Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Of all the reactions Connor expected, the chocolatelty kiss wasn't one. But that was one of the things he enjoyed about Kijani. She never reached the way he thought. The have it considered cute, sexy was just...an amazement for Connor. Most people would think nerd, geek. Know it all, and brush Connor off. But kijani? She never ceased to amaze him. He knew that he blushed as well, but he didn't look away from Kijani. "I like knowing things. And I like that you find it sexy." again, that shy smile. He just couldn't see to help it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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As nicholas approached the garden, he might be aware of a slight change, a more alive feeling to it. Perhaps it was the fact that Pamela had had more experience, or maybe just had a tighter relationship with plants, but they reacted to her stronger then her children. While she was certain Bruce knew she was nearby, Pamela was also certain that he didn't know she was just about on the school grounds, which she wanted. So she waited for Nicholas to come to her
Nicholas had finally made it to the harden for some reason a feeling he had not felt before which was nervousness was scaring him half to near death,"Mother...are you here I must speak with you?" He said rather calmly trying to hide his nervousness form her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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"I will call him and see if he has anything planned. He isn't home much now that I am at the academy. I guess he gets lonely too. But I will definitely call and see if this weekend works for him." It was a good suggestion Katherin thought. One she should have thought of herself. She probably would have eventually. But having Makoto suggest it gave her a chance to make arrangements with her father.
Both of the girls were either completely ignoring Kagerou or didn't hear her at all. Might as well use it. "Girls, hello?" She had a concerned expression as she came up next to them.
"I'm glad to hear it. Let me know how it goes" She said to Katherin, offereing her support and friendship. "... Oh! Sorry. I didn't see you. Your name is Kagerew right?"Makoto said, noticing the girl come up to walk beside her. She swore the girl came out of nowhere but got the feeling like that type of thing happens here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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When Makoto acknowledged her Kagerou let out a sigh of relief. Smiling brightly she kept pace with them. "Good. For a second I thought..." The sentence trailed off. Picking up at Makoto's question she nodded. "That's right. You actually pronounced it right too which is usually where people get it wrong."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Pamela stepped out from behind a tree, almost as if she were coming out of it. She smiled at Nicholas, waiting for him approach. "I'm here" She said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Hello mother how are you?I want to talk to you about something..." Nicholas trying to suppress the nervousness step forward towards her,"It's umm a personal matter that i don't think I can handle on my own..." He said now sitting under the tree she she came out of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Pamela sat down as well, letting Nicholas talk. "Well, then, tell me" She said, some concern showing, watching Nicholas, his expression and just his general manor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Pamela sat down as well, letting Nicholas talk. "Well, then, tell me" She said, some concern showing, watching Nicholas, his expression and just his general manor.
"Well...mother...Mhm this is hard to...talk about...I really don't know how to start.." Nicholas bit his lower lip the nervousness filling up his body,"Well their is this girl i like..but when i asked her for a date she thought i was too young for her..so i was wondering on how to convince her to go on...a date with me.." Nicholas said his voice laced with a hint of desperation and sadness something he does not do with other people around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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Of all the reactions Connor expected, the chocolatelty kiss wasn't one. But that was one of the things he enjoyed about Kijani. She never reached the way he thought. The have it considered cute, sexy was just...an amazement for Connor. Most people would think nerd, geek. Know it all, and brush Connor off. But kijani? She never ceased to amaze him. He knew that he blushed as well, but he didn't look away from Kijani. "I like knowing things. And I like that you find it sexy." again, that shy smile. He just couldn't see to help it.
Kijani smiled warmly at Connor, her gold eyes full of delight. "I like a man with a sharp mind. People can fake good looks, with makeup and good clothes. You can fake being smart, but it will only work with someone less intelligent than you." She gave him a flirtatious gaze across the table, her fingertip winding her dreadlock into a corkscrew curl. "Honestly, it's just a complete bonus that you're also really damn good looking."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Pamela (Poison Ivy)
How curious Pamela thought, So much of a difference, then a few days ago. When he was saying leaving him with his father made him just like him. I wonder if he sees it. Best not to bring it up. She sighed softly, and said "What have you done to actually show her you aren't too young?" She asked
really damn good looking It made Connor laugh. Always the unexpected. He never figured to have any girl like him for his mind. But that was Kijani. He watched her, his expression happy. His eyes were bright, and this time, he didn't blush. He just watched her. As if he simply couldn't believe his luck. "you're amazing." He said, in that genuine tone of his, full of warmth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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really damn good looking It made Connor laugh. Always the unexpected. He never figured to have any girl like him for his mind. But that was Kijani. He watched her, his expression happy. His eyes were bright, and this time, he didn't blush. He just watched her. As if he simply couldn't believe his luck. "you're amazing." He said, in that genuine tone of his, full of warmth.
