Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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It is, yes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Is this RP still accepting?

Is the space pope reptilian?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrEgret


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Cool. If we can only control one character at a time, then disregard everything in the spoilers.

Name: Mickey Mouse (alias Agent M1)

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Canon, AU, or OC?: AU, based on the Double Duck series of comics put out by Disney. In this AU, Mickey and Minnie were agents along with Donald in the secret organization known simply as the Agency, acting out of its Mouseton branch.

Universe of Origin: Walt Disney Comics

Personality: At first blush, he appears to be a cheerful, affable, and generally nice person that one wouldn't think twice to look at. A less savory individual would take such a guy to be an easy pushover and dupe. Nothing could be further from the truth. That cheerful exterior hides an unwavering sense of justice, an incorrigible spirit of adventure, an unshakable dedication to his friends and loved ones, and a mind that's as sharp as a tack, all of which make him indispensable as an Agent. Or a gigantic pest, if he's working against you instead of for you.

Abilities/Weapons: His many adventures as an ordinary citizen and his Agency training had made him a decent hand-to-hand fighter and marksman, and highly capable of thinking on his feet, as well as being proficient with disguises, gathering information and going unnoticed. He's especially adept at talking his way out of trouble, thinking of unconventional solutions, and convincing people to go along with his plans.
As for actual equipment, he has a few gadgets supplied by the Agency for incognito work, as well as some firearms. On his person, he has a bowtie that sprays knockout gas when the bow is tugged a certain way, a wristwatch with a built in radio transmitter and cutting laser, an audio recording device disguised as a button, and some plastic explosives disguised as chewing gum. He carries a dart gun loaded with tranquilizer darts, when he needs to quietly take down an opponent, and a silenced pistol with live ammo, if he has no choice but to kill. His pockets also contain various odds and ends, such as rubber balls, stamps, loose change and string.

Backstory: Mickey and Minnie were quietly enjoying suburban life one summer morning when they received a mysterious package in the mail, along with an equally mysterious letter. The mail was addressed to their home, but the letter was addressed to "Agents M1 and M2." Upon opening the letter and reading it, Mickey and Minnie experienced sharp headaches, as long-buried memories forcefully made their way to the surface. As it turned out, they were Agents M1 and M2, but had chosen to have their memories as Agents erased mostly so they could live normal lives. Reading the letter had 'reactivated' them by bringing the memories back.

While adjusting to the new memories, the two mice opened the package to find a black box and another letter inside. This letter simply ordered the two reactivated Agents to deliver the box to a abandoned parking lot as part of an exchange between the Agency and a foreign power for a file containing government secrets. On the way over, Minnie opened the box out of curiosity, only to discover an active bomb inside. Thinking quickly, and drawing upon her training, Minnie was able to defuse the bomb. Mickey realized that they had been set up, and chose to stage an ambush at the parking lot instead. Things quickly got out of hand, and the parking lot ended up in ruins from the resulting firefight. Despite everything, Mickey was able to secure the file, and the two mice raced through the city, dodging foreign agents until they could get to the extraction point. It was there that it was revealed that the whole exchange was a test, down to the fake bomb, to see if the two agents were still up to snuff after several months of inactivity. They had passed, and so were quickly reintroduced into the Agency. They proceeded to serve with distinction on several actual missions spanning the globe.

It was during one such assignment, in the city of Rome, that saw Mickey and Minnie's introduction into the Multiverse. They had been sent to extract a scientist who was developing a trans-dimensional portal machine that would revolutionize communication and travel. The reason for the extraction was that the scientist in question had been captured by the Organization, an international crime cartel that wished to use his invention for more nefarious purposes. What neither the Organization nor the Agency knew was that the scientist had already developed a prototype of his portal device, and hid it within the Coliseum, before he was captured. During the rescue, Mickey and Minnie tried to shake off pursuit by mingling with a crowd of tourists, but were forced to hide in the hypogeum. Unfortunately, neither of them had noticed that the portal prototype was hidden behind an archway before they walked through it, and found themselves in an altogether different Rome. Worse, the reason why the portal was only a prototype was because it had no control over where it sent people that went through it...and it was a one-way trip.

