowly near his feet. His expression relaxed a little. Looking to his side, he saw the laundry bag he had set there earlier. Before all the craziness with Michelle had started. He had been so close to resting in his room. Ah, well. Grabbing the laundry bag of his freshly cleaned clothes, he quietly opened the door and entered. Not paying much mind to anyone else in the room, he slipped on his undergarments and removed his towel from his waist. Folding the towel neatly, he quickly put away all of his things. Swiftly hopping into his bed, he burrowed into the sheets and curled underneath them. He was in another strange, new place and that realization didn't make him feel very much comfortable. Then again, he was hardly ever comfortable with his placement in life. Sighing, he balled himself into a sleeping fetal position and wrapped his tail around one of his legs. He hoped he would be able to sleep at least somewhat restfully. Closing one eye and leaving the other half-lidded, he relaxed his body and cleared his mind. Thankfully, he quickly drifted off into a light slumber.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Michelle woke up, instantly alert and sitting up quickly on the cot she was on. She then looked around, wondering where she was, since she knew she wasn't in the hallway anymore. Just soon after realizing that she was in an infirmary of sorts, a voice spoke to her, "_Oh good, you're awake. Wow, that didn't take long._" Michelle turned toward the location of the voice and saw a man in a nurse's outfit. "Uh, how did I get here?" Michelle asked. "_Well, that's actually a funny story,_" the nurse said. "_You were brought in by this guy who was wearing nothing but a towel. He looked pretty sketchy too, considering that he had you in his arms, but apparently he was being chased by another student. Probably thought the same thing we all did, ha ha._" Michelle realized that Kuhaku had brought her in while she was unconscious, and the mental image that came up made her blush. "Umm, I guess I need to thank him. I'll be on my way now," Michelle said, getting off the cot. The nurse looked quizzingly at her and asked, "_You sure, miss_?" Michelle nodded and replied, "Of course. I'm fine; no need to take up space when I don't have to. Plus, I need to get my room ready for my teammates." The nurse nodded and said, "_Alright then, off you go_." Michelle made sure everything was still with her, then left the infirmary. Pulling out her Scroll, she opened the map and found that her room wasn't too far away. She looked around, noticing the damage to the walls, wondering just who could have done such a drastic thing. Quickly putting those thoughts away, she finally made it to her room and entered it. It had quite a bit less space than she had anticipated, and she wondered how she and her team were going to solve that little problem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After doing through several sets, Kael wiped his brow, feeling sweat rolling down his brow. His breath had started to come heavily, his shoulders starting to ache. He put down his zhen and began to reach for his feet, attempting to stretch his muscles from his workout. The day had been long, with them being put into teams. He definitely did not expect to be put into a larger group. He had always worked alone, and then he had been put into a pair. Now, a team of four. What would be next? Kael laid onto the grass, not wanting to strain his muscles anymore than he had to. It had been a while since he had completed one of his sets, especially after leaving...his...old teacher. His eyes flipped open after this thought. How did he forget? He tried to get up, but his legs just did not have the strength. Putting his hands into the wet ground, he pushed off with a slide, as he hit the mud face first. He began to spit, feeling it was spreading. After several embarrassing moments, he finally was able to stand steadily. The one problem was that he was covered in mud. Kael began to make his way back to the campus as he watched the sun start to rise over the shadows of darkness and the past day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Henzukaya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The next day, all the students were filled with anticipation and excitement, as their first day of being students at BEACON had started. The students filled the hallways as they moved to their classes. Luckily, the 3 teams, LZAS, MLTS, and PTKS shared the same schedule. It didn't title or specify what the classes were, but it listed the teacher's name and location. They first had a class with Prof. Rirahk, then Prof. Port, after that was Oobleck, then Goodwitch, and lastly Ivorece. The bell had rung and class had started, 24 students overall. There were some paintings and unusual sculptures scattered about, although they didn't seem to take up much room at all. there was a large whiteboard, but instead of more whiteboards and chats, there were cupboards and drawers. The professor had yet to make an appearance, and they all waited in awkward silence. 10 minutes passed, and footsteps echoed from the hall, followed by a quiet poof sound, then more footsteps. Another poof, much louder, and a large puff of purple smoke, and someone had darted through the door, boots screeching as he skidded to a halt at the platform in the center. "Haa... Haa..." Then man muttered through ragged breathing, eventually raising a single finger, signalling to wait. "Phew... Good morning, students!" The man announced cheerfully. A childish grin was plastered on his face as he caught his breath. He spoke in a manner that seemed strange for an adult, a tone of joy and immaturity. "I feel... like I'm forgetting something... OH, yes! Congratulations on passing the initiation, future Hunters and Huntresses, and WELCOME to Art Class!