Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I think once we get 10 finished, pre-approved CS's up here in the Interest Check (8 if you don't include my two) then I will feel like we have enough interest to start up the OOC. Does that sound fair to you guys?

Sounds fair. I'll have my two finished today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Love the idea for his ability. I'm thinking of so many ways this can be so helpful X3

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Darling Cyanide
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Darling Cyanide The Fleeting Eternity.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Charlotte Mary Matthews.

Seventeen (17).

(Open to Change)


To Be Determined.~

- Pheromone Manipulation -
Charlotte can produce and manipulate pheromones which in turn would effect the people in her immediate vicinity. Her pheromones could have a wide range of effects from Rage to a profound sense of peace and relaxation. Though her pheromones do have a strong effect on the recipient this does not leave them without their own free will, given enough will power one could (in theory) resist her pheromones. These pheromones simply interact with your bodies own chemicals that dictate different emotions. And though these altered emotions can lead down a certain path it does not mean they are helpless against it.

Currently Charlotte's ability is mostly subconscious though she is doing better about keeping it in check. In reality Charlotte is terrified by her own mutation that she spends a lot of time actively keeping herself repressed as not to cause another incident. Though sometimes any sudden change in emotions can set off her pheromones against her will. And even when actively trying to use her ability its not always exactly what she is going for, but usually somewhere in the ballpark; even if technically in the parking lot.

Having only recently been inducted into the underground development her combative skills are a bit... Unimpressive. Though she has a natural instinct and fast reactions when in a conflict, if even just a gracefully devoid dive out of the way. Her punches and kicks are a lackluster cluster of mediocrity that would put a smile on Logan face before the notion of pain.

Worldly and economical skills do consist of Cooking, general First Aid, and improvisational skills. Charlotte is very adaptable, able to figure out most obstacles put before her in little time. Charlotte is very swift and as slipper as a snake, though as graceful as a water buffalo with a bum knee.

Personality Traits:
Charlotte is a bit reserved, kept to herself in most situations. Despite this she isn't against the idea of socializing, she simply enjoys her alone time. Once one would get to know Charlotte it is plain to see her genuine kindness and affection for pretty much everyone. Upon getting close to someone, even in friendly terms, it would not be uncommon for Charlotte to be overly affectionate with them, leaning against them or holding there arm in her own; this is not gender biased.

She does her best to avoid any subject pertaining to the war, often getting quiet and detached from the conversation and offering no information to the reason of her discomfort.

Charlotte was like any normal girl, attended school and landed herself above average grades. She had a father and mother, wildly in love and happy with their small family. Her father worked at a local mill, bringing home just enough to support them and her mother remained at home, taking care of the both with little thanks expected though overly given. Charlotte's favorite memories were of rocking on her mothers lap while her father played his worn guitar; she stills remembers the way his stained fingers glided over the strings so smoothly, it was entrancing to the little girl.

As the war broke out many years later her father was enlisted in the war effort. It was a turbulent time for the family, though they all put on a brave face. They reserved letters on a weekly basis, sometimes bi-weekly depending on circumstances; those were the worst. Each time a new letter came in the mail Charlotte and her mother would sit at the table and read the letter aloud and proceeded to write a response with all the little details of their day to day. Charlotte often sneaking small flowers into the envelops that she found in a small clearing not to far from their home; a place her and her father frequented on his days off.

The war was nearing its conclusion and the letters become more infrequent. Each week, Charlotte would wait at the mailbox for any news from her Dad off at war. Though one week there was no mail, but a few officers stepping out of a car in nicely ironed uniforms. They smiled at Charlotte but the sadness in their eyes pulled more of her attention. The men didn't even make it to the door before she heard her mother cry out from inside their home. Her mother made Charlotte remain outside as the men went inside to deliver the news. Charlotte hardly able to remember a moment she actually took a breath as she stared blinklessly at the closed door. A few minutes later the men walked out, doing their best to smile at little Charlotte as they passed her and placing a comforting hand to her shoulder for a brief moment.

Too this day Charlotte believes that was when her powers came to her, or maybe she had them for a long time she just never had a strong enough emotional reaction to really cause a noticeable change to the people around her. The powerful mix of pain, sadness, anger and confusion made a pheromone so potent that what happened next Charlotte dares not let her memories access it. Her mother was admitted into the psychiatric hospital under the idea she was traumatized by the death of her husband. Though once Charlotte realized her powers she knew exactly what caused her mothers condition.

Charlotte was taken in by a close family friend. It took a few years before Charlotte started to realize her powers and how she alone was effecting the people emotions around her. This came with the grave realization of what she did to her mother, bringing to light that horror of a day. So like the adolescent that she was she could only think of one thing. Run. Run far away. She was a disease, a monster in sheeps clothing. A plague on those around her. It wasn't long before Erik found her.