Faction: Factionless

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

gauging by the fact that I control three characters ... I would say that the post in the hiders doesn't need to be disregarded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrEgret


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

gauging by the fact that I control three characters ... I would say that the post in the hiders doesn't need to be disregarded.

Alright then. Assuming I get approved, I'll remove the hiders and split up the CS into two different posts in the RP proper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Multiple characters is fully allowed, yes.

This might take me a bit to get to a real decision on though, sorry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hm... it might be interesting to introduce Claus as part of SE. Or 'The Masked Man', since that's his more powerful form. I'll do that after I get a few posts in with Jeff.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Okay, I'm very sorry for the delay.

I'm going to have to decline Secret Agent Mickey and Minnie. I've tried to be flexible on what I'll accept and I certainly allow for humor, but honestly this is getting to the point where it's just a bit too silly. ^^;

I'll admit this comes down to personal preference and I'm sorry for that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I can definitely play three characters. I wonder if I could either have had Claus strike down the Sky Runner, but I need to introduce Jeff in at least one more post before I begin another app.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrEgret


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yeah, I can see how the character concept might be a bit too silly, so no hard feelings. If I still have time to join later on, I'll write up a more serious character next time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I've been focusing a lot on Nation rp's and wondering if I can join this to kind of relax a bit. The nature of a NRP is quite stressful and they take long to write. I should get a CS up soon. Can anyone give me a crash course in what happened so far?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Peridot
Age: functionally immortal, exact age unknown but probably very very old
Gender: Genderless
Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon
Universe of Origin: Steven Universe
Personality: Peridot is very much a ruthless being. She follows her orders with little concern for who or what she might hurt or kill in the way. She has absolutely no problem killing or destroying anyone or anything that gets in her way. She is also very intelligent, and understands the advanced technology of her people very well.
Abilities/Weapons: Peridot has complete mastery of a variety of advanced gem technology at her disposal, including seemingly limitless marble android drones, a weapon that can disrupt the physical form of energy based beings (but is worthless on organic life), access to EMP bombs to destroy and/or disable any technological constructs around her, and the use of an integrated touch pad in her hand. Like all gems, Peridot is capable of shapeshifting, and can retreat into her gemstone to heal when badly injured.
Backstory: Not much is really known about Peridot. She appears just to be a technician, dealing with the more advanced tech that common people have no time to bother with.
Faction: Shadow Eternity
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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Farseer Gorrendil of Craftworld Ulthwe




Canon, AU, or OC?:

Universe of Origin:
Warhammer 50,000

Gorendil is unlike other eldar. He has not grown arrogant. He is appreciative of the other races, not tolerant. He has travelled over the years, seeing the sights. He is wise, for he is not as prideful as the rest of his race. He approaches with caution. He is amused by many things and is more carefree than the rest of the Eldar. He regards himself as lowly as the common man. Many Eldar say he is a "heretic" and "unnatural". Gorrendil just flips them the bird and walks away. He loves his powers and matches himself to Eldrad Ulthran, an older friend of his when he was young.