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He grimaced as he ran back to the campus, feeling the cold, wet dirt run down his shirt onto his thighs. Now, he would have to take a shower or bath, whichever were there. Kael moved towards what he thought was the building he was supposed to be in, or any building in general, and began to look for the restroom. He rummaged through many of the rooms that were unlocked to see that they were classrooms. He began to hurry out, not wanting to be late for whatever was happening today. He did not even have the devices the other students had. He eventually saw a older male, dressed in a professor's clothing. Kael felt some relief at the sight and began to rush after him, praying he would be able to find somewhere he could clean. He opened the door to see the classroom full. He stood there for a second staring at them and went to looking at himself. He looked back at them and then back at himself. He looked over to the professor and began to blush as embarrassment bombarded him. He ever so slowly took a step backwards and then another until he was out of the doorway. He quietly closed the door and began to walk out the building door, praying the world would be ending soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

As soon as she realized it was and art class, she hated it, the teacher, and anyone related to the decision of not making this class an elective. *What. The. Actual. Dust.* Schwarz thought, staring at the goofy 'professor' and his antics, hoping he wouldn't notice her name when taking note of attendance, let alone call her out. At least music didn't appear to be on the daily schedule. She was looking at a block of clay in front of her, her eye twitching at the prospect of playing with **mud**. She didn't want to leave THAT much of the life of nobility behind her, no thank you. She hissed as she removed the protective foil from the clay with a disgusting sloppy sound. OK, NO. As far as she was concerned, she could be learning or practicing much better things the first class in the morning. that and she *really* hated the thought of touching that goo. She reached behind her back and held the Swansong over the block. She started drawing a magic circle into the clay with the tip of the retracted blade while whispering in Althesian. Unlike at the initiation, this circle was intricate, having several layers all compounding to a rather impressive shape in on itself. As she muttered the words, the circle started glowing in faint orange, until- With a whoosh and a puff of smoke, chunks of the clay block fell off, revealing a ceramic flute, already fired. With a satisfied smirk on her face, she took it and packed it to her bag for later before noticing another student glaring at her enviously from above his clay stained hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Henzukaya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The echoing groans immediately notified the professor that his class was an unfavored one. "Well, well. I'm afraid you're all stuck here for now, so might as well do something crafty with your hands! In the cupboards you should hopefully find everything you'll need for whatever kind of art you wish to create, be it sculpting, painting, sketching, anything! Just do something, and have fun doing it! Better yet, show me what you can make, to the best of your abilities!" Satisfied, he watched as the students haplessly got to work, the smile never fading. One girl seemed to be doing something unusual, which sparked his interest. Like a child with his face to an oven watching a cake, he peered into the detailed carvings in the clay. Prof. Rirahk was excited and curious, his favorite combination. Then, it enflamed, turning into a flute, almost like glass. He whistled in astonishment. "Excellent work, Miss Nacht. Love the technique. Whatever fits your taste, I suppose, although utilizing only your hands is recommended." He glanced happily at what all the other students were doing and creating. "Here in this art class, there is no quota, no assignments, nothing. You just use your hands and your imagination for whatever you please. It doesn't matter what you make, honestly, but how you make it. Were you swift and precise? Or were you patient and skillful? But most of all, were you having fun?" *SPLAT* resonated in the classroom, a cheeky student had thrown a small bomb at Prof. Rirahk, hitting him in the side of the face. It seems said student composed it of green paint bundled in paper mache. Stifled laughter was everywhere, but the professor seemed to laugh with them. "Well done! Now you're learning what art class truly is about! Fun and pleasure, no matter the cost! Speaking of cost-" He had grabbed some of the paint which had splattered across his hair and face, then whipped it back at the unfortunate victim. "And all is well again! Carry on."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Michelle was certainly not expecting an art class to be the first class she would attend. She knew she wouldn't just be learning how to fight, but she was expecting something more like a history class at least. Still, at least the professor had a sense a humor, which was more than she could say for herself. She only wondered what she would make. She wasn't really much of an artist, at least in her own opinion. Her thoughts were interrupted when the teacher began praising a student for making something, which turned out to be quite the impressive ceramic flute. However, it turns out that she cheated a little, so the value of the product was diminished. She shook her head, then grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. She needed to gather her thoughts back together. She was stumped for a minute on what to draw, then a picture came to mind. She immediately began sketching, keeping only the thought of her prized sniper rifle in her mind. She knew it better than anyone else, so it made sense to her that she drew that. The barrel, the scope, the stock, it all fit together.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