Kijani let out a very unfeminine snort, and covered her mouth as she started to laugh. "Amazing. Let's go with that, yes." For once, she didn't seem like she was going to argue the point. "I'm different, I suppose. I mean, beauty is one of those things that's very personal. Some people wouldn't find me attractive, I know." There was a faint smirk on her face, and a hint of her old cocky pride. "Their loss, of course, but it doesn't diminish my own loveliness. You can quantify brilliance, though. There is a way to tell how smart a person is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Well i have tried to tell her that we could work it out...I told her that age does not matter to me and that her powers will not come to harm me but she did not listen to me.." Nicholas said to her his hands moving over to her knees moving his legs closer towards himself,He wondered himself if he was indeed changing into a differently different person one that frightens him so much that his heart felt like anchor out in the sea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Connor seemed pensive for a moment, before saying, "By your own logic then, I consider you amazing, because you are to me. And that's all that matters, isn't it? You are funny, and smart, and brilliant, and yes, you are attractive. I know several times you have thought something along the lines off I'm such a mess, why do you like me?. and the simple answer is...I am constantly amazed by the things you say, entranced by the things you do, you're easy to be with, and when we are together long enough, I hope that one day, you see yourself the way I do" He didn't look away from her. Then he just simply continued, and said "There is a way to tell how smart a person is, yet it doesn't take into considered the different types of smarts"
Pamela 9Poison Ivy)
Pamela sighed, and said almost in a puzzled manor, "Why does the male species think that telling the female gender something magically makes them agree? I said Show, Nicholas, not tell" She said, "Actions often speak louder then words. And don't hassle her" She added, "What do you know about her?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Connor seemed pensive for a moment, before saying, "By your own logic then, I consider you amazing, because you are to me. And that's all that matters, isn't it? You are funny, and smart, and brilliant, and yes, you are attractive. I know several times you have thought something along the lines off I'm such a mess, why do you like me?. and the simple answer is...I am constantly amazed by the things you say, entranced by the things you do, you're easy to be with, and when we are together long enough, I hope that one day, you see yourself the way I do" He didn't look away from her. Then he just simply continued, and said "There is a way to tell how smart a person is, yet it doesn't take into considered the different types of smarts"
Pamela 9Poison Ivy)
Pamela sighed, and said almost in a puzzled manor, "Why does the male species think that telling the female gender something magically makes them agree? I said Show, Nicholas, not tell" She said, "Actions often speak louder then words. And don't hassle her" She added, "What do you know about her?"
"I well I know...she is shy around other people because of her powers...I want to come closer to her to ease her pain I am trying eveything in my power...but it is all for nothing..." Nicholas said feeling a little hurt by her comment,"Want to show her I love her but I don't thinking can do it..." Nicholas added feeling distressed more then ever in his life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Connor seemed pensive for a moment, before saying, "By your own logic then, I consider you amazing, because you are to me. And that's all that matters, isn't it? You are funny, and smart, and brilliant, and yes, you are attractive. I know several times you have thought something along the lines off I'm such a mess, why do you like me?. and the simple answer is...I am constantly amazed by the things you say, entranced by the things you do, you're easy to be with, and when we are together long enough, I hope that one day, you see yourself the way I do" He didn't look away from her. Then he just simply continued, and said "There is a way to tell how smart a person is, yet it doesn't take into considered the different types of smarts"
Kijani just looked at Connor, completely silent. There was a look in her eyes, somehow unreadable. Love, and pain and fear, all at the same time. She couldn't speak, and just dropped her gaze to her lap. There was a curiously large lump in her throat, and she couldn't find any words until he spoke of something else. "Well, yes... I know that much. Just as someone can have lovely eyes, someone can have a specific knowledge on a topic. But still, intelligence is much more varied and much less subjective." She smiled and quickly went back to her milkshake, trying to force her sadness deep, deep down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Connor hated to cause any pain to Kijani, and sometimes he cursed himself for not thinking what he said through. Sometimes though...it just had to be said. He couldn't just keep it in all the time. And he wanted her to know just how much he cared. He didn't speak, but instead rose, and going over to her, he hugged her. And then said "let's go get that Indian food" ----- "Have you thought that trying to get close isn't easing her pain, but causing more?" Pamela asked, leaning back against the tree, watching her son
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Maybe...like I said I want to be with her and prove that I am worthy to her but again apparently I'm too young for her,I...really like her but I don't want to hurt her and I want to show her how much I love her but the rejection could kill me..." Nicholas said feeling tears coming up but held them back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"Nicholas" Pamela said with some exsaperation, "give her some time, some space. Crowding and hassling her wont do any good. You will figure it out. Just...be there" she said, looking up at the sky, "you should get back. After yesterday's events, they might consider a student sneaking off suspicious, especially since you were on magneto's plane" she said kindly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Nicholas" Pamela said with some exsaperation, "give her some time, some space. Crowding and hassling her wont do any good. You will figure it out. Just...be there" she said, looking up at the sky, "you should get back. After yesterday's events, they might consider a student sneaking off suspicious, especially since you were on magneto's plane" she said kindly
"Wayne knows i am doing nothing...too wrong that would arouse his suspicion...but you are right i should not smoother her with my concern..but if she still desires to not go on a date with me then...to hell with her..." Nicholas spoke the last part in a rather angry tone of voice his hand bundling into a fist before releasing and relaxing. "Thank you mother...for the advice...Phoebe has been training me with my powers...and i think i am getting stronger..." Nicholas added now standing up looking over to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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Kijani clutched her pillow and tried to hide from the sun. She didn't want to face another day. She wanted to keep the memories of a wonderful evening with Connor and all kinds of Indian food in her mind. She didn't want to be awake. Would someone come looking if she skipped class a second day? -- Devika got up early, and dragged herself to the gym. She did 30 minutes on the treadmill, and then started up on weights. The fight with Mimic had opened her eyes. Without her power, she was still pretty crappy in a fight, and she wanted to fix that.
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