  • Battle Fate - Examining the strands of time, the Farseer choose the course of action that will best ensure success for a friendly unit.
  • Crystal Seer - Calling upon the assistance of those Seers within the Infinity Circuit, the Farseer is able to enhance his abilities many-fold.
  • Doom - The Farseer finds the thread of destiny that leads to the enemies' destruction and guides events toward that end.
  • Eldritch Storm - This power manifests as a vast psychic storm above the target area, firing bolts of psychic energy at the ground in devastating bursts which can even destroy tanks.
  • Force of Asuryan - The Farseer increasing the fighting abilities of friendly Allies.
  • Fortune - The Farseer looks into immediate future for an instant, allowing Eldar warriors a chance to dodge incoming fire which would have killed them.
  • Guide - This power allows the Farseer to reach into the future, determine where the enemy will be, and use this information to guide friendly Eldars' fire to the maximum effect.
  • Mind War - The Farseer battles the enemy's mind directly, typically resulting in the foe's brain exploding. It can also render them slow and dumb, or nullify any psychic powers they may have attempted.
  • Phoenix Spirit - Influencing the Wraithbone within a fallen Eldar's Spirit Stone, the Farseer briefly reanimates them.
  • Spirit Seer - The Farseer influences the Wraithbone cores of all friendly Wraithguard, invigorating them to heroic actions.
  • Temporal Weave - This power allows the Farseer to target the enemy and remove them from time itself, essentially freezing them in place.
  • Augment - The Farseer acts as a conduit to extend the range of others' psychic powers.
  • Conceal - The air around the Farseer forms into a type of fog or darkness, making it difficult to see and accurately differentiate between the enemy and the terrain.
  • Destructor - A huge blast of raw psychic power is unleashed by the Farseer to engulf his enemy.
  • Embolden - The Farseer projects images of mighty Eldar victories and heroes into her companions' minds, inspiring them to greater feats of heroism.
  • Enhance - This power has the effect of increasing the already impressive speed and agility of the targeted Eldar warriors.
  • Executioner - The Farseer creates a monstrous, glowing psychic projection of herself, which engages the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Runecraft - At the heart of the Seer's abilities are runes, Wraithbone constructs which act as both a source and safeguard for their powers. The Seer draws energy from the Warp through these runes and uses them to focus that energy towards a given task. If too much energy is drawn in, or the Seer attempts a task beyond their capabilities, the rune will glow red-hot and, if the Seer continues, be destroyed. It is through these runes that Eldar Seers are able to avoid many of the Perils of the Warp that afflict lesser minds. Different runes represent different states of mind, as well as unlock different abilities. When they are ready, a new Seer will receive a personalized rune as their first, which acts as an anchor for their powers and allows the exploration of new abilities. As they grow in strength and experience, Seers acquire new runes and the ability to use them simultaneously, allowing for more powerful effects. These runes are kept close at hand, often in a special bag or case on the Seer's person. Runes are also connected to the Infinity Circuit on the Seer's Craftworld. It is through this connection that living Seers are able to seek the guidance of those who have passed on.

  • Armour of the Last Runes - The runic scripts upon Gorrendil's breastplate of Eldar Armour are incredibly powerful wards against harm. One schooled in deciphering Eldar Lexicon runes would see they speak of enduring until the final dying of the light.
  • Staff of Ulthamar - This ancient Force Staff is always carried by the former chief Farseer of Ulthwé, and forms a hyperspatial link with the Infinity Circuit of that Craftworld. Drawing on its power, Gorrendil is able to access the wellspring of power and wisdom that flows through the Craftworld, enhancing his psychic powers.
  • Shuriken Pistol
  • Witchblade - A Witchblade is the standard weapon of Eldar Warlocks and Farseers, and is essentially a potent Force Weapon. When wielded by a psyker in melee combat, they are utterly devastating. Used to enhance and unleash the latent psychic power of the wielder, Witchblades are effective against all targets; humanoid, xenos, beast, daemon or vehicle. A Witch Blade contains a helix-shaped, crystalline psychic matrix embedded with runes to channel and focus a Seer's psychic energies.
  • Ghosthelm - The Ghosthelm is a helmet worn by Eldar Farseers. It incorporates intricate crystalline psychic circuitry which helps to mask the wearer's soul or spirit in the Warp, protecting them from the depredations of daemons and other Warp entities. Though Gorrendil rarely wears it.

Gorrendil was many things when he was an Eldar of Ulthwe. He began in the Path of the Outcast, travelling the galaxy in his ship and generally loving his job. He went on wild adventures, on the chaos infected worlds of Ulmur V and Tharken II to the constant battle of Armaggedon and on the hellish, Chaos infected home world of the Mon'Keigh, Terra. From the forgotten landscape of Krieg, to the sprawling hive cities of Mars. He befriended many people, gaining many allies. From a Necron Overlord, the last Tau in the galaxy, a cleric of the dead Imperial Fate and an Enginseer from the lost times.