_"...Really?"_ A bored Kuhaku sat at his desk. Staring at the eccentric art Professor with dull, uninterested eyes. His ears swiveled from side to side, tail lazily waving behind him. _"Art class?..."_ He leaned a cheek on his fist, eyes slowly scanning the room to see what the other students were up to. A class with no sort of curriculum, assignments, homework, or anything of the sort? How in the hell was this going to help make him a better Hunter? He saw his teammate make a flute. Someone threw a paint bomb at the Professor, making him smirk and chuckle. Looking over, he noticed Michelle drawing away at something. Well, it seemed this would be more of a 'free period' as long as you looked busy doing something. He wondered how far he could take it and maybe go back to sleep. _"I shouldn't push it."_ He thought, and instead reached into a bag he had 'acquired' and pulled out the pair of leather gloves he was working on. He could take this chance to rework the gloves with better build quality, maybe even engrave some designs into them. Pulling out the remaining leather and tools he had, he began to measure, cut, and sew away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Henzukaya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The students were gradually warming up to the idea of "free period", given that they had tools to do as they please and busy themselves with. Even one Faunus who looked the angstiest of them all was occupied with something. Prof. Rirahk took an interest in that as well, but decided to leave him be. Stuff like that would require concentration. Looking around, almost everyone was busy doing something. Some, like Miss Nacht, showed potential with art, while others seemed to be terrible, but were enjoying themselves anyway. Such as young Leona, who was happily doodling stick figures and childish drawings, clearly not high on the art skill spectrum. Chuckling to himself, he was surprised that his plan had gone all right. The students just had to preoccupy themselves with something, anything that required their craftwork, and bam. They were learning. He barely had to do anything. Which made it all the more fun, seeing as he could scour and see what some of the others were doing. Satisfied, he left them all to their handiwork and sat on his desk, wondering what kind of artistic creation he should make next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiddo
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Art class? Ravira looked around awkwardly at her teammates when they found out just what they'd be doing with their mornings, but as with everyone else, she eventually came to realize that this was in fact real life, and that they would, in fact, be spending their mornings "having fun." At least they wouldn't be forced to use a particular medium; after all, she thought that most things would probably be hard to do with just one hand, and not even her dominant one, at that. Breakfast had been enough of an almost-disaster as it was, what with her constantly almost spilling her cereal on herself; she didn't particularly want to be graded on her ability to draw straight lines or make complex pottery. Or, as was her partner's case, draw elegant runes into pottery. Now that she thought of it, it was great luck that her semblance had nothing to do with runes; didn't that sort of thing require a lot of precision in drawing? Ravira supposed that she was lucky; things could have been much worse, after all. But oh dear, here she was thinking morbid thoughts when there was apparently art that needed doing! She walked over and grabbed a large piece of paper; and, after looking through the art supplies, grabbed a cup of ink. She had to make a second trip, but soon she had ink, a brush, paper, and some red paint. Time to get to work! She unscrewed the cap from the ink, and carefully, shakily, dripped some onto the paper. More came out that she would have liked: a lot more, and she watched in slight horror as the paper became a soppy blackened mess. She picked it up and looked around awkwardly for a moment as ink dripped from it onto the table. She smiled at anyone who glanced her way; obviously this was intended, yes. Now look away; nothing to see here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"There is no 'correct' way to do or perform art. It's a way of expressing oneself! Making it with my hands would be as alien to me as using a spell might be to you." Schwarz dismissed the teacher's remark silently. Then she watched him get a full face of paint. The reaction of the professor was unexpected to say the least. The girl had to smile - she didn't give the good professor enough credit, albeit it was due somewhere else. She had to give it to him, he knew how to pick a job - goofing around with kids and getting paid for it. It was brilliant really. When that thought concluded, she found herself bored. Deciding to have a quick look around the classroom to see if anyone was doing something remotely interesting, she noticed something else. Certain somebody seemed to be having trouble. She wasn't sure whether Ravira would be relieved or insulted by an offer of help. She almost let her to her own devices, but then drew a sharp breath. You bloody failure of a partner! Schwarz berated herself and lumbered over. She parked herself behind her teammate, leaning on the back of her chair. "I'm bored, can I help?" she asked, mentally patting herself on the back for making it sound like she wasn't offering anything.
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