Charlotte shows no romantic interest in men. Though this does not mean she does not seek romance. *HINT HINT*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Extremely interested




Alias (If they already have one or what you want it to be once they get one):


Costume (if any):



Personality Traits:

(If I haven't seen you around before, I might ask you to write a longer, more detailed backstory, or provide a sample-post through PM so I can gauge your writing ability)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wicked Sweet
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Wicked Sweet is secretly 3 Kobolds in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hmm.... I was gonna make a female character as well, but we seem to have an abundance of girls....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'd say I'm interested but this looks pretty full, care for one more?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wicked if you want to do a girl then go ahead and create a CS I just want at least 10 characters cs' up before I move this to OOC.

As far as this getting full...

Go ahead and post your CS, any character posted past the 10th character will be 'wait listed' which I will be keeping track of. Basically, first come first served for a COMPLETED cs.

Right now only my 2 characters have been approved... so tell you what, ill make it the NEXT 10 character sheets I get that are completed. I will make a list of the 12 spots in the original post so everyone can see as well as a list for those being wait listed.

Sound fair?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Fair enough, either way I'll be watching this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Works for me, could you reserve me a spot I will be working on it tonight but I wont be posting my character up until tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Actually, I'm going to have to pull out. Enjoy everyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nallore, there really isn't a 'reserved spot' thing anymore but I will keep your attendance, skill and prior roleplay history into consideration if there ever comes to be a problem but honestly I think you will be fine. 10 CS' still have to be made and approved before you are put on the wait list.

Pathfinder, thanks for letting me know! I really appreciate it! Best of luck to you!

Everyone else, if you have a WIP character sheet and you get around to finishing it, PLEASE let me know, otherwise I won't know you are finished and you might lose your spot in the listing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm interested but I won't be able to post a cs until tomorrow
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Jean Grey.
Age: 19.
Alias: Phoenix.
Position in School: Student.



Personality Traits: Sweet and gentle, Jean shows a kindness to all those she believes that she can trust or call friend, allowing them to see the comfort and love that most would describe as being more like that of a mother caring for her child. Optimistic and quite dreamy, the young woman occasionally comes off as being a very carefree individual, showering those she loves with both the attention and affection she believes that they deserve. A very multi-talented person, Jean can be quite persuasive leading her to be very influential to those around her. Though loyal to only a few, Jean has issues when it comes to trusting others, both causing her see this as both a weakness and a strength.

Also brave, selfless, extremely resourceful and highly intelligent, Jean Grey has a very strong and independent survivalist instinct fueled by her difficult past causing her to be quite good at thinking outside the box. Very strong, often stubborn and unwittingly determined, Jean will most times act first before asking questions later, the woman learning from her past that she needs to do whatever she can to survive though she has a base instinct to protect those who are weak and have no skills or methods in which to protect themselves. Usually a very logical person, Jean sometimes has trouble controlling her emotions when things become quite stressful around her.

Unlike most who are forced into surviving on their own, Jean is not a natural born healer, becoming quite squeamish and reluctant when it comes to tending her own and the wounds of others around her, instead choosing to focus on things that she deems more important such as expanding her knowledge base by reading. Nevertheless, she knows the basics of first aid, including how to clean and dress a wound to keep it from getting infected and in turn the person getting worse over time.

A fiercely determined and resourceful fighter, Jean is easily underestimated by those who stand against her and almost always finds herself in some sort of disagreement with those in positions of authority, using her own resources when it comes to getting through life, showing that she has the true instincts of a survivor. Though seeming confident and calm in most situations she is forced into, Jean has a nasty habit of biting her nails whenever she gets nervous or anxious, sometimes having to force and consciously stop herself from doing so when she is in the company of others.

Skills: An extremely intelligent young woman, Jean has a knack for researching, able to recall almost every piece of information that she has ever read. A great strategist, she uses her talents well and when called upon, catching any flaws in the plans that others tend to more times than none, run by her. Mentally stronger than most and with a peak of durability, it shows that disease and illness rarely affect her in any way, allowing her to keep her keen senses sharp and ready to use at a moments notice.

Telekinisis - An extremely powerful telekinetic, Jean has the strong mental capacity to not only influence matter, but to also manipulate and move it with just the sheer force of her mind; the woman, once able to put her full powers to use, is able to "evolve" them to the point where she could control anything at a subatomic level, opening up to her the chance to manipulate an objects physical properties.

*Once Jean is able to access and use her telekinetic powers to their fullest extent, she will also have the ability to use:
  • Telekinetic Flight - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean will be able to use her telekinetic abilities to help her fly over vast distances.
  • Disintegration - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean's telekinetic abilities are strong enough to allow her to disintegrate her opponents.