He came back to his Craftworld and decided to do something better with his life. Hence how he chose to take the path of the Farseer. Rising through the ranks of the Ulthwe, he finally became the head Farseer of the Craftworld. He used his power to create a small empire, allying with other Craftworlds to protect their newfound land.

Nothing is known about how Gorrendil came to the con joining of the universes. He popped out of nowhere scorched and beaten, he never talked to anyone about the strife he went into to get those injuries. Ever since, he has joined Shadow Eternity. Gorrendil knew this is when the true beginning of his life will start. Everything shall start from here. He was bored. He wanted to mess shit up

Faction: Shadow Eternity
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Claus, AKA 'The Masked Man'
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Canon, AU, or OC?:AU
Universe of Origin: Mother 3
Personality: Cold, almost lifeless personality. One could say he's a sociopath, because he would go so far as to mercilessly attempt to kill his own twin brother. He's not afraid of anything, and hardly talks. What few emotions he did have he spent on his brother as he 'died'.
Canon Arm: Can shoot blasts of compressed energy. It can fire off 5 rounds before needing recharged.
Lightning Sword: This sword can lightly shock foes, and can fire off bolts of lightning when charged. Takes a minute to charge up.
Rocket wings: He can fly away with these at a medium fast speed.
Scanner: The scanner over his left eye, when opened, can detect lifeforms behind thin structures (2 inches thick) and can scan possible dangers. It can only be used for a period of time before needing to be recharged.
PK Love Omega: Like Lucas' PK Love, it is a strong attack. On a normal human, Claus' PK Love causes an extreme wound that if left untreated could potentially kill, but he can only use it once and he is normally knocked down from the power, leaving him open to be attacked for a second.
Backstory: Claus was nearly killed by a Mecha Drago when he was young, in an attempt to avenge his late mother. He was found and made into a cyborg, and Porky's second-hand man and slave. When pulling the last needle, he was stopped by his twin brother Lucas, who survived many attacks by Claus, and Claus eventually shot a lightning bolt at Lucas, but it was reflected by the Franklin Badge and killed him, and the last needle was pulled by Lucas instead. After that, Claus' body was taken back to the Chimera Lab and he was rewired, and revived. He had no memory of his past life other than the already hardwired command to 'Kill anyone who gets in your way'. He was set back into command of the dwindling members of the Pig Army, their numbers reducing more and more by the day. After there was almost no one left, Claus left the Pigmask Army, and was able to scare Dr. Andonuts into making prototypical multiversal travel technology, and that allowed him to travel into another universe. A boring universe; there wasn't much to it other than space, which he could survive in because his lungs were removed and replaced with a generator and his skin made synthetic. There was some large mass. Large. He could scan that some life was on it. Armed life, with guards and such. He got back to his normal universe quickly, and saw a spacecraft that was a possible danger, and he charged a shot from his cannon arm, burning a hole straight through it, and sending it plummeting to the ground.
Other: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS_5Wj_AUiI Main theme
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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@Nerevarine: Accepted.

@SgtEasy: Okay, even ignoring what I consider kind of questionable in terms of his history and stuff given what I know about 40k and what friends have told me...

He has a bunch of powers that are impossible to defend against, some which are literally see into the future which is almost always bad in RP's, and some ill-defined buffs.

I can't accept this bio.

@Sumable: Accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Nerevarine: Accepted.

@SgtEasy: Okay, even ignoring what I consider kind of questionable in terms of his history and stuff given what I know about 40k and what friends have told me...

He has a bunch of powers that are impossible to defend against, some which are literally see into the future which is almost always bad in RP's, and some ill-defined buffs.

I can't accept this bio.

@Sumable: Accepted.

I'll narrow it down, I copied and pasted it from an old CS :D. Don't worry
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My new profile! What do you guys think? (Might scrap the Heavy).

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Might change Claus' faction to SE and then add a bit more backstory to support the fact that he's a part of the SE.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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@VitaVitaAR So what do you think of my profile?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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He's not going to have constant access to growth potions, right?

Giant Bowser all the time would be kind of awkward.
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