Telepathy - Along with her telekinetic powers, Jean also has the strong ability to harness telepathy, allowing her to not only read and sense another person's thoughts, but to also communicate with them mentally by projecting her own thoughts into their mind; if willing to put in the hard work and dedication into working on progressing her powers, Jean also has the ability to imprint on anothers mind, creating a permanent bond between the pair.

*Once Jean is able to access and use her telepathic powers to their fullest extent, she will also have the ability to use:
  • Mind Possession - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean will be able to use her telepathic abilities to possess and take control of another person's mind, giving her the power to use that being's body as well as her own against an opponent.
  • Mind Control - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean's telepathic abilities are strong enough to allow her to manipulate the mind of another; allowing her to alter memories, induce sleep, cause paralysis, ect.
  • Psionic Blasts - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean will be able to use her telepathic abilities to create psionic blasts which can induce unimaginable pain, knock out, or even kill the person in which it is directed towards.
  • Psionic Shield - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean's telepathic abilities are strong enough to allow her to create a telepathic shield to prevent her mind from being read, attacked, or even detected by those who would be able to sense her.

Born as the youngest child to a well-off and quite wealthy family, Jean was always lavished in the best that money could buy, the child rarely hearing the word "no" being uttered from her parents lips when it came to something that she wanted. Although raised to be nothing more than a proper young lady by her parents, growing up under the watch and care of her older brother Jean learnt from a young age that she would need to learn how to look after and defend herself, both teachings helping her to grow into both a beautiful and confident young woman. Wanting to do her best in what she knew and make her family proud of the woman in which she was slowly becoming, Jean threw herself into her studies, pushing herself and working hard to pick up the many lessons that her mother believed would help her to lead a full and happy life in the future.

With news of the ongoing war looming ever closer to American soil, Jean watched as the men she had grown up around were one by one called to take arms and fight for the freedom of their country; the inevitable arrival of two letters to their family home, one for her brother and the other for her father caused the family to part ways with grief, a heaviness in their hearts with all knowing the potential outcome, but none wishing to speak it out loud. This was goodbye. Going with them to the train station, the young girl and her mother waved both the father and son farewell, wishing them a safe return while they themselves reluctantly boarded a train bound for the country fulfilling their promise of remain safe and sound in the company of her aunt and away from any potential threats that could harm them at their family home in the city.

Moving into her aunt's home in the countryside, Jean tried her best to take on more of the responsibilities at home, allowing her mother a well-deserved break from having to worry about her daughters care and well-being while still feeling the stress and worry for the son and husband that had been torn out of their lives. Growing into a beautiful young teenager, Jean did all she could to keep her head down and to stay out of trouble, the sweet and charming young woman always seeming to be found in a nice quiet corner of the house with her nose in a book when there was nothing else that could be done; the only true thing able to excite her or giving her any sense of joy being the letters that managed to come for her from her brother on the battlefield.

As the years began to wear on and the war becoming more and more dangerous with each moment that passed by, the thought of her usual monthly correspondence from her brother and father had Jean rushing home, the anticipation and excitement of once more being able to hear from them keeping the young woman sane with the knowledge that they were safe. Arriving with the hopes of receiving yet another letter from her brother to add to her collection, Jean instead found her heart breaking apart, her grief weighing down over her shoulders as instead the letter contained a brief condolence and explanation to the passing of her brother who had fallen in battle. Feeling a sharp and excruciating pain shooting through her very being at the thought of never being able to see him again, Jean quickly began to break down, her mental stability failing long enough for what seemed to be a small switch somewhere in the back of her mind to flick over, her emotions tipping her over the edge causing objects of all sizes around the room to shake violently before eventually shattering leaving shards and remnants of different materials littering the room around them.

Both surprised and fearful of what they had both witnessed the young woman do before their very eyes, Jean's aunt quickly set to work in taking over the child's life when her mother instead turned to the bottle to cope with the abnormality of her daughter, keeping Jean locked away in the confines of the family home so that she could further the girls education, while keeping her out of the sight and company of those that would tarnish the family name should they ever find out. Through the months of trying to come to terms with the death of her brother and the strange things she was able to do as well as the constant pushing and stressful torment of both her aunt and mother, Jean began to pull away from those that were still in her life, a hatred growing within her heart as she began resenting the hand in which she had been dealt.

Suffering in silence for the most part while at other times lashing out and causing her powers to once again flair out of control, Jean took the abuse and slight violent battery that her aunt continued to provided to her, the girl over time not caring as to anyone saw the abuse that she had gone through due to her strange and unexplainable tendencies. The constant brutality along with her now slightly hardened personality causing her to pull herself further and further away from them, their actions causing her to lash out more and more until they chose to lock her away in the isolation that was her room, the two of them not knowing what else to do with her... Until he showed up.

Introducing himself as Charles Xavier, a man with the power to help her control her abilities as well as give her a place in which she could live among others who were also special like her, Jean quickly jumped at the opportunity to leave the home which had over the years become her prison. Now existing contently among those who share the mutant gene with her, Jean had found a happy medium between who she used to be and who she is now, the bright young woman only doing what she is asked and which she is required to do in order to keep herself out of trouble.

Other: Jean owns a beautiful heart-shaped locket which she is rarely ever seen without, this locket was given to her by her brother the day before he was drafted into the war; inside she keeps a picture of him so that she will never forget him and that she can hold him close to her heart. Jean also has a stack of old letters which she keeps locked away in the desk in her room, the letters written and sent to her by her brother while he was serving in the war.

Theme Song:
"Russian Roulette" by Rihanna.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Yay Viccy is here. :) *Grabs her and cuddles with* Lots of oncers here lol. I'll have my character up sometime this afternoon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think you could review my character now and weed anything you don't like out now. If you need anything to be changed just ask and I will get on it as soon as I can
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darling Cyanide
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Darling Cyanide The Fleeting Eternity.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

All done with Charlotte! :) Let me know if you want any changes or clarification. ^-^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sorry, dropping out of this, saw the "three teachers" thing in the OP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Room for one more? I already have a giy in mind.


Name: Jason Ryan

Alias: None right now

Age: 19

Position in School: Student


Personality traits: Jason use to always have a joke or try to make everyone around him smile. He felt like he had to. However the war changed all of this. Now he is quiet and with drawn. He very rarely smiles anymore and does not laugh. He wakes up screaming in the night in a cold sweat. He is scared of noises but will not let this affect him. He is fighting an internal battle with himself everyday and it does not seem to be working.


Ice manipulation:

Jason can freeze the water in the air and use it to attack his opponents. He has a few ways of doing this.

His favorite is to cover his hands in ice and punch his opponents. It adds a lot of damage but can be stopped if the ice is melted before it connects. He can not yet control how the ice forms and usually it grows out of his skin, so his hands are covered in scars.

However he can also fire the ice at his opponents. They do not freeze them, not yet. However they do hurt and it can travel aboyt the distance of a football field.

He cannot make long parts of ice to slide on but he can trip up his foes if he moves quick enough.

Eventually he will be able to cover himself in ice to protect himself from pain.

Skills: Jason is quite competent at fighting without his powers. He is no master but he can handle himself. He was trained by his father in boxing and wrestling. He can take a punch and give it back just as well for as long as a normal person would. Jason also plays the piano since it calms his powers down.


Jason was born in New York City. He never knew his knew parents since for some reason, they had abandoned him when he was four. He was found on the street by a human named Chris Ryan. The man took the child in and raised properly. Jason was raised in Brooklyn among a lot of criminals and mob bosses. It was a tough childhood but it shaped Jason into the man who he was to be. Jason still speaks with a slight Brooklyn accent and tries to get back home when he can, if he can.

Jason began to show his powers at the age of 11 when he froze a neighbor's cat to a wall. He told his father and the man chose to help Jason control his new powers. Course it was not all that easy since it was a bizarre power. They manged to learn that he was able to control it based off of his emotions and how he was feeling. If he was angry, for example, his blasts would be wild and not really work all that well. He also taught his son how to fight since he did not want the boy to be bullied. Jason found that he liked to fight and got involved in a few of the local fights in his neighborhood. He still to this day likes to fight with his fists more than his powers.

For most of his life, he worked on the street running odd jobs for numerous different people. He ran numbers for the different bookies and only used his powers when he could use it to help himself. Usually he would use it to take out some thug that was giving him trouble or mouthing off to him or one of his friends.

Things were fine until he turned seventeen. Jason decided that he was tired of all of his friends going off to the war, while he stayed at home. So he went to the recruitment office and faked his age to get into the Marines. He was young an foolish, thinking that the war would give him the glory he so desired. These fantasies died hard when he was sent to the Normandy landings. There he watched his friends get gunned down in mass and he only barely made it to the beach himself. He was then stationed through out France going through out the whole Theater managing to get through it with out being killed. In 1945 he was sitting in a foxhole somewhere in the middle of Europe watching for troop movements one day. As he walked with his partner, the other man shoved him to the ground. Jason looked up in time to see the man get shot through the head by a sniper's bullet. This affected Jason more than anything he had seen so far. That bullet had been meant for him and he knew it.

Luckily for him, his time in Europe was over. The Army sent him home with nothing more than a pat on the back. He would wake up screaming in the night and this caused his powers to go wild. He would jump at the slightest loud noise and always be watching behind his back. Then he met Charles Xavier. He promised he could help him both with his powers and with his nightmares. Jason instantly agreed because anyone who could give him both of that would be worth it to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

do our characters have to be teenagers? and do they have to start at Charles' school?
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